Saturday, April 30, 2011

Breast Augmentation Under Arm

Nazi occupation

La Voz de Galicia
Hector J. 30/04/2011

VERY DIFFERENT TWO NOVELS Kafkaesque investigate the tensions that arose in CO LIFE OF TERRITORIES.

The novel and film, has often visited the territories occupied by Germany Hitler to paraphrase the heroism of the partisans, but has avoided indulging in attitudes collaborators, the daily miseries marked by the fear of betrayal, treachery, denial of the ideals quick own to survive comfortably, selfishness, abuse of power who has spent the invading forces ... It is in this scenario where they move, yes, very different and divergent aesthetic and objectives-the two novels here has, with notable both for excellence: A comedy in a minor (1947) by Hans Keilson and The Trap (1945 ) by Emmanuel Bove. Keilson
poses a delicate and intimate drama with just three characters, which brings into play the fears of a couple who welcomed her into her home in secret to a Jew. The story unfolds in a small Dutch town that seems oblivious to the war except the distant roar of allied aircraft over the road to Germany or any noise of any shooting. And yet, fears take over the daily life for the sake of the unusual presence of the tenant on the first floor. Although becomes established a strong association between them, never reach a good understanding of his guest until a whimsical twist of fate, which enhances the perception of Kafka's what happens-give a complete turnaround in his condition.
Despite sharing the immediacy of the writing and the facts, and both lack detodo viso rhetorical or epic, The trap is located far from the exquisite sensitivity of Keilson. Bove signing a most politically charged novel of complaint and with a strong testimonial. It is the story of how Bridet, a man who does not accept the Vichy regime, and that without being a Jew or Communist, or a real threat with his awkwardness and fears set in motion a perverse mechanism-the bureaucracy-to collaborator will take the wrong term.
Two gorgeous precious jewels.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pokemon Itouch Cheats

Two weeks in the wilds American (Quinze jours dans le désert), Alexis de Tocqueville

La2Revelació Ariodante


Nobody can deny that the journey taken by Alexis de Tocqueville (Verneuil in Normandy, 1805 - Cannes, 1859) to America in April 1831 proved most helpful, both for his own personal biography to science, politics and literature. In the company of Gustave de Beaumont, colleague, friend and later editor of his work, Tocqueville moved to the New World on behalf of the French Government of the time in order to examine the American prison system, the object at the time of major reforms and innovations. Around the nine-month journey on American soil, was duly published the report the prison system in the United States and its implementation in France that accounts for the research carried out by both lawyers.

But observation and investigation of Tocqueville were not confined to such professional work, most civil service. The study of penal and prison field, as well as the official reason for the trip itself was only a pretext in existential and intellectual adventure. France, since 1789 in constant turmoil, starring at that time an innovation : the new order led by Luis Felipe altering the order of succession in the dynastic line gala. Tocqueville, who has by then twenty-six years and is a judge of the court of Versailles auditor puts land and ocean apart to discover new horizons and new realities.

Barataria This edition contains the main text that reflects the views of the expedition conducted by Tocqueville and Beaumont from Detroit to Saginaw, between 19 and 29 July 1831. Beaumont was published after the death of a friend in the Revue des deux mondes (1860) and subsequently in Œ VRES Complètes , with the title of "Quinze tours dans le désert" . As an annex, also includes the personal diary of Tocqueville ("Travel Notes in the west") started a few days before that, July 4 (day of the U.S. national holiday), and ending where it begins the narration of the text which underlies this book. Tocqueville

look carefully not only the social, cultural, economic and political development of the United States. Also the landscape, people, nature of the place, get their attention and encourage their desire browser. The raid by American wilderness, by still virgin land The U.S., through early colonization sites. Contact with pioneers from Europe coincides in time and space with native Indians. Everyone has something to ask. Of all want to learn about the essence of those lands promising.

However, Tocqueville does not forget France. His journey is return. Knowing Latin will help you learn more about Europe and the rest of the world. With these words, elegant prose, lucid mind, the notebook is closed traveler:

"was in the midst of this deep loneliness that I suddenly remembered the Revolution of 1830 of which marked the first anniversary. I can not explain what appeared impetuous in my mind the memories of that July 29. The screams and the smoke of battle, the cannon and the rattle of musketry, the even more terrible peals of bells playing the alarm, all day with his inflamed atmosphere suddenly seemed to emerge from the past and displayed as a table in my living eyes. It was only a sudden illumination, a passing dream. When raising the head, and looked around me, the apparition had vanished, but the silence of the forest never seemed so cold and so dark shadows, and my loneliness so absolute. " (p. 92).

And without that trip Voyage, as fruitful, and discoverer of passage, "without the antics and adventures described here would not have been composed instrumental works such as political thought Democracy in America (1835, 1850) and The Old Regime and Revolution (1854).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is A Kidney Cyst Uncommon In 30's

Lawrence of Arabia was biker

Miquel Silvestre El Pais 20/04/2011

Jordan River in the desert, solar where they cross the mythical adventures of Thomas E. Lawrence, the intrepid Indiana Jones and to a concentration of Harley Davidson, East version Medium. Solar

Nabatean kingdom, which stretched from Palmyra to Petra, Jordan is articulated through three parallel tracks that run north to south. The narrow and winding road that runs along the east bank of the Jordan River and Dead Sea, Old Kings Highway which runs the most amazing archaeological sites, and the dreary desert highway, and beyond, there is only sand and the remote border with Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Jerasa The Roman city is huge, overwhelming, majestic unreservedly. Impress the conservation status of the columnar , gates, temples . A very long paved avenue leads to the huge plaza bristling with perfect circular stone stilettos. Inside, one can not help feeling like a barbarian at such grandeur. This really is the work of a great civilization. Somehow, despite penicillin and electricity, here are just thinking that somehow humanity has walked back over the last two thousand years.

The Mount Nebo, where Moses received the Tablets of the Law, the place of baptism of Jesus, the crusader castle of Al Karak. So much to see and it's so exciting this story stone made need two lives to be sated.

First Middle East map at Madaba Arrival

almost overnight. The Church of St. George Greek Orthodox rite, is famous for a Byzantine mosaic that represents the first complete map Middle East. During dinner chat with the priest. Middle-aged man, strong features, black hair and blue eyes. Ask about my travels and the world situation. Seems to take centuries without foreign news. Stares at me as we speak, as if trying to unravel the reasons why I walk the planet with only a motorcycle company. When we parted, my hand kept in a small relic brought from Jerusalem.

next day, Petra. Perhaps the most famous archaeological jewel of any desert . The capital of the Nabataean kingdom in the valley of Arabah. Shrouded in the mists of history until the Swiss Burkhardt gave her in 1812. Since then, major tourist attraction. The ticket price is really creepy recently uploaded a 90-euros-but so is the emotion that overwhelms the traveler crosses the narrow corridor of stone and suddenly glimpsed the cover of the great building of the Treasury. When sprout the esplanade one can not help but wonder as Indiana Jones in search of grails and full coffers of the alliance.

To the south, the road climbs a steep hill and after overcoming a scenario arises peak torn at the bottom. We receive an orange desert, supernatural, sharp ridges dotted with granite and sandstone. Resembling an ocean populated by only teach Cretaceous fish dorsal fins. The dusty haze in the distance to get the sun shines and reverberates around the rays. It is a spectacle of primitive beauty, however, I enjoy it very carefully, because the asphalt is milled and difficult to control the bike.

In honor of Lawrence of Arabia

At sunset landing at the legendary Wadi Rum or Valley of the Moon. the desert runway is the longest and highest the country, located at 1600 meters above sea level. Paradise of adventurers, wanderers and climbers, was also the place from where he led the Arab revolt against Ottoman Sultanate British officer Thomas E. Lawrence, popularly known as Lawrence of Arabia . One of the most striking geological formations of Wadi was baptized in 1980 as The Seven Pillars of Wisdom in honor of his book.

