Monday, May 16, 2011

Ottawa Waxing Sugaring

" THE HISTORY OF A PRIEST "... Prisoner of War ......



Father Christian von Wernich and all the soldiers who defended our homeland of the Marxist Communist enemy still in prison.

The tabloid guerrilla was one of the engines of this tragedy in Argentina and who encouraged the campaign against the father since many years ago as a way of continuing the war by other means, the war had been lost in the military.
communist This deadly attack in Argentina and is about to enter our houses because power and control it and not foreseen movements of contention.
Alert is little.


la story:

Diario La Prensa:

against the priest
von Wernich

is moved in BRAGADO

By Carlos Manuel Acuña

Bragado - The events from mid- month when it was learned that the parish priest of the locality of N. of the Ries would be moved to the town of Bragado, demonstrated the capacity of mobilization that has extremism and especially, to the best penetration of certain political and civil organizations. As is known, Christian von Wernich RP was charged in the past of being caught by the violation of human rights during the war unleashed by the subversive crime, a problem that was located, like many others in the field of dialectical struggle waged by the advancing towards extremism policy objectives.

Von Wernich was extremely active in N. de la Riestra, who reported the express recognition of the residents of this town in the province of Buenos Aires, located just over 100 kilometers from the federal capital. Before and while there developed his pastoral work was amply demonstrated that any of the accusations made against him were true and so the case was, like many others, turned into another episode of our times.

So, when the parish priest of Santa Rosa de Lima Church in the neighboring Bragado, was forced to retire for reasons of age, the Bishop of July 9 decided to replace it with von Wernich view of its successful work in N. de la Riestra. It was then, that when they met the new, much of the apparatus of subversion surface has successfully managed to mobilize to create a sort of political reference point, from which meet a range of externalities that still ranks first public attention. In practice, what happened was transformed into a direct confrontation against the Catholic Church which, if successful, could mean a real breakthrough for public questioning of their actions.

apparently well understood that Church, not only Von Wernich support, but so did the bishop of July 9, Bishop Alejo Gilligan.

summary of facts

At this stage of problem makes it unnecessary to go into the details of events, but we may note that all started with complaints submitted to the Legislative Council of Bragado-commune that is in the hands Peronist, "by two people who accuse local media as being linked with the band montoneros."

True or not, the fact is that Juan Carlos Lorges and J. Bercovich, alias "Russian", put special emphasis on mobilizing public opinion bragadense, for which counted with the active collaboration of medical and Ruben Bollini one Carlos Kunkel, a character whose name was circulated latter strongly as a leader among the protest groups that former President Peron fell from the Plaza de Mayo.

According to information gathered on the site, also participated in the task of mobilization against the nomination of von Wernich , Mr. Juarelegui parrot and other persons directly or indirectly were linked with youth who fell in battle against Marxist guerrillas.


As is known, the situation characterized by moments of extreme stress almost, that determined the need to deploy police to protect order and prevent attacks against those it expresses and quietly supported the father von Wernich, especially with its presence in the church where he officiated his first Mass

regard is interesting to note that the newspaper offices came to discuss only two or three dozen parishioners to the church concurred, but the fact is that it almost always was full, notwithstanding the public or covert pressures that arose simultaneously with the appearance of conflict.

About the latter, some parents, plaintiffs, argued that many of their children received more than innuendo related to their exams, a detail that some came to be linked to the militant ideology of a certain professor.

But the most significant pressures, were those that were implemented by screams of hostility brought against those who did not hide their displeasure by handling of the situation and did not hesitate to go to church often and against receiving boxes PAN they were informed of the "convenience" of moving.

So, on 17 this month, reaching for Gilligan Archbishop concelebrated Mass with which von Wernich take office, was assaulted in fact and in word, shoves, punches and kicks that - created a great uproar, forcing police to intervene, but not before many of the numerous witnesses agreed the said syndicate, Kunkel as the main attacker of the bishop.

Open Letter

few days later and before the turn of the situation, he decided to go to the people of Bragado through an extensive "open letter" that was reproduced by the local press, which makes some data to consider dismissing certain unintentional releases. Thus, Bishop Gilligan said the priest attacked "is not outside the law, either civil or ecclesiastical law" and that "was never even submitted to judicial process because of violation of human rights.

The Bishop of July 9 his statement elaborated on other revelations pointed to refute alleged claims assigned to von Wernich journalistically and in fact, clearly bolstered his pastoral career, with the clarification that arbitrary steps to address institutional political settlement of the city council to declare persona non grata.

So, advocates of "human rights" and people coming from other areas. Centralized public campaign against the priest and many of them coordinated their actions in the local cooperative bank. This and other data were used to outline new aspects of the situation and including the significance of the weight of the mobilization was in the hands of non-Bragado. .

