Friday, March 4, 2011

Making My Own Wahoo Board


The Scorpion

Alejandro Gándara


Four French economists ( Askenazy Philippe, Thomas Coutrot , André Orléan and Henri Sterdyniak ) have drafted a "Manifesto of economists terrified" , which exposes the strategies followed by the European Union during this crisis, resulting in increased instability and inequality. The corresponding policy is based, they say, in ten false evidence, which have become the topic of the argument of governments:

1. Financial markets are efficient.

2. Financial markets promote economic growth.

3. Markets are good judges of the solvency of the States.

4. The excessive rise in public debt is a result of overspending.

5. We must reduce spending to reduce debt.

6. Public debt brings the price of our excesses to our grandchildren.

7. We must reassure the financial markets to finance public debt.

8. The European Union supports the European social model.

9. The euro is a shield against the crisis.

10. The Greek crisis has finally moving towards a genuine economic government and European solidarity.

are also proposed twenty measures to correct " still dominant neoliberal view, which draws a world of individualists and farsighted economic actors competing with each other" and alleges that "the general liberalization Market growth leads mathematically the most optimal and economic situation. "

is an informative text (you can find printed on Barataria), for both experts and citizens, although the latter corresponds to deliberate and decide collectively "the objectives of economic activity, the criteria of effectiveness and means to achieve them.". So far the show has been signed by 3,095 economists and professionals.

Anyway, that does not happen anything. Here, now, provide for us and a State Police Collector, which actually is not a state but a system of plunder estates.


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