" WHO WANTS TO HEAR YOU HEAR "... Reviews: Maria Estela Martinez de Peron and now ...
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Maria Estela Martinez de Peron
: Your best student (very deeply grateful to Mrs. Cra Dorys Terrón for all your work and sending the utmost importance, as well as Manuel Fernandez and Carlos Diaz for their ongoing publications)
For historical amnesia, not physical but psychiatric pathology resulting from the misrepresentation, myth, slanderous defamation and stateless blood running through veins bodies, spiritual and / or mentally corrupt, just lo fragments of many speeches that "someone", uttered 36 years ago and are far from understanding them were distorted and fend for libel and journalistic disqualification by the sabotage of the traitors parasites infiltrating the Peronist National Movement for destabilizing opposition also subversive and terrorist-armed military to defend the interests of the Zionist world synarchy usurious, of course. Cited:
For historical amnesia, physical but not psychiatric condition resulting from the misrepresentation, myth, defamatory libel, and the blood flowing through veins stateless bodies, spiritual and / or mentally corrupt, lo and behold just a few fragments of many speeches that "someone", uttered 36 years ago.
For Diego Mazzieri
Your Best Student: Maria Estela Martinez de Peron
her who honors his last name to Allegiance
Marital For historical amnesia, not physical but psychiatric pathology resulting from the misrepresentation, myth, slanderous defamation and stateless blood running through veins bodies, spiritual and / or mentally corrupt, just lo fragments of many speeches that "someone", uttered 36 years ago and are far from understanding them were distorted and fend for libel and journalistic disqualification by the sabotage of the traitors parasites infiltrating the Peronist National Movement for destabilizing opposition also subversive and terrorist-armed military to defend the interests of the Zionist world synarchy usurious, of course. Cited:
"I unpatriotic those who oppose terrorism from political or subversive, give them the whip as the Pharisees in the Temple" ... | |
![]() " I have not scared them, and never I'll "... | |
" He who does not agree, that they leave, I bend nobody ever "... ![]() "There is an economic front which tries to destroy our capacity to decide to submit to the dictates of domestic interest groups and sectarian allies to centers of economic and financial system. There is a political front which seeks to break the principles of national unity with which this government came to power. There is a moral front, which aims for the exaltation of rampant materialism, undermine the values \u200b\u200bof ethical conduct to society and family. This has been used all the resources from the media to the sibilant sound and insidious. Finally, there is a terrorist front, atheist, mercenary, inhuman and delirious, determined to subvert our principles and core values. Let it be clear that this destructive speculation in real wages, will be relentlessly pursued by the government and the people in all shapes and sizes. No compassion, but ruthless justice against usury " " The base is considered an inescapable duty of all of Argentina, the struggle against subversion, violence and terrorism "... "This struggle must be without discrimination of any kind, in all its forms and with a single purpose, which is ERADICATION REACTION TEROR definitely, and all those who want to perch on power, using the T Peronist ... "Subversion attacks, first of all the Peronist government, which wants to leave power. Also intends to provoke a riotous subversion from above to fight and, in the same field of illegitimacy, because here, the sole heir is the Peronist people "... "We will fight with determination all the great evils that threaten the national newspaper: from the guerrillas to immorality. " "So, above all, will emphasize the fight relentlessly against economic terrorism, an ally and partner of subversion." These words are excerpts from some speeches of Mrs. María Estela Martínez (Peron and therefore, the genuine people Peronist). And as General Peron said that "saying is doing better," Ms. Martinez de Peron, said not only that but he did. He said, doctrine and orthodoxy without bending or never for the right or to the left. And consistent exemplary life made a lot: Employment Contracts Act, Nationalisation of the retail outlets and Derivatives of Hydrocarbons, Law Against Subversion Economic disregard to the English crown as a solution to the conflict arbitration action taken by Beagle-Lanusse ", reduction in foreign debt without contracting new loans usurious, expulsion