Netanyahu speaks of "peace" with Obama, while planning to build 1500 houses in settlements. Obama Slogan
PIP, May 20, 2011 .- 
police continues to imprison the Palestinian Hamas and Jihad
PIP, May 19, 2011 .- 
maps of Palestine that marked the Palestinian Nakba
PIP, May 17, 2011 .- The dance of the ancient borders of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem, from 1948 until today. The loss of most of its territory. The exile of 60 percent of its people in 1948 and 15 percent in 1967. The destruction of 418 Palestinian villages and cities by Zionist terrorism for the creation of Israel. The disputed UN resolutions, in the Partition de Palestina y las violaciones de las mismas por parte del creado Israel, fueron los principales puntos que marcaron la Nakba (Cátastrofe) palestina. Danza de fronteras: Mapa 1: Palestina con Jerusalén capital y el principio de asentamientos judíos-1946. Mapa 2: La partición de Palestina por la ONU, 55% para un Estado judío (blanco), 45% para la continuidad de Palestina como Estado, incluyendo Jerusalén (verde). Mapa 3: Creación de Israel el 15 de mayo de 1948, con el 78% del territorio palestino ocupando el sector Occidental de Jerusalén. Reducido a un 22% el territorio palestino, fue ocupado por Israel en 1967, con el resto de Jerusalén. Mapa 4: consequence of apartheid walls, illegal settlements and illegal occupation of Palestinian lands is practically destroyed. End
During the 63rd anniversary of the Nakba, Israel killed 15 Palestinians
PIP, May 16, 2011 .-

Nakba. 63 years of the fall of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem
1948 May-2011 -15
Video 63 years of Nakba - "I'm Tired "- Arabic Translation into English
PIP, May 15, 2011 .-
On the day of the fall and the loss of our homeland Palestine, The decision by the UN legally illegal to create a state on ours and the replacement of one people by another, marked the beginning of our Nakba (Catastrophe) Palestine. Our tribute to the Palestinian martyrs who died for the liberation of Palestine from the Zionist yoke. Our million refugees expelled and thrown into the sea from their homes and their land in 1948 and 1967, which prohibits the occupying power their return and their rights. To our beloved capital occupied Jerusalem, which lies in our minds and hearts to their release. Every inch of our land from Gaza to Galilee and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. return. To Jerusalem. End
The ongoing Nakba, killing a Palestinian boy in Jerusalem. Third Intifada
PIP, May 14, 2011 .- 
Judaize the Palestinian Jordan Valley. Hamas kidnapping of
PIP, May 13, 2011 .- 
.- Settlers provocateurs. Revoke rights to 140,000 Palestinians to their land
PIP, May 11, 2011 .- illegal Jewish settlers on occupied Palestinian land, marched through the streets of occupied Jerusalem, Nablus and Hebron, commemorating 63 years after the creation of Israel on Palestine and provoking the Palestinian people, frightened by the Israeli security forces protecting the progress of the ultra fanatical fundamentalists. In the early morning hours today, Israel lifted the siege on the West Bank and Gaza, imposed on Sunday for the festivities its creation on the Nakba (catastrophe) in Palestine 1948. Settlements: Israeli Minister Uzi Landau has called illegal Jewish settlers and the government of Netanyahu, to increasing settlement activity in the city of Al-Khalil (Hebron), wrong calling the city the "Heart of Israel ". These statements made during his visit to Arba settlement Karyat illegal to meet with the settlers. Illegal : In February 2010, Israel declared the Mezquita Ibrahim (Abraham) in Hebron, as the site of Jewish and Israeli sovereignty. The decision came amid talks of returning to the negotiating table with the National Palestine. In the mosque are buried Abraham and Sarah, historically the Palestinian Muslim holy site hosted with respect to a synagogue. Revoking rights: The occupying power yesterday revoked the right to reside in their own home to 140,000 Palestinian land and Palestinians from the West Bank, which remained abroad between 1967 and 1994, using an alarming confidential administrative procedure, as the newspaper said today Haaretz. This difficult situation the Palestinian citizens living in Jerusalem since 1967, in which Israel will consider in their documentation as 'Jordan' and not Palestinians, leading to deportation at any time. These thousands of Palestinians can be deported and lose all their property rights to their land and home. Photo: Jewish settlers march provoking the Palestinians of Jerusalem. End
Israel completed the construction of the Apartheid Wall to encircle Qalandia
PIP, May 10, 2011 .- With the intention to continue fragmenting and usurping the Palestinian land, Israeli occupation authorities began the construction of a new route of the apartheid wall around the village of Qalandia, north of Jerusalem. Israeli bulldozers arrived escorted by forces security and began leveling land south of town, threatening the Palestinian people that came to repudiate racism and exclusion measures. The wall divides the people of Qalandia in two isolated areas, staying illegally on hundreds of acres of land from farmers and blocking the arrival of Palestinians to their land. The wall surrounds the town with a reinforced concrete structure with control towers that will complete your purse this new section, turning into a ghetto with only two doors for entry and exit controlled by the army of occupation. Qalandia refugee camp is home to 1,100 Palestinians, is close to Jerusalem and Ramallah. Inhabitants are desperate because they believe, correctly, that the Israeli wall isolate them from the outside world, besides having lost much of their land to pass to the hands of Jewish settlers. Photo: The racist apartheid wall in the village of Qalandia, near occupied East Jerusalem. End
Israel celebrates its inception in occupied Palestine shutting
PIP, May 9, 2011 .-