Note from a former priest

Within this context, it became apparent the scope of the letter that the former Bishop of Avellaneda, Jose Jeronimo Podesta, conducted on Thursday 24 to City Council that the next day was published under the title "A not to lose ..."

Podesta in his letter accused the bishop of July 9 with harsh words and inter alia states that the bishop "can not sustain such appointment wrong and outrageous, "adding that" Mr. nuncio has resorted to a ruse to wash their hands. It is true that has no jurisdiction to intervene directly in the diocese, but has plenty of power, influence and resources of all kinds to straighten and wrong. If you loose narrows Podesta barrier inside the Church hierarchy and assert its absolute power decision, with, regardless of the feelings of the people of God, which in good theology is a mistake and the manifestation of an aberrant clericalism ".

More precisely, instead of achieving a favorable result in the repudiation of von Wernich, this letter contributed to the contrary, they immediately recalled that he had hung Podesta habits several years of marriage, so immediately questioned the fact that the referral letter had signed as "Bishop Emeritus of Avellaneda." Also, what happened brought up other background Jeronimo Podesta, for example, their collaboration organizations advanced ideology, criticizing the church and their participation in certain pseudo-scientific congresses and meetings aimed at discussing sexual issues in an ideological sign clearly recognizable by the way,

Brunati on July 9

Meanwhile, the government minister in the province of Buenos Aires tried, unsuccessfully, to Bishop Gilligan travel to La Plata to "discuss the matter", ie to put the bishop in a position to provide explanations to political power.

Obviously, Gilligan did not view the lack of any obligation in this regard, with the addition that his attitude could not descend into a political debate and earthly circumstances the pressures to which we referred and placed in a lower level and uncontrolled.

For observers, not unnoticed in the scope of the position taken by the bishop but also the fact that Brunati should travel to July 9 for an interview, which also failed because there was only received by the secretary of Gilligan.

To compensate for this lack of success of his administration, flew almost immediately to Brunati Bragado to hold interviews, which were widely publicized but that the situation be changed in a apex.

taxi activists

Clearly and with the passivity with which von Wernich and the bishop took the problem, in addition to their enforced but irrelevant politicization and the lack of progress to mobilization, activists decided to produce a scaled and well, they invited the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo to participate in a "concentration of silence" that took place this past Saturday, was hardly silent concentration given the untimely cries of these women.

As detail is not without revealing connotations, it should be mentioned that to the astonishment of many taxis Bragado reached the capital, prompting many to wonder who they had paid, who took charge of the stay, those who pay the bus shipped from other locations to compensate for weak local support and, ultimately, who owned the hands that moved the threads of the conflict.

At this time, these and others questions have been spread among the population bragadense that, critically, we noted that of 500 people, who shouted that Saturday against von Wernich, the vast majority were employed and no payment and the 300 who had entered the temple to participate in simultaneous church service. Bragado has a population of 30 000 inhabitants, of which only two or three can ensure that they are responsible for the attacks, graffiti and pamphlets.

Anyway, the truth is that those few, with good financial backing, managed to create a situation with skill demonstration of how, with means and political support, you can create an atmosphere of conflict and even dangerous, whose evolution, suitably tailored for journalism, travels the country and presents things completely unrealistic. Therefore, to be able to say here that despite the efforts of extremism, it will all be overcome.

Buenos Aires Journal

Tuesday November 29, 1988

Editorial page



YEAR XXXIII No. 1667 1 December 1988


Buenos Aires (AICA) The Bishop of Nueve de Julio, Bishop Alejo Benedicto Gilligan, appointed pastor of St. Rose of Lima, in Buenos Aires city of Bragado, the priest Cristian Von Wernich, until now pastor in Norberto de la Riestra.

This prompted a series of reactions and protests by various organizations defending human rights and media social communication with predominantly left-denominated items, reflecting the new pastor of being chaplain Police of the Province of Buenos Aires during the years of military rule and alleged complicity in the disappearance of people during that period.

this reactionary movement was joined by members of the Legislative Council of Braga, who unanimously (Peronist and Radical) Father von Wernich declared "persona non grata, and divorced in the game Bragado, while the bishop demanded" the immediate removal and Bragado away party at the end of 48 hours, "the priest said.

Moreover, the day he attended Bishop Gilligan put into canonical possession of the parish Father Von Wernich, the bishop himself was a victim of abuse and kicked and assaulted with Trompis.

All these facts are echoed in several days the press of the whole country, culminating on Saturday 26 November with a call "silent march of divorce", with the participation, among others, many members of the organization known as Madre de Plaza de Mayo.

