Financial Scope (10/06/2010) said: id = 527077
Thursday June 10, 2010
did not want to be present at the hearing
sentenced to 20 years young designer killed
A young man was sentenced this afternoon to 20 years imprisonment for involvement in the murder of designer Claudio Troncoso, killed in 2006 when he tried to prevent criminals from entering his home to rob the locality of Carapachay, Vicente Lopez.
Jose Troncoso, father of the victim and his lawyer Alejandro Martinez reported that the condemnation of the Oral Criminal Court (TOC) 6 San Isidro fell on Martin Ezequiel Veron (25), who was credited with the crime of "murder on the occasion of robbery."
The ruling was met in court located at Avenida del Libertador 16532, San Isidro, where the convicted now decided not to be present when the verdict was read.
"It's a good sentence. I agree," said Jose Troncoso and said: "Everything was as expected and became law. I'm more calm."
Meanwhile, Martinez was also pleased with the sentence but not the type of offense that the court held, as in the allegations, had requested a life sentence for the crime of "homicide criminis cause."
However, the judges agreed with the statement raised the fiscal trial Eduardo Rodriguez, who had requested a sentence of 22 years.
Troncoso (35), who was a blacksmith, interior designer and Industrial Engineering student, was killed June 19, 2006, he arrived at his house located in Gervasio Mendez 3850 of Carapachay, with his girlfriend, Jamie Antal (30).
The couple was intercepted by four armed criminals , including two women, who threatened to steal two mobile phones and 50 pesos. The band then wanted to enter the house to keep stealing Troncoso, although he objected because their parents were inside.
Los delincuentes entonces lo golpearon y lo ejecutaron de un balazo en la cabeza frente a su novia, tras lo cual escaparon. Durante el juicio, para la fiscalía y la querella quedó acreditado que Verón fue quien sujetó de un brazo al joven cuando le dispararon y el que lo arrastró hasta el jardín de la casa, donde fue ejecutado de un tiro en la cabeza.
Poco después del crimen, la policía detuvo como sospechoso del ataque a una joven y a un adolescente, mientras que Verón fue apresado el año pasado, durante Pascuas. Todos los detenidos fueron identificados en rueda de presos por la novia de la víctima y otros dos testigos.
En un primer juicio efectuado en 2007 fue condenada to 13 years in prison Paola Miranda Carabajal (19) , found co-author of homicide on the occasion of theft, while in 2008 a young man who was made when the minor was punishable by 24 years in prison after being found perpetrator shooting. Meanwhile, another woman who participated in the theft still remains a fugitive.
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