Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What Does It Mean If I Have Tooth Pain?

Book Review Domínguez Santos


impossible not only for his biography, up to his name was called that rare Macedonio Fernández (Buenos Aires, 1874-1952) seemed apocryphal. His whole life was writing a novel, of his life, and only when he died it was found that was not an invention of Gomez de la Serna and Borges, who wrote to his death a farewell text to which these routes, exceptional expressing affection usually someone as chaste: Macedonian

endure in his work as a loving heart mythology. One of the joys of my life is being a friend of Macedonio, is seeing him live. Inclasificable

narrator ultraist precursor of poetry, essayist irreverent, is one of the most influential authors in contemporary literature Argentina. Not only Borges, of course. Ricardo Piglia made in 1992 in his novel La ciudad ausente a tribute to figure Macedonio and his ability to make an instrument perplexed narrative.

precursor was more than a writer who broke this and took not only as an avant-garde style, but as a way of looking at reality and be in the world. Grandson of Socrates Cervantes, for whom he always expressed boundless admiration, saw the importance of oral literature. Borges is again reminded that less in reading than in conversation

Before being written, the jokes and speculation Macedonio were oral. I have known the joy of seeing them emerge, random dialogue, with a spontaneity that might not bear on the written page.

Recienvenido papers and Continued Nothing, the two books together in one volume in 1944, are two manifestations of a radical renewal that literature uses absurd humor as a weapon destructive logic and as a reflection of a reality absurd.

The mystery, the miracle of irrationality and shield are humorous and claimed in Denial, the text that justifies the publication of the book:

If many fears, and a continued imposition of the Mystery, made humorist No one writes more cheerfully, will become more optimistic than I am.

Recienvenido Papers In ( be "recienvenido" in Buenos Aires not forgive for a moment, it's like insolence ) met the confessions of a newcomer to the literary circles of Buenos Aires , the Chapters recienvenido an autobiography of his brave and brilliant study early mistakes ( Someone will say: But Recienvenido, birthday again! You are correct! The experience does not serve anything! At his age has a birthday! I actually would not do it among friends. But nothing in the biographies required.)

And in a second emulated the speaking section of a confused man in Brindis Gomez de la Serna, Jules Supervielle or Gerardo Diego ( Accept with certainty of affection and appreciation of your talents, the sincerity of this show. It would be indiscreet of me to try commendation and a review of those. The greeting to a visitor who is willing is the whole meaning of the momentary current. I said ).

In Continued Nothing , which published as the second part ( or half distinctly 2 ª ) of Papers Recienvenido, met five poses photo to draw an autobiography, six chapters on himself as the Fool of Buenos Aires and nine themes of the book that says goodbye.

not only in his work reflected his personality: criticized irony and distance, but was part of the same character, the prototype moves Buenos Aires between disorder and the apology, between naps and superficial rhetoric between the toast at the openings and humorous wit that warns the reader: Leave it

promise to someday work Comical coherent and systematic, Jokes and Humor. The material and doctrine are almost, lacking the discipline and order, virtues often useful and important and that the reader's mental economy highly estimated.

Both titles are published Barataria smoke in his splendid library to the south with the R Etrat of Macedonio Fernández who wrote Ramón Gómez de la Serna and served as a prologue in 1944. In this portrait prefatory are these words:

Macedonio Fernández is a wonderful Creole from the porch of the hidden room is the most influential in the letters worth reading for what he found is the style of the Argentine It was like finding Manueline architecture for Portugal. Creator

feverish visionary, Macedonio Fernández Borges was not just the teacher, but an example of absolute devotion to literature: Defining

Macedonio Fernández seems an impossible task, is to define the red terms of another color; I understand that the epithet "great, so it excludes states and what is perhaps the most accurate that can be found.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spanish Reception Card Wording

"I'm just a clerk who walks Motorcycle »

New Spain

Miquel Silvestre Madrid presented in the book "A million stones' account of his travels from Kenya to Cape Town

"I'm no hero, just a clerk who goes on a bike." This defines Miquel Silvestre, NEW SPAIN contributor and author of "A million stones," the novel that recounts his journey by motorcycle from Kenya Cape Town and recently presented in Madrid.

Sponsored by Sabino Mendez, author of the first songs of "Loquillo y Los Troglodytes", the registrar of property follows the adventures and misadventures of his experience of African roads. This is not a book with Harley Davidson bikers, babes and beer, or use travelers in search of exotic places, but the experience of a regular guy who bought an old bike illegally in Kenya and that, mile after mile, finished in South Africa.

"I never dreamed of making a journey. I took a leave and went to Kenya in search of tranquility and ideas to write a book, I bought the bike and started making miles, then I realized that the storyline did not have to imagine, but that was happening before my eyes. "

In its pages, recounts the stories emerged in the trip, but, above all, the life experience of his protagonist: "I learned many things on this trip, that is the attitude that gets us out of trouble, that the mental border, that of can not, is the most difficult to cross, or you can be happy living with what can only load a bike. " And a final thought, arising out of the selfless aid found in resource-poor countries: "The world is much more welcoming than we have on television."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Is Inpre Packaged Crab Meat

Storytellers (VII): Fernando Clement

Free Magazine
Sergi Bellver


Clement Fernando (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1970) began to be revealed to the reader because of his storybook Chiado Tobacconists, first through a trench work by the small publisher Parallel South and soon after, with a quantum leap for the award Setenil, in which honors are names like Alberto Mendez, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Sergi Pamies and Oscar Esquivias. Clement had won awards for its stories as the prize Kutxa City of San Sebastian and had been a finalist for the Golden Piggy Bank o Felguera, among many others. In 2009 he published in his novel Barataria seal The Gulf of Poets finalist in turn awards Ateneo de Sevilla and Novel Logroño.

regular contributor to several literary magazines, also a philologist, editor and professor Fernando Clement is a rara avis in the story English, collects and interprets it in the best tradition of European narrative and remain tied to a long line of storytellers Mediterranean Anglo-Saxon. In its literature, Clement investigates the processes of memory and reminds us to cherish each moment, because he is condemned to be unique. From Barcelona answered, honestly and without artifice, to questions that are slowly drawing in this cycle, a sort of contemporary English story map.

Why the story, Fernando? What led you to combine your work as a writer in the novel to short story?

I came first to the story than the novel. It was a chance, in a contest of my old job, and a little late because I did not write any stories before the twenty-four years. As to reconcile with serial novel I do not create any change in the way of working. The vehicle of the narrative, such as poetry, essay or any literary genre, is the word. This is the tool. The only difference is the application of the techniques of each genre at the time of creation, use the rhythm of each genre and its resources. Story reader will not accept a bad start to tell or tolerate bellies in the development of the narrative as the reader's novel is more patient, allows you to develop more calmly plots and derived from the main action. Paradigm

what Juan Carlos Márquez called "Building envelope", you've paved the way for your work and without sponsors. What have meaning in your career awards to your text, such as the City of San Sebastian Kutxa or, in particular, the award of a book like Setenil Tobacconists Chiado, written and published from outside the publishing world?

The truth is that it has been. I have had no family ties, social or personal relationship with the literary and publishing world until recently. I do not feel better or more proud of it, on the contrary, would have appreciated having some link that would pave the road.

generation writers Escrow so well defined that Juan Carlos, we fogueamos during the years of training in the world of literary contests. I suppose in a first moment of affirmation as a writer is useful this way, consider a method that is "democratic" to enter the publishing world and fortunately there is a space untainted Award "cooked" in the short story. Also detracting from literary contests is a decision that must be taken at one time or another. Submit stories in a systematic way to competitions finish makes repeating story structure and themes that might like to know the jurors. Just writing stories "contesters" and can end up becoming what you write in a self-serving mantra.

How did the course of the story rise in Spain? Do you think that, sometimes, rare ecosystem editorial and media are really for the work? What do you think could and would be (and whether or not done) for the short story definitely receive attention as a literary language at the level of any other?

think it's a real surge of hope. The genus was relegated to ostracism for decades and it seems that in the last ten or twelve years has created a new awareness and interest in it. Part of the blame for this resurgence I have a number of small and medium-sized publishers that have decided definitively by the story. It is here where you really are setting the future of story, in the bid of the publishers, often vocational, by authors who were outside the focus of the public. As for the big publishers is very difficult to bet on projects of writers who have no established name. Hopefully eventually the momentum of the small force at large to risk betting but I am very skeptical about this.

As literary language applied to the tale not find differences in the other genres. Perhaps you should restrict use de grandes descripciones o de cargas que eviten un desarrollo eficaz del relato. El relato se basa generalmente en un protagonista único que debemos conocer a través de sus actos, es un personaje en plena acción y lo debe ser desde la primera línea hasta la última. Debemos dibujar al personaje por sus acciones y su pensamiento más que por nuestras descripciones. Quizá esta sea una de las principales diferencias del cuento respecto a los otros géneros.

¿Qué delata para ti a un buen cuento? ¿Cuál sería esa seña de identidad en tus mejores cuentos?

Un cuento, desde mi punto de vista, rondaría la excelencia cuando allows an end with several readings, when not only is a precise description of facts or experience. The big story should penetrate several levels in the perception of the reader, allowing it to guess various outcomes or continuations of the story, the reader should also compile their own mental journey that will lead to an end itself, open and even paradoxical.

In this sense an ideal story should reveal different meanings in each of the readers, get to connect the reader with its own reality, often subconscious or not surfaced, and getting it past time reading it. A great story has to be the revelation for the reader of its own reality, a discovery.

space and, in some ways, the journey (interior and exterior), are relevant in your books. Your novel in Barataria, The Gulf of Poets is a good example (Italy). And with the Chiado Tobacconists the question becomes evident (Portugal). How do you work this in your narrative?

try not to take on the characters in the story contexts that are too familiar to me. Hardly would bring a novel or a story in New York, Tokyo or Acapulco as I've never been there and are areas that are unknown to me and where I can not identify a landscape or a feeling. Do not tell me nothing personal, nothing outside the cliché.

In that line I believe in true Mediterranean feel of the narration, and sound somewhat richer than in the classic Anglo-Saxon, which is also transferred to the landscape. My characters tend to move better in this environment, in a landscape that I find it close and friendly.

Tell us how to live the creative process, how do you approach the journey from initial idea to the final text, how come your text. What starts the script engine in your case? Any sentence triggers the rest? Do you plan everything in advance, correcting from an initial rush or asks you each story a different strategy (none, even)?

Pay special attention to the beginnings of the stories or chapters of the novel. I try to convey truth, too forcefully. This is the time to create a climate of complicity with the reader, for some privacy. The reader has to follow the story as if he were telling a friend, be created in the first paragraphs of this climate of intimate familiarity that I have mentioned.

If this is a book of stories with a very definite thematic task is more complicated. It has to look hard a network of small stitches that hold each of the stories and relate with others. This kind of storybook to be a small ecosystem in which each of the narratives food and other clues.

On the way to work usually write flip and then correct them enough. Maybe I enjoy the process of correction rather than the writing itself. I find it a more pleasurable.

Apart from formal differences in each case, how do you know when an idea, an image or phrase will take you to write a story and not a novel?

Usually when the idea does not dissipate easily. I often point the ideas in a libretilla and then pass them to a document. If after a few weeks still comes something of that first point is a good indication that the idea had merits and may be attractive in a narrative development.

Since the beginning of this cycle repeat a question that, in a curious way, is producing two interesting groups of responses. I speak of course the story generational leap in English, a twilight zone in which, with few exceptions, veterans and youth do not seem to share references or read too much between them. Do you think our country is in a literary space blank between new and previous generations?

I openly on the need to read the classics, whether of the novel, thought or story. In my case a good part of my role models, foreign and domestic, are not of my generation, even to my century. As an example, do not think anyone has written in English with higher quality and resources in Quevedo Dreams or Life of Marcus Brutus. I love to read contemporary authors and do not think a literary career may have a firm foundation without thorough reading of the classic narrative.