I am writing to Aqaba, 70 km, from where a ferry to Egypt, perhaps the worst border crossing engine. Travellers tell of hours or even days, to legalize the documents of their vehicles. To distract myself, I'm thinking of something I have in common with Lawrence of Arabia, as well taste for deserts and literature. Motorcycles. The complex of His Majesty spy was killed in an accident on a Brough Superior, known as the Rolls-Royce on two wheels, a unique motorcycle that today reaches astronomical figures in the classical market. Concentration

'Harleys' in the desert

Speaking of bikes. When you reach the checkpoint before the port city where the soldiers stop all drivers, I see before me has come a Harley Davidson with registration of Beirut. I approach the pilot and signaled him wonder what the hell is he doing here. He informs me that in Aqaba is a concentration of owners of Harley, from throughout the Middle East, which celebrates the first anniversary of Amman dealer. I exclaimed that I would not miss and I follow him to a luxurious resort to Red Sea.

There are dozens of types mature in leather and chrome. They come from Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai, Egypt, Saudi Arabia ... There I am introduced to Omar, the vice president of club owners in Jordan. He invited me to dinner with them. Will show photographs of their toys: a Harley, a Ford Mustang, a huge jet ski. Then says that she has three broken ribs in a car accident.

- With the Mustang? - I ask.

"With the Porsche," he says.

"Wow, loose- but then you are rich, right?

Omar laughs from behind his beard.

- I do not usually recognize it so fun, "she says," but yes, I am richer than you spend. And for you that today is very lucky because you are my guest and I will take care of it passes to Egypt with my people.

Miquel Silvestre (Denia, 1968) is author of "A million stones '(Barataria).

Ice Cream Hair Dyemask

José María Moreno Galván. Self-criticism of art.

Readings Meetings
Domínguez Santos

In a splendid

illustrated edition, Barataria recovers Autocrítica art of José María Moreno Galván (1923-1981), a series of essays critical of the then Triunfo published in 1965 and which together are a rigorous analysis and depth of contemporary art, an inquiry into the aesthetic and ideological abstraction and aformalismo ( expressiveness absolutely freed from the bench of the form. )

The dialectic between old and new art , between form and meaning, the terrorism of the early avant-garde, conflict between art and life, between history and art as mutable and significant fact, are part of a research issue in contemporary art, which is more than an extension of the art of the past: a project to reverse the action of his office, a subversion of its fundamental precepts, an attempted to overthrow their assumptions and punitive action against its raison d'etre.

The cultural, historical, sociological explaining contemporary art as an identity crisis of the West, the new meaning it acquires in the form and ideological foundation that supports it are the subject of a tour detailed in the chapters of this Self-criticism of art.

A book describing the role of abstraction in contemporary art, anti-historical attitude, which moves between two expressive subversion, rebellion and defiance irrational anti social and institutional, and evolves from the Expressionism to the informality through the ideology of the absurd.

form and substance, time and space, art and society, abstraction and concretion are some of the key analytical and logical with Moreno Galván defines expressive and ideological paths contemporary art, which is more significant regarding Picasso, to whom he dedicated one of its most interesting sections and critic who summarizes the creative features and contradictions of contemporary art.


put Picasso in the center of the struggle between abstraction and representation, Moreno Galván writes:


We have identified more than any other artist of the twentieth century because he takes the story of his age.

The chapter on Picasso is a critical light on the meaning of creation in contemporary art. And the rest of this Self-criticism of art, rigorous and dense, is a very lucid description not only of art but in literature and contemporary culture.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kenmore 80 Drum Removal

A life in occupied France

Critical Condition Haro Manolo


Launched in search of literary inbreeding, we can say that of Trap Emmanuel Bove (Paris, 1898-1945) can be considered sister process of Franz Kafka. His character, Joseph, one Josef K. Bridet - is placed at the precise time-space coordinates of occupied France as he tries to make a pass across to London and join General de Gaulle. The judicial and bureaucratic hell and imagined glimpse Kafka as a precursor of the contemporary world in his novel is present in Trap dramatically palpable.

Carnot Hotel In Lyon, room 59, Joseph Bridet lives. Yolande, his wife, so in the Hotel d'Angleterre in the same city. Something's wrong between them. War brings estrangement in marriage and personal interests: she wants to return to Paris and reopen their headgear; him, get a 'ausweiss' (pass) that allows you to leave France. To that end takes a few trips to Vichy to touch a chord among the civil collaborators, based on the string of identities unstable (pro- Petain or Gaullist) in a time when everyone is under suspicion. Your contacts will not only respond to your request, but do you begin to operate the intricate and frustrating randomness of police and judicial bureaucracy in a system where no one seems to know the limits or the law. From this point the circle is narrowed around the protagonist and the reader follows, between perplexed and amazed, the facets of this process. His wife is an unsettling counterpoint to the speed of the story: ambiguous, serene and disturbing, is the husband of the network of offices, interview rooms, courts and cells, offering again and again hoping for a release that never comes.

relieved of any empty rhetoric, Emmanuel Bove only allowed a few brief notes when trying to recreate the space. His accurate and precise painting style just want the streets, corridors, rooms, sky lights and crossing the story. Is more interested in the characters and action in placing the bare props after he narrates. Here the moral misery defined lines of demarcation. The soul of traitors and Gaullists apparent straddles the dark ocher and sickening betrayal and profit. Bove in Trap able to put in the shaker Kafka and Ionesco, shaking combined with the speed of madness. The potion does not leave the reader unmoved, but brooding, when I read it rests on the pillow, feeling that at present is still with the same thread weaving the dark curtain that hangs in some repressive architectures.

The sentimental meeting between a Russian exile and a maid fruit Luxembourg gives Emmanuel Bobovnikoff. The pseudonyms Dugast et Jean Pierre Vallois Bove hide the man who would end up signing his work as Emmanuel Bove. His life moved to swing the wheel of Fortune. Geneva, Vienna, London, Algiers, Paris. Tram driver, waiter, worker Renault driver . The literary vicissitudes Bove had the blessing of Colette, Gide, Rilke, Max Jacob and Beckett. As always in these cases, to uncork a bottle of whatever it takes to provide new tables for collecting these strange meteors. If someone has the courage to open its pages, I suggest that you place under the needle Ascenseur Pour l' scaffold of Miles. You hear the breathing of Bridet.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sample Questions For Cogat Test

Interview Miquel Silvestre road movie

The books bug
Blanca Vazquez


few days ago we talked about A million stones The adventure that makes us live Miquel Silvestre touring Africa on a motorcycle. The 15,000 km of the book are told with all the natural, energy, freshness, patience and "savoir faire" that this in Alicante Denia boasts. And it has a speed atomic Silvestre. Slim, attractive, live eye forward of all, angular face and focused, music-loving punk rock, whose sacred books ranging from "The Grey Notebook" Josep Pla "Ten thousand" of Xenophon, to Ernesto Sabato and "Abaddon the destroyer" for whom the islands off between such exotic trips are Denia and Asturias. Of course with so free and courageous spirit always questions arise conspiratorial minds syndrome or esoteric. Think, perhaps, that something is hiding behind a character, coming up in the soup. Will this guy a sponsor five stars?. The truth is possibly the sponsors who suspect these individuals are not only readers who have enthusiastically writing Silvestre dotted truth.
Of course, what counts.

Let us add the word of mouth marketing is the best an author can show, along with a promotional effort worthy of admiration. Of the latter I have myself witnessed. An exceptional witness through a live interview and live, you may qualify for road movie on the occasion of the presentation in Bilbao, on 1 April, Million stones in the Honda dealer, to become for a day in the shadow of this author vibrant, tireless worker, fighting with arguments promoting work of travelers.

The sun was shining on a bright April release that returned the brilliant reflection of the shell of the Guggenheim. Miquel Silvestre had an agenda as active as him. To come and greet him with a Honda Varadero told me, camera in hand is better than flying story. Swiftly and gracefully rode package and feel the air of Bilbao, with helmet. As we passed along the Gran Via I suggested if he was aware of the momentum that was giving to the African tourism, now so necessary. His look of surprise me confirmed that it had not fallen.
Trickster, seductive and quick mind, much as his words, Silvestre dragged me to his appointment with Kike Alonso Onda Vasca. Live and direct, we were greeted with the sound of the rock band Marea , original de Navarra. Few minutes in which the author of A million shells stones with the exact words, leaving no dead time to eat, most of the book and the reason to buy it, enjoy it or give it away. We observed the astonished face of Alonso, who forgot to ask if the blood and wounds shown in the book were real.

