Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Color Theme For 25 Th Birthday

"The indomitable: Nilda Garre" ... The day I said that in Argentina there was a war ...

Congressman HOW DID THE MEETING OF 17 MARCH-1976
Let us accordingly.
In Argentina, the Armed Forces, Security, Police, Prisons and Civil seconded per-sonal during the period 24-March-1976 9-Dec-1983, did not commit "crimes against humanity", as validated in their decisions the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation consists of seven (7) Judges, of which five ( 5) were not named by "competent authority". With this validation, acted for the purpose of "change permanently the democratic system of government" and "change-national-Constitution" (art. 226 of the Penal Code), to substantiate coincidence? the actions of subversion and terrorism defeated militarily belligerent in this period. Unless it is a blind man living, that goal is in sight in the immediate horizon, and will have to achieve if the vital middle class social "is still displayed lazy and unpatriotic. Validate the commission of "crimes against humanity" operations "annihilation" insulation "by these institutions, meant that Congress should enact a law that declared unconstitutional the law 23 492-Final-Point , enacted on December 23, 1986, and Law 23.521 "Due Obedience", adopted on 8-June-1987, both during the presidency of Raul Ricardo Alfonsin.
Related to this issue, the Supreme Court issued five (5) Bugs: 327:3312 (08/24/2004) 328:1268 (10/05/2005), 328:2056 (06/14/2005) 330:3074 (11/07/2007) and 330:3248 ( 13/07/2007).
1. For the purposes of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of an organized or systematic attack against any civilian population with knowledge of the attack. "[The events are listed in items a) through k)].
"2. For the purposes of paragraph 1.
a) "attack on a population civil "means a course of conduct involving the commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against a civilian population in accordance with the policy of a State or an organization to commit such attack, or to promote that policy." [The other acts listed in items b) to i)]
Now read what the Ph.D. David J. Luban conceptualized about "what transforms an ordinary crime against humanity in one, is that they are committed by state agencies through a policy and / or systematically to violate the rights of civil society or a of this particular group. "
Well, a very worthy concept, but had absolutely nothing to do with the "Case" Argentina "."
If Dr. Justo Antonio Esteban Righi was at home when they checked the "attack our daily" to the facilities and / or media and / or members of the Armed Forces, Security Police , Prisons and Civil seconded national and / or provincial intelligence agencies, etc., who kidnapped and / or killing selected people with portable weapons of mass destruction, that extorted and / or how much damage produced on time and / or group outside practicable, to what we had to add that the common inhabitant knew perfectly well that I live back home was quite an event in any way been aware that they were not the "branches of government" which "violated the rights of society civil "or a particular group of it.
If it was not the "branches of government" which "violated the rights of civil society" or a particular group of it (according to David J. Luban Ph.D.), in order to promote other political system, who were then?
Surge immediate and obvious, nothing rather than discarded, it was the subversive and terrorist mob which "violated the rights of civil society" (Ph.D. David J. Luban), which committed the "attack against a civilian population" (Rome Statute) , for which belligerent operations in order to promote other political system, which obviously would be run by its self-illuminated warlords, chapels or more appropriately, by their criminal "mafias."
The most obvious test and finished the belligerence of the subversive and terrorist mob, was exposed by an authoritative expert on the subject, counsel Celia Nilda Garre, at the time considered in the 62nd Meeting - 9th Special Session of 17/18-marzo-1976 Chamber of Deputies, a Draft Declaration concerning the recent acts of extreme gravity that were verified in the country. In its role as national deputy, and disguised as pro-military Democrat, rewritten to exactly three (3) first paragraphs of the case to be specified below.
Celia Nilda Garre: Viuda de Juan Manuel Abal Medina, founder of the Montoneros organization, grouping began its deleterious action in Argentina with the kidnapping and murder of General Pedro Eugenio Aramburu 1-Jan-1970. Apostille order.
"5 - Tribute to the memory of victims of violence and condemnation of the attack on the Army General Command. (P. 6507)
Garre (Nilda Celia) - The country provides embarrassed the resurgence of a wave of violence that is remembered for his intensity and his sadism are times when the notorious terror group, José López Rega, exercised absolute power in Argentina.
