Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why Do Male Octopus Die After Mating

"LAS FARC EN CHILE" ... The report ...



A report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies Britain revealed the existence of links of the late leader of FARC, Raul Reyes, Chile, today released the local newspaper El Mercurio.
The publication referred to the "nexus" of "familiarity" and "Chilean presence in the environment" of Reyes, killed by Colombian forces in Ecuadorean territory on March 1, 2008. The history published by the institute, previously rejected in a trial in Chile are based on documents seized by Colombian soldiers after seizing the computer of Reyes at the camp attacked in Ecuador.

These documents relate meetings with representatives of the Bolivarian Circles to support the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), contribution monetary policy meeting of solidarity with the struggle of the Colombian guerrillas.
One of the most striking is the reference to an alleged "Mauritius", which is identified as the MIR " (Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria), which offers to provide "more than eight tons of M16 rifles" that would have hidden in Northern Chile.
Chilean publication noted that "the British report reveals new links between the FARC and the governments of Venezuela and Ecuador", referring to the same analysis of the documents from the computers of Reyes.

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Posted by Miguel ...

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