Friday, May 20, 2011

How Old Do You Live To With Edwards Syndrome

"LETTER TO READ WITHOUT RIMMEL" ... Vincent Pando to terrorists as always ....

SR: Vicente Pando, YOU HAVE. REASON ...! 19/05/2011

Dear Sir:

who writes, has 69 years, I do not know yours.

If you are 40 or less in 1970 as a metaphysical say, you were "a being to do."

Therefore, all the knowledge gained from this period in Argentina's history, I was told.

not trapped in what is known as a false ideology, otherwise his is pathetic, not serious.

Permission to inappropriate use of euphemisms to disqualify my daughter.

The other alternative is, who is directing me to be a person over 50 years.

If so I want to remind you that "black spot and avowed advocate of the oppressors" Cecilia Pando, not written with malice aforethought, historical, as did Bonasso, Baschetti, Anguita, Caparrós and other so many murders committed by their organizations.

calling him "murderer are encouraged to Bonasso, who, among other atrocities, calls the murder of Rucci error, wrong target?

I think you commits the audacity to use qualifiers that affect the good name and honor of a person who does not know, he learns of their existence, because journalist, Telam Agency, aggravated that does not have the opportunity to defend against their offense published.

Are you a good person, take the opportunity to tell on the face, as Cecilia Pando, you've shown, not hidden, you know where you live and your phone knows, I'm sure glad to assist you.

have the chance to work in an environment that protects him, authorizing him to confidently label people, in this case Ms. Cecilia Pando.

not understand what the Montoneros, erp, guerrilla organizations and Kirchner, who among many other things they cut out her tongue and fingers to several colleagues?

Never occurred to him that the next could be you?

What happened to criticism, how Clarín is if you feel the same?

"dear sir are encouraged to nominate Firmenich, Bonasso, Urien, Kunkel, Vertbitsky, Taiana, Duhalde, Bettini, the Abal Medina, Santucho, Garre Vaca Narvaja, lost and / or your co-worker "Polish", "la gringa", Miriam Lewin, "among many others, state terrorists?

His partner Miriam Lewin when he was criticized for that, sent the following reply: "... I do not want polemics. It is true: were part of an organization that killed and put bombs. Never, NEVER, we said that we had nothing to do with militancy. On the contrary, we assume either front ... "

And unionists killed, judges, businessmen, politicians, soldiers, policemen, firemen, women, children and even homosexuals.

Find out which organizations felt that these young idealists integrated homosexuals.

is a pity that they have killed the fat Galimberti.

ever heard them say "we are not fucking, we are not faloperos ..."

For at least find out, go to the brilliant Clarín files.

reiterate, if you are under 40 they told him, like many other Argentine, the unfortunate history of our country, like the little story of Little Red Riding Hood, not a war fought in militia organizations against military and civilians.

claimed that she had a bunch of jerks called Little Red Riding Hood that crossed the forest and met the Wolf (disguised as olive green) that ate a all and even grandmothers.

For you, Firmenich, lost, Vaca Narvaja, Kunkel, Gorriaran, the Abal Medina, Vertibistky, Taiana, Garre Santucho, Luis Duhalde and many others, were a poor Red Riding Hoods and / or grandparents.

Any idea how many people they sent to kill these grannies Riding Hood and, among his own troops?

Any idea how to manage cyanide?

And rib survived many young ball really innocent, that they sent to the front, among them was a cousin of mine.

Remember, there are many children who died fooled by these murderers.

know what he said Hebe de Bonafini on 04/02/1904 "I always thought my children as fighters and revolutionaries, with great pride. "

"There were a few others missing had nothing to do, but the overwhelming majority were militants, men able to choose their life" (Mario Firmenich, 17 March 1991), now in Spain enjoying "the cool chip."

You found a "black spot in the Cathedral" for your information I saw the many Red Riding Hoods and Grannies in the Te Deum of Lujan.

After traveling by sea saw a black spot, and someone said "a whale", another showing the liquid floating said, is oil, asshole.

Do I understand?


Vicente Pando

ID number: 7973490
Truth has no boundaries ... crimes against humanity committed by the terrorist murderers have not forgotten .. . Reviewed and Published by Miguel ...

What Happeed To Fakku

RUSSIA ".. Without fear of the North Korean nuclear program ...

Chief of Russian Intelligence meets with Kim Jong-il

Hot Topic: North Korean nuclear problem

18/05/2011 10:43
Moscow, May 18, RIA Novosti .

