Canary 24
Santi Peña
Santi Peña
If economists are more progressive than in Europe today are scared well have meant by a text entitled terrifying economic Manifests developed in France, how much more we should be citizens who spend most of the times confused with the that are coming up a seemingly inexorable cause you know that the vast tangle of trees that we can not see the forest.
This manifesto was drafted in September 2010 and when I write these lines 3428 economists have signed in the beginning, many were of French-speaking but thanks to the network has spread throughout the world. I firmly believe that the economy is not a science and never will be completely independent of, for example, sociology, and it moves more in the areas of belief if not the most blatant political manipulation and blatant. But texts like this seem to me not only relevant and fearless, but also necessary because not only denounce the field of belief in moving the formal economy but presents solutions that deal with the deepening of democracy and transparency that should be it. My presentation below is not to criticize the text itself but to clarify the extent of my ability. Very few pages make statements that would serve to hundreds of serious study and the density of the text is huge but still worth reading calmly thought each of its points not to say his lines. For simplicity I have condensed what is reported as 10 false evidence on three points: the speaking of falsehood markets, which show the falsehoods on the public debt and making a brutal critique of the European Union.
According to this manifesto markets are not efficient (false evidence 1), and promote economic growth (false evidence 2) or are good judges to indicate the creditworthiness of the state s (false evidence 3). On behalf of the markets are sacrificing social achievements and economic welfare of millions of people, social benefits to which they are entitled under our contribution to the government via taxes and what is more important, ensuring democratic accountability of our governments to citizenship. Rating agencies have come to sac what is known as globalization and are an important part of the problem as they are not capable of being completely partial arbitrators but misrepresent the evidence after speculations that have entered in a brutal way against the state and public debts. As a corollary the manifesto proposed at the end of each section, called false evidence, a series of measures in this case will be summarized in a greater role for governments and a strict control on the economic Financial markets and financial speculation that both affect the real economy decoupling proposing firms speculative financial funding and restricting use to make the banking systems in the financial markets. Most of these measures involve a strengthening of the public against the speculations of so-called opaque markets.
The core of this manifesto is based on a review of what the public debt as we have seen that after 2008, the housing crisis affecting the U.S. mortgage crisis has resulted in a brutal speculation public debt of the countries. According to this shows the government's debts are not due to overspending (false evidence 4), noting that a belief is interested reducing public spending to reduce debt (false evidence 5), is a fallacy that public debt today is a legacy to our grandchildren (false evidence 6) and it should be a mandatory reassure financial markets (false evidence 7). Clearly, the public debt of countries like Spain not due to spending so disproportionately on social benefits but the tax harmonization to the major economies the world they are forced by the neoliberal imperative priority to lowering corporate tax, the Estate and higher income so we need is the great mass of citizens that financed the operation of governments around the world . Macroeconomics has been reduced, in a very perverse and malicious from the pre-Thatcher and Reagan, a like domestic microeconomics of our homes and this is a vision not only gross simplifications of reality but which has been completely disastrous. The undersigned affirms that the reduction of public spending is bad not only for today but in future will mean a worsening the same debt. Thus we must have established mechanisms for redistribution of wealth in the opposite sense: from the popular classes to the great interests of capital. The corollaries to these four points are on the same line of the document and is the empowerment of the public in the economy with the European Central Bank to finance the government directly, the control of financial markets recovering the factor to be truly redistributive have tax systems, deepen the democratic transparency and increase public spending on systems of employment protection and development of education, health and social welfare are passing into private hands and most absolute example of which is the de facto privatization of the pension that takes place in Spain with retirement at 67.