As far as the twilight zone is truth in the story perhaps also because of some neglect or lack of attention on the genre was for decades.

A English publishers that specialize in that genre, Menoscuarto, published last year, the XXI Century anthology, for which Fernando Valls Gemma Pellicer selected and your work. In 2011 also participate in other joint projects, for publishers such as stairs and Books of Silence. The Gulf of Poets led you to represent Spain in the First Novel Budapest Festival and has participated in festivals like I luoghi delle parole , Italy. Because of this increased visibility, do you receive an answer of your new readers or other authors, colleagues or anthologies? Having

visibility, confess or not, is a major concern of any writer but has always been to avoid degenerating into a compulsive search for notoriety. In my case this visibility came with the award Setenil the best book of short stories published in Spain, which owe much of the good that came later. Since then the book took on another dimension and could share experiences and feelings with many readers, a fact which helped me greatly. A book that no one reads it or has no effect prevents this connection, certainly enriching.

also made me special pleasure represent Spain in the First Novel Festival as the Ministry of Culture rewarded which he considered best first novel by a English author. Competed with authors I respect and admire with excellent novels. The fact that the novel had been published as an independent editorial Barataria also made me feel very happy because in some way recognized his commitment and work.

Speaking of anthologies, are you it is difficult to write on behalf on an issue?

enough. I try to severely limit this type of work and when I have to try to enter in a deep connection with my interests, so I have the urge to write.

Custom Writing a novel would be absolutely unbearable and I would even go against the meaning of what I understand it has to be the office.

What story do you think could surprise and move more to a reader who approaches your first book Chiado Tobacconists ? Is there anything in your opinion, summarize in a more clear your personal poetic narrative?

The two stories we feel most identified are the book's title, "Tobacconists of Chiado" and "Summer of cortapichas" you can read this week's Journal of Literature . In both the protagonist is a transcript of myself and I draw on personal experiences filtered, and in some cases infected with stories heard or sensed. I think in both stories the voice is sincere, direct and may become related to the reader with the story.

not renounce the other stories in the book, much less, but I think these two stories is where I felt more strongly the need to link personal experience with literature, to find both personally and in memory, and not anecdotal or external frame, a way to develop a dialectic itself.

The unit in a storybook comes mainly from his own writing, the author's voice, although registration varies in each story. Tobacconists Chiado is a compilation of stories previously awarded and, therefore, no idea came from a previous unit, but then general aroma exudes a certain temperature narrative. What do you think of this? Do you ask a reader to a story book a conductor or seduce you (apparent or not) the anarchy?

Yes, Chiado Tobacconists includes stories ranging from 1999 to 2005 and I think there was even the way changes my feelings about what should be a story and what does not. In this case I think the only link can be found in a taste for a rich or fancy language. Jordi Gol, the editor of Parallel South, he found a sort of consistency in the apparent anarchy of the book and I think I owe him too much of the success they had afterwards. Became a collection of stories in a book of short stories.

I must say that seduce me more books in recent times where there is a unifying link between the stories. Each story must be able to function independently, must have a free reading, but also must be part of a larger puzzle, it has to create a correlation with the other stories in the book.

What interests you or you get more than one story, the emotion brought the idea contained or formal perfection? Which one seems more important in a good story?

Of all the feelings that I point out that perhaps the most value are the ideas contained in the text and formal perfection. Well I can admire a story not to develop a great story but I move a certain intellectual or aesthetic enjoyment. A story of Tabucchi in is being increasingly late would be good examples of this. If this factor of aesthetic pleasure is combined with a strong idea, a metaphor global que lleve a la apertura de una puerta hacia una reflexión personal o profunda, estaremos ante un cuento extraordinario.

En cuanto a las emociones desconfío de los relatos que encierran sorpresas o emboscadas, también de las emociones inmediatas. La búsqueda de emociones puede generar relatos tramposos o superfluos. Por poner un símil cinematográfico, buscando la emoción podríamos crear un Cinema Paradiso , de Tornatore. Si buscamos la emoción podemos acabar creando un relato afectado, lleno de trampas y de ñoñería.

Impartes clases en el Laboratorio de Escritura de Barcelona y en la UAB, entre otros centros. I play devil's advocate and ask you, do not you think that the real writer and enters the classroom as such? Have you really can teach something new in the shops, perhaps to read, edit, make screen?

I believe in the usefulness of literary workshops, provided that the teacher has enough baggage, provided you have some explaining to do and share.

I am convinced that talent is not taught, the possessor comes with it and you can develop a writing career does not depend on what can be taught in a literary workshop, but perhaps it does takes some good hills advice. I think the mission of the workshops has be to create a literary taste in the student growing in it's attention to the text, guiding and stimulating. Also in many cases can be solved tics and errors that would otherwise be difficult to be solved and would be masked by buenista criticism that could give the people around him.

Unfortunately, the writing workshops I have done enough damage to some intrusion. I think to give a workshop must have a broad literary background and not only fluently reciting a well learned agenda.

Writing stories requires special precision work and resignation. For similar reasons, reading a good demands a willingness to tell what is the reading task. Do you think the reader of short stories is, in general, a more demanding reader? Does it come from there the story might still today seem restless minority issue?

The short story is in the brevity and repetition are two factors that make it different to other genres. The story itself is nourished, grows by repeating what is written above. Also how to read a story defines it: it is usually read at once, like poetry, so it is subject to certain equity and unique story.

not think there is a specialized audience in stories, I do not think there is such a player outside critics or writers themselves by reading stories to each other to praise or get us the guts.

This week "the question of the reader" sent us an anonymous, although I had reserved a similar one for when I got the first writer born in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin line with sterile polemics about language and recent books by writers as Juan Marse. The anonymous says (edited): "On Wikipedia there is a link to a video of yours on TV3, speaking in Catalan. Will you always write in Castilian? "

I think I will continue with Castilian. I am sorry to be so categorical. I love the Catalan language and literature (although I do not spend it for his best) and I wish I could move with sufficient fluency in it. Do not think I have the language proficiency to write in Catalan without feeling hamstrung by a thought that works unfailingly, in English. You

reader who drinks from various sources. To attest there is your work as anthologist, In the border. I racconti della letteratura megliori Chicano, the great Rolando Hinojosa, among others, and published in Italy. In addition to Italian literature also Russian, French and Portuguese have brought you a lot. And also partly Americans, of course, as Carver (Raymond, not now Leo, the protagonist of The Gulf of Poets ). What tracks and influences specific literary author (especially short stories) could trace in your own stories?

's case At the border was a custom job for an Italian publisher (Gran Vía, Milan) and I liked being able to be involved in understanding a new narrative as Chicano literature in the process of growth and recognition but already offers first-rate authors such as Hinojosa, Sandra Cisneros, Norma Elia Cantú and Miguel Méndez.

As for my references have to say that in general I have always paid more in upcoming literature authors such as Italian, Portuguese or French than in whites. Having said that highlight some influences, also of American writers, such as Salinger, Capote, Fante or Foster Wallace but who I feel may be linked Moravia, Tabucchi, Perec, Bulgakov, Eça, Lispector, Lobo Antunes, Cortázar, Barthes or Bataille. In the English I'd pick Aldecoa, Threshold, Baroja, Vila-Matas, Marias and Cela.

Which authors of stories (English, Latin or any elsewhere) seem most notable in recent years? What books about recent stories have given you greatest joys as a reader?

could quote a lot but I prefer to point out some Eloy Tizon, Menéndez Salmon Oscar Esquivias or Juan Carlos Márquez. I am also very interested in what they can publish Eduardo Halfon, Ester Garcia Llovet, Andrew Neuman, Jon Bilbao, Cristina Cerrada or Candeira Matías. I also looked very promising books Larraz Miguel Serrano and Carlos Frühbeck.

In contemporary Portuguese literature, whether or not farmers short stories, I follow Peixoto and Valter Hugo Mãe. The latter is a recent discovery.

personal obsessions What do you think that literature has become more often?

Possibly memory and its labyrinths are the focus of what I've written recently. The process that connects the everyday with the memory I think one of the major topics on which to focus attention from the literature. There is a wide field and exciting: the recreation of these memories, unfathomable memories surfaced, the deceptions of memory, the words and rediscovery of what is heard and seen ... does not mean always write about it but right now the translation of this mechanism has me very busy.

To give just an obsession, because I think I have many, I am also concerned the repetition of the forms of nature on earth, in human works in the body and any object.

Do you have a specific writing project right now?

I have a novel and a book of short stories which I hope will see light soon. The storybook is entitled Unforgettable Safaris and translate some of the concerns I have mentioned in the previous question: memory and repetition of forms.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Is Desperate Housewives A Rerun On November 7th

Sheep of Panurge

Appointments are not required explanation or interpretation. They are so sharp that resonate with the experiences of each. One of them immortal, is due to the French satirical par excellence, François Rabelais. Account in the "Gargantua" the story of a voyage in a ship loaded with sheep, in which a certain Panurge has a nasty incident with one of the dealers. In revenge, Panurge purchase a sheep that sheds act followed the sea. From there, the animal attracts others their bleating lambs, which are thrown behind him without a second thought and, of course, perish.
all know that the action described is common and can be applied to a number of cases: what happens at parties, in elections, fashion, art, fire in the clubs, etc. , or in uncertain situations, subjective or stressful. But these days, which abounds all that, the phrase has been rescued, not without reason, to describe the absurd behavior of markets, those that are often presented as models of rationality and wisdom. In economic experience we have the topical example of a "rush Bison "happens when a stock market panic the herd is in a rush to the first issue that shoots out of nowhere. But what of the sheep is more nuanced and realistic, it seems to me, because it has a touch of gentleness with the pack facing their fate.
Bernard Cassen, an economist lucid ATACC honorary chairman, has written an article about this title: "All the water, like Panurge's sheep!" as a way of summarize the situation more tragic than comic, European governments that blindly follow the stampede Angela Merkel headed to the safety of going right to the slaughter. Not only that says so. In the Manifesto of Economists Terrified, "another little book of which I highly recommend reading other famous economists, but not sheep or hangers, as Philippe Askenazy, Thomas Coutrot, André and Henri Orléan Sterdyniak, refer the same.
"Anyone with a little common sense," he says in his article Cassen hardly understand how, within an economic unit as cohesive as the EU, an irrational juxtaposition of austerity plans to reduce public debt could lead to growth of the countries involved. Such an example of magical thinking accounts for the confusion and even panic among European governments. All have yielded to Berlin, capitulating to the most powerful. The problem is that the German model is not exportable to its members, unless they seek their destruction. A model that is based on the stagnant consumption and trade surpluses, may be of interest to Germany, but it ruins everyone else. "In Germany itself, one might add, as happened last Panurge.
The stampede triggered by the Foreign Minister is due not only to a kind of moralizing, very Teutonic taste of that first and foremost, we must be frugal: they are short interest in the German part. But, alas, the sheep are blindly.
"The Economists 'Terrified', meanwhile, warn of the fallacies that have permeated the pack, such as financial markets are efficient (when they are already the view is), that promote economic growth (to be rather the remuneration of shareholders and managers), that markets are good judges of creditworthiness of the states (?), that the excessive increase in public debt is the result of excessive spending (from whom, exactly?) you need to reassure the financial markets to finance public debt, that the EU stands for European social model (?), and so forth.
But there is nothing to do if the sheep do not see it. There are also other ways to die fast and electrifying. Eg Intereconomía plugged.

