Palestinian Information Post-PIP * To keep the report - June 2010 negotiator arrived in Mitchell among Zionist intransigence
PIP, 30 June 2010 .- arrived yesterday
U.S. special envoy for the Middle East, George Mitchell, to start today, illegally, in Jerusalem
fourth round of talks between Israelis and Palestinians to relaunch the peace process in the region, according to the U.S. plan dilator 'proximity talks. " Today he will meet illegally in occupied Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, then with Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Also during the day will meet with Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, Salam Fayad and Thursday will do it with the owner of the PNA Mahmoud Abbas. The Israeli daily Haaretz, said Mitchell Netanyahu has expressed his desire to see more progress from Israel on key issues of conflict such as the borders of a Palestinian state, security, refugees and the status of Jerusalem. Zionist intransigence
: With your new arrival, Mitchell returns to savor the intransigence Israeli. Israeli Foreign Minister Avgidor Lieberman fan, from Russia welcomed him: "I am an optimist and I see no possibility of a Palestinian state in 2012," he told reporters after meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, adding more of fundamentalist intolerance, "You can dream and imagine, but the reality on the ground is still a long way to reach understandings and agreements on the creation of a Palestinian state by 2012," said Lieberman. Photo: Palestinian protests in Jerusalem occupied by the encroachment of Palestinian houses and Judaizing Jerusalem.
A 10 Palestinian families from the occupied Jordan Valley, Israel will demolish the houses
. 1 Palestinian killed in Gaza
PIP, June 29, 2010 .-
On Sunday 27 / 6, at dusk, 10 Palestinian families in the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank, Israeli soldiers were ordered to evacuate
their homes and lands within 24 hours. Most of the houses demolished by the occupying power belong to the families and Al-Makahmreh Daraghmah, accused of having no record of Israeli property. Unlike other demolition orders sent to the legitimate Palestinian owners, this is the first time give notice 24 hours to vacate. The houses are slated for demolition in Al-Farsieyah, in the town of Tubas. Several villages have been subject to demolition orders for houses in recent days. Something similar happened to the four families in the neighborhood Silwan, were given 14 days to evacuate their homes on June 21, injuring more than 40 Palestinians were left homeless. Or the case of the illegal orders of the municipality of Jerusalem, the demolition of 22 houses to build the 'Jardines del Rey', sent to their rightful Palestinian owners the past 22 / 6. (See 21 and 22 June).
Discrimination: Israel, discrimination is prohibited as a Palestinians build in the Jordan Valley, occupied Palestinian territory in 1967 and existing homes are at risk of being demolished to sell the illegal settlements.
Amnesty: In a recent report, the deputy director of Amnesty International, Philip Luther said that "the orders of eviction and demolition not only destroy people's homes. Also take their possessions and their hopes for a secure future. " According to the report, last year at least 600 Palestinians, more than half of them children, were left homeless by the demolition orders home.
"Sovereignty?: the Jordan Valley Like Jerusalem, the occupying power consider their area of \u200b\u200b'sovereignty'.
Murder: occupation forces attacked at dawn on Tuesday with bullets, killing Ibrahim Bassam Badwan (32) and wounding 4 Palestinians in the eastern border of the village Al-Shuja'iyade, Gaza, all of the resistance Palestinian Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades of the PFLP.
Photo: The Israeli military jeep gunships stand guard while distributed demolition orders.
repress Palestinian Israeli Silwan. Dangerous: Prepare
US-Israeli attack on Iran
PIP, June 27, 2010 .-
During the night and early morning of Sunday, police and illegally occupying Israeli settlers deliberately damaging Palestinian cars and homes
barr io Silwan East Jerusalem, causing a clash with Palestinian villagers angered by the constant threats from the settlers and the recent theft of a Palestinian house in Beit Asal. At least 30 Palestinians were wounded including two in critical condition due to police ammunition and tear gas. Dangerous
. Preparing to attack Iran: In early June, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1929 imposing new sanctions against Iran. Expected, rejected it and declared Iran to continue its peaceful nuclear program. Evidence required for a war.
Israel: The occupying power, preparing to launch on June 22 sixth spy satellite Ofek-9 specifically to focus on Iran, with a more advanced camera of 0.5 meters. Meanwhile, participated in a major military exercise off the coast of the Mediterranean from 6 to 10 June, along with the USS Truman. Exercise Juniper Stallion 10, included practice bombing planes made by U.S. and Israel, and Israeli missile defenses as a possible military attack against Iran. Uri Arad, a senior adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said June 22 that a preemptive military strike against Iran is necessary.
