"Nilda Garre, the indomitable" Speaking on "a systematic plan of extermination." Surely it must refer to the murders committed by the terrorist murderers of children ...
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Amylase Stop In Stomach?
In what walk the Minister of Security?
National Resolution 181/2011
thematic categories: Administrative, Constitutional Sanction Date: 15/04/2011
Date Enactment: No information. Number BO: No information.
Date Publ. in BO: 27/04/2011 Human Rights:
Placing plaques in establishments belonging to the Police and Security Forces which had operated secret detention centers in the period between 1976-1983. Approval Security and Armed Forces: Having File No. 10336/11 of the registry of the Ministry of National Security and Considering
That by the MS File No. 10336 of March 21, 2011 handles the presentation of the Secretary of Human Rights, Ministry of Justice and National Human Rights through which requests that consideration be given to those places belonging to signal the security forces, which operated secret detention centers.
That, in this sense, the owner of the Secretary of National Human Rights argues that the external marking of these places aims to promote the role they had during the last dictatorship in order to help repair the damage caused to the victims of the systematic extermination and the whole of society affected by state terror. That also mentioned that these signs are being carried out in different military units, the date of enactment of Resolution No. 1309-1306 of the Ministry of National Defense to authorize the dial, after recognition by Secretary of National Human Rights that there had operated a secret detention center.
That today is effective in our country a large plexus of constitutional human rights and universal and regional instruments on the subject to which Argentina has recognized the constitutional hierarchy, constituting the legal basis of the right to truth of the victims and society as a whole, and which carries a corresponding duty to remember the state, both explicitly developed in the Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights through Action to Combat Impunity of the United Nations. That in that vein, the Argentine Government has conducted a series of policies to comply with the duties of promoting, respecting and guaranteeing human rights, including rights to truth, justice and reparation, rehabilitation of victims and secure the blessings of a democratic state of law for present and future .
That in conformity with the policy of Memory, Truth and Justice is continuing to advance the state of Argentina from 2003, the Department of Homeland Security should make a commitment to implement policies to promote knowledge and transmission the memory of what happened during the period of state terrorism. That taking into account the above, and following the commitment made by the Ministry of National Security in the art, it is appropriate to provide authorization for the placement of memorial plaques in establishments belonging to the Police and Security Forces it depends, which had operated secret detention centers in the period between 1976-1983, and the mechanism by which the requests are processed a tal efecto por la Secretaria de Derechos Humanos de la Nación. Que, en este sentido, conforme lo dispuesto por el Decreto Nº 2009/2010 le compete a la Dirección Nacional de Derechos Humanos del Ministerio de Seguridad asistir a la Ministra de Seguridad de la Nación en la aplicación y cumplimiento de la normas en materia de derechos humanos, entre ellas, las tendientes a promover, respetar y garantizar los derechos a la verdad y a la justicia. Que por ello, corresponde a la Dirección Nacional de Derechos Humanos del Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación el trámite y la coordinación de las solicitudes que efectúe la Secretaria de Derechos Humanos of the Nation.
That the Director General of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Security has taken appropriate action within its jurisdiction. That the undersigned is responsible for the issuance of this resolution, as provided by Article 4 of the Law on Ministries (TO 1992) and its amendments. therefore
Security Minister Resolved Article 2: Setting the National Human Rights Directorate of the Ministry of National Security and coordinating the processing of applications making the Human Rights Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice and National Human Rights under of Article 1 of this resolution.
http://www.politicaydesarrollo.com.ar/ Contact: politicaydesarrollo@gmail.com
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Well, the naughty and always ready, the indomitable Nilda Garre, speaking of "systematic extermination plan", we assume that it must refer to the killings, torture, crimes against humanity committed by terrorists child murderers, murderers of civilians, murderers of brave men of all forces. But sooner or later come true justice for all these "stupid beardless" ... When the people wake up, then the lesson will thunder, of course ... "when you wake up" ... for now sleeps ... Reviewed and published by
Miguel ..
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