Back on the bike. We went down the street Autonomy and the way I recall Silvestre has built the book, in a nonlinear fashion. We faces, from the first page, a road accident at a South African national. " A blow, a literary " he answered. Start counting, from a stay in a hospital, a bike ride, juxtaposing planes. Already signed up in Bliss, visions of the beat generation , his narrative is very cinematic.

crossed the river, we stopped front of the Parroquia de San Nicolás de Bari. " South Africa is the country that I disliked. It is a country that repels me . " I could not help asking that African territories have liked more and which less. "Anger and racism remain the daily drivel " he continues. " The black South African is believed lower due to the mantra of many years of apartheid. Then reacts with irritability and anger at racial inequality and make mistakes, justifying all based on this inequality . "

The heat begins to tighten or perhaps the looming debate about us. Your response leads me to tell what French political scientist and journalist Stephen Smith out in his essay Negrología , to blame the African people their share of blame, for retreat in its differentiation as a race and people of other the world. " should make a huge effort and work to earn the freedom outside the protection of NGOs and international organizations ", which aims Silvestre in his book. " tribal societies are" continuous, " yet, outside of South Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe ..) do not suffer difference from the color of their skin, although there is discrimination on other grounds, such as being part of a tribe or another, without there being a general concept of citizenship. It is difficult to build a democracy in a society where some members do not consider other people . "

Here we entered a dense terrain and important book. We have covered another section of the city, always on the Honda. We have another star in Bilbao, the sky is bluer than ever, and we are in Euskadi, a country of thorns. We began to get thirsty, a beer sitting admiring the facade of the Teatro Arriaga know water in the desert.

"Nobody like Marie Ba, Senegal's delegate to the audit BDO sponsor acting " Silvestre returns to the theme, " to explain the issue of caste formed by the elites and nobility and mere survivors without much chance of changing status. " Bilbao

budge, it's Friday, a day of work. The crowd looks at us, look like tourists. But we are actually working. Silvestre sweating, being kind and considerate to everyone that, after all, we ask the same things. I, trying to get those hours at his side, an interview with a touch voyeur for you, readers.

About his visit to Senegal asked by the kindly reception decorated with a trickle of telephone ninguneo that gave the delegate (diplomático!?) Of the English Embassy in Dakar . We laugh, the better. He did not even feel bad for someone who is leaving the skin on the adventure to tell. Given the doubts that something is fiction, there are the videos in Exploramoto , plus photos taken throughout the whole journey. Photos very professional, on the other side. We

sipping beer making time to eat with a group of friends. I start to feel a suitcase carried from one place to another. While the enjoyment of the bike I did not remove anyone. Le score on African beers , as it has done a good tasting. Nabimia, former German colony, has good beers , I answered. By the way, capeas faults "bikes with lots of patience? , you instantly loose. That's when I suspect that the sun is affecting me because my questions, I begin to look for gelatin. But Silvestre, who sonsaqué your favorite movies (Apocalypse Now and The Clockwork Orange) has patience and good humor. Actually Africa is full of good mechanics, he says, there with the invasion of Chinese (Chinese shops are even more lost in the village) to Africa is being accumulated trash, junk sometimes gets repaired but the most cases, and waste piles are everywhere. Senegal is a dump.

The best place to eat, given a sunny day like this is certainly a terrace, where you can also smoke a cigarette at the dinner table with coffee. We return to the Gran Via, near the park Iturrizar Casilda. Surrounded by bikers travelers, anyone here had traveled America from end to end. The salad is the queen of the requests to the waiter. Of course we are in Bilbao and the main courses are more euskaldun . I still stuck to Silvestre, and in between bites skewered him if he remembers has invented many professions across borders . More laughter. And how many have paid bribes?. None , he says. I refuse. There is a bad habit, he continues, to always have gifts to share, something is not done elsewhere. Then expect the whole world. Almost demand it. The Americans set a bad precedent. For example in Cairo is releasing the American dollar as a medium for protection. The English and leave little, we are bad.

With coffee gelatin leaves another question: Why a motorcycle baptized with the name of Princess and the other to give? To which Sylvester says very seriously, that's because the second not earned it. problems only gave . We

time to go to an interview with Roger recently honored Blasco Radio Euskadi Eitb for his 25 years of the program "Anchors Aweigh." He wheedled, with the last sip of iced coffee, who sponsor him. Mainly English headquarters of the international audit BDO, who also purchased 300 books as corporate gifts. Also this 2TMoto, more than money supply materials and accessories, point of sale also book.

At one point, everyone at the table we're talking on a cellphone, each of his course. Which reminds me, writing this chronicle, which Silvestre told me that work surprisingly well as phone companies in Africa. Poor but mobile wifi pocket and the other . Even said something that is not in the book. The fact that people painted with the colors of a company. People are happy to have the house painted, not a complaint by the repeater installed under the ear. And all the people satisfied with their prepaid card and the snack bar .

again to enjoy a motorcycle ride to the headquarters of Eitb. I already feel biker. Pass the security checks at an airport as if it were (I now understand what the be in the air media). While waiting for Roger in a glass postmodern parlor spy I remember one question remained unanswered beginning of everything. Dime Miquel, know the country you did not like, but which do you like? . Botswana is peaceful and clean, Morocco and Tunisia, also, are the Swiss of Africa . It is in that quiet moment when I reiterate that your writing lively, as if to tell us your secret look of things, to translate those experiences, is what has differentiated itself from many other travelers notebook in hand, ( those of moleskine). His humor, his way of adding a piece of the history of the country visited, but in its way, even those with small accounts a touch surreal, as the flight to Baroness Blixen which makes cold sweat, invited by the partner at BDO in Nabimia. Film was his time with the wildlife under his feet.

Rogelio appears Blasco, friendly and affectionate. We recorded twenty minutes to "Anchors Aweigh" (which will be broadcast in a month and a half) about the adventures traveling, the work of Silvestre, not only in Africa, also his other landscapes, Asia, Canada, Europe motorbike tours weekend saw Iraq and speaking in "digital nation" and his future projects, none other than shipping the motorcycle in Alaska to Japan. But spoke of his books, short stories, plays, novels. His work registrar of property and their Exceedances. His love of motorcycling, a million stones, both physical and mental obstacles in the way and the three thousand stars can be found, the camaraderie between the riders and the solidarity that is received by the roads. Quick response, their exact data is output, without any doubt.

sits afternoon, we left and I have to say goodbye. I leave you prepared to sign copies from Honda for all their fans, and then enjoy a bit of the night, one of your favorite moments of the day . Still gives me a final round to the station, guess my eyes eager to experience another psychedelic curve, and I am so excited that I'm saying goodbye to the helmet. Good thing this guy is in everything.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Unwanted Cluboenguin Acounts

A decalogue of "false facts" according to economists 'terrified' Macedonio Fernandez

La Voz de Galicia
Juan Arjona

  • 'financial competence does not necessarily produce a fair price, "warn the authors of the statement collective.
  • rating agencies' increase the risk of bankruptcy that had announced "
  • The increase in debt is due mainly to falling
clear and manifest certainty that can not be doubted: that is the most common sense of the word evidence, according to the dictionary of the Royal English Academy. But not always what it seems obvious, simply because it is part of the majority religion, it is true. History is replete with false evidence, from the proposition that the earth is flat, the evidence tells us that, if spherical, people would fall in vacuum-up the old argument that puts our planet in the center of the universe. In fact, scientific progress is largely a repudiation of our sensory perceptions. Also in the economic sphere financial and often confuse the principles of universal validity in the rules that are part of hegemonic systems of thought. Even the crisis has weakened the dogmas. "There have been no way to question the foundations of the power of fi nance," write Philippe Askenazy, Thomas Coutrot, André and Henri Orléan Sterdyniak in the introduction to his Manifesto of economists terrified. In his text, now backed by more than three thousand professionals worldwide, the four economists 'terrified' list and removed a decalogue of "false facts" financial, while 22 measures proposed alternatives.