Egypt and Saudi Arabia: two Arab countries, something similar to what happened against the invasions of Iraq-approved for the U.S. and Israel use their water and sky to attack Iran. Since then, nuclear submarines and the powerful U.S. aircraft carrier Truman, passed June 18 by the Red Sea, turning the Arabian Gulf (Persian) to join the aircraft carrier battle group Eisenhower and Israeli ships already there. For its part, the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, citing the Egyptian General Amin Radi, said that "Israel could launch a war to remain the only nuclear power in the region."
Iran high alert declared on 22 June in northwestern borders. Asserting that U.S. and Israeli forces are concentrated in Azerbaijan's southern border with Iran, ready to strike. Iranian sources say that Israel has secretly transferred a large number of bombers to bases in Azerbaijan through Georgia and U.S. Special Forces are also concentrated there. U.S.
: On June 17 the U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told U.S. senators that Iran could firing salvos of missiles at targets in Europe, and argued in favor of missile defense systems stronger in Europe, despite Russian objections.
Photo: The aircraft carrier Harry Truman across the Egyptian Red Sea.
The occupying power killed 2 Palestinians in Gaza. Manifestations
PIP, June 25, 2010 .-
the evening of Friday two Palestinian civilians were killed by an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip. Palestinian medical sources said Hamas, stated that they had found the bodies of two tunnels used by Palestinians to break the boycott in the south of the coastal territory. Another attack hit a civilian building in northern Gaza. Israel justified the crime in retaliation for mortar attacks launched against Israel on Thursday without causing material damage and human. Events: Today in Tel Aviv rallies were held for the release of the soldier Gilad Shalit held to go for the kill in Gaza. However, it is irrelevant that Israel seized hold almost 10 thousand Palestinians, without allowing visits excluded and defense including Hamas lawmakers and Fatah lawmaker, Marwan Barghutti.
illegal settlers want to throw at 4 Palestinian families. Belgium shall demand for war crimes
PIP, June 24, 2010 .-
A group of illegal Israeli settlers in illegal settlements in East Jerusalem on Wednesday threatened
do to expel from their homes four Palestinian families living in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan. The attackers settlers claimed that if these 40 people do not leave before next July 4, will hire private security companies that forcibly evacuate, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz. These Palestinian families living in a seven-story building near a settlement where illegally built in the heart Silwan a neighborhood whose residents are Palestinians. In Silwan more than 50,000 Palestinians live permanently injured by 70 Jewish families every day will usurp Palestinian land and homes with the support of the Israeli government for Judaizing Jerusalem.
Crimes of War: two Belgian lawyers and Georges-Henri Beauthier Deswaef Alexis, 14 Israeli politicians denounced for 'war crimes' in Gaza Strip during the invasion of Cast Lead, where 1445 Palestinians killed mostly civilians, women and children . Appealing to his jurisdiction in respect of universal justice, counsel presented a new órdago against the previous Israeli government, noting directly to the former prime minister, Ehud Olmert, former and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak and former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, among others.
Report: In its report, the attorneys collected the testimony of a Palestinian doctor, Said El-Okka, who along with his two brothers, saw their olive crops were destroyed by the Israeli army white phosphorus. They also have evidence of the bombing of the mosque of Al-Maqadmah, next to the refugee camp of Al Jabaliya, which killed 16 civilians. The lawyers representing the families of 13 Palestinian lives. The 70-page document to be delivered to justice, based on the 'Goldstone' UN Advocates claim that "Israel does not respect the independence, impartiality and fairness required by the international law of human rights." New
Try: not the first time a Belgian lawyer undertakes an international trial against Israel. In 2001, a group of Palestinians and Lebanese got on the Belgian law of universal jurisdiction to try former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (now growing season) for the massacres of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut 1982. Causing a diplomatic clash between Belgium and Israel but did not advance under pressure and unable to demonstrate the lawyers at least a Belgian citizen is injured. This time is different, because the Palestinian El-Okka has Belgian nationality.
Photo: Silwan Palestinian families thrown out of their houses and their furniture thrown into the streets by illegal settlers.
The occupying power 22 houses demolished in Jerusalem. U.S. ambivalent
PIP, June 22, 2010 .-
Planning Committee and Municipal Building, at the request of Mayor illegal Jerusalem, Meir Barkat, approved Monday a plan to demolish 22
Endas lived in East Jerusalem Palestinian , capital occupied Palestine, over 22 hectares to erect the archaeological park 'Gardens King ', plus the chance to approve the construction of 1000 houses for illegal Jewish settlers in the bust, part of Silwan town, near Jerusalem.