A Russian delegation headed by Mikhail Fradkov, Head of the Intelligence Service (SVR), held talks in Pyongyang with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, reported the Central News Agency of North Korea.
The meeting brought together diplomats from the Russian embassy in Pyongyang, his colleagues in the North Korean Foreign Ministry and officials of the Workers' Party of Korea.
During the meeting, the head of the Russian delegation took delivery of gifts in remembrance of Kim Jong-il, his youngest son Kim Jong-un and the deputy head of the Military Commission Central Korean present.
Once negotiations are completed, the DPRK offered to the Russian guests a dinner took place in a friendly environment.
Russia, along with the two Koreas, China, USA and Japan, is a participant in the negotiating process for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. These six-party talks still stuck on today but said the North Korean press in mid-March that, if resumed, Pyongyang would be willing to discuss without preconditions the future of its nuclear program. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described the announcement as "Positive signal."
North Korea declared nuclear power in 2005 and carried out nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009, earning him sanctions by the Security Council UN requires Pyongyang to cease such trials, no effect ballistic missile launches, to renounce possession of nuclear weapons and resume negotiations on denuclearization.
Posted by Miguel ...

Opening The Smart Bonnet

"ISRAEL" ... Spying on Russian ...

Israeli diplomat was arrested at the time of receiving secret information, according to Russian Foreign Ministry

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has confirmed today the military attache of the Embassy of Israel in Russia, Vadim Leiderman, was arrested in Moscow on May 12 at the time of receiving secret information from a citizen of Russia.
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia expressed its protest against Vadim Leiderman activity incompatible with their status diplomat and declared persona non grata. In the corresponding note delivered to the Israeli side was required to leave the Russian Federation within 48 hours, which he accomplished, "said a statement issued Thursday by the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Earlier, a source revealed the Russian secret service told RIA Novosti that Leiderman is allegedly involved in espionage activity. "We can talk only of industrial espionage, or to be exact, he has been very active in helping to certain Israeli companies in the Russian market," said the source. He refused to give names of these companies, but made clear that they are in the defense sector.
At the same time, the spokesman for the Israeli Defense Ministry, Zeev Feiner, RIA Novosti reported to the authorities in Israel conducted a thorough study of what happened and concluded that the espionage charges brought against Leiderman "are unfounded." Leiderman also said that you're back in Israel.
The Israeli website Ynet reported that at the time of arrest Leiderman was with a Russian officer in a Moscow cafe. He also reported that the Israeli Government representatives say they have not Leiderman received any secret information. Its mission, according to the official version did not include any activity related to industrial espionage: only served as an intermediary in the relations of Israel with the defense industry and the Armed Forces of Russia, and track official publications the Kremlin.
Leiderman took office as Israel's military attache in Russia in 2008. Next July I had to replace that position Kobi Haviv military doctor.
Posted by Miguel ...

Why Do My Feet Ache When I Ice Skate

"a little science" ... A very old spider ...

Scientists in England and Germany used computed tomography techniques to create a three dimensional image of a spider fossil 49 million years old.
Los expertos, de la Universidad de Manchester, en Inglaterra y de tres centros de investigación alemanes, lograron una imagen de tal nitidez que fue posible incluso identificar a qué especie pertenecía el insecto atrapado en ámbar, resina vegetal fosilizada proveniente fundamentalmente de coníferas.
"Normally when the fossil of a spider or other insect is preserved in amber, it is very difficult to see the details clearly enough to identify it. Using traditional microscopes can identify only one in ten fossil , told BBC paleontologist David Penney, one of the scientists conducting the study at the University of Manchester.
"But the new technology allows us to identify almost any specimen."

High resolution

The spider trapped in a dull piece of amber from the Baltic region, in northern Europe, an area that housed vast forests and is now one of the main sources of fossilized plant resin.
Imagen en 3D de una araña fosilizada Cortesía de Andrew McNeil y la Universidad de Manchester
fossilized spider species is similar to current hunting spiders.
The fossil was found in the Natural History Museum in Berlin, but the 3D image was created in a laboratory of the Department of Materials Science, University of Manchester.
"We developed a novel technique to increase the contrast between the fossil and the resin that surrounds it and that makes the image resolution is significantly better, "says Dr Penney.
The fossil is a species of hunting spider genus sparassid . species of this genus can be seen today in tropical regions such as southern Europe.
"If the spider fossil was alive and we put together with some species of spiders current hunting would be impossible to distinguish with the naked eye, "the British expert.
Climate change

3D images of fossils in amber could be crucial in reconstructing the history of the Earth.
"If we study the fossil of a spider may not move forward much. But if one looks at many, many spiders can begin to piece together how our planet was in the past," explained Dr. Penney the BBC.
" moment due to climate change are in a new phase of global changes. The study of fossils may help us predict what will happen in the future "
David Penney, University of Manchester
"There are hundreds, perhaps about 600 different species of spider that have been trapped in amber. Compared with the existing species we know that northern Europe was a tropical or subtropical region, or whether there were major changes global scale. "
" Currently, due to climate change, we are in a new phase of global changes. Studies of fossil may help us predict what will happen in the future. "
German institutions participated in the research are the Museum of Zoology of Hamburg, Research Institute Senckenberg in Frankfurt, and the Humboldt University Berlin.
The study was published in the journal Naturwissenschaften (Natural Sciences).
Posted by Miguel ...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dr Arvind Poswal Reviews 2010

"AS IS THE WORLD" ... The struggle for the Arctic ...

