Thursday, May 19, 2011

Monologues Alice Wonderland

"UPPRA ... Union of Political Prisoners De La República Argentina" ... Prisoners of war are silent regime ...


The Voice of Political Prisoners


"The Supreme Court ruled yesterday (12/05/2011) that the crimes committed during the dictatorship are not crimes against humanity but homicides prescribing the time, a ruling that would affect other cases. The decision affects only two ex-soldiers, but feel jurisprudence.
This implies that all cases of dictatorship prescribing this year, "

2 - The Legal Security
: Anyone

of us know that, by definition, a nation state is legally organized. On this basis it is understood that this prosperity and welfare of its inhabitants is supported by the Constitution and laws dictated by Congress, legitimized by the judiciary who ensures compliance with the Executive.

seems unnecessary to say that what can live in peace in society and encourage the conduct of its members, is to know that there is a legal system where it sits, making it likely their lives and their businesses, namely its future.

In Argentina we have heard shortly after the beginning of the period Kirchner about the drawbacks from an economic and financial results in the so-called uncertainty. As usual, once again the tree from seeing the forest because the problem is not unique in a given sector, given that all Argentines suffer countless scourges such uncertainty product.

In effect

what it is but the pickets to prevent the free movement of citizens and public officials desoigan which court orders to protect public spaces and private property?

Not Legal uncertainty as manipulating INDEC figures or the State to pay unpaid wages (or black), while the AFIP harasses farmers or any company or ordinary citizen?

What Legal Security may grant a new media law, while pursuing a business journalism and journalists for their work with the "dictatorship" or just be critical of the government?

What Legal Security may grant a new media law, while pursuing a business journalism and journalists for their work with the "dictatorship" or just be critical of the government?

Not legal uncertainty for the release of repeat offenders of egregious cases to the astonishment of the victims and their loved ones, while be judged by members of the armed forces' crimes against humanity "when this figure does not exist in our criminal law, the causes being prescribed and trials are parodies, and violating all the above, basic principles of law?

legal uncertainty that punishes our country is not a result of improvisation, is how to govern in a "banda unarmed" that has hijacked the national government to dispose at will of life and property. Go

these reflections, therefore, to understand that the problem of political prisoners is comprehensive in terms of lack of justice in many areas of the Company.

Hence it is imperative to require the sincere and honest political leadership today more than ever it is essential to a quick return to the rule of law as a basic requirement for solving all the problems generated by rebels perched on state power.

3 - Spoof of Margarita Belén:

On Day yesterday, May 16, 2011, were sentenced to life imprisonment in Resistencia, Chaco, a group of Argentine military officers, based on a series of tests and arguments quite coarse and lacking in consistency, as is common practice in these trials.

Al conceived scorn to submit to the Justice Argentina itself, is compounded in this case the asymmetry of behavior with the background to the group of fellow convicts, all brilliant professionals, all Veterans including Heroes Falkland, whose reputation are safe for the mendacity of what happened.

The reality of what happens, is very different than intended by the band disturbed leading the persecution of those who were defeated, given that there is increasing political and social recognition to acquire those who are judged as "You can fool a few briefly, but not so many for so long."

invite all political prisoners and those who are interested in our cause, to let us know their opinions, suggestions, comments, etc., Which could enhance the actions of UPPRA, I hereby communicate the following address:

Source: Database of Political Prisoners in Argentina
The war prisionesros the system, not silent, they are the ones who fought the infamous terrorist, the murderers of children, the murderers of civilians, the murderers of brave men of all forces. Are those who fight for the Patrria and you are declared free of the terrorist beast ... Reviewed and published by Miguel .. .


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