Ambivalent: The government of President Barack Obama publicly urged the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to demolish Palestinian homes while the State Department spokesman PJ Crowley said the United States "that his country was concerned by the project, although it is a preliminary step taken by the municipality of Jerusalem and not the Israeli government. " Irony: According to local media reports Israelis, Palestinians who usurped their homes to be destroyed under the project will receive permits the illegal Israeli municipality of Jerusalem to build homes in the eastern part of the same district, but must pay the costs of building and grounds, in addition, the risk of not being adopted those constructions, while refugees remain under tents .
Photo: Minister of Defense, Robert Gates, on Monday received Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, head of crimes against humanity in the 2008-09 invasion of Gaza and responsible for the criminal attack on the Freedom Flotilla on 31/5/2010.
considers Hamas a joke flexibility the blockade of Gaza
PIP, June 21, 2010 .-
The occupying power arrogantly announced on Sunday that will allow access for all humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip
, with the exception of weapons and gadgets used military, "to ease the blockade." According to spokesman Mark Regev occupying power, with rights and powers to administer Palestinian life, said: "From now on, no green light for approval of all goods entering Gaza, except for military supplies and materials that can strengthen the Hamas military machine. " The theme of building materials including cement, a priority and necessary to build the houses of Palestinians that Israel demolished, Regev, associated with the Palestinian Authority, said that "only enter the building materials that are approved by the Palestinian Authority." Lock
: However, Israel will maintain the blockade by land, air and sea of \u200b\u200bGaza. U.S.
: United States, author of the plan dilator 'proximity talks', with the support of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, welcomed the new policy toward Gaza, in a White House statement.
is a Joke: After meeting the Israeli decision, the government of Hamas, his economy minister, Ziad al-Zaza, described it: "This is another joke that Israel tells us and the world to ease the blockade of the Gaza Strip and shake off international pressure."
ANP: On the other hand, from Ramallah, Abdelhafiz Nufal, deputy economy minister in the government of Mahmoud Abbas, in line with the United States believe that Israel had given "a good step forward."
Photo: desperate Palestinians in Gaza in search of food and articles of prime necessity against the blockade and the Egyptian wall attached to the Israeli blockade.
died José Saramago, Nobel laureate and champion of
the Palestinian cause
PIP, June 19, 2010 .-
Writer, Nobel Prize for literature, eg
journalistic and communist. It was a great solidarity with just causes, mainly the Palestinian cause. Portuguese José Saramago (87), who died yesterday, rose with golden letters in the history of the movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people. Bet for a free and sovereign Palestinian State with Jerusalem capital. Saramago visited occupied Palestine in the spring of 2002, as part of a delegation of eight writers of the International Parliament of Writers, which is also part of the English Juan Goytisolo, accompanied by the late Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008), Parliament of Writers, met the martyr leader Yasser Arafat, who was poisoned in 2004, expressed his sympathy to the humiliating conditions under which Palestinians live, in general, and writers in particular. In a press conference in the city of Ramallah, Saramago compared the actions of the Israeli occupation army in the Palestinian territories so that the Jews suffered during World War II, the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Photo: leader Yasser Arafat, José Saramago and intellectuals of the International Parliament of Writers, 2002 in Ramallah, in the Israeli military siege to his presidency and his freedom motion.
Israeli settlers destroy homes. Israel intends to deport
70,000 Palestinian families
PIP, June 18, 2010 .-
Dozens of illegal Israeli settlers living in the settlement of Kiryat Arba fan in Hebron, West Bank, to enter the
midnight Thursday 17 / 6 by force into several Palestinian houses in the nearby village of Jabal Khalis, while they slept rompiedo and stealing whatever was at hand, while others damaged the Palestinian land cultivation. Az Zaru Al Tamimi (61), said que redadas similares suceden a diario en Hebron con estos fundamentalistas colonos que vienen resguardados por el ejército de ocupación israelí, como estrategia para desalentar los palestinos en su vida diaria y alentarlos a que abandonen Hebron, antigua ciudad sagrada palestina en la residen 150 mil palestinos agredidos permanentemente por los 750 ilegales colonos judíos de Kiryat Arba.
Deportaciones: Sobre la base de la ‘Orden Militar de Deportación’, la potencia ocupante está preparando una deportación masiva de 70 mil familias palestinas de la Ribera Occidental, incluyendo Jerusalem, hacia Gaza y otros países con el pretexto que “no tienen residencia, documentación israelí y son sospechosos of terrorism. " The development comes a week after police seized Jerusalem Israeli ID cards of four Hamas lawmakers, Arafeh, Mohammed Abu Tir, Mohammed and Ahmed Atoun To'otah and gave them until July to leave the city after refusing to comply Israel's demands to leave it. Being warned that they must give up their membership in Hamas, which the legislators who had been jailed along with 65 Hamas lawmakers four years ago and recently released the 4, refused to resign and be deported.