Watch South Park Online With Quick Time

Economists terrified, horrified citizens

Canary 24 horas.com
Santi Peña


If economists are more progressive than in Europe today are scared well have meant by a text entitled terrifying economic Manifests developed in France, how much more we should be citizens who spend most of the times confused with the that are coming up a seemingly inexorable cause you know that the vast tangle of trees that we can not see the forest.
This manifesto was drafted in September 2010 and when I write these lines 3428 economists have signed in the beginning, many were of French-speaking but thanks to the network has spread throughout the world. I firmly believe that the economy is not a science and never will be completely independent of, for example, sociology, and it moves more in the areas of belief if not the most blatant political manipulation and blatant. But texts like this seem to me not only relevant and fearless, but also necessary because not only denounce the field of belief in moving the formal economy but presents solutions that deal with the deepening of democracy and transparency that should be it. My presentation below is not to criticize the text itself but to clarify the extent of my ability. Very few pages make statements that would serve to hundreds of serious study and the density of the text is huge but still worth reading calmly thought each of its points not to say his lines. For simplicity I have condensed what is reported as 10 false evidence on three points: the speaking of falsehood markets, which show the falsehoods on the public debt and making a brutal critique of the European Union.

According to this manifesto markets are not efficient (false evidence 1), and promote economic growth (false evidence 2) or are good judges to indicate the creditworthiness of the state s (false evidence 3). On behalf of the markets are sacrificing social achievements and economic welfare of millions of people, social benefits to which they are entitled under our contribution to the government via taxes and what is more important, ensuring democratic accountability of our governments to citizenship. Rating agencies have come to sac what is known as globalization and are an important part of the problem as they are not capable of being completely partial arbitrators but misrepresent the evidence after speculations that have entered in a brutal way against the state and public debts. As a corollary the manifesto proposed at the end of each section, called false evidence, a series of measures in this case will be summarized in a greater role for governments and a strict control on the economic Financial markets and financial speculation that both affect the real economy decoupling proposing firms speculative financial funding and restricting use to make the banking systems in the financial markets. Most of these measures involve a strengthening of the public against the speculations of so-called opaque markets.

The core of this manifesto is based on a review of what the public debt as we have seen that after 2008, the housing crisis affecting the U.S. mortgage crisis has resulted in a brutal speculation public debt of the countries. According to this shows the government's debts are not due to overspending (false evidence 4), noting that a belief is interested reducing public spending to reduce debt (false evidence 5), is a fallacy that public debt today is a legacy to our grandchildren (false evidence 6) and it should be a mandatory reassure financial markets (false evidence 7). Clearly, the public debt of countries like Spain not due to spending so disproportionately on social benefits but the tax harmonization to the major economies the world they are forced by the neoliberal imperative priority to lowering corporate tax, the Estate and higher income so we need is the great mass of citizens that financed the operation of governments around the world . Macroeconomics has been reduced, in a very perverse and malicious from the pre-Thatcher and Reagan, a like domestic microeconomics of our homes and this is a vision not only gross simplifications of reality but which has been completely disastrous. The undersigned affirms that the reduction of public spending is bad not only for today but in future will mean a worsening the same debt. Thus we must have established mechanisms for redistribution of wealth in the opposite sense: from the popular classes to the great interests of capital. The corollaries to these four points are on the same line of the document and is the empowerment of the public in the economy with the European Central Bank to finance the government directly, the control of financial markets recovering the factor to be truly redistributive have tax systems, deepen the democratic transparency and increase public spending on systems of employment protection and development of education, health and social welfare are passing into private hands and most absolute example of which is the de facto privatization of the pension that takes place in Spain with retirement at 67.

The manifesto ends up doing a good overview of the European Union has become a monster opaque and undemocratic to liberalize the economy since is not true that the EU to defend a social model (false evidence 8 ) or that the Euro is a shield to the crisis (false evidence 9) nor the Greek crisis, after the intervention of Ireland in Portugal may very likely that of Spain, has a deeper meaning of European solidarity mechanisms (false evidence 10). The European Union as it is operating today is a mechanism for the imposition of neoliberal financial dogmas of globalization and is serving as a transmission belt of this type of doctrine on millions of citizens. The rigidity of the Euro, a net monetary done to protect the financial interests of the remaining global capacity to act not only to governments but to the European Central Bank itself, has come to favor a tightening of labor conditions of workers and a wage decreases where Inequalities have grown exponentially. At this point I can only look down to sell bikes , which gives them the status man as Felipe González and since his privileges as a former president and his armchair in Gas Natural, favors rendered payment in the past, still the luxury of giving advice to the millions of disadvantaged policies such as those held to be the first president of the PSOE were. In 2009 the financial markets, in the absence of anything better to speculate, have begun to do with the deficits of global economies due to the rigidity of the Maastricht treaty as requiring them to finance through markets especially striking economies of countries weak as Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, the famous PIGS in name of ultraliberal Financial Times and the famous article I thought pigs could fly, Pigs in muck. The measures proposed for discussion in this document are to curb the free movement of capital not only within the EU but worldwide, finding a common sense within the countries of the Union not the imposition of neoliberal principles and other social cohesion and develop a genuine EU tax to be directed towards the public with a real work of European inter-regional solidarity.

The authors define this text not as something dogmatic and doctrinaire, are clear that many countries make an agreement on these measures of thinning of the neoliberal doctrines is difficult, takes time and should have multiple ways and different speeds, and what is proposed in this manifesto is to open a debate to release the pressure States perverse financial markets. Today it is almost a profanity to say that we must turn back progress on many assumptions were made in the undemocratic imposition of the construction of the European Union to have more prominence citizens and there for the first time things that seem a pipe dream as a real democracy, not ceremonial, and complete transparency in political decision making. The Economists' Manifesto Terrified, without being dogmatic or absolute document is a good starting point for change towards a more just and equitable and that a server with all its shortcomings, has wanted to do a little more accessible to the reader. Yes, I still say that reading is essential not only to understand the crossroads at which we are but, more importantly, as a guide to get out of it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fire Emblem Sword Of Seals

a million stones, Miquel Silvestre

The books bug
Blanca Vazquez

Prose, swaying in the wind passes through our eyes at lightning speed. Maybe it's because the prose is going on two wheels, aided by the curiosity and discovery, not only eternal and hurt Africa, also the protagonist himself. Miquel Silvestre , writer, traveler, adventurer both ways and the words, (whom we read in Bliss, visions of the beat generation ), left Madrid in early 2009 to maintain a love-hate relationship with the continent of dust and savannah desert, jungle, big city and wretched villages. Touching Africa, from Ecuador to the Cape of Storms, the Indian Ocean off the coast of the skeletons, that was his purpose, his new mission, and boy was conducted.

behind Silvestre has written several books and many miles. Traveled by motorcycle, biker yes to death, North America (which believes that it is surprising how little surprise there), Hungary, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Lebanon, Palestine ... and what's left. His backpack literature consists of novels "The blind lady", "Butterflies in the darkroom," spanya SA " plays, books of short stories, ("Starry Dynamo"), anthologies, news stories and travel books as we have in hand, a million stones, with which this Alicante to Denia, and not only convinced expired at the Cervantes Institute in Rome, has enchanted many readers who will recognize your courage, spontaneity, freshness and without mincing words (as himself in his writings), we recognize that it is well placed.

The assembly of the book look like a movie with backwards and forwards . In fact his whole adventure is described in a very cinematic as if it were another Gary Cooper riding his princess (not mare but bike BMW R80 G / S) only to danger. Danger and gives us straight from the front pages when the reader encounters the author wounded, lying on a road east of South Africa, between Cape Town and Durban.
Divided into five parts, the volume presents a dynamic framework, where the beautiful pictures become gap between words and anecdotes, the miles and the sun gray. Each part contains a presentation that in turn is another story, that of the hours and days after the accident, the assistance received in full Rydall road, a South African carrier; the cure of his wounds, his back to Madrid and return to Africa. Adventure commingled build the building of this vicissitude of Africa, and the end appreciate and praise all their efforts.

Kenya is the beginning. There he falls in love Silvestre German BMW will call the Princess and to accompany most of the way, but not all. The landscape changes as you go and cross border into Tanzania. Reaches land where the green Kenyan Maasai rubs ochres and earth tones. Miquel Silvestre
But not just talk about what you see, it adds a little historical notes of the country or place Business that are very useful and entertaining for us. Also talks about him, his personal life, private life, their customs (beer and hangovers) of motorcycling, from previous trips, his sparkling (sometimes dangerous) events, and curious characters encountered on the road.

A living book, bold, I repeat: not mince words, where cats and dogs fall ratitos tip and surface ultra-sensitivity and profanity. A book, above all, with humor. A book that is all true, because he speaks without corrections policies used by large, whether editorial or media.
From Tanzania passes (uy the issue of border crossings has crumb rather have fabric) to Zambia, where the aim is curious marks or reference points (old chair, buoys, cans ..) left on the roadside to indicate the return home or address. Then comes Zimbabwe, one of the most beautiful countries on the continent. Finally South Africa was a disappointment for our biker. Between transfers, mosquitoes and hotel rooms of all types, the discomforts of Princess are irritating, but bearable, because there is always a mechanical or gasoline drum in any remote village. Botswana, Namibia and the beautiful deserts, or the coast of the skeletons. Really impressive this part. Back to South Africa in the west and step a funny little country, Swaziland, a community of students from around the world. In Mozambique, Silvestre shipped to the princess, eat crabs and meets a single woman, Margie, with a mysterious past while painful, accompanying him to his talks.

The fourth and fifth focus on northern and western Africa, and two motorcycles, a few months later. This time will be a BMW R100 G / S 1988, which gives more problems than satisfaction. Landscape travels from Morocco to Mali, and Senegal through Mauritania, where the controversy has served on the English government issue / payment of ransom. We miss
a detailed map with the route, but that we will ask the author himself in a face to face soon, where can we get more stories that will awaken readers, the urge to run to a bookstore for the millions of stones and three thousand stars Sylvester says. Want to know what happened to the princess who fell in South Africa, guarded by Rydall?

" The bike ride is one of the last real adventures left. A car is a box where one is isolated from the outside, but on a motorcycle you are abroad. There are no barriers between you and the landscape on you hit the rain, wind and sun. Of course you'll get tired before and will be exposed to serious risks. But you will be agile. You will centaur, men and young nomad impedimenta. Do not charge more than the essentials and learn how to give up the accessory .... Pag. 41 "

Monday, March 14, 2011

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A bike path on millions of stones

The Traveler
El Pais 14/03/2011

Miquel Silvestre went through the back of his" princess " more than 60,000 kilometers of the continent poorest in the world, passed through 14 countries and tried to reflect in the 200 pages of "A million stones its experience.

From Nairobi to Cape Town or from Maputo Maseru, Mike has had to survive seedy flophouse, food in unhealthy places, a colitis , bribes at the border, traffic accidents and a African harsh reality.

Far from moral considerations, the author through his book an adventure motorcycle for places unknown to many English by African continent in order to demonstrate that there is more than the sofa in our house.

Adventure and risks combined with cynicism and humor come together in the second edition de “Un millón de piedras”, en la que, además, se incluye el viaje de Dakar a Segou, en Mali y la repatriación de la moto a España.

Miquel Silvestre es un viajero nato. La experiencia de este viaje la repetiría y la ha repetido, ya que como él mismo afirma “en algunos ya he estado dos, tres o incluso cuatro veces. En África del sur repetiría Mozambique, Namibia y Lesotho; en África del Norte Marruecos y Túnez son referencias fijas”.

Para hacer un viaje como este o como cualquiera de los que el autor hace sobre su “princesa”, considera imprescindible “en lo material, una moto fiable, poco equipaje Carpanta and stomach. In the spiritual, self-deprecating sense of humor and a clear conscience that you are there by your own willingness to accept difficulties as voluntarily chosen. " And is that the traveler is very clear "no right to complain because no one forces me to go."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Economists Economists Manifesto

El Periódico de Aragón
Candido Marquesán


The lack of demand, to be reduced consumption dramatically, and the contraction in investment are two problems that make it increasingly difficult to leave this economic crisis in Spain. Both have an impact on economic growth negative or very low, which hinders job creation. The economic policies implemented and looming in the near future, indicate that neither demand nor the investment will be enhanced. Quite the contrary.