of British ambassador Albion by the aggression of the sovereignty of our seas with Shackleton's ship, channeling the social pact, loyalty to doctrinal orthodoxy, etcetera hundreds of more examples of what you did. And so their events were followed by the passion of past suffering, a manifest and serious deterioration of his health, age 6 unworthy, unjust, and with impunity dam tortured ... removal of the hands of her husband's body by the Masons and subsequent desecration of his home in Spain with Masonic rites (internal invaders, defecated the floor, bathed in semen all over the walls, cut off part of reproduced photographs where the hands of General Perón and Evita in photographs of them cut in the shape of their breasts cut off the hands of all the figures of saints that Lady Elizabeth had, etc.). View video of the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xItyXwizqb8&feature=related In 1984, they placed explosives in the undercarriage of the plane that would take her to Spain to murder. Download: HERE In 1990, he was ridiculed and "harassed" scandalous and treacherously in 1974 what she termed as terrorism reporting. In 2007 he was unjustly and unfairly prosecuted by the government of "Deshonestor" Kirchner slanderous and fabricated cases, which have led to serious health problems to stress product that was submitted, to the point that must be urgently operated by a drop of your stairs. Denied the extradition request by English Impartial Justice, now a prosecutor Tucuman, and all that was funded for this, the masks were removed and were sincere in the real cause of hatred toward Mrs. persecution: The Operational Independence . Now want to extradite scrupulously by such patriotic policy against the forces of Marxism and stateless terrorist Tucumán. Infamous ... watched all the time by intelligence services masquerading as journalists to wait at his residence urbanization Villafranca del Castillo, truth is so much cruelty against the Lady of General Peron 37 years, does little to corroborate the little speech of unpatriotic and treason to the Movement, which have been described today as a weak woman, incompetent, inane, and other verses ... Ultimately, 1. because Lady was the only President after General Perón, to govern a country without mortgages by borrowing forever (quite the contrary, when the overthrow, the number of the foreign debt in 1956 was less than what was totaled when he took government). 2. Because he ruled a country ungovernable, by Marxism stateless, and the liberal right vendista with subversion of all kinds as she clearly excellent denounce it in his speech of 10/03/1976. 3. it was the only president in history, (not belittling Liniers, 1806, at Rosas, 1845, and at the very Peron, 1945), who had the courage, the courage and the courage to talk about breaking off relations with Britain outside for his attack on our national sovereignty through the English ship Lord Shackleton oil exploration. 4. Because knowing the Peronist doctrine, under Article 40 of the Constitution of 1949, nationalized the oil outlets. 5. Because in those fateful years of hatred fostered by imperialism global moneylender, was the only one that ruled the country, although the Argentine loafers and learned of today, unsubstantiated talk of "anarchy Isabelita "without mentioning the lawlessness that encouraged the traitors to the party, as Cafiero, Ruckauf, Menem, the infamous and destabilizing" Working Group Sobrino Luis Aranda, Julio Barbaro and Company (whose traditional ties with the Navy today Anglophile are no longer shameful and public knowledge), Balbin continually hitting the gates of the barracks though Mrs. Perón no interest in being re-elect called for early elections - (as I said before and I repeat, Perón died Balbin said goodbye to a friend. Ask the reader, whether to have friends so why have enemies), the Radicals who committed serious perjury from Congress and the media against the Lady Isabel, while thousands of jobs occupied overthrown as public servants under the "process of national squandering" of Videla and other satellites of Kissinger ... the armed forces did not recognize the Lady Elizabeth as their Commander in Chief of the Army, but obeyed orders vertically Rockefeller, Kissinger and other fecal stateless global usury and imperialist. The Celestino Rodrigo Gelbard and responding to global Zionism ... 6. Because they had the courage to order the suppression of subversive activities. As a young forever grateful to the lady, because it allowed, or at least delayed, the process to convert the entire nation Tucumán and in a miserable Cuba, in Colombia guerrillas and drug traffickers. 