Photo: Illegal Jewish settlers of Hebron endorsed by the Israeli occupying force paint the houses of Palestinians with the heading "Kill Arabs! (Death to the Arabs!).
the Israeli B'Tselem report, the Red Cross and the UN, accused Israel
June 15, 2010 .- The annual report of B'Tselem , Israeli human rights group, 83 Palestinians and 7 Palestinians were killed in Israeli
West Bank and Gaza Strip by Israeli forces since the invasion to Cast Lead to Gaza, in the winter 2008-2009. 67% were from the Gaza Strip, 20 of the dead were children. He also alleged that the Municipality Jerusalem, accelerated construction of settlements in the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods in occupied East Jerusalem and Israel continues to restrict access to Palestinian areas of East Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, and lands west of the Apartheid Wall. As the organization reported that Gaza "Israel's siege on the Gaza Strip remains. The almost total ban on the import of raw materials and exports continued to cripple the local industry, and over 70 percent of Gazans relied on the help of international organizations for food. With the restrictions on entry of raw materials, it was impossible to reconstruct the destroyed buildings during the invasion. " On house demolitions and restrictions on building in Palestine, the report indicated that since the beginning of 2009 until late April 2010, Israel's Civil Administration demolished 44 residential structures built without permission, leaving 317 Palestinians homeless. In 2009, the Israeli Municipality of Jerusalem, demolished 48 buildings in East Jerusalem where they lived 247. Occupation: Executive director of B'Tselem, Jessica Montell, said: "This week marks the 43 anniversary of the 1967 war and the beginning of the occupation ... Israel controls the millions of Palestinians."
Red Cross Meanwhile the International Committee Red Cross (ICRC) has reported yesterday that "Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and collective punishment" and urged the Israeli government lift. "It's a crime by international law." It described Gaza as "an area plagued by frequent power cuts, an economy in ruins, and a collapsed health system."
UN The prolonged occupation of Palestinian territories and East Jerusalem, is becoming a de facto annexation by Israel, reported Tuesday, the UN Rapporteur, Richard Falk.
Photo: Wall apartheid and military control Israeli.
murdered a Palestinian in Jerusalem. Arab League in Gaza
PIP, June 14, 2010 .-
Israeli occupation forces killed at close range the Palestinian Ziad Al Khulani 38, while driving his aut
omóvil in the vicinity of the Old City of Jerusalem busy. Yesterday the Palestinian village of Wadi Al Joz, where he lived the martyr held a large protest demonstration, qualifying as a day of oppression and violence by the occupation forces which put down with force, wounding 8 Palestinians including a woman and a child. Some versions of the report described as lying army wanting to accuse Al Khulani, trying to throw your car into a position to control illegal and accused Israel of the Israeli criminals.
Arab League: During the first visit by Amr Moussa, secretary general of the League of Arab States to the Gaza Strip, met with Prime Minister of Hamas in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh. Before him Moussa said that "not only the Arab League, but everyone must demand an end to the blockade." For its part Haniyeh favored by the international community, including European monitors at Rafah crossing, "but we reject the Israeli presence there. " Repression and kidnapping
: Earlier today police said occupancy at its daily pressures and intimidation campaign began a wave of kidnappings in Ramallah, Bethlehem and Hebron in the West Bank. One of those cars with police was caught by a group of Palestinian resistance, confrontation after an Israeli policeman was killed and two wounded.
Photo: Haniyeh and Moussa in the government house in Gaza.
Gaza does not need charity
PIP, June 11, 2010 .-
The Hamas government today rejected a proposal for Israel to permit entry of light food to Gaza, while keeping the land and naval blockade imposed four years ago this
territory. "Gaza does not need soft drinks and sweets ... The Israeli order was symbolic, because it leaves in force a ban on entry of industrial and construction materials in high demand after the damage that caused its military invasion in December 2008 and January 2009 ... No one needs to candy, 1.5 million Palestinians need raw materials for its dilapidated factories to begin producing their own goods, "said Hamas finance minister, Ziad al-Zaza. (See 10 / 6).
Arab League: Just as Egypt, much to his dismay, quickly opened its borders after 3 years with Israel blockade on Gaza are now the League of Arab States do not want to be in evidence for its ineffectiveness. So first come tomorrow to Gaza, the Secretary-General Amr Moussa, who will one day.
Photo: Hamas Minister of Economy Ziad Al Zaza.
appear other 2 divers dead Palestinians. Kingdom of begging
PIP, June 10, 2010 .-
Sunday Afternoon 8 / 6, showed the bodies of the martyrs bodies Ziyad Mahmoud Khalil Ahmad Radi Radi and on the beaches of Gaza, who were murdered
you with 4 other divers, while doing routine exercises in the Mediterranean Sea (see 7 / 6) reaching 6 Palestinians killed Navy by the occupying power.