For most of the English entry heavily indebted, with the freezing of their pensions, the reduction of their wages, and inflation is already above 3%, with the consequent loss of purchasing power, would be almost miraculous increase consumption and increase demand. More than 4 million unemployed have enough to survive. That have savings tends to keep them, for fear of the unknown. Inflation, it was logical that prices rose after the rise in indirect taxes (VAT, tobacco), rising fuel prices and some utilities (electricity, gas).

investment has been drastically reduced, both private and public. Entrepreneurs do not invest if not for the excessive growth of labor costs, and that the working class has taken to cut or freeze their salaries, but by the great difficulty of access to credit from financial institutions. The public sector due to the harsh fiscal adjustment policies, among which include aid to financial sector has inevitably reduced and your investment. The consequences are logical. No investment gains are not growing and so does not create jobs. And if there is unemployment, not eaten, and if not consumed, there is no demand, no demand, there to produce, and whether we should produce, companies have no choice but to fire. Thus more unemployment. It's a real vicious circle. And as the economy back, the markets are wary of the English economy, for what it costs us more of our debt financing. Consequently, more deficit groups, that they force us to control markets. More tax adjustments. Since no one wants to reduce the deficit by way of increased tax revenue, not to touch the interests of the privileged classes, must be done to increase revenue by privatizing the best of our heritage, such as the Lottery or airports, or by way of expenditure, with reduced wages and pensions, and investments. Thus contracted consumption. And start the vicious circle. How do we get out of the crisis? Really, I see no way out. We seem to want to sink into poverty. Complicate To finish, there was another sharp rise in fuel by North events de África y Oriente Próximo, además de las materias primas, que supondrán más inflación. Para combatirla Jean-Claude Trichet acaba de anunciar una nueva subida de los tipos por parte del BCE, lo que elevará el euríbor --y con ello de las hipotecas-- y en general encarecerá el crédito.

Esta política económica para corregir la crisis impuesta, como la única posible, desde los organismos como el F.M.I , O.C.D.E , la U.E., siguiendo las directrices de los mercados y de las agencias de calificación, basada en reducción de los déficits públicos, con durísimas políticas de ajustes fiscales, con recorte de prestaciones sociales, supone la ruina de muchos at the expense of enriching a few. Fortunately

and dissenting voices are emerging as represented by terrifying economic manifesto, in which four shows surprise economists by the submission of European economic policies to the demands of financial markets. What frightens them is that the policy of cutting may prolong the effects of the crisis-hit countries, shattering social progress. Refute the alleged irrefutable truths of neoliberalism: financial markets are efficient, promote economic growth and are good judges of the solvency of the States, is to reassure the financial markets to finance public debt, we must cut spending to reduce debt, the euro is a shield against the crisis, public debt will make you pay for our excess to our grandchildren, the EU stands for European social model, the Greek crisis is a step forward to economic governance and a real European solidarity ... As loath to admit that other policies are not possible, alternative measures have 22 more fair, rational solidarity and resolve the crisis. Some of them: to prohibit speculation banks to prevent the spread of the bubbles and bankruptcies, to limit financial transactions that meet the needs of the real economy, raise taxes sharply income too high to discourage unsustainable yields race, transparency of rating agencies, purchase by the European Central Bank (ECB) of government securities, conduct a public audit of public debt to determine its origin, maintenance and improve social protection, a strongly redistributive direct taxation on income-

As we see no other alternatives. Wow that if any!

school teacher

Friday, March 11, 2011

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terrified terrified

Aragón Diario del Alto

scared by the financial crisis and economic depression in the euro area, the public debt of some countries, the banking rescue, adjustment policies, social inequality and the uncertain future, four renowned economists have written this manifesto (which acceded 3,000 economists). It reported ten false evidence without scientific basis, which only serve to justify neoliberal policies that are at the root of the economic crisis and proposes 22 measures to tackle debate. This manifesto is aimed primarily at citizens to provide the means to express the doubts and help confirm that there are other options.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Alex Vincent


After the outrage, coming proposals. Stéphane Hessel, the old man who has managed to ignite the French literary market Indignaos! said he hoped to achieve its popular booklet encouraging the reader to "take back their destiny", devising alternatives to road maps drawn by their rulers. The first solution came in the hands of four prestigious French academic, arising from different theoretical horizons but with a common desire: to show that, as far as policy economic concerns, another world is still possible. The imagination to power against neoliberal fatalism.

More than shocked, terrified, economists say the solutions that European governments have found so far. "The crisis has not undermined the dominance of the thinking patterns that guide economic policy for 30 years", states in its manifesto terrified economists, who now publishes in Spain the editorial Barataria.

internet seed

Last fall, hung the show on the Internet. Within weeks, they signed more than 3,000 people, mainly arising from university, who joined the four authors, Philippe Askenazy, Thomas Coutrot, André and Henri Orléan Sterdyniak. The unprecedented interest in text suitable for all audiences, but technical and expert profile " at his side, Stéphane Hessel has a poetic air," he said sarcastically Libération prompted them to publish the proposals and truffled diagnosis distribution at bookstores across the country at a reduced price, following a strategy similar to that of his illustrious predecessor.

In 50 pages, economists terrified walk ten " false evidence" derived from the solutions of neoliberalism The authors define as a political and not economic doctrine, always "in the service of private interests." "European governments, either through blindness or cynicism, are quick to take the extreme neoliberal measures before citizens are just convinced of his absolute failure and decide to rebel against them," says Philippe Askenazy. Opposing

many received ideas, the report shows that financial markets do not regulate themselves, as we have been led to believe the supporters of neoliberal dogma. For authors, the market is not always favorable to economic growth, or act as a good judge about the solvency of the states, much as they point rating agencies. Among the solutions proposed rigidly regular markets and the activities of its players, banning speculation in order to avoid bubbles and cracks and create a public agency credit and moderate compensation of traders .

antisocial lies

The insistent chorus on fiscal restraint as the only lifeline to the brink of bankruptcy does not really convince the authors: the benefits are severely amputated, while the unemployment and job insecurity are installed on the horizon . As alternatives, maintenance quote of social coverage through a highly redistributive tax model, with the creation of new taxes for the wealthy.

"Governments say they have no room to maneuver and point indirectly to the international institutions responsible for cutting plans," analyzes Askenazy. "What is hidden from us is that not all organizations dictate the same. The ILO, for example, an analysis opposite to the OECD . The problem is that it has no power." Indeed, the manifesto calls into question the role of the EU and calls for efforts towards federalism. "Europe risks a return to the situation of the sixties, with a couple of other countries and most underdeveloped countries, including Spain, "says the author.

The skeptical reader question or compliant is that, with savings plans in place in half of Europe, it may be late to rebel. " never is. The people will decide at the polls "answers Askenazy. And in countries where neither the right nor the left would like to present alternatives to neoliberalism?" Our goal is to demonstrate that this is not the only legitimate solution and to push for a match dare to take another path, "said Askenazy, with next year's French presidential elections in sight, which aims to convince the Socialist Party. In Spain, he acknowledges, is "a little more difficult."

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also outraged Economists are indignant economists

La Voz de Asturias
Alex Vincent


After the outrage, reaching proposals. Stéphane Hessel, the old man who has managed to ignite the French literary market Indignaos! said he hoped to achieve its popular booklet encouraging the reader to "take back their destiny", devising alternatives to road maps drawn by their rulers. The first solutions arrive the hands of four prestigious French academic, arising from different theoretical horizons but with a common desire: to show that, as far as policy is concerned, another world is still possible. The imagination to power against neoliberal fatalism.

More than shocked, terrified, economists say the solutions that European governments have found so far. "The crisis has not undermined the dominance of the thinking patterns that guide economic policy for 30 years", states in its manifesto terrified economists, who now publishes in Spain the editorial Barataria. They travel

ten 'false evidence' of neoliberalism solutions



Last fall, hung the show on the Internet. Within weeks, they signed more than 3,000 people, mainly arising from university, who joined the four authors, Philippe Askenazy, Thomas Coutrot, André and Henri Orléan Sterdyniak. The unprecedented interest in text suitable for all audiences, but technical and expert profile "at his side, Stéphane Hessel has a poetic air," he said sarcastically Libération prompted them to publish this diagnosis Stacked proposals and distribute libraries across the country at a reduced rate, following a strategy similar to that of his illustrious predecessor.

In 50 pages, economists terrified walk ten "false facts" derived from the solutions of neoliberalism, which the authors define as a political and not economic doctrine, always "in the service of private interests." "European governments, either through blindness or cynicism, are quick to take the extreme neoliberal measures before citizens are just convinced of his absolute failure and decide to rebel against them," says Philippe Askenazy.

"We hide the fact that not all organizations dictate the same" Opposing

multiple ideas received, the report shows that financial markets do not regulate themselves, as we have been led to believe the supporters of neoliberal dogma. For authors, the market is not always favorable to economic growth, or act as a good judge about the solvency of the states, much as they point rating agencies. Among the solutions proposed rigidly regular markets and the activities of its players, banning speculation in order to avoid bubbles and cracks and create a public agency credit and moderate compensation of traders .

antisocial lies

The insistent chorus on fiscal restraint as the only lifeline to the brink of bankruptcy not convinced the authors: the benefits are severely amputated, while the unemployment and job insecurity are installed on your horizon. As alternatives, citing the maintenance of social security coverage through a highly redistributive tax model, with the creation of new taxes for the wealthy.

"Europe risks a return to the situation of the sixties'

" Governments say they have no room to maneuver and point indirectly to the international institutions responsible cut plans " Askenazy analyzed. "What is hidden from us is that not all organizations dictate the same. The ILO, for example, an analysis opposite to the OECD. The problem is that it has no power." Indeed, the manifesto calls into question the role of the EU and calls for efforts towards federalism. "Europe risks a return to the situation of the sixties, with a couple of other countries and most underdeveloped countries, including Spain," says the author.

The skeptical reader question or compliant is that, with savings plans in place in half of Europe, it may be late to rebel. "It never is. The people will decide at the polls," he replies Askenazy. What in countries where neither the right nor the left would like to present alternatives to neoliberalism? "Our goal is to demonstrate that this is not the only legitimate solution and to push for a party dares to take another path," said Askenazy, with the French presidential elections next year in sight, which aims to convince the Party Socialist. In Spain, he acknowledges, is "a little more difficult."

Friday, March 4, 2011

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The Mundo.es
The Scorpion

Alejandro Gándara


Four French economists ( Askenazy Philippe, Thomas Coutrot , André Orléan and Henri Sterdyniak ) have drafted a "Manifesto of economists terrified" , which exposes the strategies followed by the European Union during this crisis, resulting in increased instability and inequality. The corresponding policy is based, they say, in ten false evidence, which have become the topic of the argument of governments:

1. Financial markets are efficient.

2. Financial markets promote economic growth.

3. Markets are good judges of the solvency of the States.

4. The excessive rise in public debt is a result of overspending.

5. We must reduce spending to reduce debt.

6. Public debt brings the price of our excesses to our grandchildren.

7. We must reassure the financial markets to finance public debt.

8. The European Union supports the European social model.

9. The euro is a shield against the crisis.

10. The Greek crisis has finally moving towards a genuine economic government and European solidarity.

are also proposed twenty measures to correct " still dominant neoliberal view, which draws a world of individualists and farsighted economic actors competing with each other" and alleges that "the general liberalization Market growth leads mathematically the most optimal and economic situation. "

is an informative text (you can find printed on Barataria), for both experts and citizens, although the latter corresponds to deliberate and decide collectively "the objectives of economic activity, the criteria of effectiveness and means to achieve them.". So far the show has been signed by 3,095 economists and professionals.