The manifesto ends up doing a good overview of the European Union has become a monster opaque and undemocratic to liberalize the economy since is not true that the EU to defend a social model (false evidence 8 ) or that the Euro is a shield to the crisis (false evidence 9) nor the Greek crisis, after the intervention of Ireland in Portugal may very likely that of Spain, has a deeper meaning of European solidarity mechanisms (false evidence 10). The European Union as it is operating today is a mechanism for the imposition of neoliberal financial dogmas of globalization and is serving as a transmission belt of this type of doctrine on millions of citizens. The rigidity of the Euro, a net monetary done to protect the financial interests of the remaining global capacity to act not only to governments but to the European Central Bank itself, has come to favor a tightening of labor conditions of workers and a wage decreases where Inequalities have grown exponentially. At this point I can only look down to sell bikes , which gives them the status man as Felipe González and since his privileges as a former president and his armchair in Gas Natural, favors rendered payment in the past, still the luxury of giving advice to the millions of disadvantaged policies such as those held to be the first president of the PSOE were. In 2009 the financial markets, in the absence of anything better to speculate, have begun to do with the deficits of global economies due to the rigidity of the Maastricht treaty as requiring them to finance through markets especially striking economies of countries weak as Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, the famous PIGS in name of ultraliberal Financial Times and the famous article I thought pigs could fly, Pigs in muck. The measures proposed for discussion in this document are to curb the free movement of capital not only within the EU but worldwide, finding a common sense within the countries of the Union not the imposition of neoliberal principles and other social cohesion and develop a genuine EU tax to be directed towards the public with a real work of European inter-regional solidarity.
The authors define this text not as something dogmatic and doctrinaire, are clear that many countries make an agreement on these measures of thinning of the neoliberal doctrines is difficult, takes time and should have multiple ways and different speeds, and what is proposed in this manifesto is to open a debate to release the pressure States perverse financial markets. Today it is almost a profanity to say that we must turn back progress on many assumptions were made in the undemocratic imposition of the construction of the European Union to have more prominence citizens and there for the first time things that seem a pipe dream as a real democracy, not ceremonial, and complete transparency in political decision making. The Economists' Manifesto Terrified, without being dogmatic or absolute document is a good starting point for change towards a more just and equitable and that a server with all its shortcomings, has wanted to do a little more accessible to the reader. Yes, I still say that reading is essential not only to understand the crossroads at which we are but, more importantly, as a guide to get out of it.
This manifesto was drafted in September 2010 and when I write these lines 3428 economists have signed in the beginning, many were of French-speaking but thanks to the network has spread throughout the world. I firmly believe that the economy is not a science and never will be completely independent of, for example, sociology, and it moves more in the areas of belief if not the most blatant political manipulation and blatant. But texts like this seem to me not only relevant and fearless, but also necessary because not only denounce the field of belief in moving the formal economy but presents solutions that deal with the deepening of democracy and transparency that should be it. My presentation below is not to criticize the text itself but to clarify the extent of my ability. Very few pages make statements that would serve to hundreds of serious study and the density of the text is huge but still worth reading calmly thought each of its points not to say his lines. For simplicity I have condensed what is reported as 10 false evidence on three points: the speaking of falsehood markets, which show the falsehoods on the public debt and making a brutal critique of the European Union.
According to this manifesto markets are not efficient (false evidence 1), and promote economic growth (false evidence 2) or are good judges to indicate the creditworthiness of the state s (false evidence 3). On behalf of the markets are sacrificing social achievements and economic welfare of millions of people, social benefits to which they are entitled under our contribution to the government via taxes and what is more important, ensuring democratic accountability of our governments to citizenship. Rating agencies have come to sac what is known as globalization and are an important part of the problem as they are not capable of being completely partial arbitrators but misrepresent the evidence after speculations that have entered in a brutal way against the state and public debts. As a corollary the manifesto proposed at the end of each section, called false evidence, a series of measures in this case will be summarized in a greater role for governments and a strict control on the economic Financial markets and financial speculation that both affect the real economy decoupling proposing firms speculative financial funding and restricting use to make the banking systems in the financial markets. Most of these measures involve a strengthening of the public against the speculations of so-called opaque markets.