The word of the bishop

Monsignor Gilligan in a statement titled "Open Letter to Bishop Bragado community," said the priest in question is outside the law or ecclesiastical law, was never subjected to judicial process because of violation of human rights was not reported to justice by the Federal Chamber CONADEP and ordered that he be investigated.

The prelate went well with the crossing of the accusations against Father Von Wernich.

The following is the full text of the statement of Archbishop Gilligan:

Open Letter to the community of Bragado

"In my capacity as Bishop of the Diocese of July 9 am writing this letter to all Catholics in Bragado and also to all men and women of good will.

very concerned about the climate that exists in your city from the moment you knew my father's decision to appoint Christian von Wernich pastor at Santa Rosa de Lima, and particularly concerned with facts that have been happening from Thursday 17th instant, I considered it appropriate to make a public statement.

It primarily aims to clarify some versions openly circulating among you.

The total financial liability as much as I can be faithful pastor, as well as in my capacity as a citizen Argentina, stated quite clearly that the father is not Christian von Wernich outside the law, either civil or ecclesiastical law.

was never even submitted to judicial process because of violation of human rights. Has been brought to court as a witness only, like so many others.

Their inclusion in the report "Never Again" from the Commission Tic National People's disappearance (CONADEP) should be understood as the same report defines it in his "warning" preliminary. It reads:

"The cases mentioned in this report arise from contributions received testimonial and documentary, having been selected with the sole intention to inform and illustrate the exhibition, which in turn results from the total collected material, ie the word of eyewitnesses to those events. does not exclude the possibility some error, or rule out the existence of many other cases that might be more illustrative to fulfill that purpose.

"For the people who appear appointed by the functions they performed, or occasionally included in the transcript of testimony that the facts involved in that crime can be configured, the National Commission assigns no responsibility to ad reference is unique to the judiciary in the Argentine constitutional order. "case might suggest, while no power to it and on the ground that such power is restricted to the judiciary in the Argentine constitutional order.

precisely a particular case is that of Christian von Wernich, witness Julio Alberto Emmed-it was police officer of the Province of Buenos Aires, in testimony before the Federal Court of Appeal, tells about the conduct of von Wernich in a completely different from that stated in the report of the CONADEP. In his statements does not arise any criminality, about such that the Federal Court of Appeals does not automatically Orpen, as it did in many other cases, criminal prosecution.

In conclusion, C. von Wernich was not reported to the righteousness or the CONADEP nor the Federal Chamber ordered that the investigation although they have direct access to all evidence related to his conduct.

Consequently, it stated, Christian von Wernich was not favored either by the law called "end point" nor for that of the "due obedience" What stands out because although these laws provide remedies established by the National Government (Executive and Congress) have been challenged as unconstitutional at some time and in any way your application can lead to problems of conscience for Christians.

second case. The statements attributed to Father von Wernich published in the journal "Seven Days (Year XV - NO 892 of 25 / 7 to 7/31/1984) are not yours so that refute this point, given the disfigurement suffered. The insidious expression torture of a black man ..... no one knows, go and go is an act ...", false, unfair and harmful not only to the person of the priest involved but also for the whole Church. So deplorable.

The tremendous years lived in the seventies we have beaten all members of society in Argentina. And in particular has caused and continues to cause immense pain bragadenses family.

family and God only knows in depth the internal tear suffered to reach our human limitation to participate in some way that cross, that we try to share as Christians.

completely understandable-some-not all the reactions in these days and it is also true, that the situation does not allow to attribute, without foundation, repressive attitudes to anyone.

In this sense the episcopal see has taken due note of the order of H. Deliberative Council! Bragado party and shall provide the institutional measures to resolve the issue.

A special paragraph writing to members of the Christian community suffering this conflict.

I tell my Pastor understanding while I convey that security decisions are the result concerning of deep reflection and prayer. I also appeal to the basic attitude of our Christian doctrine in any case, has the look of mercy and forgiveness to the facts that reveal our human limitations.

I pray to God to get the most fruit of these moments. Always the heart of the Bishop is open to any dialogue.

Given at July 9 at 19 days November 1988

Carlos Kunkel: A man corrupt

We had in a previous article that Carlos Kunkel, besides being one of the most important strategists around President Nestor Kirchner is neither more nor less than the Secretary of the Presidency of the Nation, "is one of the ideologists of the ongoing plots that denounces the government almost daily.

is known that Kunkel was a municipal official in Florencio Varela, from where it departed to go to swell the ranks newest Kirchner.

What few know is that from municipal office, Kunkel did several businesses for their own benefit. Among others, to sign a contract to the municipality of Florencio Varela with a company-owned construction company to make expensive Podic-works in the area.