Anyway, that does not happen anything. Here, now, provide for us and a State Police Collector, which actually is not a state but a system of plunder estates.

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terrified by motorcycle 14 African countries in the last book of Miquel Silvestre

La Voz de Galicia

The author proposes to readers in 208 pages cover more than 60,000 kilometers of world's poorest continent.

A motorcycle and eager to explore other worlds accompanied the writer Alicante Miquel Silvestre for three and a half months he used to travel 14 African countries, an adventure recounted in his latest book "A million stones", the second edition was presented today in Rome.

In an interview with EFE, Silvestre (Denia, 1968, Attorney at Law), explained that in this second edition has added to his experiences in countries such as Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique and Lesotho, which appeared in the first edition, lived in Mali.

addition, the book chronicles the complications that arose when, to return to Spain, wanted to get his "princess", the bike that today made a grand entrance at the Instituto Cervantes in Rome.

police and political corruption, traffic accidents and touches of humor live in "a million stones, published by Baratalia, with which the author offers readers 208 pages to go in more than 60,000 kilometers of the poorest continent the world, with stops at a few.

But this book is not intended to reflect on issues affecting African states on a daily basis, but to propose an adventure and discover places unknown to most of the English.

"Without ceasing to be radically honest and tell while the African situation as I saw it, it is very hard, do not pretend not to give moral lessons or make any kind of glorification of the character because I'm no hero" says Silvestre.

With this work the English writer wants to prove that the world is "a much more habitable than usually people think while staying" at home and does not dare to leave the comfort of your couch. "

It also insists that most of the experiences were positive and explains that to overcome the difficulties of everyday attitude found "adequate."

"I learned to overcome difficulties not because he was pre-recorded answers, but because I found the right attitude, I could solve all problems and any difficulties it was part of the game because I was there voluntarily, no forced me, "said Silvestre.

Among the obstacles to overcome, Silvestre said border problems, clashes with the authorities and a broken leg, which did not prevent continue their trip and tell with some bizarre humor and anecdotal situations of this adventure.

Author of two books (fiction novels), Silvestre says that this experience far exceeded their expectations "as a person and a writer."

"Whereas with a novel one has closed the argument before it started, here the argument was my life and I found myself bouncing from here to there unless I have control over what was happening," acknowledges .

Looking ahead, Silvestre progress that has already decided its next destination: a world tour from New York to Finisterre, "The real center of the universe."

not yet known if his adventure will begin in May or June, but is very clear that he will with his "princess", which has allowed access to a "privileged balcony of the world."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Post-PIP * To keep the memory - Palestinian Information

Palestinian Land Day
PIP, March 31, 2011 .-

Palestinian Land Day in
PIP, March 30, 2011 .-
From reading the tragedy on the fundamentals to evoke the 'Earth Day' after the Ottoman Land Code (1858), or with the fall of Palestine in 1948, or after the 1967 occupation. However, this time south GIO 1976 from the roots of their own land inside Israel. Only in the Galilee between 1948 and 1976, usurped 100 000 hectares of arable Palestinian land and deported dozens of their respective owners. The endless land confiscation and theft for Judaizing the Galilee, led to the March 30, 1976, a general strike with an intifada (popular uprising) which extended from the triangle of northern Galilee and Negev to the south. Consecrated on 'Earth Day'. It was the rejection of Palestinian survivors of the towns of Galilee, Acre, Safad, Haifa, Jaffa, Nazareth and South, against the humiliation, slave labor, lack of social and education required children, prohibiting them from their literature and history to remove their consciences Palestinian and Arabic. Seven Palestinian civilians dead and dozens wounded in 24 hours, hit the Israeli arrogance, usurpation and halted deportation and sprayed Zionist myths. Earth Day is not only a simple commemoration. It is a warning to consciousness and reflection. Is a constant complaint against nuclear power that keeps its occupant deliberate stupidity of ignoring the foundations of international law, the basic principles of human rights and the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to independence and their land, with specific actions on the part of international community and not to ambivalent and consolation awards. Murder: Palestinian medical sources have indicated that two Palestinians on a motorcycle who were traveling from Khan Younis Rafah have been hit by an attack by warplanes of the Israeli occupying power. One of them was killed, Omar Mohammed Khaled, 24 and another injured. Both members of the Palestinian resistance. While another attack bombed a Palestinian tunnels supply.
Brutal attack by Jewish settlers against Palestinians in Yatta village. Mass kidnappings in the village of Awarta

PIP, March 29, 2011 .-

Dozens of illegal Jewish settlers attacked farmers and herders, and destroyed farmland. They beat women, children and elderly Palestinians, stole belongings and movable fire. The soldiers of the occupation on Israeli paved the way for settlers entering the area east of Yatta Buwaib in Hebron (Al Khalil) in the West Bank, during the morning and afternoon of Monday for forward barbarism. The brutal terror attack and instilled a deep fear of Palestinian families local women, some of them fled to other villages, as I indicate Ratib Jabor, coordinator of the Popular Resistance Committee against the Apartheid Wall in eastern Hebron. The secretary general of the Palestinian popular committees Azmi al-Shyoukhi, expressed "fear that the planned systematic attack by the Israeli occupying forces and illegal settlers was intended to generate the evacuation of the Palestinian natives of the region and counterfeiting their homes and lands. " And asked the human rights groups to save the people living east of Yatta Israel's policy of ethnic cleansing. Awarta: Today Tuesday the occupation army kidnapped dozens of Palestinians from their homes in the village of Awarta, West Bank, to investigate the murder of the family of illegal Jewish settlers in the settlement of Itmar occupation, on 11 March. Among the 60 arrested was the mayor of Awarta, Qais Awada, two brothers and a journalist with the 'Voice of Palestine. " Photo: Supporters shielded Jewish settlers by the Israeli army attacked the people of the Palestinian village of Yatta.

The occupying power is cleaning up the Jordan Valley to Palestinians

PIP, March 28, 2011 .-

the worst form of racism, the government of the occupying power is cleansing of indigenous Palestinians in the Jordan Valley, which illegally occupying power asserting its sovereignty. In the village of Wadi Al Maleh in the Valley, three families Monday pal Estina received by the army of occupation military orders to leave their homes in 3 days. To the families of Mahdi Al-Amer, Daraghma Abed, and Fawzi Daraghma, we anticipate that their homes would be demolished after this period with its furnishings have not taken inside. Daraghma Aref, head of the Municipal Council of the village, said the three families "living in an area called Khirbat Samra did for many decades, even before the creation of Israel in Palestine. " Other Palestinian families in the region also received similar notices. On Sunday, Israeli occupation forces issued a demolition notice from his farm to a Palestinian shepherd in Ein Al-Hilweh, near the village of Wadi Al-Maleh, in the Valley, to evacuate his shop and sheep pen 24 hours or they could be prosecuted, compared to the impotence of the pastor, similar disaster experienced by other families. ANP: police the Palestinian Authority, which orders the owner Mahmoud Abbas, collaborated with the Israeli police in the arrests of Palestinians from Hamas and Jihad, after the explosion in Jerusalem on March 24 against these encroachments of the Zionist authorities do not act. Photos: Palestinian families who were driven out of their house in the Palestinian Jordan Valley.
attack Gaza, killing two Palestinians, amounting to 12 killed in 13 days

PIP, March 27, 2011 .-

War Drones of the occupying power today launched Sunday morning a missile at a car carrying members of the resistance Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in As-Sikka, east of Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza. Following the 2 Palestinians killed Namrouti Radwan, 26, and Hashim Sabri Asaliyya.