From the Cold War to the cold war: the struggle for the Arctic

The Arctic, a region neglected since the end of the Cold War, has returned to international politics as a area of \u200b\u200bpossible disputes, thanks to global warming. The importance of the region came to the fore in the last week thanks to the leak of Wikileaks cables on the subject and Denmark announced a claim.

is estimated that the ice covering the Arctic protects about 25% of oil left to exploit on the planet, which would put the region on a par with Saudi Arabia in deposits of black gold. " It is also rich in natural gas, coal, iron, silver, gold, zinc and even said that rubies.

The Meltdown is making these resources more accessible especially to the United States, Canada, Russia, Denmark, and Norway are the countries that have lines that border the Arctic.

And they all covet take a large piece of cake.

The problem is not land borders, which are well defined, the question that arises now is who is the maritime area and especially those who are the vast wealth it contains.

To resolve this dispute in the five countries in 2008 committed themselves to respect the Convention on the Law of the United Nations until 2014 should settle the various territorial claims.
Tensions Rise

But although there is a will to reach an agreement in a legal and peaceful, cables secrets revealed by Wikileaks shows that the dispute over natural resources is getting red hot, and may even worsen the BBC said Robert Huebert, an expert on Arctic geopolitics at the University of Calgary in Canada.

"Wikileaks cables indicate that the Danes believe they have the right to claim to the North Pole, which the Russians also believe that (...), could be a source of conflict in the future "

Robert Huebert, geopolitical

" Wikileaks cables indicate that the Danes believe they have the right to claim to the North Pole, which they also believe the Russians. This indicates that the claims could overcome, which could be a source of conflict in the future, "said the expert.

Another sign that the potential for future conflict would increase is a gradual and relentless militarization of the Arctic. In a cable, U.S. diplomats speak of a "potential increase in military threats in the Arctic."

Robert Huebert says, "We are seeing the reestablishment of military capacities. All Arctic nations except Canada are going to develop its combat capability to operate in the Arctic " Huebert says. "But the reason for this is not to dominate the Arctic by force, but the disappearance of the ice as the Arctic is becoming an obstacle in the ocean as any other that allows countries to act if necessary."

"The fact that the U.S. has established a significant number of combat aircraft in Alaska and the fact that it has an anti-ballistic missile system because there is not going to keep an air war with Russians. They are there if one day North Korea launched a missile. But the problem is that if the Americans have deployed this system in the Arctic Russia is doing it, "said the expert.
XXI century struggles

As already known, Wikileaks cables quoted Russia's ambassador to NATO, saying" XXI century will be a struggle for resources, and Russia must not be defeated in this fight ... NATO knows where the winds originate. From the north ".

also revealed that in April 2008, the Russian navy chief, Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky, said" while in the Arctic is no peace and stability can not be exclude that in future there is a redistribution of power, including armed intervention. "

In September 2010, during an international conference on the Arctic held in Moscow, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, denied that the region can become a international battlefield.

United States has increased the number of fighters in Alaska

"Any speculation about a competition for Arctic resources are unfounded . Despite the existing territorial disputes among Arctic nations, all problems can be fixed through diplomatic channels. "

Meanwhile, the Kremlin has not been idle. Moscow claims a territory covering 1.2 million square kilometers in the Arctic and reaches the North Pole. In what is seen by observers as an attempt to establish territorial control, the Russian government is building eight power plants in the Arctic that could become operational in 2012.

In 2007, a team of Cuban scientists explored the Arctic ocean floor on two mini submarines. The scientific mission aimed at finding evidence that a vast underwater mountain range was the geological extension of Russian territory. As a symbolic gesture, the scientists planted a titanium capsule with the Russian flag at 4,200 meters deep.

Shortly thereafter, Canada announced it would build two military bases in the Arctic. However, in 2011, construction has not begun.
Uncertain Future

For now, is winning the willingness of countries Arctic to resolve their disputes by political means and according to international standard, according to the expert in geopolitics, in the short term, it seems unlikely that the tension go to military.

But what will happen long term is a question that some stare in awe. Especially since, in addition to access to natural resources, the melting will also open new routes for shipping and tourism as well as increased fishing opportunities, which could also become a source of international tensions.

"It will be an environmental disaster and it seems that nobody is going to do something about it
Robert Huebert

And if this were not enough, we must not forget the impact on the environment environment, something that horrifies environmentalists who feel powerless.

experts say we face a paradox: the resources that were once inaccessible are becoming more readily available due to climate change. However, if they start to explode, climate change will accelerate in the region, which could have devastating consequences the planet.

"It will be an environmental disaster and it seems that nobody is going to do something about it," says Huebert.
long process

But there will be many years until they can extract the treasures of the Arctic.