The daily disappearance in the province of Cordoba, the treacherous Baez family murder, kidnapping fellow Ragone and other similar events, have formed a miserable string of crimes that occur without a single fault to be identified, and not a single fact to be clarified.
to all this has been added in the last few hours, a bomb attack on the Army General Command that adds a new list of victims of this war boba in which we seem to be trapped, helpless and bound hands and feet to find a solution to the tragedy being experienced by the Republic. I refuse to believe, first as a member of the Nation, that these institutions want to preserve both, can not give a positive and effective contribution to this war drama. I'm reluctant to believe that all these men and women, national legislators, who make up a power of the Republic, we can not assist with the other branches of government in strong action, committed, responsible and caring, to stop these enemies , left or right to subject us to WAR do not want and have repeatedly rejected. "
Some expressions defining the then national deputy Celia Nilda Garre 17/18-marzo-1976 at the meeting:
- add a new list of victims of this war
- wave of violence that is remembered for his intensity and his sadism
- daily disappearances in the province of Córdoba
- find a solution to the tragedy being experienced by the Republic
- this dramatic WAR
- to stop these enemies
- we submitted to the War we do not want and repeatedly rejected
Three (3) times in a row said, in contemporary and from the legislative branch of the Es-tional government, which had a "WAR" in the Republic
and that this "war" was waged by the "enemy" - subversion and terrorism "against" these institutions (armed forces, security and others) SO WE WANT TO PRESERVE "assertions that proofs, who really started this" war "that the spurious Néstor Carlos Kirchner, addition and wickedly journalism through, transmuted to a highly favorable ideological and monetary concerns "state terrorism" "WAR" as such, can not be judged by a penal code that is made to prosecute crimes in peacetime.
Returning to the strict pro-military assertions Celia Nilda Garre, Why 17-March-1976 said such large violations?
One reason no less, could be that Dr. Ricardo Balbin, president of the National Committee of the Radical Civic Union, the night before had sent a message to the country, who acted in "Light Green Policy" of party military intervention in the governance of the nation.
For reasons extension, the entire message is copied in ad hoc ADDENDA.
At present, known only too well the moral and ethical stature Celia Nilda Garre, and taking into account the ideological and psychic perfect resonance with Cristina Kirchner, the deponent set out to find a phrase that could unite iconic ad aeternum that might appear in a compendium of "Anthology of Argentine misfortunes," and that was backed by the wisdom of a universal and immortal personality. Not without effort, I summarize:
"Nilda Garre is the hand of Cristina Kirchner, supported by the phrase Napoleon Bonaparte: "Where will surely find a hand to help you,
be at the end of your arm."
the events in the Republic since 25-May- 2003 demonstrate that Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner, in communion with Celia Nilda Garre, following the policy of perverse paranoid megalomaniac (characterization psychiatric) de facto Chief Executive-(not First Principal) Néstor Carlos Kirchner, and following the First Mandatory - de facto-(not First Principal), with more hand-executing, legally invalid, they have betrayed and must follow betraying the nation, the homeland, because they have tried and continue to be assessed to the "enemies" of subversion and terrorism belligerent who defeated them: to "THESE INSTITUTIONS SO THAT WE PRESERVE."
In other words: to have elections on October 23, 2011, vote for Cristina Kirchner, will vote for the political objectives of subversion and terrorism belligerents of the 70s', among them for the people, changing the citizenship status of the slave.
The most serious is that it is in the final stage of "annihilation" but now, "THESE INSTITUTIONS SO WE WANT TO PRESERVE ', which clearly indicates, in the strictly political, that Cristina Kirchner is to be submitted or YES-YES-for re-election, and, fas or Nefas, the" establishment -K "be reelected.
very serious too, is that the high command to "THESE INSTITUTIONS SO THAT PRESERVE-OARS 'instead of requiring that they comply fully with the missions and functions to justify its existence in the Republic, come to subservience humiliations and permanent and systematic disruption they are subjected by the "usurping authority" the National Executive. And not only that; such disruption spread to the middle and lower boxes, for whom the subordination and discipline, principles of faith essential for the proper observance and strict observance of duty, have been reduced to mere continents with daily losses of content , resulting in constant deterioration of ethics and morality of those staff that have ruptured in esoteric fear and cowardice on the losses of their careers, unacceptable and terminals for the subsistence of their own institutions.