Prepared by four renowned French economists, the "Manifesto of economists terrified" is finding wide resonance, to the point of becoming one of the best-selling books in France. In Spain, the booklet -62 pages-has been edited by Lost Steps, co-published with Ediciones Barataria. Until 22 January this year, more than 3,000 professionals, mostly economists, have adhered to the document.
Askenazy Philippe (CNRS research director), Thomas Coutrot (specialist in labor and board member of Attac), André Orléan (Chairman of the Political Economy AsociaciónFrancesa) and Henri Sterdyniak, the authors of the manifesto, say they are appalled "by the mismanagement of the crisis by the governments' and denouncing ten false evidence, a lack of scientific basis, car only serve to justify the neoliberal policies that are at the root of the economic crisis. At the same time, proposed 22 measures to address, from a different perspective, a recession.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Belgian Waffle From Pancake Mix

Palestinian Information Post-PIP * To keep the report - April 2011 Palestinian Information

Judaizing Jerusalem Israel continues. Hamas calls on the PLO to break with Israel
PIP, April 30, 2011 .-
An Israeli source revealed that the Israeli Municipal Planning Committee will discuss on Tuesday May 3, a plan to build 385 homes for illegal settlers the neighborhood of Jerusalem, Sheikh Jarrah requested by the property Zionist agent, Arieh King, in collaboration with the Association of Jewish rights, authority to the plan submitted for approval. If this Zionist plan is carried out, over 30 Palestinian families totaling about 280 people would be displaced from their homes in the neighborhood. Families began receiving notices so early ordering them to leave their homes before being brought down. Under the plan, Palestinian homes near Umm Kubaniyet Haroun Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, will be demolished to build 386 homes, 1 school, 1 kindergarten and 1 synagogue, while the Palestinians will lose their homes and property will become displaced refugees of their land. This advanced settlement is part of five major projects of settlements in the Holy City and surrounded by a wall places heavily guarded by private security men Jewish. On 22 April, Minister Israeli Housing was established to build 800 houses in a new neighborhood in other illegal settlements in Jerusalem. Sentence: The 'Palestinian Youth Movement March 15', condemned the Zionist attitude of Judaizing Jerusalem, and condemned the Arab and Islamic nations for its silence about Israel's violations of Jerusalem. Hamas: The premier of the Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, called on the PLO to withdraw its recognition of Israel. "There is no justification for the recognition of an entity that rejects Palestinian rights and the internal drive. The presence of the Zionist entity in our country is illegitimate and can not be recognized.. " Photo: illegal Jewish settlers raised Israeli flags threatening to Judaizing Jerusalem. End
Welcome to the expected unit Hamas and Fatah. Egyptian demonstrations asking Israel to break
PIP, April 28, 2011 .-
The deputy head of Hamas political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzouk said: "The movement reached a reconciliation agreement in pursuit of the unit thoroughly with Fatah delegation in Cairo, then d and the signing by the parties Wednesday night ... The comprehensive understanding was agreed by the delegations Hamas and Fatah, including the formation of a government of independent persons, the resumption of the work of the Legislative Council (Parliament) in the West Bank and the holding of democratic elections. " For its part, the head of the Fatah delegation Azzam Al-Ahmed, expressed his "joy to see the Palestinian division come to an end." The spokesman for the Islamic Jihad movement, Khaled Al Batsh said, "We welcome this significant and quick progress on the Palestinian reconciliation file and bless the efforts made to end the internal division and eliminate the large suffering caused by the division of the shoulders of our people. " As the senior official of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-PFLP, Rabah Muhanna, said: "The Cairo could invite the factions to participate in the talks for two days and agree to the formation of a government allocates to prepare elections in a year. " From the Ahrar Movement, its leader Khaled Abi Hilal, said his "confidence in the ability of Hamas to reach a reconciliation agreement, protection of the resistance and the aspirations of the Palestinian people." Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said "we welcome the efforts of Cairo, in bringing the views between Hamas and Fatah and restore unity. " In a brief statement by the government office in Gaza to the media, they know that the "Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh received a phone call from the director general of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, Dr. Mohammed Badi, to congratulate him on the agreement ". The vice president of the Palestinian Legislative Council belonging to Hamas, Dr. Ahmed Bahar, called the deal "a historic event in the life and career of the Palestinians." Israel: Uncomfortable from the government of the occupying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he sent a threatening message to the owner Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to "define if you want peace with Israel or Hamas." Egyptian Festivals: Meanwhile, on Wednesday dozens of Egyptian citizens demonstrated outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo demanding an end to Egypt's relations with Israel and stop the export of gas. The demonstration was organized just hours after the pipeline attack strangers in El-Arish, which carries Egyptian gas to Israel and Jordan. for the second time in three months. The protesters shouted that "people want to end normalization with the occupying power and to end export natural gas to Israel." The blogger, Husam al-Hamalawi, noted that "the demonstration was in clear response to the call from Israeli President Shimon Peres, Egyptian youth to normalize relations with Israel after praising the revolution that toppled the regime of Hosni Mubarak" and added "If the Egyptian government does not cut gas exports, people would." The blast occurred two weeks after the Egyptian authorities decided to re-examine all previous agreements, including gas to Israel, due to increasing popular grievances. Photos: Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, Egyptian protest against agreements with Israel. End
Rabbis pressuring Netanyahu. Hamas rejects Abbas Mubarak support
PIP, April 27, 2011 .-
Hundreds of Jewish rabbis sent a message to pressure the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, anticipating that the withdrawal of troops "Samaria and Judea" ( West Bank) is tobacco religiously forbidden. The message signed by 350 rabbis, protested the statement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, of the possible evacuation of part of the Palestinian territories that he was ready to evacuate some areas of the occupied West Bank in 1967. In the written message rabbis also included an edict to ban withdrawn from the territory, described it as part of the borders of the "Jewish State." Hamas: The Hamas government spokesman in Gaza, Sami Abu Zuhri, in a press statement on Tuesday rejected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in fact he defended the regime of Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak and Abbas revealed the U.S. government his enmity with the revolution of the Egyptian people and his defense of corrupt, even after his fall. Photo: Rabbis fans with Israeli soldiers in an illegal settlement in Hebron, calling for the expulsion of the Palestinians. End
illegal settlers attack in Hebron. Suppression of children in Jerusalem
PIP, April 26, 2011 .-
illegal Jewish settlers with weapons belonging to the illegal settlement Kiryat Arba, east of the city of Al-Khalil (Hebron) on Monday attacked Palestinian property with large
damage, creating terror in the Palestinian families. Eyewitnesses claimed that the settlers began breaking the windows of the order of Palestinian Mohammed Al-Qaymeri, parked in front of his house. Before the protest of the owner and neighbors, the settlers attacked the properties and cars rompeindo everyone in its path and threatening with his arm the Palestinian civilians. Meanwhile, young Arub refugee camp, near Hebron, threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli occupation soldiers opened fire stun grenades and tear gas. Repression: Israeli forces closed all entrances to the city of Al-Khalil on Monday morning, suppressed and arrested three Palestinian university students. The shooting death of a fanatical Jewish settler near Nablus on Sunday apparently by Palestinian Authority police, is being exploited over by the Zionist regime to impose violence and terror in the West Bank. Yesterday, a group of Palestinian children return from school in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem district were attacked by the forces of the occupying power were beaten, doused with hot gas in the eyes and 2 of them abducted 15 and 16. Photo: repressing armed Jewish settlers in Hebron. End
Easter with dignity in the Holy Land
The Palestinian people continues to bear the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ and live
their passions and pains to defend the same values \u200b\u200bas died and rose the Palestinian Jesus in Jerusalem, Palestine
Easter with Dignity and Reflection
End .-
Urgent: Israeli forces hit Palestinian Christians who went to the Holy Sepulchre
PIP, April 23 .-