Israeli Ministers calling for the reoccupation of Palestinian
PIP, May 8, 2011 .-

Israel usurped Palestinian land for 50 families. Raids kidnapping and rape in a mosque
PIP, May 7, 2011 .-

Palestinian Unity Agreement and resistance the occupation
PIP, May 5, 2011 .-
After the signing of Palestinian unity, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and Fatah leader and de facto president of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas agreed in a closed session accelerating the formation of the new unity government, as made known member of Hamas politburo Ezzet Al-Resheq. It was also agreed to hold a first meeting with the secretaries of Palestinian groups and independent personalities. A third and final point of discussion was to expedite the release of political prisoners from Hamas, PA jails in the West Bank. The chairman of the Hamas politburo Khaled Meshaal, told reporters that "the black page of the Palestinian divide has been turned and is now behind us," noting that "the only battle is for the Palestinians against Israeli occupation." Meshaal stressed that the signing of the agreement occurred for the sake of the Palestinian people and Arab people are rising across the Middle East, especially "the great people of Egypt." Adding "We are ready to reach a joint administration of the resistance and diplomatic movement." According to author and professor Iyad Al-Qara university, "Meshaal, in his speech did not neglect to send a message to Israel that Hamas maintains its strength to face the Israeli occupation. This means that Hamas will maintain its military force in the next stage and that diplomacy alone is not enough. " Israel: For Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his desire to abort the unit, falsely said, "The agreement between Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas strikes a serious blow to the peace process," he said before leaving for France and England. However, the onus is on Israel since the peace process stalled on 26 September 2010, when Netanyahu refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building and expansion of those in Jerusalem. Photo: closed door meeting between Hamas and Fatah in Egypt. End