Although today is listed as an honest, Kunkel can not explain how between 1997 and 1998 being officer-purchased many fields in the town of Bragado , in addition to fifth on the streets of Florencio Varela Orkney and several 4 x 4 trucks.

Even more serious is that some of the properties that the officer bought in that location were acquired in an immoral, because thanks to his position noted the layout of the highway that President Peron and information on the sleeve pushed some residents to sell their goods you a ridiculous price.

Without going any further, in Court No. 13 of the Courts of Lomas de Zamora Kunkel recently lost a lawsuit by the deed one of those fields after you have tried various dirty tricks, one of them to present as witnesses to their own employees.

Another setbacks suffered by the Secretary of Kirchner in the case came when asked to declare their former boss, former Mayor of Florencio Varela, Julio Carpinetti.

Kunkel, relied on the friendship he had with who for years had sheltered in his house not expect to suffer such despair: Carpinetti Kunkel admitted that he had proposed, without too many turns, the business of buying in these areas because then society would be worth a fortune. A real shot in the foot.

One of those dark stories took place in the Chapel-altitude site of Florencio Varela Km.18 several years, when a man named Mario Santamaria bought some land in order to install a tosquera disguised as trout hatchery.

What nobody knew was that Santamaria had been associated with, the then officer-Kunkel and, in exchange for a regular sum of money, this would give the protection needed to move crude trucks without be disturbed.

A witness said that fact promptly to the writer of these lines that in fact the intention was to sell the crude to people who had won the bidding for the highway but as the subject not advanced crude sold on an individual basis. Kunkel as he finished the kite decided not to proceed the trout hatchery.

Adds the witness that when he bought this field Kunkel U $ S 150,000 .- free of charge, taxes etc .- was in default of payment.

Lighter, add water.

Kunkel and Kirchner

Carlos Kunkel, inventor of the complaints most unlikely to destabilize the government of Kirchner, met the President in 1968, when both were studying in La Plata. But the roles, at that time were invested: Kunkel was the leader of the university group in which Kirchner began his political career.

stopped seeing for many years, and recently met again in the last eight Calafate armed group, the embryo of the current Kirchner.

Today, Kunkel one of the largest operators of the president and one of the few who enjoy his confidence and his wife, to the point, which occupies a discrete sector office Rosada presidential Side of Cristina Kirchner.

remember that Kunkel was the political chief Kirchner's Peronist Youth in the seventies, when all studied law at La Plata.

currently and with Dante Gullo (ex montonero and former ARI, successful businessman-turned-road advertising), Kunkel leads the group called Michelangelo, a "think tank "project you have in mind the personalist President K.

is also one of those who officiate the "contact" between the House and the picketers sector-government "led by Luis D'Elia, the same as at the time, he charged" autoatendado "against the groups that organized the act of December 20, 2003, where a powerful bomb exploded .

About this episode, according to sources at Government House, "the letter happened to Delia saying such nonsense would have been just the secretary Kunkel.

The newsprint that was put together by the statements of Delia was such that the intimate setting of Kirchner began his improvised point an accusing finger and the Buenos Aires police apparatus "duhaldista" in the province of Buenos Aires.

Beyond the versions, the truth that dropped the investigation into what happened and that suspiciously not revealed to the press - is that the attackers had been infiltrated police elements in the wing Raul Castells picketing, the greatest enemy of Kirchner.

Paradoxically, this research came from the very general secretariat of the Presidency, more precisely the sector that commands the very Kunkel .


When we recall the words of President Kirchner whimsical campaign about fighting corruption and reminisced about how he fired some of its trusted men on the mere suspicion that they were not honest to the public, we can not fail to be confused by designations such as the Secretary Kunkel.

may be casual, but it is not. Other unpresentable that the president can not be justified we have:

-Alberto Fernandez, chief of staff: essential gear for the group's business was Bapro in Duhalde.

-Anibal Fernandez, Minister of Interior: Quilmes emptied the coffers of being mayor and protects a drug gang in the area.

-Horacio Rosatti, minister Justice: fat did business being mayor of Santa Fe

-Julio De Vido, Minister of Planning: Kirchner is the cashier. In Santa Cruz drove the black money in the presidential campaign.

Etcetera ...

When a government any government-maintained men corrupted in such sensitive positions as the above, one begins to believe that any compelling reason should support this action.

And when we speak of strong reasons, we talk dirty business, never transparent policy.

If not, do not understand why you risk Kirchner tarnish his public image accompanied by these people.

Unless it is part of the same ...
CHRISTIAN SANZ Director / Chief Editor
Tribune journalists
Posted by Miguel ...

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