Due to the difficult conditions of the Arctic territory, is costing time and money poor countries to map the territory.

Moreover, according to Robert Huebert, we will take a long time for the UN to consider claims must be accompanied by scientific evidence.

The ultimate end of this process has been Denmark.

This week, the Danish Foreign Ministry said it was preparing documents for submission to the United Nations to support your claim and publish them next month.

Then the panel of UN experts will have to decide whether to approve the claim or not. If rejects, Denmark will have to find scientific evidence supporting its claim and resubmit it as happened to Russia in 2000.

This fight is just beginning and it may become more prominent in the coming years.

Posted by Miguel ...

Monologues Alice Wonderland

"UPPRA ... Union of Political Prisoners De La República Argentina" ... Prisoners of war are silent regime ...


The Voice of Political Prisoners


"The Supreme Court ruled yesterday (12/05/2011) that the crimes committed during the dictatorship are not crimes against humanity but homicides prescribing the time, a ruling that would affect other cases. The decision affects only two ex-soldiers, but feel jurisprudence.
This implies that all cases of dictatorship prescribing this year, "

2 - The Legal Security
: Anyone

of us know that, by definition, a nation state is legally organized. On this basis it is understood that this prosperity and welfare of its inhabitants is supported by the Constitution and laws dictated by Congress, legitimized by the judiciary who ensures compliance with the Executive.

seems unnecessary to say that what can live in peace in society and encourage the conduct of its members, is to know that there is a legal system where it sits, making it likely their lives and their businesses, namely its future.

In Argentina we have heard shortly after the beginning of the period Kirchner about the drawbacks from an economic and financial results in the so-called uncertainty. As usual, once again the tree from seeing the forest because the problem is not unique in a given sector, given that all Argentines suffer countless scourges such uncertainty product.

In effect

what it is but the pickets to prevent the free movement of citizens and public officials desoigan which court orders to protect public spaces and private property?

Not Legal uncertainty as manipulating INDEC figures or the State to pay unpaid wages (or black), while the AFIP harasses farmers or any company or ordinary citizen?

What Legal Security may grant a new media law, while pursuing a business journalism and journalists for their work with the "dictatorship" or just be critical of the government?

What Legal Security may grant a new media law, while pursuing a business journalism and journalists for their work with the "dictatorship" or just be critical of the government?

Not legal uncertainty for the release of repeat offenders of egregious cases to the astonishment of the victims and their loved ones, while be judged by members of the armed forces' crimes against humanity "when this figure does not exist in our criminal law, the causes being prescribed and trials are parodies, and violating all the above, basic principles of law?

legal uncertainty that punishes our country is not a result of improvisation, is how to govern in a "banda unarmed" that has hijacked the national government to dispose at will of life and property. Go

these reflections, therefore, to understand that the problem of political prisoners is comprehensive in terms of lack of justice in many areas of the Company.

Hence it is imperative to require the sincere and honest political leadership today more than ever it is essential to a quick return to the rule of law as a basic requirement for solving all the problems generated by rebels perched on state power.

3 - Spoof of Margarita Belén:

On Day yesterday, May 16, 2011, were sentenced to life imprisonment in Resistencia, Chaco, a group of Argentine military officers, based on a series of tests and arguments quite coarse and lacking in consistency, as is common practice in these trials.

Al conceived scorn to submit to the Justice Argentina itself, is compounded in this case the asymmetry of behavior with the background to the group of fellow convicts, all brilliant professionals, all Veterans including Heroes Falkland, whose reputation are safe for the mendacity of what happened.

The reality of what happens, is very different than intended by the band disturbed leading the persecution of those who were defeated, given that there is increasing political and social recognition to acquire those who are judged as "You can fool a few briefly, but not so many for so long."

invite all political prisoners and those who are interested in our cause, to let us know their opinions, suggestions, comments, etc., Which could enhance the actions of UPPRA, I hereby communicate the following address:

Source: Database of Political Prisoners in Argentina
The war prisionesros the system, not silent, they are the ones who fought the infamous terrorist, the murderers of children, the murderers of civilians, the murderers of brave men of all forces. Are those who fight for the Patrria and you are declared free of the terrorist beast ... Reviewed and published by Miguel .. .

I Heart Boobies Bracelets At Hot Topic

"a little science" Einstein continues to surprise us ... ... The distortion of space-time predicted by the scientist through her theory of general relativity ...

Einstein was right

Recreation Gravity Probe B in space-time distorted by the Earth in depth.

The space probe

NASA Gravity Probe B has just confirmed the distortions of space-time predicted by the Theory of General Relativity of Einstein. Culmination of a long company that has taken five decades of work and more than 750 million dollars. Meanwhile, this same phenomenon has been shown by other experiments, which has caused a debate in the scientific community about the need and desirability of Gravity Probe B.
The space-time as molten chocolate

Albert Einstein.
The General Theory of Relativity formulated by Albert Einstein in 1916 is still the best existing description of gravity, possibly more physical strength in determining the structure and evolution of the Universe.