Basten read:
- Decree 4 / 2010-relieved of the security classification of all documentation related to the actions of the armed forces in the period between 1976 and 1983 - issued on 5-Jan-2010 (FERNANDEZ DE KIRCHNER - Julio C. Alak - Celia Nilda Garre, and
- Establishes Resolution 180/2011 "(for FEDERAL POLICE ARGENTINA, National Gendarmerie, NAVAL ARGENTINA prefecture and the Airport Security Police) the require-quirements of information and documentation of court cases and investigations relating to offenses against humanity committed by State Terrorism, "issued on 15-Apr-2011 by Celia Nilda Garre,
to see the urgency of irreversibly dismantle legal institutions responsible for security of goods and people of the Nation, the Nation, to replace them with telltale structures Chavi-Castro-Marxists have in readiness, while entertains the people with "panem et circus."
In brief: a "state of social and institutional gravity of Argentina is turkey-rous."
Regrettably, the "liberal" left the fateful "model" K ", have sponsored a new and very significant social class male (Grouping million), to which little or no fever is interested in knowing that Argentina has this sick, but rather, their problems are how and when they can get subsidies for not needing to work or work less, when will a new " long weekend "to take advantage (with some extra for) and pay its debts when hell, what is done to" Curran "more and better, and other concerns of" frogman "(in slang), ideal for Cristina Kirchner, Nilda Garre, Horacio Verbitsky, Carlos Zannini, and others of the same breed, able to "kill the mother" to be part of that courtly field chrematistic infringing unpunished and unscathed, to get to hone 23-October-2011, the burial of the "representative Republic."
The deponent, has arrived at the following conclusion: "The time has come for the courageous woman, honest and appropriate" capable of forming a "renaissance" of those other women who made the country where roads were only ground.
Although it is little academic, even rude, I'll say it another way:
- surprisingly, men have shown due to lack of male gonads (In Berreta: not having "balls"), because "they have eaten" are already done much humiliation;
- show that women should have well-placed female gonads (in Berreta: About "ovaries" .)
Women should repeat what they did those other women during the bloody nineteenth century, who fought and / or accompanied the soldiers and gauchos-armed as he could, with infinite courage and sense of Homeland. In honor are just a few of them:
- Maria Remedios del Valle (the Captain), Maria Magdalena (Macacha) sister of General Guemes-Martin Miguel de Guemes, "Martina Silva Gurruchaga-recognized by Manuel Belgrano," Juana Paula Manso, recognized by Sarmiento, Margarita Sánchez de Thompson, Victoria Romero Peñaloza-wife Angel Vicente (Chacho) Peñaloza-and Manuela Hurtado Pedraza.
Who would fit the coat, you put it.
Given that in Argentina, from 23-Dec-2001 "has disrupted the observance (of the 1994 CN) force acts against the constitutional order and democratic system." And : "These acts shall be irreparably void. "in Article 36 of Chapter SECOND-New Rights and Guarantees," all citizens are entitled to exercise the "right of resistance" against those who carried out these acts.
force. Celia Nilda Garre lawyer, should not be judged, given the insurmountable fence represented by the constitutional guarantee prescribed by the nineteen (19) first words of Article 18 of the Constitution of 1853/60:
- Article 18 - No inhabitant of the Nation may be punished without previous trial based on law preceding the process ... ";
because, should the Constitution is the" Basic Law "of the Nation, no other law or No international agreement can prevail over it.
Achilles Argument: if raw, is no longer 'the Basic Law. "
Viva la Patria!
Mr. Thomas Julian Persichini
* The author is a former Professor of Holder, Holder Academic Advisor and Principal Regional School (with powers Higher Academic Council), National Technological University. Historical and political analyst of the national reality.
course it was a war, today many of those who fought heroically in that war our nation waged indiscriminate terrorist attack, prisoners of war ... Did you know ... Reviewed and published by Miguel ...
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