The core of this manifesto is based on a review of what the public debt as we have seen that after 2008, the housing crisis affecting the U.S. mortgage crisis has resulted in a brutal speculation public debt of the countries. According to this shows the government's debts are not due to overspending (false evidence 4), noting that a belief is interested reducing public spending to reduce debt (false evidence 5), is a fallacy that public debt today is a legacy to our grandchildren (false evidence 6) and it should be a mandatory reassure financial markets (false evidence 7). Clearly, the public debt of countries like Spain not due to spending so disproportionately on social benefits but the tax harmonization to the major economies the world they are forced by the neoliberal imperative priority to lowering corporate tax, the Estate and higher income so we need is the great mass of citizens that financed the operation of governments around the world . Macroeconomics has been reduced, in a very perverse and malicious from the pre-Thatcher and Reagan, a like domestic microeconomics of our homes and this is a vision not only gross simplifications of reality but which has been completely disastrous. The undersigned affirms that the reduction of public spending is bad not only for today but in future will mean a worsening the same debt. Thus we must have established mechanisms for redistribution of wealth in the opposite sense: from the popular classes to the great interests of capital. The corollaries to these four points are on the same line of the document and is the empowerment of the public in the economy with the European Central Bank to finance the government directly, the control of financial markets recovering the factor to be truly redistributive have tax systems, deepen the democratic transparency and increase public spending on systems of employment protection and development of education, health and social welfare are passing into private hands and most absolute example of which is the de facto privatization of the pension that takes place in Spain with retirement at 67.
The manifesto ends up doing a good overview of the European Union has become a monster opaque and undemocratic to liberalize the economy since is not true that the EU to defend a social model (false evidence 8 ) or that the Euro is a shield to the crisis (false evidence 9) nor the Greek crisis, after the intervention of Ireland in Portugal may very likely that of Spain, has a deeper meaning of European solidarity mechanisms (false evidence 10). The European Union as it is operating today is a mechanism for the imposition of neoliberal financial dogmas of globalization and is serving as a transmission belt of this type of doctrine on millions of citizens. The rigidity of the Euro, a net monetary done to protect the financial interests of the remaining global capacity to act not only to governments but to the European Central Bank itself, has come to favor a tightening of labor conditions of workers and a wage decreases where Inequalities have grown exponentially. At this point I can only look down to sell bikes , which gives them the status man as Felipe González and since his privileges as a former president and his armchair in Gas Natural, favors rendered payment in the past, still the luxury of giving advice to the millions of disadvantaged policies such as those held to be the first president of the PSOE were. In 2009 the financial markets, in the absence of anything better to speculate, have begun to do with the deficits of global economies due to the rigidity of the Maastricht treaty as requiring them to finance through markets especially striking economies of countries weak as Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, the famous PIGS in name of ultraliberal Financial Times and the famous article I thought pigs could fly, Pigs in muck. The measures proposed for discussion in this document are to curb the free movement of capital not only within the EU but worldwide, finding a common sense within the countries of the Union not the imposition of neoliberal principles and other social cohesion and develop a genuine EU tax to be directed towards the public with a real work of European inter-regional solidarity.
The authors define this text not as something dogmatic and doctrinaire, are clear that many countries make an agreement on these measures of thinning of the neoliberal doctrines is difficult, takes time and should have multiple ways and different speeds, and what is proposed in this manifesto is to open a debate to release the pressure States perverse financial markets. Today it is almost a profanity to say that we must turn back progress on many assumptions were made in the undemocratic imposition of the construction of the European Union to have more prominence citizens and there for the first time things that seem a pipe dream as a real democracy, not ceremonial, and complete transparency in political decision making. The Economists' Manifesto Terrified, without being dogmatic or absolute document is a good starting point for change towards a more just and equitable and that a server with all its shortcomings, has wanted to do a little more accessible to the reader. Yes, I still say that reading is essential not only to understand the crossroads at which we are but, more importantly, as a guide to get out of it.
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