Pardo Africa 02/05/2011
Pardo Africa 02/05/2011
Registrar of the property and surrounded by amenities, Miquel Silvestre (Dénia, 1968) started walking on two wheels Africa and has enjoyed his experience at "A million stones." Now planning another trip from New York to Asia to end in Finisterre.
A registrar of property and a passenger biker image "complementary or opposite?
completely incompatible. Try travel become a profession. I am the registrar of property, not my favorite profession, but has saved me and ask for leave of absence to travel. Remember when
quit her job to go to Africa?
was a personal evolution. I was number one in my class, had a hell of successful life in Madrid. Suddenly I have an accident bike and I realize that this is not what I like. I had thought about doing a bike trip but a journey to regain peace and write another novel and the journey begins April 2008 EL15. First I went to Tuscany, according to Josep Pla, followed by other countries and offered me to write in Kenya. I did not know how many countries were in Africa, but I started to travel and gave me everything. Any argument to imagine for my novel paled with what he lived, was pure argument.
What image did before travel?
The television, with ongoing wars, a continent populated by wild and full of corrupt, murderers, and other romantic Out of Africa. And neither one nor the other. It is a very large continent and still very wild but populated by normal people like you and me. The world is a better place than we see on television.
says that before the trip was a misanthrope. Have you become a philanthropist? Both
do not know. What I've become a Christian, but that is very personal. Before I saw the world from a fish tank and had no fucking idea what it was. I could have written a history of overcoming difficulties, but is rather a message of hope.
Many people return from Africa trying to help. Do not you?
I have a very particular view of it. Have become African children by giving alms to beggars and the first thing they do when they see a white hand is out because they see that demand is more profitable to work. Poverty in Africa moves and leaves you undone but the last thing to do is go to Samaritan. Where did
more afraid?
In Mauritania, had a very hostile environment with the traveler and coincided with the seizure of the English aid. Moratinos there knew who he was and I knew my life was worth to them $ 5 million. I ran out of gas and see that those around me were preparing something. I heard the sound of an engine and a truck pulled me out; for me it was as if he saved the Seventh Cavalry.
Now projected around the world?
Yes, I leave the curro another year or so. I leave the capital of the new world and will finish in Finisterre burning my clothes of a pilgrim.
completely incompatible. Try travel become a profession. I am the registrar of property, not my favorite profession, but has saved me and ask for leave of absence to travel. Remember when
quit her job to go to Africa?
was a personal evolution. I was number one in my class, had a hell of successful life in Madrid. Suddenly I have an accident bike and I realize that this is not what I like. I had thought about doing a bike trip but a journey to regain peace and write another novel and the journey begins April 2008 EL15. First I went to Tuscany, according to Josep Pla, followed by other countries and offered me to write in Kenya. I did not know how many countries were in Africa, but I started to travel and gave me everything. Any argument to imagine for my novel paled with what he lived, was pure argument.
What image did before travel?
The television, with ongoing wars, a continent populated by wild and full of corrupt, murderers, and other romantic Out of Africa. And neither one nor the other. It is a very large continent and still very wild but populated by normal people like you and me. The world is a better place than we see on television.
says that before the trip was a misanthrope. Have you become a philanthropist? Both
do not know. What I've become a Christian, but that is very personal. Before I saw the world from a fish tank and had no fucking idea what it was. I could have written a history of overcoming difficulties, but is rather a message of hope.
Many people return from Africa trying to help. Do not you?
I have a very particular view of it. Have become African children by giving alms to beggars and the first thing they do when they see a white hand is out because they see that demand is more profitable to work. Poverty in Africa moves and leaves you undone but the last thing to do is go to Samaritan. Where did
more afraid?
In Mauritania, had a very hostile environment with the traveler and coincided with the seizure of the English aid. Moratinos there knew who he was and I knew my life was worth to them $ 5 million. I ran out of gas and see that those around me were preparing something. I heard the sound of an engine and a truck pulled me out; for me it was as if he saved the Seventh Cavalry.
Now projected around the world?
Yes, I leave the curro another year or so. I leave the capital of the new world and will finish in Finisterre burning my clothes of a pilgrim.
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