Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why Do Orientals Have Yellow Eyes

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall want ... Sal 22.1-6" ... Prisoners of war in Argentina ... To those who fought the infamous terrorist ...

Political Prisoners in Argentina. Sermon on the Campo de Mayo Prison
the sheep, wolves, and our fears
sermon of a priest for POWs
Sunday May 15, 2011
The newly proclaimed gospel (Jn 10.1-10) Our Lord puts himself as the example of "good shepherd" and aware of his sheep. It is a constant resource of the Messiah, He is the shepherd and we are the sheep of his fold, of which does not want to miss any.

For example, the Word made man had said that "if you lose one of the sheep," would leave 99 in a high place to go for the "loss", a symbol of sinful man.
But there, among all these figures bucolic, one that Christians should bear in mind that sometimes we forget, and is as follows: "I send you as sheep among wolves. " The entire passage is as follows: "Behold, I send you as sheep among wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Beware of men, they will deliver to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues, and my account will be brought before governors and kings, to bear witness to them and to the nations "(Mt 10, 16-18).

is that whoever wishes to follow the pastor must move well, like a sheep among wolves.
1. The fear of sheep
This biblical figure that the Lord gave, it may be paradoxical if you hear with your ears just natural. It happens that the first impression is usually the sheep against the wolves is to escape, escape the presence of the wolf to keep their ferocious teeth. Fear is the first impression of the dangers, it is this that springs from our sensitivity damaged by original sin, is fear of losing what we love (life, liberty, loved ones ....)

No one is exempt from it, nor those within or those who are (For now) outside.
Al fear that causes the danger is opposed to Catholic morality and Aristotelian virtue of the strength that is one habit that makes us always act according to reason against major hazards, particularly those threaten our lives.
a. Our fears
But ... what are our fears?

Between us, between us in this criminal There are many fears:
- Fears for our families
- Fears for our children and grandchildren (and their future, their "name")
- Fears for the judgments, for the releases, on the arrests
- Fear of being treated even worse ..., fears, fear, fear ...
These fears, Most of the time, far from giving us a rational attitude, you can freeze and cause hide his head.
It is said that cats, when they feel cornered and unable to escape from the enemy, try his latest strategy: closing the eyes. Believe, in fact, that as they do not see, can not see their enemies. "Poor kitty ...!", Say the dog ...
And also said that the ostrich, when afraid, take advantage of the gaps in the ground and put his head inside, leaving the view her butt ..., and we all know what happens when you neglect your legs ...
What is the doctrine of our Lord? What does it say?:
Quite the contrary! He shouts, impels us and His most difficult moment, before going to the Passion: "In the world you have tribulation. But do not be afraid!: I have overcome the world "(Jn 16:33).
b. The Christian attitude: the fight
is difficult today to listen to this without criticizing us, but do not say this to look good, but to be "evil", in the heyday of the "human rights" we have completely forgotten the "human duties" and not just anti-Christian areas, but even (alas) among Catholics. It is the Christian duty to fight, to fight the good fight.
It is an obligation not to lower the arms and swayed by the defeat.
is a duty to continue the battle and hold the line until God says enough.
is a must take with nobility this prison these irons, where the body (not the soul) soul is stuck.
always remember: God does not ask us to overcome all, but let us not be overcome. This is what St. Paul said in his letter to Timothy, "Endure the hardships with me, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one who is dedicated to the military gets involved in the business of life, if you want to please you have enrolled. And so the athlete, not be crowned if he has not fought valiantly "(2 Tim 2.3 to 4).
this is not to say that everything that has happened and all you have done in the 70s was good. Not at all, we know that although war is not always fair fight it justly. There were mistakes and many of them large, but we also know that in many cases, the situation for a simple "click" did not act otherwise. Who is without sin cast the first stone and who despite awareness that use of sacramental confession.
But now we must continue the fight, as stated by the Job fair and worth remembering, because the truths are not repeated, they forget, "Militia is the life of man on earth "(Job 7.1). So when a nation is attacked by his enemies religious and historical and attacked from without and from within, as it has been and continues to Argentina, it is imperative to remember and repeat once more what the poet Gracian said, "against evil, militia."
2. So ... down their arms is to lose the final battle!
know that the enemy is great and they are slaughtering.
We also know that he has already won several battles against our country:
- The battle for historical truth (with the "official story", the 30,000 young idealists, "the Falklands guys" and the sea by car.)
- The cultural battle (with our schools to receive education "secular", "sexual" and "free").
- The political battle (with the almost unanimous belief that democracy and human rights are irrevocable dogmas of our time.)

- The economic battle (with external debt and international imperialism of money as ritual practices of our national character).
- The religious battle (with a diluted Christianity, a progressive clergy canonized and unable to speak the truth).
We can also partake of a new track that is not given externally, but in our souls. We also give them a taste for the Marxists to hide the head, give up our principles and stop fighting. This has not happened in the sacred history has not this been the custom of our great men.
We example of David against Goliath. David, young shepherd, hearing the taunts of Goliath, shouting loudly: "But who is this uncircumcised Philistine insulting the hosts of the living God" (1 Sam 17:26)
is that in reality, one is ashamed every time someone, a prisoner of war or his relative, he regrets the suffering endured in prison. This is, this howling, is a triumph over the enemy for if something enjoy is the public confession that they are suffering. Whether we realize it, whether we like though: this was not the conduct of those prisoners who were able to really inhumane. Remember the immortal words of José Antonio, who boldly said, "because the prison is going well for us uncomfortable Falangists."
* * *
end up appealing to the fortress, not to forget that these two or three days inn bad we can earn heaven soldier: the battle continues! not to lower the arms!
May we say with the prophet David (Ps 44):

"Stick to the edge sword, brave:
is your dress and your pride

rides victorious truth and justice,
your right hand teach you how to make prowess.

Your arrows are sharp, people pay you,
to shy away the king's enemies. "

to lift his head and opened his eyes, not to give up and show that there is still blood in his veins. Let us repeat once more with the great convert of Tarsus, "because I'm about to be poured out and the time of my departure is imminent. I have fought the good fight, I reached the finish in the race, I have kept the faith (2 Tim 4.5 to 8).
Pow ... Present!
Father Lucas Banished
Source: Horacio Ramos Ricardo Palma ... General ...
Blessed are the meek, for they shall be comforted ...

Blessed are hunger and thirst for righteousness, they shall be satisfied ... Mt 5,1-12

Posted by Miguel ...
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