Under German physicist, a massive body curves space-time in their environment, which causes light rays in the area leave the straight path to follow curved paths, is what is known as the 'geodetic effect' .

Another consequence of Einstein's theory, Austrian physicists predicted by Lense and Thirring in 1918, is that if that body mass is rotating (as the Earth), the lines of space-time is even more distorted, twisting to accompany the shift. This is what is known as' drag the frame of reference. "

Enlarge photo

drag representation of space-time. Enlarge photo

One of the gyroscopes removed Probe B, after multiple studies and adventures, was released in 2004.

The satellite was put into polar orbit about 650 km altitude, and the axis of rotation of the gyroscopes (spacecraft that are in a situation equivalent to zero) was carefully oriented in the direction of the star IM Pegasi.

If spacetime were not curved, the axis of rotation of the quartz beads should not vary over time. But what has been observed is that due to the geodetic effect predicted by Einstein, the axis of rotation varies (precesses) in 6601.8 milliseconds of arc per year (with a margin of error of 0.3 percent).

Enlarge photo

measures Gravity Probe B for the great physicist.

However, this is not the first time that Einstein's theory has undergone this type of test is, other experiments carried out previously, these effects have been measured even more accurately.
For example, there were other similar tests in the early 1970's through the precise measurement of motion of the moon, this was achieved a laser reflecting mirrors that were installed on the lunar surface by the Apollo missions. Also the study of binary pulsars and laser tracking of LAGEOS satellites allowed us to validate Einstein's theory itself. Finally, the extent of the delays experienced by a radio signal emitted by the Cassini spacecraft managed to measure the geodetic effect to a precision of 0.002 percent.

Enlarge photo

Recreation Gravity Probe B extraordinary private capital, including the royal family of Saudi Arabia, which allowed refining the data analysis. Time were made very detailed models of instrumental effects that altered the rotation of the spheres in undesirable ways, to achieve acceptable accuracy in identifying relativistic effects.

Francis Everitt, the physicist at Stanford University who has piloted the mission during these five decades, can finally breathe easy after reaching its target in a way that has been described as heroic. Their data fit well with both theory and with previous measurements.

However, these new findings may technological implications were greater than the purely scientific. The developed technology could be used to optimize the manufacture of watches on board spacecraft. It is hoped that data from Gravity Probe B will be useful to improve the accuracy of global positioning systems with satellite constellations. Also interesting

Spheres of Gravity Probe B entered the Guinness Book of Records for being the most perfect man-made. The irregularities on their surfaces do not exceed a thickness of 40 atoms. If one of these areas had the size of Earth, its valleys and mountains do not exceed, respectively, the 2 m depth and height. The spheres rotate at about 10,000 revolutions per minute.
Magnetic shielding of the gyros was achieved by installing it in a Dewar flask lead of 1.25 inches thick cooled with liquid helium, about 271 degrees Celsius. At such low temperatures, lead becomes superconducting and serves as magnetic screen efficiently, keeping the magnetic field in the fields below 3 microgauss. Turning areas, the bathroom of niobium (also superconductor) creates a small magnetic field aligned with the axis of rotation (through the so-called 'London effect'). Electronic sensors (type SQUID) detected changes in the field magnetic recording and the precession of the axis of rotation.
Although near zero gravity, the Gravity Probe B could not avoid being subject to occasional acceleration. Such accelerations were compensated immediately by pulses generated in the satellite's propulsion system. In this way the severity of the gyroscopes that were subject never exceeded one ten-billionth of Earth's gravity. Rafael Bachiller

is director of the National Astronomical Observatory

(National Geographic Institute)

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Does Cm Dry Up Before Af?

"MY FRIEND, THE ENEMY WITHOUT RIMMEL LETTER TO READ" ... The courage of Dr. Adolfo Casabal Elia ...


Adolfo Casabal Elia W.