Discrimination and racism by the Israeli police beat a group of Palestinian Christians on their way to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem for the "Holy Saturday", while allowing Jewish and Israeli tourists guides enter the holy city. For his part, Sawasiya Center for Human Rights, charged that Israel blocked the entry to non-Jews of Jerusalem occupied and repressed Palestinians. End
Palestinian youths burned an occupation military truck
PIP, April 23, 2011 .-
Because criminal siege of the occupying power to Jerusalem during the Jewish Passover without allowing Palestinian Christians celebrate Easter Cristina in the Old City of Jerusalem
instead of preaching death and resurrection of the Prince of Peace, the Palestinian Jesus and the daily harassment of illegal Jewish settlers, Palestinian youths attacked in the suburbs of Eisaweyah in Jerusalem, the force of the occupying power with rocks and clashed despite strong Israeli repression. Unexpectedly, the arrogance of the occupation troops, never thought that young Palestinians in Jerusalem set fire to one of their trucks and a subsequent military occupation soldier suffered major burns. Meanwhile, in the neighborhood of Silwan in vicinity of Jerusalem, Palestinian youths threw empty bottles and stones at occupation soldiers responded with tear gas and firing rubber-coated bullet, with no reports of injuries. Photo: Young Palestinians with the military truck burned the Israeli occupation. End
progressing with illegal settlements in Jerusalem and the village Awarta
PIP, April 22, 2011 .-
Israeli Housing Ministry, established plans to build a new neighborhood, including 800 homes in the illegal settlement of Givat Ze'ev to the north of occupied Jerusalem, reported
Israeli Army Radio on Thursday. Making a strategic geographical area, as it is designed to connect the peripheral to settlement an integral part of the occupied Holy City. Ministry announced that it appointed a budget for the plan before implementation on the ground. Israeli sources said the plan is linked to the approval of the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, but Housing Minister Ariel Attias, vowed to press ahead to reach the implementation stage. Colonial strategy: Sources of information, ensuring that international pressure has led to avoid Israel announced plans for new settlements in the West Bank. But in the colonial political process the government has been funding the plans, waiting to stealth to implement the strategic plans. Awarta: Since the assassination of family of Jewish settlers in the illegal settlement of Itmar, near Nablus and the Palestinian village of Awarta, although there is still no Palestinians accused Israeli forces and settlers created a hell in the village of Awarta, killing, kidnapping and usurping the land of Palestinians who are forced to flee. Thursday the illegal Jewish settlers razed large areas of Palestinian land in Awarta, to establish a new illegal settlement. Witnesses said bulldozers led occupation shaped the land area to locate mobile homes left there over a month ago the settlers. With this new colonialist onslaught, 90% of Palestinian land already encroached Awarta ante el silencio internacional. Foto: Colonos judíos ilegales ocupando tierras palestina en Awarta.
Buldócer demolieron zona industrial en Gaza. Terror una escuela de
niños en Hebrón
PIP, 21 Abril 2011.-
Durante la mañana de hoy jueves varios tanques israelíes escoltando a grandes buldócer israelíes penetraron desde la frontera este de Gaza, en la zona industrial de la ciudad comenzando a demoler un número indeterminado de fábricas que estaban cerradas desde 2005
La cerrada e inactiva zona industrial since 2007 by Israeli forces near the Karni crossing, less than a mile from the border, and had settled near the junction to facilitate exports. During the raid also demolished houses used by the security forces of the Palestinian Authority before being expelled by Hamas in 2007. The Palestinian industrial sector during these years, remained calm and there was no Palestinian military operations. The decision of the occupying power is serious and disturbing, creating further friction with the Palestinian resistance forces. Local sources claimed that the Israeli bulldozer also razed agricultural land and destroyed transformers power plants. Terror: At 10 am today, violently and without explanation, the Israeli occupying forces surrounded the school of Tarek Ben Ziyad, at the center of the city of Hebron in the West Bank, soldiers entering the classrooms and shouting aggressively while they were children at the facility. A school teacher said his students were terrified when the soldiers came into the classroom, adding that the soldiers had not revealed why they were in the building. After long minutes of tension and terror of children, the Zionist forces withdrew without taking anyone arrested. Photo: Israeli bulldozer tanks and industrial area and sweep the land planted in Gaza. End
Israel is moving in the Judaizing of Jerusalem occupied
PIP, April 20, 2010 .-
Through land confiscation, settlement building and raising the wall separation, Israel has changed the demography of occupied East Jerusalem against
over 270 thousand Palestinians who are originally from the city. The Office of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations Organization, reported on Monday (18 / 4) through Dolphin Ray, in his report that "35% of the land has been confiscated by Israel to lift settlements and only 13% of the municipal area is aimed at Palestinian buildings, so there is an estimated shortage of thousand homes annually. A series of measures and policies are contrary to international law affecting the status of residence and access to health and education of Palestinians living in East Jerusalem ... The Palestinians living in East Jerusalem before the annexation by Israel were considered residents and therefore require a permit to live. Since 1967 Israel has withdrawn 14 000 permits, more than a third (4 mil 500) since 2008 ... Ni even the fact of marriage in that city gives the Palestinians an automatic right to residence in Jerusalem ... The process of family reunification in the city is very expensive and virtually impossible since 2003. " According to the UN report, "Israel has also used zoning and demolition to deter Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, drawing them that way. UN After the decree illegally occupying power in 1980 in Jerusalem, Israel's capital, the UN rejected it in its resolution 478 of 1980 and demanded that Israel withdraw from Jerusalem, not to amend its statutes or turn it into capital and asked Member countries not to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv, recognized capital. Photo: illegal Jewish settlers guarding an illegal settlement in East Jerusalem. End
Israel celebrates Passover and trampling closing Palestinian Christian Easter in the Holy Land. Funeral
PIP, April 18, 2011 .- Today
Passover starts Monday and the Israeli occupation authority, racist measures set a seal on the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem for ten days from the night Sunday on the occasion of the celebration of Passover.
order was given by Defence Minister Ehud Barak, and would be lifted on 26 April. A statement from the army of occupation, says that "allow passage for persons who require exceptional medical care or assistance." Easter: Christians from next Thursday, both Catholic and Orthodox Christian celebrate Easter in occupied Palestine where Jesus was born and died. But will this sacred date in the Holy Land, under pressure and abuses of the occupation violating all the rights of freedom of movement of that person. Every Palestinian Christian to reach the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem should have the permits authorized by Israel to celebrate the festivities. Settlers: All these segregated measures against the Palestinians do not apply to illegal Jewish settlers have free movement. Fune r ales: Foreign Ministry and Planning of the Hamas government in Gaza, announced on Monday that will perform the national funeral Italian solidarity activist, Vittorio Arrigoni, killed by a Salafist group. Photo: sealed Jerusalem to the Palestinians while Israel celebrates Easter.
End .-
attack protests against the Wall. Gaza bomb again.
Condolences by Vittorio
PIP, April 17, 2011 .-
Dozens of Palestinians and foreign activists in the villages of Bil'in, Ni'lin, Masara and Nabi Saleh, West Bank, were injuries and tear gas suffocation, when the
Israeli troops attacked the weekly protests against the Apartheid Wall the Israeli occupying power. Clashes also broke out after Friday prayers in the neighborhood of Silwan, south of al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem between troops and Palestinians during a march of solidarity with the Gaza Strip and Palestinian prisoners. Witnesses said Israeli troops and undercover units brutally attacked Arab clothes to young people who responded by throwing stones. Several youths were injured. In the north of Nabi Saleh in Ramallah, protesters chanted slogans against the Wall denouncing the murder of Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni. Bombing: Israeli warplanes attacked early yesterday morning and the Hamas government positions, causing serious material damage. Vittorio : "Israel could have had his fingers in the recent kidnapping and murder of Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni, "said Mohammad Hanoun, a member of the Freedom Flotilla II. Vittorio's mother, Egidio Beretta, mayor of a small town north of Italy, received a call of condolence from the Prime Minister of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, who will also inform you that a street in Gaza with the name Vittorio. Photo: Vittorio The martyr who gave his life for Palestine. End
