Surely you'll notice this post .- I do it because I've been wondering for some time, really surprised and indignant, about the reason for your bad behavior as a judge of appeal, in relation to the military question specifically, and I have not had a chance to talk directly with you as you wanted, although I have devoted personal paragraphs in legal documents to be read by your side I can not say .- Now, when you start you against a villainous process, which could not be excluded in the amazing times we live in came time to say publicly what they think and invite you to try your action claim, and in any case, that of your colleagues who follow you, "for the good of the Judiciary and the Republic, given your high office .- Were I admired chief justice, I saw my friend and exemplary officer and Judge .- You had the best teachers of ethics and law, among them share a true hero like Luke James Lennon .- Among many, I appreciated very While my father, an honest judge whose name I inherited with responsibility and pride .- Anyway, time passed and we take different paths (you came to the top of the Criminal Courts) but both still fighting for our passion common justice, strict and fair application of law to cases that came before the State Department that the two we considered the first pillar, which is essential for Argentina to dream .- However, all of a sudden, you turned in against the most elementary principles and the correct interpretation of our Constitution, international treaties, criminal law and universal humanitarian genuine right .- That, apparently under pressure from executive management, in turn, made him concerned for itself and the claim of co-rulers filoguerrilleros to consummate these revenge to defeat in the war prevented him from irregular a la subversión marxista-leninista tomar el país mediante la violencia armada y convertirnos en una especie de Cuba.- Así, no tuviste empacho en convalidar con tu propia firma sentencias ilegales e ilegítimas que mandaban a prisión común a quienes pusieron en riesgo su vida por defender la nuestra y ahora, incluso, perdían la suya o su libertad víctimas de un Fuero Federal mayoritariamente genuflexo y, por ende, repudiable.- Te hiciste cómplice necesario entonces de un verdadero, este sí, “terrorismo de estado”, que encarcela y mata a sus ancianos y enfermos defensores de la Patria, y lo hiciste, con seguridad, imaginando que de esa miserable manera esquivarías la persecución termina él mismo a victim, inexorably .- Today, then, are likely to suffer some of the same torments they suffered, and suffer-your worthy sentenced and, if the administrative management continues, hemiplegic vision of history and law, which also very probable, and your colleagues are on the same line unjustifiable end up in prison the rest of your life .- I think the only solution to at least try to save your old and long history is that through a strong and effective resignation today is not deserved, please inform all your fellow citizens what happened so that it blends both the Judiciary to a despotic executive branch what to accept personally suffer opprobrium fill signing bugs more unjust and contrary to law imaginable .- The company will understand at least and your children and grandchildren who were friends and students , cleared the stage nefarious father, grandfather and teacher who for years was worthy of admiration and respect .- God of strength, courage, for you to recover your lost in life essence of National Judge and teacher of law.
"Here I am, sir, to do your will" ... salt from 39.2 to 10
earthly judge
Remember, you're a mere mortal who will ask accountable for their actions, you are in that place by God, the greatest, the Judge of Judges, he will give a just reward when you hand over your soul ... Are you ready? ... Reviewed and published by
Miguel ...
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