Kingdom of begging: Without condemning the attack against state terrorism "Freedom Flotilla ', without requiring Israel to halt settlements, without fulfilling their commitments and obligations to stop the occupation and the blockade of Gaza, President Barack Obama , received yesterday at the White House head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas and told him to give an "aid package 400 million dollars. " He added that "it is necessary to find a way to guarantee Israel's security and keep out weapons and missiles to Gaza", without worrying about the security of Gaza and its people.
Israel: Amid a wave of international pressure on the occupying power to relax their blockade of the Gaza Strip, more than a week of the attack on the "Freedom Flotilla" with great lack of morality, Israel relieved for hours yesterday blockade on the Strip. According to Raed Fattouh, an executive of the Ministry of Economy of Hamas in Gaza, "the occupying power allowed for the first time, after 3 years of blocking the entry of soft drinks, jams, juices, canned fruits, cookies, chips and candy. " However, they blocked the cement, raw materials for industry and agriculture, timber, household appliances, electrical machinery, televisions and transistors, among other products to Israel with impunity does not allow entry.
Photo: Relatives of Palestinians killed in the Mediterranean.
URGENT: Sports 4 Palestinian legislators from Hamas. Without research. U.S. has no press freedom
PIP, June 8, 2010 .-
basis of the Military Order of Deportation, canceled the four lawmakers residence Hamas at their homes in Jerusalem and deported from the West Bank without possibility of return. The
cu atro
Members are: Mohammed Abu Tair, Ahmed 'Atwan, Mohammed Toutah, and Mr. Khaled Abu Arafat, the democratically elected Palestinian elections in January 2006. Members were promptly kidnapped by Israeli occupation forces following the arrest of an Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, in Gaza and freed after almost 2 years in prison and deported today. Former Israeli Minister of Interior, Ron Bar'oun, he justified the charge of "breach of loyalty to the state (Israel)."
Without research: The Israeli prime minister and responsible for war crimes Benjamin Netanyahu, met with his cabinet to express to the UN and the world will not agree to the investigation of what happened on the boat Mavi Marmara (31 / 5), in international waters.
No evidence: occupation forces after his pirate adventure, erased all evidence. The Greek Dimitris Plionis mechanic, a member of the ship, witnessed the Zionist command beat journalists and smashed all the cameras, computers and telephones. And he said the newspaper "Eleftherotypia" that the ship had an Internet communication system operated by a Turkish member of the fleet, until he was shot and killed and destroyed the system.
Without freedom of the Press: the most democratic country in the world will not tolerate expressions against Israel. A 3-month turned 90, the dean of American journalism, Helen Thomas, while giving a speech at a university, a rabbi asked what he thought about what happened on the boat Mavi Marmara. The journalist Thomas replied that the Jews should "leave Palestine ... because they do not belong." "Where should leave the Jews?" Replied the rabbi alarmed by the sincerity of the journalist. "In Poland, Germany, or even here, the U.S." said Thomas. The reaction of the Jewish lobby was decisive and publicly humiliated. Robert Gibbs on White House spokesman, went to the press room where Thomas worked from the government of John Kennedy and condemned his comments. Sorry
: As usual she was forced to apologize, but not enough American Zionists. Correspondents Association of the White House in a statement from consider indefensible comments shut the door of the defense, his retreat was accelerated.
Photo: Journalist Helen Thomas with President Barack Obama.
5 Palestinians Killed Gaza. Pope says: 'the occupation of Palestinian life difficult. " Iran sent humanitarian ships
PIP, June 7, 2010 .-
naval occupation force killed early today in the area of \u200b\u200bNuseirat in Gaza, five Palestinians
suit diving while they were doing exercise and training. Another is missing, as reported by Hamas naval police. The bodies were recovered and taken to a hospital in central Gaza, according to Moawiya Hassanain, health chief Palestinian, identified as Fayez Al Fairie 4; Muhammad Qwaider; Ibrahim Hasan Al Wahidi and Hamed Thabet. Two of the dead had been shot in the head.