Mitchell Gustavo

Uruguay 634, Piso 7 º "N" Parera 61

C1015ABN, Cap.
Federal CP 1014 CF

Surely you'll notice this post .- I do it because I've been wondering for some time, really surprised and indignant, about the reason for your bad behavior as a judge of appeal, in relation to the military question specifically, and I have not had a chance to talk directly with you as you wanted, although I have devoted personal paragraphs in legal documents to be read by your side I can not say .- Now, when you start you against a villainous process, which could not be excluded in the amazing times we live in came time to say publicly what they think and invite you to try your action claim, and in any case, that of your colleagues who follow you, "for the good of the Judiciary and the Republic, given your high office .- Were I admired chief justice, I saw my friend and exemplary officer and Judge .- You had the best teachers of ethics and law, among them share a true hero like Luke James Lennon .- Among many, I appreciated very While my father, an honest judge whose name I inherited with responsibility and pride .- Anyway, time passed and we take different paths (you came to the top of the Criminal Courts) but both still fighting for our passion common justice, strict and fair application of law to cases that came before the State Department that the two we considered the first pillar, which is essential for Argentina to dream .- However, all of a sudden, you turned in against the most elementary principles and the correct interpretation of our Constitution, international treaties, criminal law and universal humanitarian genuine right .- That, apparently under pressure from executive management, in turn, made him concerned for itself and the claim of co-rulers filoguerrilleros to consummate these revenge to defeat in the war prevented him from irregular a la subversión marxista-leninista tomar el país mediante la violencia armada y convertirnos en una especie de Cuba.- Así, no tuviste empacho en convalidar con tu propia firma sentencias ilegales e ilegítimas que mandaban a prisión común a quienes pusieron en riesgo su vida por defender la nuestra y ahora, incluso, perdían la suya o su libertad víctimas de un Fuero Federal mayoritariamente genuflexo y, por ende, repudiable.- Te hiciste cómplice necesario entonces de un verdadero, este sí, “terrorismo de estado”, que encarcela y mata a sus ancianos y enfermos defensores de la Patria, y lo hiciste, con seguridad, imaginando que de esa miserable manera esquivarías la persecución termina él mismo a victim, inexorably .- Today, then, are likely to suffer some of the same torments they suffered, and suffer-your worthy sentenced and, if the administrative management continues, hemiplegic vision of history and law, which also very probable, and your colleagues are on the same line unjustifiable end up in prison the rest of your life .- I think the only solution to at least try to save your old and long history is that through a strong and effective resignation today is not deserved, please inform all your fellow citizens what happened so that it blends both the Judiciary to a despotic executive branch what to accept personally suffer opprobrium fill signing bugs more unjust and contrary to law imaginable .- The company will understand at least and your children and grandchildren who were friends and students , cleared the stage nefarious father, grandfather and teacher who for years was worthy of admiration and respect .- God of strength, courage, for you to recover your lost in life essence of National Judge and teacher of law.
Adolfo Casabal Elia
"Here I am, sir, to do your will" ... salt from 39.2 to 10
earthly judge
Remember, you're a mere mortal who will ask accountable for their actions, you are in that place by God, the greatest, the Judge of Judges, he will give a just reward when you hand over your soul ... Are you ready? ... Reviewed and published by
Miguel ...
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Color Theme For 25 Th Birthday

"The indomitable: Nilda Garre" ... The day I said that in Argentina there was a war ...