Gaza For an hour in the air for peace with Barenboim
PIP, May 4, 2011 .-

Israel abducts Hamas MPs. Settlers attack Palestinians. Finally, the unit signed today between Hamas and Fatah Palestinian
PIP, May 4, 2011 .-
Israeli forces arrested Palestinian legislator Issa Aj-Ja'bari Khairy at his home in the neighborhood Nimr, Hebron, in the early hours of Wednesday. The arrest of the leader of Hamas, elected in 2006, is the second lawmaker kidnapped by the occupying power, following the kidnapping of Hamas lawmaker Ali Romanin, violently removed from his home in the village of Al-Ouja, just north of Jericho Tuesday morning. A Zionist military spokesman confirmed the two arrests, without respecting the immunities. Aj-Ja'bari was released from Israeli jail on March 31, 2010, after spending 14 months in prison, without charges for the second time since summer 2006 had been kidnapped when Israeli forces began a sweep of arrests Hamas officials after successful democratic elections in January 2006 and released in 2009. The President of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Aziz Dweik, Hamas, condemned the latest arrests, saying that "no member is safe, because Israel is furious because his policy of disengaging the Palestinians failed." Settlers: On Tuesday afternoon, illegal Jewish settler Eli settlement, tried to stab with a large knife Issa Radi Palestinian farmer 45 years near the village Qaryut, south of the city of Nablus, while tilling their land. Issa, he saw the settlers and left, leaving his dam tractor settlers savagely ripped tires. Local sources said the settler, called Korn, carried out several attacks on villagers and farmers Qaryut, uprooting trees and destroying large tracts of agricultural land. Jewish fundamentalist settlers renewed their appeal to the Israeli government to take control of the West Bank in retaliation for Palestinian reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. The Yesha Council leaders, a Zionist organization of settlements held an emergency meeting late on Monday to discuss steps to be taken to address the reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah. Unit: Everything is ready to sign the agreement for Palestinian unity in the intelligence headquarters in Egypt with the presence of the owner of the PNA Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader in exile Khaled Meshaal, in the presence of Secretary General League of Arab States, the new Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Al-Arabi and 13 representatives of the Palestinian resistance groups. Photo: Palestinian Hamas deputy, Khairy Issa Aj-Ja'bari, kidnapped by the Israelis.

End .-
kidnapped 6 young Palestinians. Hamas calls on the PNA stop arrests
PIP, May 2, 2011 .-
Israeli occupation forces in several raids on Monday kidnapped five Palestinians in Bethlehem and Nablus in hours morning and burst with violence in the Shufat refugee camp in occupied Jerusalem. Local sources said that IOF soldiers arrested four young men in the village of Husan, Bethlehem district, and one in Assira Al-Shamali, Nablus district, they were violently uprooted from their homes, while gassed with poisonous gases in the area. Meanwhile, troops stormed the Shufat refugee camp on the night of Sunday fired tear gas bombs against residential areas, many people suffered respiratory problems while young men threw stones at the invading soldiers. Hamas: The premier of Hamas in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, called on the Palestinian Authority-ANP, stop arrests of Hamas members in the West Bank to facilitate the dialogue of unity. Also ask the owner returned to the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, the PLO and ANP, to withdraw its recognition of Israel and to cooperate with Palestinian resistance groups. No response. However, worryingly the head of PA security in the West Bank, rejected the request openly vowed to continue arresting the men of Hamas. Photo: Israeli troops launching gases against Palestinian civilians in Bethlehem.

End .-
With economic piracy Israel pressed the Palestinian unity. clashes
PIP, 1 May 2011 .-
Israeli Finance Minister, Yuval Steinitz, said Sunday freeze money transfers to the Palestinian Authority because of the reconciliation of the Palestinian factions. The transfer of cash is collected at border crossings, tax and ports on behalf of the Palestinians. In this legitimate money each year ranging from 3.5 to 5 million dollars under the 1993 Oslo accords, Israel, is collected by removing a significant percentage. Steinitz said the decision was prompted by the announcement last Wednesday for reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. Both Hamas and Fatah sharply criticized Israel this economic piracy of keeping the tax money as a form of Zionist pressure against Palestinian unity. This internal interference Palestinian life is a violation of Palestinian rights to freedom and development. In counter to statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that "the Palestinian Authority must choose peace with Israel or Hamas," the reality is that the Palestinian Authority must choose between the Palestinian people and Israel. Clashes : illegal Jewish settlers backed by the Israeli occupation army, filtered and the people of Iraq Burin southwest of the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank in an attempt to provoke and terrorize the Palestinian people, triggering strong clashes in the city of Hebron and Nablus, where dozens of Palestinian youths clashed with stones and sticks at the occupants. These clashes also occurred in the Palestinian village of Abu Ishnineh, south of Hebron on Saturday occurred in Batn Alhawa, in the district of Silwan in occupied Jerusalem. Many Palestinians were suffering respiratory problems from the rains of poisonous tear gas launched by the Zionist army. Photo: Young Palestinians resisting settlers in the middle of poisonous gases released by the army of occupation.

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