With this murder added to 12 Palestinians killed in 13 days. Jihad: The military wing of Jihad, in an official statement announced that "two of its fighters were killed in Israeli airstrike in northern Gaza Strip, both martyrs Nuseirat refugee camp, in the same statement Jihad vowed to avenge their martyrs. Hamas: In a statement the government of Hamas condemned the new Zionist attack. Ismail Radwan, a spokesman Hamas said that "at the end of a two-hour meeting held at a hotel in Gaza City by Palestinian national consensus with the Palestinian resistance groups including Islamic Jihad, said they were ready for a truce if the occupying power to do the same and stop their attacks. " Israel: Israel again ignored the call and 24 hours after the Palestinian decision, attacked today morning and killed the 2 men of Jihad. The Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, had anticipated that "act harshly" and Tpzi former Foreign Minister Livni, called for another Cast Lead on Gaza, designed by the government that killed 1445 Palestinians. Photo: The car bombed by the Zionist power.
Dozens of Palestinians wounded by Israel in protests against the Wall. Jordanian and Syrian repressed. Invasion of Libya with hundreds of dead
PIP, March 26, 2011 .-
Israeli occupation forces used tear gas and batons to break up protests against the Apartheid Wall in West Bank villages. Palestinian Protesters remain at Manara Square in Ramallah, calling for the unity of Fatah and Hamas, and IO chang in the Palestinian Authority, the on Friday joined the demonstrations last week Bel'in village to protest the construction of the Israeli Apartheid Wall Racist, already usurped 60% of the village for the construction of illegal Jewish settlements on stolen Palestinian land. Repression: The occupying army was waiting for the manifestation of repressed all hardness leaving dozens injured, the 4 most serious Palestinian Ahmad Abu Rahma, 16, wounded by a bullet fragmentation, Ibrahim Burnat, 28 Ataya years and Samer, 30, wounded in the legs with gas grenades, at risk of amputation and Burnat Mohamad, 22, beaten in the face with a tear gas canister, suffering serious injuries. Nil'in: Other Palestinian villages to major events was the Nil'in in Ramallah, where the occupation forces left 30 Palestinians wounded. An-Nabi Saleh: simultaneously in another protest against the Wall in the village of An-Nabi Saleh, 3 Palestinians were wounded when Israeli forces used tear gas and shot rubber-coated steel and 2 journalists arrested, Udai Al -Tamimi and photographer Bilal Al-Tamimi, in addition, 12 foreign solidarity movements. Jordan: A large demonstration thousands of Jordanians gathered against the Israeli Embassy in Amman, the Jordanian capital, to demand the expulsion of the Zionist ambassador, to sever relations with Israel and calling for reform in the current monarchy, plagued by corruption. A Saad Hariri died 55 years and more than 100 Jordanians were injured by the Jordanian police, 3 of them seriously. Syria: In the continuity of Syrian demonstrations in the city of Dara to 100 kms from Damascus, demanding an end to government of Bashar Al Assad, more than 20 000 protesters were punished criminally by the Syrian army killing 20 Syrian, adding 104 Syrian civilians were killed. These demonstrations were spreading in other Syrian cities, all of them suppressed. Assad is considering repealing the 'emergency law' that dates back to '60s of last century, bans demonstrations and popular demand. Libya: invading forces of the West, led by the U.S., continue to attack Libya to implement UN resolution 1973-and save civilians from the attacks of Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi, however, the colonial powers in last hours killed more than 150 Libyan civilians, numbering nearly a thousand civilians dead and Libya are destroying the earth with silence from the League of Arab States which joined the invasion. Photos: repressed Palestinians by the Israelis in village of Bil'in. Jordanian protest in Amman, opposite the Israeli Embassy.
A Palestinian was seriously wounded in Nablus. provocation
PIP, March 25, 2011 .-
In the Balata refugee camp near the northern city of Nablus, West Bank, the strength of the occupying power seriously injured Friday when Palestinian civilian, Sulaiman Isa 34, near an illegal Jewish settlement in the occupied Jordan Valley. Provocation: Israeli bulldozer destroyed The Palestinian road 'Freedom' in the West Bank while the Israeli authorities ordered down two houses in the city of Salfeet, according to local sources.
New Israeli raid in Gaza left without light. A bomb exploded in Jerusalem
PIP, March 24, 2011 .-
For the second consecutive week Israeli warplanes opened fire at dawn Thursday against various targets in the Gaza Strip. Two of the attacks were aimed at buildings in Gaza City, a third attack was against U n tunnel near Rafah in southern Gaza, used to pass from Egypt's basic necessities due to the Israeli-Egyptian blockade and the fourth attack was against the power station causing blackouts in Gaza City and its environs, leaving in chaos on the Palestinian population in extreme despair. For its part, the Palestinian resistance in response to mortar attacks launched against Ashkelon 6 and 10 Grad rockets were fired at Beer Sheva, without damaging the Israeli side. Attack in Jerusalem: At 15:30, Palestine time a bomb placed nearly 2 kilos in one of the busiest and most strategic points of occupied Jerusalem, the Israeli bus stop 74, close to numerous bus stops urban, very close to the studios of CNN and Convention and Congress Center in Israel. The explosion killed a British tourist Mary Jane Gardner, 59 Israelis and wounded 38 Palestinians including some who traveled on the line. Sentence: Immediately the holder of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, repudiated the explosion, but until the time is awarded by a Palestinian organization. Also, Abbas Palestinian police put the PA together with the Israeli police to find the perpetrators. Without conviction: however and unusual way, not Abbas or Fayyad condemned the attacks Israeli air and land in Gaza and the death of 9 Palestinians yesterday and another 2 the past 20 / 3 in Gaza. Photos: One of the buildings attacked by Israeli aircraft early today.
The occupying power killed 9 Palestinians, including 3 children in Gaza
PIP, March 23, 2011 .-
In another criminal attack by the occupying power Israeli killed 4 Palestinians in an air strike in the Az-Zaitoun neighborhood of Gaza, on Tuesday night, according to the head of emergency services, Adham Abu Salmiya, making sure to two were under 20 years old, identified as Adham Al-Hazare, Hals Sa'd, Muhammad and Muhammad Abed Atyeh Haraze. Israel: Justifying his crime, a military spokesman said Israeli "warplanes identified 'a group of terrorists" in northern Gaza, preparing to launch a missile against Israel, identified warplanes successfully launched its missiles. " Other attacks: Before the night air attack in the afternoon the battle tanks of the occupying power fired at a Palestinian civilian home in the An-Nazzaz street in the eastern district of Ash-Shaja'iya in Gaza. The family members Abu Hilu were playing football outside the house when a tank shell hit them, killing Jihad Muhammad Al-Hilu 11, Yasser Al-Ahed Hilu, 16, Muhammad Saber Harara 20, Hamer uncle of Yasser Al-Hilu 50, and a fifth victim who could not be identified. In a scene of horror, their bodies were dismembered. Another 19 Palestinians were wounded. In the early hours of Wednesday, the planes returned Zionist attack different parts of the civilian population and the resistance in Gaza. Israel: After the crime, the occupying power was justified in saying that "his forces launched the missile at a missile launch site and 'regret' for wounding civilians. " But it proved a civil family as the wounded and the site was not launched any missiles ramp. Israeli leaders have stepped up the rhetoric, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that "Israel would use all means necessary to protect its citizens." While in the Israeli news site Ynet, the opposition leader and former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, responsible for war crimes, Cast Lead ordered another operation against Gaza, referring to the Israeli invasion of Gaza between 2008 and 2009 that killed 1445 Palestinians in 22 days. Hamas: In an official statement the government Hamas declared today "National Mourning Day," called to accompany people to the families of the martyrs and condemned the attack saying that "Israeli tanks shelled the house in what would be the Zionist attack deadliest in Gaza in months." Hours before the attacks, Hamas, had called for a negotiated truce with Palestinian resistance groups, which Israel did not take into account. It also said that "the firing of rockets on the Palestinian side are in response to Israeli attacks and crimes. UN: The UN envoy to the Middle East, Robert Serry, condemned Tuesday Israel of killing civilians and Palestinian children in Gaza. Photo: In Ash Shifa Hospital in Gaza, a Palestinian cries with his family heartbroken killed during the airstrike.
Israeli aircraft attack Gaza, leaving 17 injured, 2 children seriously. Settlers killed a Palestinian
PIP, March 22, 2011 .-
During yesterday and the morning of Tuesday, warplanes bombed the occupying power with more violence than Gaza. The first wave of air strikes Aelian isr was on civilian areas, a police center and a center military training from al-Qassam Brigades Azzedine. The bombs also crashed into houses of building materials and a machine shop, family owned Doghmush, on the outskirts of Gaza City, according to the Palestinian government of Hamas. The missile wounded 17 Palestinians, including 2 women and 7 children, 2 of them in serious condition, as reported by Abu Adham Selmeya, head of Gaza emergency services. They also bombarded three sites near the city of Khan Younis, south of the territory. Ten Palestinians were taken to Ash-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City and another 7 were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital. During the morning of Tuesday the aircraft power attacked occupying Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza City, causing extensive damage and several injuries. Threat: On Monday the deputy Israeli foreign minister, Danny Ayalon, who justified the attacks, threatened to kill Hamas leaders. "If Hamas decides to increase its military escalation, we will end it and have other actions before putting ground forces into Gaza as a direct attack on Hamas leaders." Hamas: A Hamas government statement said "The enemy will pay a heavy price if it continues its aggression and crimes against our people in Gaza." His spokesman Taher al-Nunu said that "In the government there a consensus among Palestinian resistance groups to respect a truce in the Gaza security. " Murder: The Palestinian civil Mahmud Ibrahim Awad, 33, was killed after being stabbed by an illegal Jewish settler near the Havat Maon settlement south of Hebron city. 6 other Palestinian workers were attacked by settlers near the settlement of Shilo. Photo: A garage bombed by Israel in Gaza.
UN since the beginning of 2011, 70 Palestinian houses demolished
PIP, March 21, 2011 .-
Latest United Nations figures show a twofold increase in the number of Palestinian homes and farms and buildings destroyed by order of the Israeli occupying power d uring the first months of this year. The Relief and Works Agency of the UN (Relief and Works Agency) recorded 70 houses and civilian buildings demolitions by Israeli forces since the beginning of 2011, moving from home to 105 Palestinians, of whom 43 were under 18 years. The demolitions were carried out throughout the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem, under orders from the Israeli police, municipal officials and mandated by the Israeli Civil Administration. According to spokesman of the UNRWA in Jerusalem Chris Gunness, spoke about the concern of officials of the UN, comparing the average number of 24 demolitions per month since 2000, when the agency began tracking. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, who visited the region last month described the events as "discriminatory," Pillay said that "all activities related to the settlement, and any judicial, administrative or practice, directly or indirectly coercing Palestinians out of East Jerusalem, including evictions, demolitions, forced displacement and cancellation of residence permits discriminatory basis, should be arrested like the restrictions on Palestinian access to Jerusalem, must be lifted by Israel. " In the West Bank Palestinians to the original owners of their land, are prohibited from building in areas declared by Israel as military training areas, cooking areas, state land (occupying) near the settlements or the areas designated as "Area C", illegally owned Israeli Civil Administration. According to UN figures, over 60 percent of the West Bank is under these conditions. Photo: Palestinian House destroyed by the occupying force.
Urgent: Israel attacked by air and land in Gaza and killed 2 Palestinians. West with the unfortunate accession of the Arab League invaded Libya. Syrians kill six
PIP, March 20, 2011 .-
After throwing Palestinian resistance rockets in response to the two Palestinians killed on Thursday (see 16 / 3), the Israeli occupation forces attacked the Gaza Strip by air with helicopter flights at Apache and ground tanks throughout Saturday until Sunday morning to several Palestinian targets. According to Palestinian sources, the bombing 9 injured left of the Hamas security force and a 9 year old boy, causing severe damage to homes. In the early hours of Sunday, the Israeli army killed 2 young Palestinian civilians, Emad Qasem Muhammad Salah Abu Farajallah and Etaiwi, both 17, in northern Addik Juhr of Al Bureij refugee camp in the center Gaza. Hamas: Hamas Palestinian sources, said that the Israeli attacks focused on airport district Yasser Arafat in Gaza, near Rafah border crossing and the village of As-Sufi Shokat. Moreover, Ezedin Al Qassam Brigades, armed wing of Hamas, claimed responsibility for attacks on Israeli territory, considering as one of the most intense attacks launched against the occupying power. Palestinian officials said that they saw Israeli tanks firing at point blank range after dark. Israel: on the attacks, Israeli military sources estimate that 54 rockets came to explode in the western Negev region on the towns of Sedot Hanegev, Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev, injuring two Israelis, undamaged materials, thereby justifying their criminal attack. invade Libya: To execute the resolution of UN Security Council, 1973, authorizing a military strike against Libya, with the false excuse of protecting the Libyan people and d attacks president A Muammar Ghaddafi, during a meeting in Paris, convened by President Nicolas Sarkozy, representatives of the Arab League, African Union, the European Union and the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon and Secretary of State U.S., Hillary Clinton, deciding to support President Barack Hussein Obama, from Brazil, starting with the operation Odyssey at Dawn ". At 14:30 pm (ET Libya), criminal warplanes from France, England, U.S. and NATO forces invaded Libya with fierce attacks, launching more than 110 Tomahawk missiles, meddling in a domestic situation alien to them. Al Ghaddafi said early Sunday that he is willing to "arming his people to fight the imperialist attacks." ANP: The head of the Palestinian National Authority joined the Arab League to attack Libya and kept silent about the attacks of the occupying power in Gaza. Double Weight: With double double weight scale and measure the UN resolutions. Israel constantly violated UN resolutions, invades and kills Palestinians, occupied Palestine and Jerusalem, without clutch convictions of the UN, never run. West never took up arms against Israel, as it did with Iraq and now Libya. Sorry : Like what happened in Iraq, the League of Arab States, supported the attack and the exclusion zone against Libya. Syria: during a popular demonstration in Syria for a democratic opening in Daraa 100 km from Damascus, Syrian forces fired yesterday against the civil and peaceful demonstration, killing 6 Syrians. Photos: ferociously attack Israeli tanks in Gaza, during the early hours of Sunday. Attack French warplanes on Libya.
Fierce attacks and theft of Palestinian land by settlers
IP , March 19, 2011 .- Violent