Congressman HOW DID THE MEETING OF 17 MARCH-1976
Let us accordingly.
In Argentina, the Armed Forces, Security, Police, Prisons and Civil seconded per-sonal during the period 24-March-1976 9-Dec-1983, did not commit "crimes against humanity", as validated in their decisions the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation consists of seven (7) Judges, of which five ( 5) were not named by "competent authority". With this validation, acted for the purpose of "change permanently the democratic system of government" and "change-national-Constitution" (art. 226 of the Penal Code), to substantiate coincidence? the actions of subversion and terrorism defeated militarily belligerent in this period. Unless it is a blind man living, that goal is in sight in the immediate horizon, and will have to achieve if the vital middle class social "is still displayed lazy and unpatriotic. Validate the commission of "crimes against humanity" operations "annihilation" insulation "by these institutions, meant that Congress should enact a law that declared unconstitutional the law 23 492-Final-Point , enacted on December 23, 1986, and Law 23.521 "Due Obedience", adopted on 8-June-1987, both during the presidency of Raul Ricardo Alfonsin.
Related to this issue, the Supreme Court issued five (5) Bugs: 327:3312 (08/24/2004) 328:1268 (10/05/2005), 328:2056 (06/14/2005) 330:3074 (11/07/2007) and 330:3248 ( 13/07/2007).
1. For the purposes of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of an organized or systematic attack against any civilian population with knowledge of the attack. "[The events are listed in items a) through k)].
"2. For the purposes of paragraph 1.
a) "attack on a population civil "means a course of conduct involving the commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against a civilian population in accordance with the policy of a State or an organization to commit such attack, or to promote that policy." [The other acts listed in items b) to i)]
Now read what the Ph.D. David J. Luban conceptualized about "what transforms an ordinary crime against humanity in one, is that they are committed by state agencies through a policy and / or systematically to violate the rights of civil society or a of this particular group. "
Well, a very worthy concept, but had absolutely nothing to do with the "Case" Argentina "."
If Dr. Justo Antonio Esteban Righi was at home when they checked the "attack our daily" to the facilities and / or media and / or members of the Armed Forces, Security Police , Prisons and Civil seconded national and / or provincial intelligence agencies, etc., who kidnapped and / or killing selected people with portable weapons of mass destruction, that extorted and / or how much damage produced on time and / or group outside practicable, to what we had to add that the common inhabitant knew perfectly well that I live back home was quite an event in any way been aware that they were not the "branches of government" which "violated the rights of society civil "or a particular group of it.
If it was not the "branches of government" which "violated the rights of civil society" or a particular group of it (according to David J. Luban Ph.D.), in order to promote other political system, who were then?
Surge immediate and obvious, nothing rather than discarded, it was the subversive and terrorist mob which "violated the rights of civil society" (Ph.D. David J. Luban), which committed the "attack against a civilian population" (Rome Statute) , for which belligerent operations in order to promote other political system, which obviously would be run by its self-illuminated warlords, chapels or more appropriately, by their criminal "mafias."
The most obvious test and finished the belligerence of the subversive and terrorist mob, was exposed by an authoritative expert on the subject, counsel Celia Nilda Garre, at the time considered in the 62nd Meeting - 9th Special Session of 17/18-marzo-1976 Chamber of Deputies, a Draft Declaration concerning the recent acts of extreme gravity that were verified in the country. In its role as national deputy, and disguised as pro-military Democrat, rewritten to exactly three (3) first paragraphs of the case to be specified below.
Celia Nilda Garre: Viuda de Juan Manuel Abal Medina, founder of the Montoneros organization, grouping began its deleterious action in Argentina with the kidnapping and murder of General Pedro Eugenio Aramburu 1-Jan-1970. Apostille order.
"5 - Tribute to the memory of victims of violence and condemnation of the attack on the Army General Command. (P. 6507)
Garre (Nilda Celia) - The country provides embarrassed the resurgence of a wave of violence that is remembered for his intensity and his sadism are times when the notorious terror group, José López Rega, exercised absolute power in Argentina.
The daily disappearance in the province of Cordoba, the treacherous Baez family murder, kidnapping fellow Ragone and other similar events, have formed a miserable string of crimes that occur without a single fault to be identified, and not a single fact to be clarified.
to all this has been added in the last few hours, a bomb attack on the Army General Command that adds a new list of victims of this war boba in which we seem to be trapped, helpless and bound hands and feet to find a solution to the tragedy being experienced by the Republic. I refuse to believe, first as a member of the Nation, that these institutions want to preserve both, can not give a positive and effective contribution to this war drama. I'm reluctant to believe that all these men and women, national legislators, who make up a power of the Republic, we can not assist with the other branches of government in strong action, committed, responsible and caring, to stop these enemies , left or right to subject us to WAR do not want and have repeatedly rejected. "
Some expressions defining the then national deputy Celia Nilda Garre 17/18-marzo-1976 at the meeting:
- add a new list of victims of this war
- wave of violence that is remembered for his intensity and his sadism
- daily disappearances in the province of Córdoba
- find a solution to the tragedy being experienced by the Republic
- this dramatic WAR
- to stop these enemies
- we submitted to the War we do not want and repeatedly rejected
Three (3) times in a row said, in contemporary and from the legislative branch of the Es-tional government, which had a "WAR" in the Republic
and that this "war" was waged by the "enemy" - subversion and terrorism "against" these institutions (armed forces, security and others) SO WE WANT TO PRESERVE "assertions that proofs, who really started this" war "that the spurious Néstor Carlos Kirchner, addition and wickedly journalism through, transmuted to a highly favorable ideological and monetary concerns "state terrorism" "WAR" as such, can not be judged by a penal code that is made to prosecute crimes in peacetime.
Returning to the strict pro-military assertions Celia Nilda Garre, Why 17-March-1976 said such large violations?
One reason no less, could be that Dr. Ricardo Balbin, president of the National Committee of the Radical Civic Union, the night before had sent a message to the country, who acted in "Light Green Policy" of party military intervention in the governance of the nation.