7. because they had to endure six long years of being unjustly imprisoned longest-President was in that situation. 8. Because he never claimed anything to the people and the nation have long claimed, and because the Argentines "cheeky?, Hypocritical, ignorant as he claimed he had nothing to complain. 9. It was the only joint that was enough to oust the Marxist Zionist lobbies Minister José Ber Gelbard. 10. Because he suffered hundreds of suffering, as noted above. 11. It was the only President who courageously did not resign before a coup, heroic stance that earned him six years in prison, where he was outraged in his dignity, confined in a small room with walls of paper to see his movements, and a false confessor priest. 12. Because in addition this, in Spain live "spied on and monitored" by intelligence services masquerading as journalists. 13. Because in 2007 she was pursued by Kirchner and even today the Federal Court (or the judge to not prosecute me INADI discrimination against his Lordship Norberto / a Oyarbide ) maintains a case unfairly seeking the extradition from Spain of the Lady, a request that has already been denied in other cases because the kingdom fairly judged the proceedings of the lady and dismissed with good but above all, fair criterion. 14. Because the party itself proscribed in 1982 to make way for the application of the traitors of Italo Luder, Menem and other infiltrators whose only loyalty that have owned and they were to the tenets of Democratic Union of 1945 with the "blue book" designed by Braden. 15. Because it was a faithful disciple of the work and doctrine of General Peron, but above all things, of his person when he was in life. 16. Peron's order because he risked his life by "intelligence" in 1957 during the "liberation" in our country and in the '60s when "ruling? Ongania the sepoy. 17. Because the last 5 years do not attend their parish, for all who pursue it, hence the "gift" humble that we offer on 4 February Isabel, it was only a Mass in his name. 18. Because in 1991 ungrudgingly gave no permission to operate Menem, whom he accused of treason and not accepted by the embassy at the Vatican that the traitor would offer to tempt her and break her. 19. Because they took all their property the sisters of Eva Peron (admittedly the "saying" gringo that reads: "The family is alone," but look as well as the greedy sisters of Eva Peron, until his niece ran the Kirchnerism, as the Peronist party as Isaac Rojas) and the unscrupulous, and treacherous Mario Rotundo, who is now wasting the assets of General Perón and Internet auctions or buy them "shirtless" and his money will go to them ... 20. he lives humbly. 21. Because you never stole from the state, came to bribery, influence peddling and corruption as politicians accustomed post 1983, and although this was the longest-President dam in history. 22. Because in 2008 had to endure that deeply offend the dead body back her husband, thanks to the service mitómana Martha Holgado foreign money, who's great to be the daughter of Peron, when the evidence presented by Isabel were blunt about the impossibility of that issue, however, a judge ordered the re cheap desecration General's corpse as if it were bones buried by one or two more ... hound 23. because it was betrayed her, and with it the country and the entire Nation by the Armed Forces, for the cesium, Carcagno, Massera, and many unscrupulous in the service of Freemasonry and world synarchy. 24. Because the same party they alienated many loyal to him, as Vicente Damascus Laplane Numa, among others. 25. Because the people abandoned in the worst way. 26. Because of a martyr José Ignacio Rucci, began to have a Herreras Casildo whose concept of loyalty was the famous "I erased" after the coup 24-3 -1976. 27. Because he sabotaged the usual price speculators. 28. because they never de-industrialized the country and always supported the national company. 29. Because workers never met the social contract. 30. Because despite all the tricks that made him unable to plot against him, much less against his government, who never took a step back. 31. For the sick during his tenure and even the sick continued until today, as he broke several bones when prosecuted, and because it caused a great evil the usual psychological. 