Gore Vittorio Italian friend in Gaza
PIP, April 15, 2011 .-
found dead Italian solidarity activist Vittorio Arrigoni, who was kidnapped yesterday (14 / 4 ) by a fanatical group Salafi who executed in cold blood a few hours later. When news of the abduction of activist was released, "promptly intervened
services Hamas security. Led by one of the defectors from the militant group located the place, but unfortunately was found dead," said Hamas spokesman Ihab Al-Ghoussein. Solidarity: Vittorio, was a pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which was to live in Gaza for 3 years, being a very appreciated and close to the Palestinian people, Hamas had given him the title of "Citizen Hero." Hamas: The premier Ismail Haniyeh, the statement reads: "Hamas condemns the heinous crime that reflects our values, our religion, our customs and traditions" and vowed to prosecute those responsible. Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, said Friday in a statement that the aim of the extremist group responsible, "is to bring back the chaos of insecurity in the Gaza Strip, to spoil the atmosphere of internal security that has prevailed and damage solidarity with the Palestinian people, particularly international solidarity with the besieged Gaza Strip. " Barhoum added that "the objectives of the extremist Salafist group is outside the law and are in harmony with the objectives of the enemies of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause ... The Palestinian people reject this group of suspects in the murder and dismissed their ideology. " IMS: Huwaida Arraf activist, co-founder of the Movement, confirmed that Vittorio's body was identified by security staff and said "It's unbelievable. It was more Palestinian than the criminals who killed him. " ANP: From Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority condemned the killing in a statement released by its owner Mahmoud Abbas. Responsibility: The hijackers were identified on video as The Brigade of the Gallant Companion of the Prophet Mohammed bin Muslim (English name) una rama desconocida del grupo salafista, dando a conocer que “Hemos secuestrado el preso italiano Vittorio y hacemos un llamado al gobierno de Haniyeh (Hamas), a liberar a todos nuestros presos y a nuestro líder encarcelado, sheij Hisham Su'idani”. El líder del grupo de 50 años fue arrestado luego de intentar un golpe de estado contra Hamas y crear en Gaza un ‘Emirato Islámico’. Historia: La mala relación entre Hamas y el grupo salafista se remonta al 2007, cuando uno de sus brazos, el ‘Ejercito del Islam’, se atribuyó el secuestro del periodista de la BBC Alan Johnston. Hamas rompió las relaciones con el grupo y liberó al periodista. La tensión se agravó in August 2009 when one of your current Ansar Jund Allah (Soldiers of the Partisans of God), announced the creation of an Islamic Emirate in Gaza, during a sermon at a mosque in the southern city of Rafah. That prompted a furious response from Hamas, suspending the sermon that led to a serious confrontation. Photo: Martyr Vittorio Arrigoni Italian solidarity activist in a Palestinian fishing boat in the Mediterranean Sea from Gaza. End
.- Workers Palestinians dead. Israeli repression seriously injured a child. Again attacked Gaza. 45 olive trees burned in Hebron
April 14, 2011 .-
Four Palestinian workers were killed by sinking a tunnel through which humanitarian aid is passed on the border between Gaza and Egypt, sources with the Emergency Services in the Gaza Strip. "The four were working in a tunnel
under the city of Rafah when the ground collapsed on them," said Adham Abu Salmiya, a spokesman for Emergency and Ambulance Service in Gaza. The source attributed the collapse of the tunnel to the Israeli air strikes in that area last week that killed 19 Palestinians and one hundred wounded. Repression: A Palestinian boy Amid Asous 11 years, was seriously injured by Israeli occupation forces in the village Buriny, West Bank shooting of tear gas, while participating in a peaceful mafestación the expropriation of Palestinian land to increase the Jewish settlement of Givat Ronen illegal. By the Zionist army encircling the village and began to suppress. The Palestinians said settlers steel used live ammunition. Gaza: Today Thursday at dawn Zionist occupation forces opened fire from machine guns to the north and east of the Gaza Strip. Witnesses said Israeli tanks attacked Palestinian fishermen in the southern Gaza Strip. Hebron Settlers illegal Jewish attacked on the evening of Monday the Palestinian village of Beit Ummar in Hebron (Al Khalil) and destroyed 45 olive trees fruited under the protection of Israeli occupation forces. Mohammed Awad, a spokesman for the National Committee to Combat the Settlement of the City, explained that the settlers came from the north of the city. After the ecological disaster the outskirts of Palestinian occupation declared these areas were declared closed military zone illegally. Also an army tank fired a shell at a tank 12 meters high Mintar water that fell in and contaminated the water, leaving the residents without drinking water. Photo: Palestinian olive trees and then burning their lands were usurped in Hebron. End
tense Calm in Gaza. The Palestinian resistance demands that Israel initiated the truce
PIP, April 11, 2011 .-
Sunday was another fateful day for the Palestinian population of Gaza, with less density and attacks of the occupying power versions of possible truce if the Palestinian side of
Hamas accepts a truce. On the other hand, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, threatening warned that "Israel will respond with even more force if the rocket fire by militants from Gaza continues. " Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, responsible for war crimes in invading Cast Lead Gaza, with more aggression said "we will not tolerate attacks from Gaza." For his part Sunday night, Israeli leaders decided to continue to "work against terrorism in Gaza" (referring to the Palestinian resistance), as is asserted by Israel daily Hareetz, Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser. Aggressive : Today Monday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman fan, said "Israel must not settle for a truce with Hamas in Gaza, and instead should trying to overthrow their rulers " Hamas: The Hamas government, said that" the Palestinian resistance is natural in front of Zionist crimes ... is a moral and ethical duty of an occupied people and encircled militarily. " Indicating the Hamas political bureau, "offered a ceasefire if the Israelis are committed to it and reach a truce would mean a truce from Israel to continue its attacks." Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said "would be willing to stop firing if Israel announced a cease-fire" and added "we are not interested in further escalation. The resistance Palestinian are defending the Palestinian people against to the Israeli escalation. " PFLP: Leader Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Jamal Mezher, said "the truce with the occupying power as an error because the army of Israel did not halt its invasion, continues to commit crimes and insists on the death and destruction against Palestinians, and warned Hamas not to be joined to a truce, if Israel does not commit to it with an agreement between the parties. " Jihad: The political bureau of the resistance group Islamic Jihad said Saturday night that will not accept the proposal of UN envoy, Robert Serry, agreed with the Palestinian Authority-ANP, reaching a agreement required by Israel to commit the Palestinian resistance to stop firing its rockets, without compromising between Serry and the PNA, the Israeli brake. Photo: Military Hamas control the streets of Gaza to avoid Israeli airstrikes. End
Names 8 civilians killed by the occupying power
PIP, April 10, 2011 .-
names were unveiled in August of civilian martyrs. In the village of Beit Lahiya, killing Raed Mahmoud Ahmed Mohammed Shihadeh and Ghurab. In Jabalya refugee camp, was killed Zaytounah az Nabil Ahmed. Hittin school in the district of Ash School in the city Shuja'iya Gaza, killed the child to Jaru Wael Mahmoud, 10 years and Bilal Mohammed al Ar'ir 16. In the area of \u200b\u200bAl Farahin, the city of Abasan to Kabira, killed 2 women and Nidhal Qudeih Najah Ibrahim Qudeih, and Talal Abu Taha, 55. End
Gaza, the death camp. 19 Palestinians killed
PIP, April 10, 2011 .-
The criminal renewed Israeli occupation forces on Saturday night more airstrikes, killing a drone missile from the Palestinian Raed Zuhair Al-Bar 30 years , a member of the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees and wounded four others of gravity in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City. In other air raids killed a Palestinian civilian, bringing the figure to 19 Palestinians killed including a boy of 11 who died from serious injuries he received yesterday. Emergency : The Ministry of Interior through its spokesman Ihab al-Ghussein, declared a state of emergency in the Gaza Strip and stated that "all security forces are working 24 hours. to protect and save the people from Zionist occupation. " Resistance: Al Qassam Brigades, military wing of Hamas and the Al-Quds (Jerusalem), the armed wing of the Jihad, fired over 68 missiles against Israeli side and the military posts of the occupation, including 28 rockets and 40 mortar rounds in response to Israeli crimes, although there were no Israeli casualties or damage. Abu Obaida spokesman said that "despite repeated calls from Hamas for a truce, a truce is impossible to speak with the occupants, while wearing civilian massacres in the Palestinian people." Hamas: Prime Minister of the Hamas government, Ismail Haniyeh, "condemned the attacks on women, children and the elderly" and deplored "the attacks on ambulances Crescent, moving the wounded and attacks paramedics and hospitals ". Also condemned the attack Interior Ministry in Gaza and called to join the Palestinian resistance to repel the Zionist aggression. " Silence: The international community, the UN, the League of Arab States and the Palestinian Authority remain passive against these crimes against humanity against Gaza blocked. Israel: The arrogance of the occupying power has no limits. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his desire to teach a lesson to Hamas, considering that "whoever tries to attack and kill Israeli children put their lives on the line of fire." Regardless of the person responsible for war crimes Netanyahu, child murders Palestinians. End