For reasons extension, the entire message is copied in ad hoc ADDENDA.
At present, known only too well the moral and ethical stature Celia Nilda Garre, and taking into account the ideological and psychic perfect resonance with Cristina Kirchner, the deponent set out to find a phrase that could unite iconic ad aeternum that might appear in a compendium of "Anthology of Argentine misfortunes," and that was backed by the wisdom of a universal and immortal personality. Not without effort, I summarize:
"Nilda Garre is the hand of Cristina Kirchner, supported by the phrase Napoleon Bonaparte: "Where will surely find a hand to help you,
be at the end of your arm."
the events in the Republic since 25-May- 2003 demonstrate that Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner, in communion with Celia Nilda Garre, following the policy of perverse paranoid megalomaniac (characterization psychiatric) de facto Chief Executive-(not First Principal) Néstor Carlos Kirchner, and following the First Mandatory - de facto-(not First Principal), with more hand-executing, legally invalid, they have betrayed and must follow betraying the nation, the homeland, because they have tried and continue to be assessed to the "enemies" of subversion and terrorism belligerent who defeated them: to "THESE INSTITUTIONS SO THAT WE PRESERVE."
In other words: to have elections on October 23, 2011, vote for Cristina Kirchner, will vote for the political objectives of subversion and terrorism belligerents of the 70s', among them for the people, changing the citizenship status of the slave.
The most serious is that it is in the final stage of "annihilation" but now, "THESE INSTITUTIONS SO WE WANT TO PRESERVE ', which clearly indicates, in the strictly political, that Cristina Kirchner is to be submitted or YES-YES-for re-election, and, fas or Nefas, the" establishment -K "be reelected.
very serious too, is that the high command to "THESE INSTITUTIONS SO THAT PRESERVE-OARS 'instead of requiring that they comply fully with the missions and functions to justify its existence in the Republic, come to subservience humiliations and permanent and systematic disruption they are subjected by the "usurping authority" the National Executive. And not only that; such disruption spread to the middle and lower boxes, for whom the subordination and discipline, principles of faith essential for the proper observance and strict observance of duty, have been reduced to mere continents with daily losses of content , resulting in constant deterioration of ethics and morality of those staff that have ruptured in esoteric fear and cowardice on the losses of their careers, unacceptable and terminals for the subsistence of their own institutions.
Basten read:
- Decree 4 / 2010-relieved of the security classification of all documentation related to the actions of the armed forces in the period between 1976 and 1983 - issued on 5-Jan-2010 (FERNANDEZ DE KIRCHNER - Julio C. Alak - Celia Nilda Garre, and
- Establishes Resolution 180/2011 "(for FEDERAL POLICE ARGENTINA, National Gendarmerie, NAVAL ARGENTINA prefecture and the Airport Security Police) the require-quirements of information and documentation of court cases and investigations relating to offenses against humanity committed by State Terrorism, "issued on 15-Apr-2011 by Celia Nilda Garre,
to see the urgency of irreversibly dismantle legal institutions responsible for security of goods and people of the Nation, the Nation, to replace them with telltale structures Chavi-Castro-Marxists have in readiness, while entertains the people with "panem et circus."
In brief: a "state of social and institutional gravity of Argentina is turkey-rous."
Regrettably, the "liberal" left the fateful "model" K ", have sponsored a new and very significant social class male (Grouping million), to which little or no fever is interested in knowing that Argentina has this sick, but rather, their problems are how and when they can get subsidies for not needing to work or work less, when will a new " long weekend "to take advantage (with some extra for) and pay its debts when hell, what is done to" Curran "more and better, and other concerns of" frogman "(in slang), ideal for Cristina Kirchner, Nilda Garre, Horacio Verbitsky, Carlos Zannini, and others of the same breed, able to "kill the mother" to be part of that courtly field chrematistic infringing unpunished and unscathed, to get to hone 23-October-2011, the burial of the "representative Republic."
The deponent, has arrived at the following conclusion: "The time has come for the courageous woman, honest and appropriate" capable of forming a "renaissance" of those other women who made the country where roads were only ground.
Although it is little academic, even rude, I'll say it another way:
- surprisingly, men have shown due to lack of male gonads (In Berreta: not having "balls"), because "they have eaten" are already done much humiliation;
- show that women should have well-placed female gonads (in Berreta: About "ovaries" .)
Women should repeat what they did those other women during the bloody nineteenth century, who fought and / or accompanied the soldiers and gauchos-armed as he could, with infinite courage and sense of Homeland. In honor are just a few of them:
- Maria Remedios del Valle (the Captain), Maria Magdalena (Macacha) sister of General Guemes-Martin Miguel de Guemes, "Martina Silva Gurruchaga-recognized by Manuel Belgrano," Juana Paula Manso, recognized by Sarmiento, Margarita Sánchez de Thompson, Victoria Romero Peñaloza-wife Angel Vicente (Chacho) Peñaloza-and Manuela Hurtado Pedraza.
Who would fit the coat, you put it.
Given that in Argentina, from 23-Dec-2001 "has disrupted the observance (of the 1994 CN) force acts against the constitutional order and democratic system." And : "These acts shall be irreparably void. "in Article 36 of Chapter SECOND-New Rights and Guarantees," all citizens are entitled to exercise the "right of resistance" against those who carried out these acts.
force. Celia Nilda Garre lawyer, should not be judged, given the insurmountable fence represented by the constitutional guarantee prescribed by the nineteen (19) first words of Article 18 of the Constitution of 1853/60:
- Article 18 - No inhabitant of the Nation may be punished without previous trial based on law preceding the process ... ";
because, should the Constitution is the" Basic Law "of the Nation, no other law or No international agreement can prevail over it.
Achilles Argument: if raw, is no longer 'the Basic Law. "
Viva la Patria!
Mr. Thomas Julian Persichini
* The author is a former Professor of Holder, Holder Academic Advisor and Principal Regional School (with powers Higher Academic Council), National Technological University. Historical and political analyst of the national reality.
course it was a war, today many of those who fought heroically in that war our nation waged indiscriminate terrorist attack, prisoners of war ... Did you know ... Reviewed and published by Miguel ...
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