Pope Benedict XVI in his goodbye message in Nicosia, Cyprus, presented the paper 'Instrumentum Laboris', where he analyzes the situation of conflict in the Middle East. According to the pontiff, Israel practiced an "unfair politics" and called on the international community to urgently intervene and put an end to tensions in the Holy Land before it reaches a greater bloodshed, stressing that "the occupation Israeli Palestinian territories makes daily life, economy and social and religious life. "
Iran: The head of the Iranian Red Crescent (the equivalent Red Cross), Abdolrauf Adibzadeh, adds there sending 3 ships, 2 of them before the weekend and 1 to Gaza humanitarian aircraft, adding, "We rented 2 boats, 1 of which 70 aid workers, nurses and doctors and other food and medicine, in coordination with the Turkish government, along with "a plane loaded with 30 tons of humanitarian aid through Egypt." Adding to the near future to "a hospital ship." According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast "Sending boats like these by different countries will turn into a protest against the blockade of Gaza and Crimes the Zionist regime. It will be one of the biggest failures of this regime. "
Support: The Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran) are willing to escort the fleet. According to Iranian Mehr agency, "Iran is the duty of defending the innocent people of Gaza."
'Thou shalt not kill. " 'You Shall Not Kill. " 'What Tirtzakh'
intercepted the boat Rachel Corrie
PIP, June 5, 2010 .-
With the philosophy of cruelty, after being approached on Saturday 5 / 6, at 4:57 AM EST Palestine, Irish humanitarian ship Rachel Corrie, 9AM pot forces occupying ncia
took control of the ship and illegally led to the Ashdod port, with solidarity activists, including Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Mairead Maguire and the 1200 tons of aid to Gaza. Leaving the ship seized by Israel Irish sovereignty. Lies
: Since the government of Tel Aviv lies high caliber, a spokesman for the army tried to sell the world the pious unbelievable attitude, saying "The ship has been approached with the full agreement of the crew and passengers board. " However, activists of the boat crew and categorically denied it and they made that "we reject any proposal that comes from the Zionist government."
Interference: Worse, with the usual inclusion in Palestinian politics, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said: "The motives of the activists were political rather than humanitarian and rejecting the Israeli proposal, clearly showed that the Objective is to help the people of Gaza but to make a political statement in favor of the Hamas regime, "adding:" The Palestinian Authority wants to avoid getting weapons and military supplies to Hamas. "
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Turkey main military ally of Israel, buried 9-of- activists in the midst of a huge demonstration with cries of protest against the Zionist regime that killed peaceful people. In his speech last Friday Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of violating its own biblical commandment "Thou shalt not kill" ... I am speaking in his own language. The Sixth Commandment says
'Thou shalt not kill' . Do not you understand?, I will repeat again. I'll say it in English
'You Shall Not Kill' . Do they not understand? Then I will say in their own language, Hebrew
say 'I Tirtzakh' , I hope you understand. "
Ireland: In Dublin, Irish Foreign Minister Michael Martin, in a statement stated that "those aboard the Rachel Corrie have indicated they are ready to accept international inspection of its cargo at sea to dock in Gaza." The occupying power the ship refused entry to the medical humanitarian aid, toys and cement for construction.
Rejection: With the culture of barbarism. The war crimes charge, Benjamin Netanyahu was deaf to the calls of the international community to undertake an international investigation into the military operation on the convoy of the "Freedom Flotilla." His spokesman Mark Regev, unethical, said the Israel Defense Forces began their own investigation and noted that demand to be left outside show that there are double standards towards Israel than any other country has to comply ", as reported by BBC correspondent in occupied Jerusalem, Andrew North. With more contempt for human life and partner in crime, Regev, recalled that "when U.S. or British troops have been accused of killing civilians in Iraq or Afghanistan, the investigations into these events are held in the U.S. or Great Britain and does not do an international organization "The truth is that in all cases the perpetrators enjoy immunity. Shooting
: According to autopsy results the dead and wounded, the British newspaper 'The Guardian', showed a total of 30 Israeli gunfire at close range and another 5 headshots. Among the dead is a Turkish American citizen. "Fulk Dogan (19), U.S. citizen, was shot five times from a distance less than 45 inches, 1 side, one behind the head, 2 bullets in the leg and 1 on the back", adding that there are 6 missing activists.
USA: Without the ability or control of the situation. After lacking moral capacity to 'condemn' Israel for its crimes against humanity and bring the perpetrators to the International Court of Justice, the Security Council spokesman Domestic U.S., Mike Hammer, oblivious to reality by default or intention, stated: "We are working urgently with Israel, the Palestinian Authority and other international partners to develop new methods to deliver more goods and assistance to Gaza. " Another 48 people were shot and more than 100 injured.
Photo: Huge protest at the funeral of murdered Turkish 9.
