Critical Condition Haro Manolo
Launched in search of literary inbreeding, we can say that of Trap Emmanuel Bove (Paris, 1898-1945) can be considered sister process of Franz Kafka. His character, Joseph, one Josef K. Bridet - is placed at the precise time-space coordinates of occupied France as he tries to make a pass across to London and join General de Gaulle. The judicial and bureaucratic hell and imagined glimpse Kafka as a precursor of the contemporary world in his novel is present in Trap dramatically palpable.
Carnot Hotel In Lyon, room 59, Joseph Bridet lives. Yolande, his wife, so in the Hotel d'Angleterre in the same city. Something's wrong between them. War brings estrangement in marriage and personal interests: she wants to return to Paris and reopen their headgear; him, get a 'ausweiss' (pass) that allows you to leave France. To that end takes a few trips to Vichy to touch a chord among the civil collaborators, based on the string of identities unstable (pro- Petain or Gaullist) in a time when everyone is under suspicion. Your contacts will not only respond to your request, but do you begin to operate the intricate and frustrating randomness of police and judicial bureaucracy in a system where no one seems to know the limits or the law. From this point the circle is narrowed around the protagonist and the reader follows, between perplexed and amazed, the facets of this process. His wife is an unsettling counterpoint to the speed of the story: ambiguous, serene and disturbing, is the husband of the network of offices, interview rooms, courts and cells, offering again and again hoping for a release that never comes.
relieved of any empty rhetoric, Emmanuel Bove only allowed a few brief notes when trying to recreate the space. His accurate and precise painting style just want the streets, corridors, rooms, sky lights and crossing the story. Is more interested in the characters and action in placing the bare props after he narrates. Here the moral misery defined lines of demarcation. The soul of traitors and Gaullists apparent straddles the dark ocher and sickening betrayal and profit. Bove in Trap able to put in the shaker Kafka and Ionesco, shaking combined with the speed of madness. The potion does not leave the reader unmoved, but brooding, when I read it rests on the pillow, feeling that at present is still with the same thread weaving the dark curtain that hangs in some repressive architectures.
The sentimental meeting between a Russian exile and a maid fruit Luxembourg gives Emmanuel Bobovnikoff. The pseudonyms Dugast et Jean Pierre Vallois Bove hide the man who would end up signing his work as Emmanuel Bove. His life moved to swing the wheel of Fortune. Geneva, Vienna, London, Algiers, Paris. Tram driver, waiter, worker Renault driver . The literary vicissitudes Bove had the blessing of Colette, Gide, Rilke, Max Jacob and Beckett. As always in these cases, to uncork a bottle of whatever it takes to provide new tables for collecting these strange meteors. If someone has the courage to open its pages, I suggest that you place under the needle Ascenseur Pour l' scaffold of Miles. You hear the breathing of Bridet.
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