Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kwc Desert Eagle Airsoft Ontario

"The feelings remain forever"

DEIA 16/05/2011

In its first foray into the novel, Leonor Paque (Bilbao, 1963) describes a woman who "did not fight." A woman of no shows that over the years does not change the feelings and emotions.

Happy with his first novel?

Yes, especially when a woman from another time, another geographic site tells me 've written my story.

Why do you say that?

The novel tells the story of the feelings and the way we relate to each other, with men and life. That's a universal. These are sentiments that although the circumstances will change some things that remain.

'A woman of no', does something more than feelings?

is framed in the largest settlement in caves in Spain. There are 3,000 people living in 1,000 caves. They lived well in the 60's. Try to explain why these people went to cities like Bilbao. This novel explains the migration from Africa to Spain, was the same from south to north. It is a journey and economic freedom of women. Northern society was much more free.

How would you describe Mary, the protagonist?

Mary was a woman who did not fight. Agreed to be a good woman, a good person. The only freedom that is allowed to elect a man who does not like others and confused. When you live a life where you think of all, decide you want a new and needs a change in geography to break with its past. Then look for a new life in the north.

Is dyes autobiographical? Yes

novel consists of all the stories I heard in my childhood. I was born in Bilbao and lived with train, boat, had Corte Ingles, ... When they took me south for the holidays, the roads were land, the block was in the bathroom, had donkeys, candles to sleep ... When I went to Madrid, looking like a woman who I am as a person seeking an identity.


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