32. In short, because IT WAS A GOOD WOMAN, WIFE, PATRIOT, PRESIDENT AND LOYAL DISCIPLE OF THE NATIONAL DOCTRINE PERONIST, lo and behold who do not forget even want to forget, let unless you twist their words and the style of "Mordisquito" even want to continue telling us is that the Lady María Estela Martínez de Perón deserves continued recognition of the True People Peronist. recently read that someone was going to "Catholic Nationalist", saying that there was tragicomic acolytes of the Government of Mrs. Peron ... I ask, was there any ruling in Argentina's history who defended and took into his mouth in every speech to the Lord God, to defend both the foundations of the Hispana country as did Elizabeth, and to protect the family institution and exempt organizations Village? I do not know what's funny is this man of our claim to Mrs. Elizabeth, knowing that this person is "acolyte" of General Lonardi. Well, if Maria Estela de Perón was useless and a puppet, I wonder what was nothing less than the General Lonardi, who joined with Masons notoriously treacherous and confessed and acknowledged, and that ultimately was more "used" the same General Urquiza 1853, as the latter infamous traitor-like-Alberdi, at least had the merit worthy of repentance at the end of his life ... That is really something "Tragicomic" ... emphasize that the visceral hatred of former President Maria Estela de Perón, is explained from various angles: -envy, it was genuine heir of General Peron not only of material possessions, but something much more profound such as, philosophy, doctrine, cause, and nothing less than the continuation of the government. -unyielding loyalty. Mrs. Peron, who was arrested and imprisoned, sentenced not give even kill me! Conduct that any man in history (not even her husband, able to imitate with a blow to the institutions). By 1982, it complied with the imposition of Admiral Massera to integrate it together with a formula for a democratic solution. Did not even recognize any authority within the Peronist Party itself infiltrated. As did not legitimize the betrayal, the solution was simple: ban and exile, so what they did in 1955 with her husband. In 1990, tempted with dozens of never accepted political office, accompanied by behavior never to receive Menem in Spain and his subsequent statement to the Journal in 1991 that the country was praying. "You have to see if Menem's Peronist." Finally, Ms. Peron in 1991, this report concludes their attitudes since the death of Perón, behaviors that were maintained even up to today. View http://www.perfil.com/contenidos/2011/03/25/noticia_0022.html Is it: "I gave not my flag. It gave my site. I removed it, "I'm not inclined to treason under any point of view." "I made an oath to Peron, but over my husband that oath is the oath I made to God before Saints Gospels and Christian is not to do so in vain, so if I wanted to quit or not does not matter, as there interested in what I wanted but what I was ... " The Lady life until today, shows us that she did and is doing what he should and must. What was synthesized in a form of wanting to do what you need. The big dilemma is that "do what to do " was causing so much persecution and suffering. Therefore, the youth will tell the little stories of "Cross-checks of Solidarity" , "of Lopez Rega witchcraft" , dances and stories cabarets, etc.. But much will cost prevent us from recognizing that the former president was and is: a living martyr of genuine Peronism. Many of his speeches are prophetic. Others, show loyalty to principles. But the most contrast, is that time proved him right to the Lady, a woman who ruled a country ungovernable anarchy not only for but by something much worse afflicted us since 1810: stupidity prevails. And what more denote these speeches is that the mandate of the Lady could have been a mismanagement. But a bad government because she ruled all alone, sabotaged, fought, attacked and cornered by all. True "chimneys that rose Peron were demolished. Thank God were the ashes and smoke to leave a faint expert evidence of who were the managers of the collapse. For now, I call on all true Peronist to show solidarity. Today more than ever: Life by Peron and Isabel Peron! ... chanted those And Song ": If the knock on Isabel, there will be war without quarter! the knowledge of the Anti Patria. If imprisoned, or bother the Lady once more, they will grow to a October 17, 2011. For now, I ask accessions to repudiation carried out against the Attorney Tucumano named Emilio Ferrer processing by ordering the former President. The Operational Independence was a duty of "public official" part of the then Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, have thrived. should know something Prosecutor Emilio Ferrer, the CELs, and other judicial satellite global usury: the Peronist people already exhausted your patience. It is time that they come at once, the lesson ... Diego Mazzieri diego_mazzieri@hotmail.com Rosario, Santa Fe Province Invincible More www.politicaydesarrollo.com.ar Contact: politicaydesarrollo@gmail.com Posted by Miguel ...
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