clashes erupted late Friday between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupying forces, my enter the Silwan illegal Jewish settlers in the district of occupied Jerusalem, continued their vicious attacks against Palestinians and their property in almost all West Bank during the last week, with the excuse of revenge by the family of murdered Jewish settlers in the settlement of Itmar, although it is not known whether the perpetrators are Palestinians. Jewish settlers armed with weapons supplied by the Israeli army attacked almost synchronized with attacks Silwan different West Bank cities under occupation and the low efficiency Palestinian police, accustomed only to repress the Palestinian people. And I do not care for Palestinian interests. Yusuf in the city, near the town of Salfit in the West Bank, settler terrorists attacked Palestinian homes and businesses, causing great mayhem. In all cases, Israeli troops helped the settlers during their attacks and fired tear gas at Palestinians who resisted to stop the destruction of their homes. Another group of settlers stopped a Palestinian car in Za'tara crossing, east of the city of Salfit, with showers of stones which caused considerable damage to the car and hiriron Palestinian family riding in it. Infringement: In city \u200b\u200bof Tubas, Jewish settlers from the illegal settlement of Maskiot, after violently take the Palestinian people, seized the lands in Wadi Al-Maleh, northern Jordan Valley and destroyed their olive tree plantations. The army escorted the settlers did not heed the desperate claims of the Palestinian owners who showed official documents proving their ownership for decades. Photo: blinds pulled Jewish settlers from a Palestinian trade in Silwan, to rob.
More and more attacks by illegal Jewish settlers against Palestinians
PIP, March 18, 2011 .-
multiply Everyday attacks extremist Jewish settlers. Yesterday attacked Palestinians workers constru ction in the illegal settlement of Shilo. Incident associated with the growing tensions in the occupied West Bank following the violent death of five Jewish settlers in the settlement of Itamar. Residents in this West Bank town said that six masked settlers approached two Palestinian employees, sprayed with pepper spray and then savagely beaten, one of them, Sami snob 33 years of the village of Yetman, beaten vigorously with a metal pipe in the head. Even cause a concussion and injuries on their backs. The situation remains very tense in those neighborhoods since the unknown Friday killed a family of illegal Jewish settlers in the Itmar settlement, near Nablus, while the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is silencing these serious attacks against the Palestinian civilian population. worth mentioning: Palestinians as Sami, are exploited and forced to work as cheap labor in the Jewish settlements, due to the severe lack of jobs in the West Bank. Photo: Sami The Palestinian laborer snob, hospitalized in critical condition.
Uruguay: Recognize Palestine, is to agree with the occupying power. Abbas accepted the invitation to Hamas
PIP, March 17, 2011 .-
Uruguayan Congress approved on Wednesday 16, an Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation in Research and Industrial Development with the Israeli occupying power, a day after Uruguayan President José Mujica, officially recognized the Palestinian state. The seg uir establishing agreements with Israel, is to reinforce the occupation and colonization indirectly accept that holding the Netanyahu government in occupied Palestine and the criminal siege of Gaza. Israel brings benefits and Palestine under occupation despite the accolades. Abbas: The head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas accepted the invitation of Prime Minister of Hamas, Ismael Hanyieh (see 16 / 3), to travel to Gaza and seek a policy of unity that allows calling presidential and legislative elections as requested by the Palestinian people in their demands for the protests of 15 March. Photo: black and white, President Mujica gave to Israeli pressure.
Israeli Attack on Gaza killed 2 Palestinians. Other 2 died gassed. The protest 15 remains valid
PIP, March 16, 2011 .-
During the morning of Wednesday the explosion of a gas cylinder supply in a tunnel under the border between Egypt and Gaza led to a collapse in mass killing Palestinian civilians and As'ad Al-Qidra Muham mad Lashein, both of Jabaliya and wounded four others, evacuated to hospital in Rafah. The tunnels are still the only means of supply to alleviate hunger and basic needs of Palestinians surrounded by Israel and Egypt. Attack: in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza Wednesday morning, its missiles struck a training base Hamas, near the former settlement of Nitzarim, killing 2 Palestinians, and Ghassan Adnan Yousef Shtaiwi Muhannad Abu Amr and wounded a third. The protest of 15: All day yesterday, about 8,000 people marched in the West Bank, about 3,500 in Ramallah, 2000 in the northern city of Nablus despite being surrounded, a similar number in Hebron 1500 in Bethlehem. While in Gaza, Palestinians marched 2000 with the same slogans of unity and an end to the occupation. Repression: While governments of the Palestinian National Authority, PNA and Hamas agreed to respect the demonstrations, in Manara Square in Ramallah, from some unknown cars fired tear gas. At the time, in Ramallah demonstrators clashed with police in the PNA, leaving at least 25 Palestinian youths and wounded 7 others hit hard transported to hospitals by ambulance. Khalida Jarrar, a Palestinian legislator and member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said that "security forces should not be one of the protesters. Young people have a strong slogan. They want elections for the Palestinian National Council. The only thing that can unite the Palestinians in and out. " In Gaza some provocateurs were controlled by Hamas police to protect the order. Conflict: Hamas legislative won democratic elections in 2006, was headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, with the support of Israel and the U.S., a situation that led to internal strife and the expulsion of Fatah forces in Gaza and the establishment of government Hamas in the Gaza Strip, while the ANP formed his government in the West Bank, freezing the presidential and legislative elections, in fact, Abbas, left office in January 2009 and remained in power. Hamas: Hamas Premier Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas publicly called last night "for an immediate meeting here in Gaza ... to initiate a national dialogue to achieve reconciliation. " Photos: A survivor of the explosion in the tunnel in Gaza. Palestinian protesters in Manara Square, determined to stay until it is reconciliation.
Uruguay recognized the State of Palestine
PIP, March 15, 2011 .-
The Republic of Uruguay today recognized Palestinian state and establish formal relations 28 March, announced the Office of the President and the press release n ° 28/11, of Chancery. Uruguayan Foreign Minister, Luis Almagro, said he "can not surprise anyone because it is based on various UN resolutions that recognize the creation of an Arab and a Jew. " Uruguay was one of the first countries to recognize the state of Israel and was part of the UN commission that decided the partition of Palestine in 1947.
The March 15 protest. Large demonstrations by Palestinian unity and ending the occupation
PIP, March 15, 2011 .-
Nearly 2,000 Palestinians in the Square of the Unknown Soldier in Gaza and nearly 3,000 Palestinian demonstrators concentrated in Manara Square in Ramallah, the As in other large cities Palestinian des concentrated at noon Tuesday, with the slogans of unity between Hamas and Fatah, the end of the occupation with a new Intifada and agreements between the Palestinian National Authority and Israel. The meeting was convened on social networking sites, Twitter Faceboox and without political factions and only with the Palestinian flag. Members called the Popular Movement for Ending the Division, which brings together different groups and popular movements in Palestinian society, said they will spend the night in the streets until the problem is resolved between the parties. Similar demonstrations were held in Ramallah on 18 February (see), which were strongly repressed by the police Palestinian National Authority Palestinian-ANP. The humanitarian organization Human Rights Watch ', condemned the beating and asked the NPA to investigate them. ANP: Nabil Shaath, the former chancellor, has said that the PNA "has ordered police not to intervene, even to remove the banners that are offensive to President Mahmoud Abbas." While a section of the Fatah movement, came to the square of Ramallah with an air of provocation, while the Palestinian police carefully observed the demonstration, which was already slogans against the PA and its owner Abbas, who left office on 9 January 2009. Hamas: For his part, Premier Ismael Haniyeh of Hamas expressed support for the calls and instructed security forces to help create a "positive atmosphere." Fadi al-Shafi, a member of the Popular Movement of Hamas, said today that there will be demonstrations symbols of support for any political party, and the only flag that will fly is the Palestinian as well as banners that ask national unity. Israel: The occupying power is closely following the Palestinian movement that is taking place while their forces appear in the Palestinian streets of the West Bank so challenging. Photo: Palestinian demonstrators in the streets Palestinian.
third day of the blockade of Nablus and the village of Awarta, with their populations threatened
PIP, March 14, 2011 .-
Following the attack on family of Jewish settlers in the illegal settlement of Itmar, the situation in Nablus and surrounding villages as in the rest of the West Bank dental is extremely volatile and seriously dangerous. Palestinian cars are attacked and some burned in Hebron, home to the principle of fire and blocked roads have been attacked several Palestinian families in Bethlehem and the occupying power closed the Qalandiya checkpoint, the northern entrance to Jerusalem, leaving thousands of Palestinians stuck in solitary confinement. The illegal armed Jewish settlers are coming down Monday by the hills to the Palestinian villages intimidating, beating, trying to burn houses, cars and mosques, throwing stones at Palestinian homes and businesses. The Israeli army does not prevent but only punishes and kidnaps civilians. While shooting at the houses, the strength of the occupying power with shouts and threats directed at the Palestinians leave their homes, then ransacked and destroyed all their belongings, stole money, computers and other property, kidnapping at least 35 Palestinians bound uncertain, adding them the more than 300 Palestinians kidnapped in the last 3 days. closed area: For a curfew imposed by Israeli occupying power for the third consecutive day, residents are still held in the village of Awarta, blocked and a large-scale military campaign. Israeli media said the army had declared the village a closed military zone. Israel: The premier Benjamin Netanyahu, adopted in retaliation on Saturday to build 500 homes in the illegal settlements, the chairman of the Knesset (Israeli parliament), Reuven Rivlin, said at the funeral of the murdered family, "Our revenge will be to build in our land, more and more ", referring to the Occupied Palestinian Territory. More violent, Ehud Barak, said "As defense minister, I am sure that the iron hand of the army and Shin Bet (internal security) quickly captures the terrorists. Will be held accountable. " Authors: No Palestinian organization claimed the attack. Nor is understood that Palestinians were able to circumvent the tight security of the army and settlers, as the settlement of Itmar is considered impenetrable by the closed and aggressive security system. Photo: The occupation forces sealing off the village of Awarta and mistreating its people.
Settlers attacked in retaliation for Israeli army Silwan and gassed their people. More provocative
PIP, March 13, 2011 .-
During Saturday there was heavy fighting in Silwan, which continued during the early hours of Sunday between Palestinian residents and Jewish settlers illegal you attacked in retaliation the death of a family of Jewish settlers in the illegal settlement of Itmar, Nablus, West Bank on Thursday (see 12 / 3). The settlers supported by soldiers of the occupation have spread to other districts that were not previously as affected by violence. The air of Silwan in East Jerusalem, living under constant pressure from settlers fanatics and the usurpation of Palestinian homes. On Saturday Israeli occupation forces while the Palestinians wanted to stop the settlers who tried to burn their houses, the Israeli occupying forces began firing tear gas and firing rubber bullets at close range and steel against the civilian population. The gases released at close range in indoor asphyxia caused serious effects of dozens of people mostly children and the elderly, forcing owners to evacuate their homes. Meanwhile, many Palestinians were stunned as consequence of sound bombs dropped by the Israeli army. Among the wounded were a baby a week old and a 45 year old woman. More provocation: The premier Benjamin Netanyahu, met Saturday night to the ministerial committee on settlements to approve a public promise that "the attack on settler family would not stop building homes for Jews." Defying international law, Netanyahu said that "ministers authorized the construction of several hundred units in settlements in the West Bank." The Israeli newspaper Haaretz found that would be about 500 homes. Photos: Capsules of internationally banned Israeli tear gas fired at Palestinian civilians.
voltage in Nablus, West Bank
PIP, March 12, 2011 .-
The Palestinian city of Nablus on Saturday is fully shielded by the Israeli occupation army after the murder of a family of 5 in the illegal Jewish settlers Itmar settlement, presumably by Palestinians. No Palestinian organization claimed responsibility for the fact, the first after several years. According to Palestinian sources, the Israeli army reported all the houses in the Palestinian village Awarta, near the settlement, with interrogations, torture and numerous kidnappings of Palestinians and taken to unknown locations. Several days ago that there is great tension between Palestinian farmers and Jewish settlers are extremists who burned houses and fields to drive the Palestinians from their land. Settlers: Clusters of fans settlers living illegally in the occupied Palestinian territory, said they take revenge into their own hands against the Palestinians. ANP: The Palestinian premier Salam Fayyad of the Palestinian Authority, surprisingly, that silent came Israeli crimes in Gaza, condemned what happened today without repudiating the Israeli attitude of being kidnapped and sweeping in their raids on Palestinian civilians.
Israel by Palestinian law requires sharing your home with settlers. Hamas government renews
PIP, March 11, 2011 .-
An Israeli court granted legally illegitimate illegal Jewish settlers the right to use one of the rooms and the front yard of the house of the Palestinian family of Hamdallah, Zeitim Maaleh located in, in the neighborhood of Ras al Amud in Old Jerusalem occupied. Hamdallah family, which reside in the property for decades, maintained a court battle over the past 11 years to save your home from Jewish settlers financed by American millionaire Irving Moskowitz, who claim it as their own and have bought two Zionist organizations, according to these, property they owned before Israel's creation in 1948, after which East Jerusalem was under Jordanian occupation and the western sector of the city under Israeli occupation. However, Hamdallah, ensure that property belongs to them familiarly since ancient times. Double weight: Israeli courts do not allow recovery by the Palestinian occupying property in Jerusalem or other parts of the country before the creation of Israel and that they were usurped. Hamas: The Hamas government in Gaza, announced Thursday the formation of a new government headed by Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh. Many of the members appointed positions at the Islamic University in Gaza. Haniyeh said that "remodeling is an administrative step and not against inter-Palestinian reconciliation." And said the new government was willing to resign before a national unity agreement with Fatah. Among the new ministers appointed, was first named a woman, Jamila Ash-Shanti, by the Ministry of Affairs Women. Ash-Shanti, is the widow of Hamas leader Abdul Aziz Rantissi, who was assassinated in 2004 by Israel. Proposal killed: Three months before his death, Ar-Rantisi, had proposed a ten-year truce to Israel in exchange for the return of the Palestinian state. Israel did not accept him and killed him along with his son and a bodyguard. Photo: Handallah Family cas down to share with fanatical Jewish settlers.