URGENT: The Irish humanitarian ship Rachel Corrie,
was intercepted minutes ago
PIP, June 5, 2010 4:57 a.m. .- Palestine time
As anticipated the Israeli occupying power, minutes from the 5 am EDT Palestinian, was intercepted by the Israeli Navy about 55 miles from Gaza, according to information coming to our source. So far it is not known whether the new military operation triggered criminal acts of violence against Nobel Peace Prize and humanitarian activists. (See 4 / 6).
already are 6 Palestinians dead. The boat was incommunicado Rachel Corrie
PIP, June 4, 2010 .-
Young seriously injured yesterday morning by the occupying power, to Radhwan Mazen Jamal (16), died yesterday afternoon
(see 3 / 6) in Hebron. Adding to 6 Palestinian martyrs killed since the attacks against ships, 5 and 1 in Gaza in the West Bank.
ship: With the intention of reaching the weekend, the Irish humanitarian barge 'Rachel Corrie', part of the "Freedom Flotilla" attacked, still early in the afternoon bound for Gaza and was 150 miles Palestinian Gaza. Concern: The base in Cyprus 'Rachel Corrie', announced with great concern that he lost radio contact and exact location with the boat. According to lawyer Audrey Bombs, the organization 'Free Gaza', said "I do not know where it is because we have lost radio contact with the ship. We assume that Israel has interfered with the system. " Other sources indicate that the occupying power to cut through the air to insulate the ship. Also, the Israeli government threatened to give a response similar to that experienced by the Turkish ship Marmara Sea, where passengers 'Rachel Corrie', if you try to reach Gaza. Between human rights activists found the Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire and former UN deputy secretary-general, Denis Halliday, who have already confirmed that will not reach the dock in Ashdod port to left in the hands of the occupying power load solidarity.
Dead: activist Manuel Tapia, who came on board Marmara Sea, said the dead were counted "from 16 to 20 activists," although there are many missing because Israeli forces threw bodies into the sea. "
Offensive: The government of the occupying power with typical verbiage and taking advantage of the lack of condemnation from the UN and the U.S., began an aggressive media campaign accusing the boats, Hamas, Gaza and activists as "terrorists threatening Israel's security. "In this case of lies and distortion, justify their abhorrent crime against activists and 6 Palestinians killed since the attacks on ships.
Photo: The ship 'Rachel Corrie', anchored before leaving Gaza.
Yet the ship Rachel Corrie wants to break the blockade. Hamas rejects Israel kidnapped humanitarian aid ships
PIP, June 3, 2010 .-
now occupying power seeks to prevent the arrival of Rachel Corrie Irish ship, with the rest of the humanitarian aid material is
construction, medical equipment, scanner, paper and toys for Gaza. Andy David, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, said, "sent messages through Ireland" to "agree to leave the humanitarian cargo in the port of Ashdod, in Israel. For his part, from Larnaca, Cyprus, Audrey Bombs, a lawyer of 'Free Gaza', one of the flotilla organized movements, denied the existence of negotiations with Israel and reaffirmed "We're not negotiating with Israel, nor have we negotiated with Israel any time. If Israel wants to make room on the ship inspectors from the Red Cross or United Nations, allow it. What we will not allow the inspection is the Israelis do, that could put weapons in the boat. " Larnaca (Cyprus). " On the ship there are 11 people, including Nobel Peace Prize Mairead Maguire Irish and a former UN deputy secretary-general, Denis Halliday.
Hamas: The Palestinian government of Hamas, refused yesterday to receive some 20 Israeli trucks loaded with confiscated humanitarian aid to the "Freedom Flotilla" on Wednesday, saying that "the property would not be accepted by parties, or as activists that led him arrested. " Social Affairs Minister of Hamas, Ahmed al-Kurd, warned that the goods had been looted by Israeli forces, such as electric wheelchairs, batteries were missing. "We reject the aid, and the victims of the attack of Israel remain in prison. Without exception we demand their release, "said Al-Kurd, during a press conference in Gaza City. The official described Israel's offer to surrender some of the aid an attempt to "divert attention from the world of piracy."
Grave: Four Israelis of Palestinian origin, seized the boat, the chairman of the board of the Free Gaza Movement, Masarwa Lubna, Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the northern Islamic Movement in Israel, Mohammed Zeidan, Director of the Legal Program Arab International Association for Human Rights, and Hamed Abu Dabis, face many serious accusations about his participation in the trip to break the Israeli blockade on Gaza. Al Jazeera, one of its reporters, the news network Al-Jazeera, Elshayyal Jamal, who was on board, said the activists raised the white flag and, despite everything, the soldiers fired on the boat.
Wounded: Two Palestinian teenagers 16 years were seriously injured today when an illegal Jewish settler in his car and fired on them unexpectedly in the refugee camp of Al Aroub, north of Hebron in the West Bank, then escaped protected by the army of occupation.