Urgent, Israel again attacked at dawn today, killing three Palestinians, who number 37 martyrs in 26 days
PIP, April 9, 2011 .-
occupation forces Israel resumed airstrikes on Gaza Strip at dawn on Saturday, killing 3 Palestinians and wounding several others. Adding to the
17 Palestinians killed. The deadliest attack on a car carrying both the 3 members of Hamas Tayseer Abu Awaja Sneima and his assistant and seriously injuring Muhammad Az-Zatmah Shadi. The chief of the ambulance service and emergency Adham Abu Salmiya, confirmed that two bodies and the seriously wounded were taken to Abu Yousif Hospital An-Najjar in Rafah. Physicians at 8:30 AM Hamas member killed, Zaytouniyya Nabil Ahmad, who was evacuated to Kamal Udwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya, along with another man injured critically. Of the hundreds of injured, 12 of them are in critical condition. Hamas: Palestinian Prime Minister of Hamas, Ismail Haniyah, strongly denounced the "brutal Israeli attack in Gaza, against children, women, elderly and attacks on ambulances moved while injured. This Zionist aggression will not bring the Palestinian people or to break his will. " Haniyeh, said in a statement the killing of civilians during the Israeli attacks, stressing that "faith and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people are bigger than Israel's massacres and the colonialist tyranny." Haniyeh, in a telephone conversation with Hamas health minister, Bassem Naim, deplored the deliberate targeting of Palestinian ambulances and paramedics. The Health Ministry said it "is prepared to deal with emergency situations of escalating aggression against the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian government of Hamas, today called on the League of Arab States to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the escalation of aggression by Israel against Gaza and to find appropriate mechanisms to cope. No response so far. They also called on the UN to stop Israel's criminal actions of these last 24 hours in which 17 Palestinians killed, 12 seriously intense. Photo: The Palestinian martyr Professor Mahmoud Al-Manasra 50, killed yesterday by the Zionist forces. End
Urgent. Follow the Israeli bombings and killed and there are 14
PIP, April 8, 2011 .-
swept by the occupying power in Gaza. The number of Palestinian martyrs to 10PM (Palestine time), reach the 14 Palestinian martyrs and wounded exceeded 100. International silence before the slaughter. End
Urgent: Israel kills 10 Palestinians and added 30 in 25 days.
Continuing attacks
PIP, April 8, 2011 .-
So far, in another slaughter, eight Palestinians were killed in Gaza and at least 55 were wounded at dawn today in 14 attacks air and armored Israeli occupying power in Gaza, including 4 members of Hamas, Salah Tarabin 38, Musab Al-Sufi 18, Muhammad Khaled Almanmom Adbari 25 and 23. In another
the attack killed a civilian Mahmoud Al-Manasra 50, in the Shejaiya neighborhood in Gaza City by a blast from a tank. The warplanes bombed sites in Khan Younis, Rafah and the airport Yasser Arafat, in disuse for years and destroyed in Rafah. Registration: Five Palestinians remain unidentified, but it is known that among the injured several Palestinian women and children, adding up to 28 Palestinians killed in 25 days. Israel: The occupying power is pursuing a new invasion of Gaza in a systematic and covert. Using the evidence they are attacked by Palestinian rockets. Hamas: He considered that "violence begets violence ... and the Palestinian resistance is natural." The Hamas government, strongly condemned this slaughter. The Palestinian resistance fired several rockets that landed in nearby Kibbutz Nahal Oz, hitting a bus and injuring 2 Israelis. Photo: A tank of the occupying power to attack the civilian population of Gaza City. End
80 women abducted by Israel. Hamas: The lack of international reaction, urges Israeli crimes
PIP, April 7, 2011 .-
Israeli occupation forces stormed after midnight on Wednesday and Thursday and again whip the southwestern village of Awarta, in Nablus, West Bank illegally seized in the raid more than 100 of its Palestinian inhabitants, mostly women for questioning. Eyewitnesses reported that the forces violently broke the
Awarta alleys and took 80 women and 20 men in front of the helpless eyes of their families. Since the crime family of Jewish settlers in the illegal Jewish settlement of Itmar, the nearby village of Awarta has become a hell under Zionist occupation, although it is almost impossible for Palestinians to have entered the settlement to murder the family and the authors did not identify even Israel. Hamas: During the weekly cabinet meeting of the Hamas government headed by premier Ismail Haniyeh, in a statement said that "the international failure to punish Israel for its crimes against the Palestinians would encourage the Zionists to commit more murders and persistent air attacks on residential areas. " The occupying power in the last 23 days killed 20 Palestinians. The statement included the condemnation of South African judge Richard Goldstone-Jew, for his newspaper article on the war in Gaza, reflecting their performance to Israeli pressure, to withdraw in Report. Flotilla Freedom II: In the same statement the government of Hamas "welcomed the efforts made to send another convoy of Freedom Flotilla II, aid in the context of international movements to break the blockade on Gaza and called to all interested parties to facilitate humanitarian mission of this convoy. " Photo: The Israeli army raid in the village of Awarta, kidnapped 80 women. End
4 wounded another Palestinian killed in Gaza in an attack on Gaza. Unit
PIP, April 6, 2011 .-
A tank of occupation killed in shooting a missile at Palestinian boy Mohammed Ziyad, 21, who had approached the border of the Gaza Strip and into the area of \u200b\u200billegal security zone of 300 meters deep within and throughout the territory of Gaza.
With this murder Israel, killed 20 Palestinians in 23 days, compared to an unsustainable international silence and the Arab League. As the occupying power shot because he was a suspect, although I was a young civilian who was looking rocks and building materials. Attack: Israeli warplanes attacked three targets in the Gaza Strip at dawn on Wednesday, one of them was a plastic factory family, destroying it and wounding 4 Palestinians. According to the head of Hamas Health Services, Abu Adham Selmiya, said the wounded were inside the family factory and among the wounded was a child and 2 women, one of them pregnant. The other 2 attacks were against the Palestinians use tunnels to alleviate their needs. Hamas: The Hamas government, condemned the new attacks against the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza. On Tuesday, Hamas had met with representatives of other Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza to discuss this new wave of Zionist attacks. Unit: former Hamas Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahhar, said Tuesday representatives of Hamas-Fatah reconciliation talks had begun in Gaza. Zahar reiterated that Hamas wants to end national division that threatens the Palestinian cause and the resistance, adding that "Hamas is ready to participate in elections after an agreement is reached to refute the claim that the Islamists to participate in elections only once. " Another member of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Khalil al-Hayya said his party's invitation to head the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas to visit Gaza, should be to culminate in a final overall agreement and not just as a journey protocol. Abbas's government had removed from the agenda of the visit. Photo: The plastic factory bombed in Gaza. End
A Palestinian engineer was kidnapped by Israel and illegally tried
PIP, April 5, 2011 .-
The prosecution on Monday accused Israeli Palestinian engineer Dirar Abu Sissi, a resident of Gaza kidnapped in Ukraine in mid-February and then jailed in Israel, was falsely accused of developing rocket launches from the Gaza Palestinian resistance
Strip. The prosecution at first was that Mr. knew about the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held in Gaza, unable to check, they changed the charge. Sissi is illegally detained in an Israeli prison near the city of Ashkelon. Ukraine Palestinian Engineer Dirar Abu Sissi, disappeared in Ukraine while traveling on a train last February. 42 years old, married, is the vice director of the Gaza Power Plant. He was kidnapped by Mossad and services maintained silence until he appeared on Thursday arrested in Israel yesterday was tried by an Israeli Court without jurisdiction to do so. The Ukrainian government mantvo complicit silence. Violation: The attitude of Israel, is illegal and violates the Geneva Convention and human rights principles. Arriving at the court, Abu Sissi said reporters "I know nothing about Gilad Shalit." Declared innocent, adding that "Ukraine had been kidnapped by the Israelis." Hamas: Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, said in a statement that "the engineer Abu Sissi, had no relationship with Hamas and accused Israel and Ukraine for allowing the kidnapping. Iran: It should be recalled that earlier this year, Israel was accused by Tehran, Iran, of being responsible for the kidnapping in 2007 of former deputy defense minister, Ali Reza. Asghari, in a hotel in Istanbul, Turkey, in January This year was found dead in an Israeli cell. Israel, he justified by saying that Asghari was 'suicide'. Photos: Abu Sissi The civil engineer kidnapped in Ukraine, Israel. End