continue demolishing Palestinian homes. Gaza: A Palestinian dies in a tunnel
PIP, March 10, 2011 .-
forces of the occupying power Israel demolished a Palestinian barn Wednesday, justifying their attitude by accusing the owner Muhammad Younis Al-Alami, having constant
structed the same near the illegal Israeli main road between Jerusalem and Hebron. However, Al-Alami, said the building was long before the construction of the road. According to a spokesman for a people's committee of residents of Beit Umar, near Hebron in Ayad Mohamed Awwad, said he had handed over a demolition order on the previous day. The barn over 30 years, was one of the four buildings mentioned in the demolition orders issued to residents from Monday. Awwad, said late on Wednesday, "Israeli soldiers accompanied by a bulldozer destroyed the building agricultural militarized Muhammad Younis Al-Alami, without letting out some of its machinery. Also, Awad accused Israel of having demolished the one-story house of Ayman Saleh Sabarna, which was reported last Tuesday with a military document alternatives, pronounced him "his one-story house on the main road to Hebron scheduled for demolition. " Sabarna, one Palestinian civilian was anticipated that their only dwelling house and had nowhere to go with his family. The Israeli authorities not contemplated at the time of demolishing the old and modest house. The soldiers reported having given orders to demolish three other families. Gaza: Forced to build tunnels to alleviate hunger in Gaza, with the risk of being bombed by Israel, Egypt or gassed by a landslide, the Palestinian youth Bal'awi Yousef Al-Khalil, 29, of the refugee camp Jabaliya, was killed Thursday by suffocation by the collapse of one of those tunnels. Photo: The military bulldozer destroyed the house of a Palestinian Sabarna floor in nearby Hebron.
Israel usurped Palestinian Jordan Valley. Settlers started attacking Palestinian olive and
PIP, March 9, 2011 .- So unexpected
Premier Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday visited a military base in the occupation in the occupied Jordan Valley in 1967, during his presence called at a press conference and said the Israeli position to usurp the Valley definitivam entity and all Palestinian-Jordanian border. Netanyahu saw the Jordan Valley as part of the sovereignty and the "line of defense of Israel, there is no alternative and will remain so in any future situation and agreement with the Palestinians. The army must stay here along the border with Jordan. " This colonial attitude makes clear that Israel is far from any agreement decent and the failure plunges the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. Settlers: In the vicinity of Nablus, after destroying olive trees, illegal Jewish settlers backs Israeli occupation soldiers attacked the Palestinian people. Both bullets were steel and rubber against the population to nearly 10 Palestinians wounded, one seriously. According to eyewitnesses, the settlers said they fired with automatic rifles and soldiers used bullets, shells tear gas and rubber. Photo: A Palestinian farmer yells desperate Israeli bulldozer while trees were uprooted olive trees, to usurp the land.
New Israeli bombing of Gaza. Chilean President to visit Gaza would not
PIP, March 6, 2011 .-
For the eighth consecutive day warplanes of the Israeli occupying power launched into the night Saturday June air strikes, including four against the city was Strip ca pital with at least 3 injured, according to a balance of witnesses and Palestinian security services to Hamas. The attacks targeted the Gaza military warehouses Ezedin the Qassam Brigades, armed wing of Hamas government, Palestinians, wounding 12, including 2 children, as well as significant damage to the same military headquarters of Hamas and the neighboring houses Palestinian civilians. Israel: The occupying power returns to justify their criminal attacks, saying they were dismissed after a homemade Palestinian rocket firing from Gaza into southern Israel, causing no injuries or damage, a military statement said. Hamas: In an official statement on the Hamas government, strongly condemned the attacks and requested United Nations, to stop the advance isrelí against a defenseless civilian population. ANP: The head of the Palestinian National Authority, Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, made no comment or condemn you, or previous attacks and the deaths of 8 Palestinians in Gaza, including 2 children. Chile: Chilean President Sebastián Piñera, during a tour of the region on Friday held meetings with the Israeli government, even though Israeli officials are weighing charges of crimes against humanity against the Palestinian population under occupation. Piñera, made another of the usual mistakes of the world leaders to meet Israelis in occupied Jerusalem. Saturday Piñera President visited Palestine and Ramallah, met with Abbas at the same time that the Israeli attack on Gaza. With many words of solidarity and some criterion, Piñera, decided not to visit Gaza to feel the tragedy of the besieged Palestinian people by Israel and Egypt and refused to meet with the leaders of the Hamas government in Ramallah. Recognition: Piñera President had recognized the Palestinian state in line with the members of UNASUR, amid strong criticism of the important Chilean-Palestinian community by the inadequate recognition. Photo: Israeli jets bombed Gaza sectors during Saturday night for the eighth straight day.
Hamas seized the Palestinian Investment Fund of the ANP
PIP, March 5, 2011 .-
On Sunday, the Hamas Executive took control of the Fund Palestinian Investment Fund (FPI), owned by the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine, PLO, and formed a new board and confiscated its property and assets, said yesterday Friday, Hamas government sources. The legal seizure was carried out with the security forces of Hamas with an order judicial condemnation by political and financial corruption against the interests of Hamas. The general director of the Bank in Gaza, Nabil al-Zaim and executive director of the Gaza branch, Hussein Abu Tawila, responding to the Palestinian Authority-.ANP, given before retiring the relevant documentation and the coffers of money. ANP: The Monetary Authority of ANP, based in Ramallah, West Bank, in an official statement said that "We denounce and condemn the attack on the headquarters of Gaza" and called for a halt to the banks. Hamas: Ayman Daraghma, a leader of Hamas in the West Bank, defended the seizure as a form of "Give back money to the Palestinian people ... It is the Palestinian people's money, so do not look bad that is returned to the Palestinians. Why have to be in the hands of people who exploit the Palestinians?, Referring to the ANP. It is estimated that the money seized exceeded half a million dollars. Photo: Bank-funded Palestinian Islamic Hamas, founded in 2007.
Israel wants a Palestinian state subservient to the '67 borders. Gaza airstrike
PIP, March 4, 2011 .-
Israel prepares its strategy diagrammed with the United States taking advantage of the weakness that represent the Arab regimes and the Palestinian National Authority-ANP. Zionist cabinet sources say it intends to propose to the owner of the ANP, Mahmoud Abbas, an immediate interim agreement, including the declaration of a state with temporary borders in Gaza and parts of the West Bank. Fraud: Israeli President Shimon Peres, also supports the premier Benjamin Netanyahu to "finally implement its project, announced two years ago to allow the creation of Palestine," Wikileaks plan denounced by the Palestinians, such as fraud of the Palestinian negotiators with the Palestinian people, something that cost the departure of chief negotiator Saeb Erekat of the PLO and the discrediting of Abbas. Trick: With colonialist hypocrisy, Netanyahu said that "It is not that we avoid a final settlement. But an interim agreement of this kind is a first step towards final peace. " Netanyahu's new proposal is a joke that his plan would combine the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman fundamentalist and Kadima's deputy and former Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, Shaul Mofaz, one of those responsible for poisoning of Yasser Arafat. Lieberman supports a long-term interim agreement, with a Palestinian state in 45% of the territories occupied in 1967. More generous, Mofaz, by contrast, proposes a Palestinian state with 60%. Both proposals Zionists made it clear that Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, parts of Hebron, Nablus and Bethlehem, occupied Palestinian territories remain under Israeli sovereignty, as well as illegal Jewish settlements in occupied Jerusalem. Hamas: The Hamas government in Gaza, rejected the Israeli proposal and said further resistance to end the occupation. Attack in Gaza: Today, Friday the occupying power aviation attacked a car in central Gaza, causing no injuries, while others drone fired two missiles near the Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, destroying a military jeep Hamas. Photo: Netanyahu, with Jewish settlers introduced the plan of choking the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
Israel approved construction of 14 apartments in occupied Jerusalem.
Demolition in Nablus
PIP, February 3, 2011 .- In the heart
East Jerusalem, in the Ras al-Amud, Israeli occupation authorities on Wednesday approved the construction of new housing Jews. The plan is to build 14 apartments, creating a new point of fr iction between the new illegal Jewish settlers and Palestinian residents of the ancient holy city. Ziad Hamouri, head of the Palestinian Centre for Socio-Economic Rights in Jerusalem, reported that "increasing the Jewish presence in the eastern sector of the city is a new attempt to Tel Aviv to undermine the aspirations of the Palestinian people." Demolitions: The small Palestinian village of shepherds, Khirbet Tana, east of Nablus, West Bank, was demolished by the Civil Administration of the Israeli occupation for the sixth time. During the morning of Wednesday, thirteen Israeli patrols and three military bulldozers reached the village and demolished the poor house, tents and recently re-built shelters for the residents after their homes have been destroyed a month ago. Photo: squatters during the illegal Jewish settlement construction in occupied Jerusalem.
Tension in Gaza border. Another Palestinian died, the sixth in six days
PIP, March 2, 2011 .-
For the sixth consecutive day the Israeli occupying power attacked the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian resistance fought Israeli forces blew up an anti-tank rocket Israeli tanks, witnesses said Palestinians, while Israeli side diff undieron concerned a statement in which the army said the shell was identified and intercepted by the anti Israeli rockets Windbreaker 'recently installed in their armor. During combat a Palestinian was wounded by a tank shell near Khan Younis city, south of the Palestinian territory of Gaza. Incidents of Israeli military outpost at noon the occupying army opened fire on Palestinian civilian workers in the northwest of the town of Beit Lahiya, killing the Palestinian civilian Omar Awad al-Ma'rouf. Murdered: With the death of Ma'rouf, in last six days the Israeli occupying power killed 6 Palestinians, including 2 children. Photo: One of the houses in Gaza destroyed by Israeli bombardments against the desperation of its owner.
Jewish settlers attack Palestinians. Numerous orders to demolish Palestinian homes
PIP, March 1, 2011 .-
illegal Jewish settlers fans in protest against Israeli security forces demolished two structures are in a position or unauthorized illegal settlement Havat Gilad, in vicinity of Hebron, West Bank, in retaliation attacked Palestinian properties. 9 cars smashed windows and hurled firebombs at a Palestinian house in the area. As the best justification, Jewish extremists applied their actions in the campaign they call "price", in reference to the use of violence against the Palestinians whenever the Israeli government tries to curb some of the buildings in the settlements on Palestinian territory busy. Abductions: Meanwhile, soldiers of the occupying power abducted from inside their house several Palestinians and took him to an unknown destination, also, broke into several Palestinian houses in the holy city of Hebron. Meanwhile, in the Palestinian village of Al-Thahiriyya in East Jerusalem, Palestinians stormed six homes, a mosque and a school, as well as delivering other orders demolition of those places. Demolitions: With its policy of moving to the settlements, an Israeli spokesman said that in the last hours the soldiers gave numerous military orders to demolish houses of Palestinian civilians in the towns of Beit Hanina, Wadi Al-Dam, Al-Marwaha and Shufat in Jerusalem and in the area of \u200b\u200bAl-Ramadan, in Hebron. The Israeli occupation authorities, arguing that these Palestinian homes were built without permits oficiales e ignoran los alegatos de las familias perjudicadas que aseguraron haber presentado todos los documentos de rigor y que son sus propiedades desde hace décadas. Foto: Una mujer palestina desolada luego que los israelíes le demolió su casa y la echaron del lugar con su familia.