Photo: anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jews, concentrated in Toronto, Canada, Sunday 30 / 5, to repudiate the visit of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
PIP, June 2, 2010 .-
There is an international outcry demanding the occupying power to end the inhuman blockade of Gaza since 2007 and comply with resolution 1860 that demands the end of the fence .
Nicaragua: was the only country to leave aside the fragile words and firmly decided
break diplomatic relations with Israel, as announced by Rosario Murillo, Coordinator of Communication and Citizenship Council, on behalf of President Daniel Ortega, saying "The government of Nicaragua emphasizes the illegality of the act committed by Israel in international waters in violation of law and international humanitarian law. "
Hamas: Palestinian The agency Maan, the Hamas government yesterday asked the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to "cease all contact and talks with the Zionist state." Noting the spokesman Salah Bardawil "There is no time to maneuver," in reference to a possible visit by members of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza to accelerate reconciliation process, and reiterate to the AP, "To end the internal security cooperation in coordination with Israel, negotiations and arrests of Hamas supporters before speaking about reconciliation. "
Photo: Palestinian children in Gaza , throw flowers into the waters of the Mediterranean in memory of the dead ship humanitarian.
Other 3 Palestinians killed. Heartbreaking story of the MP on board. The effect 'Freedom Flotilla' opened Egyptian border process
PIP 2 June 2010 .-
After the death of two Palestinians (see 1 / 6), hours later the occupying power to other 3 killed three Palestinian civilians by an air strike air-ground missile in the village of Ash Shayman
aen, the area of \u200b\u200bBeit Lahiya. The martyrs are: Hasan al-Aqdi, Arafat Eid and Ala 'Ghannam. Rep.
: human solidarity among the group who was in the ship's humanitarian the "Freedom Flotilla ', Navi Marmara, was the deputy Israeli Palestinian, Zuhavi Hanin, who after being arrested and interrogated in violation of his immunity she was released yesterday afternoon. Deputy immediately called a press conference in Nazareth, historic and sacred Palestinian city under Israeli flag since 1948. During the same into a heartbreaking story accused the Israeli army, "It was clear by the size of the force with which the military boarded the ship and that the purpose was not to stop, but cause maximum casualties to prevent future similar initiatives" and added "We thought it would be remote because it was international waters. But at 4 am, arrived 14 boats and a helicopter fired missiles to scare and that passengers climb to the top floor ... There was an atmosphere of war around and I said, 'I will not leave alive in this situation. "
Effect: After the Israeli attack, Egypt approved by Israel, decided to open the Egyptian-Israeli border for the supply and to allow the transfer of patients and people who should be treated after a long siege. The opening is transient and do not know when it will close again, why hundreds of Palestinians flocked to the output of Rafah, to go buy their main needs.
Photo: 2 of 5 Palestinian martyrs killed by the occupying power.
Sorry UN warm treatment to slaughter. Israel
Two Palestinians killed
PIP, June 1, 2010
After 12 hours of debate, the Security Council of the UN, called for an impartial and treated with warmth the Israeli attack co
aid flotilla NTRA humanitarian pro-Palestinian that killed 19 people and wounding dozens. Kidnapped by the occupying power, 480 humanitarian passengers in the fleet were held incommunicado in Israel and uncertain fate, while another 48 were awaiting deportation.
UN Boiled against the cruel slaughter, the UN emergency meeting called for "the immediate release of the ships and civilians detained by Israel" and called for "a speedy, impartial, credible and transparent investigation in accordance with international standards."
Israel: For its part, to the representative of the occupying power, Daniel Carmon, the UN has been invited to take the word in the CS-UN debate, with full justification for mass murder, said there was "no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Although the media presented it as a humanitarian mission, this fleet was not at all supportive. " And with more cynicism added: "They were peaceful activists or messengers of good will ... cynically used a platform to send a message of hate and implement violence. "
Turkey: "This attack is state terrorism, in violation of international law ... we will not remain silent over this inhuman inhuman state terrorism." For his part, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu described the attack as "serious crime" and "barbaric."
Repudiation: The international community expressed its strong condemnation of the United States except that only "lamented the situation." Meanwhile, Argentina, France, Russia and China demanded an end to the blockade of Gaza, the British representative at the UN, Mark Lyall Grant, claimed the implementation of resolution 1860 the Security Council required by the end of the blockade on Gaza.
Hamas: addition to the strong condemnation, the Hamas Interior Ministry declared a state of alert and mobilized its military and popular forces against any action of Israel. View info 31 / 5.
Murder: The occupying power killed today morning at 2 Palestinian resistance, Abdulrahman Omar Al Amin Shahwan Astal and Hamadah, who were at the Palestinian checkpoint in Al Farahin area, east of the town of Abasan Al Kabira.
Photo: wounded by Israeli forces moved insiertos places.
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