With Judge Goldstone unethical retracted the accusation against Israel of 'war crimes'
PIP, April 4, 2011 .-
After heavy pressure, occupying power, responsible for the murders of 1445 Palestinians in Gaza, during operation of Cast Lead during the 22 days between 2008 and
2009, Jewish South African judge Richard Goldstone, the UN envoy to investigate the war, he recanted his Sunday 'Goldstone', made 2 years ago, which holds Israel responsible for war crimes during the invasion of Gaza, by participating with similar responsibilities to Hamas, to balance the report with Israel. In a text of just a thousand words, Goldstone, erased the 575 pages that collect the detailed findings of an investigation he conducted for months and Israel boycotted and banned him from entering Tel Aviv. The Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, had requested the UN to "set aside the report" timely and asked the adviser for the Israeli National Security, Yaakov Amidror, form a committee to minimize damage from the occupying power. Israel: The government of Benjamin Netanyahu and the former government of Ehud Olmert, celebrated as a triumph Sunday the withdrawal of Goldstone. During these years Israel pressured the UN to lift the allegations of the report. Goldstone : Unscrupulous , Goldstone, wrote in The Jerusalem Post, "If I knew what I know now, the report would have been a different document." Without changing its mind about Hamas and unethical, the judge stressed that "Israel did not commit crimes made against it. " Pressure: After the Israeli daily Yediot report AHRO not, said "he broke out on heavy pressure from Jewish communities around the world, excluded from South Africa to the USA. Even in his own synagogue South African, Goldstone not allowed to read the Pentateuch in the ceremony of Bar Mitzvah of his grandson " Hamas: The Hamas government in Gaza, dismayed lamented the withdrawal of Judge Goldstone, who was well received in Gaza and provided all documentation. Hamas said that "questioning the results of the research is against the principles ethical and legal issues, especially political pressure from the Zionist organizations in South Africa, forcing by all means to retract his position on the report. " Hamas also said that the "Goldstone was not the only one that showed the Israeli War Crimes, there are dozens of reports issued by international figures and human rights organizations, as reports from Richard Falk, Navi Pillay and the Arab League. UN: UN Sadly accept the withdrawal of Goldstone, and apparently, close to Israel to meet research. Photos: More than 365 children killed during the invasion Gaza. Goldstone when he presented his report. End
Israel in March demolished 70 Palestinian homes. Settlers beat a Palestinian boy
PIP, April 3, 2011 .-
The army demolished the Israeli occupying power in March for the third consecutive month, a record number of Palestinian houses in the West Bank, denounced Sunday a press spokesman for UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees,
Chris Gunness
: "In total 76 Palestinian houses and structures were destroyed in March, compared with 70 in February and 29 January 2011 ... As a result, in March, more than 158 people were left homeless, including 64 children, "the statement said. The Israeli army destroys Palestinian homes that were built without justifying permission in the West Bank. However, most of the houses of Palestinian families are destroyed before the creation of Israel, dating back tens of decades. Chris Gunness, these demolitions represent "discrimination against an ethnic group." After the demolition of illegal Jewish settlers quickly began to build housing on land expropriated. This attitude undermines the possibilities of establishing a Palestinian state, whose viability is being eroded. Settlers: Jewish fanatics beat up a Palestinian boy west of Jerusalem occupied in the morning on Sunday. The mother of Saeed Al-Maghrib, said his son was the victim of "racial brutal Jewish settlers." She quoted her son saying that his way to work in West Jerusalem, a Jew came to him and asked for a street and when he was sure he was a Palestinian gave a sign to his friends and turned to hit saved by batons and sharp tools. The mother said her son collapsed and was hospitalized. Photo: demolition of a Palestinian home in Jerusalem, on the back is an illegal settlement Jews. End
Israel bombs Gaza, killing 3 Palestinians, 19 dead in 19 days. Kidnapping of a Palestinian legislator
PIP, April 2, 2011 .-
Three Palestinians were killed at dawn on Friday after being hit by an Israeli missile in the car traveling in the refugee camp of Deir Balah to Khan Younis in Gaza, Ismail Labad, 31, and his brother Abdullah, 24, of Camp Ash-Shati refugee in northern Gaza Strip, and Ad-Dayah Muhammad, 31, Zaytoun neighborhood Gaza City. Hamas : The Palestinian government of Hamas, announced that "the three
Palestinian martyrs killed in the attack were members of its military organization. "Meanwhile the armed wing of Palestinian resistance Ezzeidin Brigades Al-Qasr, a military statement said that Israel" will suffer any consequences as a result of criminal attack on Gaza ". Israel: aberrant occupying power conjecture, an Israeli army spokesman confirmed that the attack carried out in conjunction with the agency's internal security (Shin Bet) was aimed to end a 'cell terrorist 'attack that was aimed against Israeli tourists are expected to visit the Sinai desert with the proximity of the Passover. In the past 19 days, the occupation forces killed 19 Palestinians including 3 children. Kidnapping: The Israeli occupation forces kidnapped in Hebron, West Bank, Hamas deputy, Mohamed Maher Bader, without regard to their immunity after search his home. An Israeli military spokesman confirmed the arrest, saying that Bader was stopped because it "involved with the terrorist organization Hamas." Bader, democratically elected in 2006 to the Palestinian Legislative Council, was arrested in 2006 during a round of mass arrests by Israeli forces to Members and Hamas ministers, after the head of the Palestinian National Authority-ANP, Mahmoud Abbas, the Hamas government behead the prime minister Ismael Hamiyeh after winning democratic elections in January 2006. Some lawmakers arrested in 2006 during the Zionist sweep with the approval of the ANP, remain under administrative detention in Israel. Other kidnappings Among others, the forces illegally detained in Beit Umar, near Hebron, Nidal Za'aqiq boys aged 19, Muhammad Shihda Za'aqiq Ady 16 and 18. Photos: One of the Palestinian martyrs killed in Deir Balah. End
.- Young crushed Palestinian in Jerusalem. hit Palestinian unity
PIP, April 1, 2011 .-
A car driven at full throttle illegal Jewish settler deliberately ran over and
step over a young Palestinian on a busy Jerusalem street. Local sources said that the young, still not revealed his name, was a civilian of 30 years who was beaten by the car intentionally. In Jerusalem are often targeted by fans Jewish settlers in the holy city civeles Palestinians who are killed without taking significance as was the case of Husam Al-Ruweidi, 24, who was shot by settlers stab his way to work. Neither takes the same effect took the case of the family of settlers killed in the illegal settlement of Itmar, which meant a strong retaliation from settlers and Israeli army killing 4 Palestinians, destroying the nearby village of Awarta and bombing Gaza. Unit hit: again the need for unity between Hamas and Fatah Palestinian, as requested by the Palestinian street from the protest March 15. The resignation of the government of Mahmoud Abbas, is still with the same members waived. For his part, Abbas, who was invited by the Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza, out of his agenda the promise to travel to Gaza and had only an inconsequential meeting with Hamas members in Ramallah. "In fact, Abbas tried evasive invitation of Hamas," said the spokesman as Salah Al Bardawil and added in the same press release that the initiative urges Hamas to participate in the comprehensive national dialogue, the formation of an authoritative body policy and holding a national conference to address all Palestinian political and social issues. For reconciliation is to create a political association at all starting with the Palestine Liberation Organization-PLO and ending with the formation of a national government ... The priority implies the need for radical internal reforms and restructuring of the PLO as an incubator for all Palestinians, which unfortunately became a representation of a small group of people in the West Bank, Gaza and abroad. " Finally, the statement was "sorry that the Palestinian Authority Abbas, who left office in January 2009, just wants a fragile unity to reach the municipal and legislative elections, without seeking the funding issues of the dispute between the parties" . Photo: Young Palestinian a car crushed by a settler in Jerusalem.
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