Monday, May 16, 2011

How Long Before Tapeworm Medicine Works?

regime" war news "... Cristina Viola killed by the" young idealists "blasphemous by terrorists" ... A crime against humanity ....

Forgotten Victims of Terror in Argentina

Maria Fernanda and Maria Cristina Viola. At the age of five and three years respectively, the ERP were shot in the head and back. A bullet to Fernanda, who survived after several surgeries, and three to Cristina, who died on the spot. Tucumán, 12/01/1974

Mary Anastasia O'Grady
The Wall Street Journal
Tuesday January 4, 2011 - Published in print Justice is not easily secured in any the world. But in Argentina today is beyond even publicly mention victims of left-wing terrorism of the 70, let alone make an effort to obtain for themselves or their families a day in court.
try and will probably be labeled by the left in Argentina as a friend of former fascist military government. The politically correct know it is supposed that they were treated brutally by the guerrillas Perón once called "beautiful youth" should be deleted from the national memory.
The lawyer of 35 years and human rights advocate Victoria Villarruel refuse to cooperate. Founded the Center for Legal Studies on Terrorism and its Victims, Argentina (CELTYV) with the mission of documenting the thousands of terrorist crimes committed between 1969 and 1979. Cree to shed light on this dark decade can help ensure a fairer future for all Argentines.
Everyone knows the story of how the Argentine military seized power in 1976 and proceeded to crush the insurgencies cruelty. His abuses of power were legion, and in 1983 finally took a step down amid hyperinflation and economic chaos. But Argentina had another tragedy before, and in some cases, long after the military seized power. Was a wave of carnage and destruction caused by bands of guerrillas inspired by Castro seize power seeking to terrorize the country. His actions caused a chaos that led the military coup. However, because of the disgraceful fall of the military government, the terrorists and their supporters have succeeded in rewriting the story, describing only the crimes of their enemy uniform. Some people who are current or former members of the Kirchner government, others who are congressmen and others working in the media were well known members of subversive organizations.
In an interview in November in Buenos Aires, Villarruel said that even opposition politicians speak of the victims of terrorists because it has become taboo. The state, he says, treats them as if they had never born. One result is that a generation of Argentines has grown without knowing the full history of those times of terror. The Villarruel view is that truth and justice are recognized.

His book of 2009 (
are called "young idealists"
) is a step towards that goal. Documented with photographs and newspaper clippings the devastation that terrorists caused him to their own people. "A victory or death", the motto of the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), appears in a photo as a graffiti scrawled on a truck.
In the book, there are pictures of some of the thousands of victims: babies, adolescents, diplomats, businessmen, judges, police. Some were kidnapped and killed. Others were maimed because they were close when a bomb exploded. Recruited children for the revolutionary armies. Everything was good for the rebels who sought to remake their world through violence. Villarruel described the work of the center on terrorism, based on newspaper articles and conversations with relatives and witnesses. Many, he said, still fear reprisals.
He said the school has achieved 13,074 naming victims of terrorists. These are preliminary totals. Villarruel is so concerned about the accuracy of their work that made it independently audited twice. Counts expected to be completed in mid-late this year.

Interestingly, the number of cases brought before the courts against the military government on charges of abuse of power are less than 9000. Meanwhile, the Kirchner administration's justification for rejecting the victims of terrorism on the left is the argument that they were victims of common crimes and their perpetrators are now covered by prescription. But Villarruel says his research shows that victims were civilians attacked by guerrilla movements in a ruthless pursuit of power. If true, there would be no requirement under the 1949 Geneva Convention, ratified by Argentina. Villarruel

writes that in studying terrorism for 70 years, never understood "the reasons why a group, attributed to himself the people's representatives, decided to kill his own people, citing a supposed just cause and the political necessity ". It is equally difficult to understand why the Argentines have enabled these villains control the past and enjoy legal impunity. Rescued From Thermidoreans

The wretched child murderers, terrorists always, many of them in the ranks of the regime ... The murderers of people ... The murderers of brave men of all forces acting ... So. Did you know? ...
Reviewed and published by Miguel ...
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