Israeli Hackers bled the "Freedom Flotilla" in Gaza
PIP, May 31, 2010 .-
The promise of the occupying power was fulfilled. In the early hours of today 31 / 5, Israeli warships criminally attacked the 'Flotilla Lib
dom' solidarity with 6 boats with some 800 people from 40 nationalities, mostly Turks. Among them, 12 parliamentarians, 2 from Germany and the rest of Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria and Ireland, in addition, dozens of activists Hellenes and 2 English that carried the blockaded Gaza, 10 thousand tons of food and humanitarian relief supplies to the starving Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The flotilla led by the Turkish IHH Humanitarian Foundation (Insani Yardim Vakfi), the largest coordinated joint action to break the Israeli blockade on Gaza-Egypt, since 2007, and after the criminal operation Cast Lead 2008/09. The boats, under the leadership of former Mavi Marmara passenger ship, left the weekend from various ports in the Mediterranean with the aim of reaching Gaza and make medical and educational supplies, building materials, the shipment of 500 electric vehicles disabled, in addition to 100 prefabricated houses for families who lost their homes during the Zionist invasion. Among the ships, one was named 'Boat 8000', in homage to the more than 8000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and another called 'Rachel Corie', in memory of the martyr human rights activist of 24 years, crushed by a Israeli bulldozer in March 2003, when he tried together with other partners of the International Solidarity Movement, to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes in the town of Rafah in southern Gaza. Dead: Israeli authorities erected a picket brake naval fleet in the port of Ashdod in the occupied Palestinian waters Mediterranean Sea, one of its elite units fired missiles against defenseless fleet, while Israeli commandos were thrown from helicopters on the Turkish ship, killing 14 civilians in the fleet, leaving dozens injured and some hostages, aborting and expropriating the burden of humanitarian aid. Turkey: The Turkish government strongly repudiated the attack and called on Israel today to immediately release the activists injured in the assault on the 'Fleet of Liberty', demanding a comprehensive report on what happened. Manifestations: Hundreds of Turks marched immediately against the occupying power consulate in Istanbul, trying to take it, meanwhile, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the ambassador's residence in Tel Aviv, Gaby Levi, with strong anti-Israeli slogans, calling for the rupture of diplomatic relations. Europe: Berlin said the attack by Israel will pay a high price, while the European community rejected the criminal attitude of Israel to target civilians Hamas: Prime Minister of the Hamas government, Ismail Haniyeh, who had warned of attack , strongly condemned the "Zionist crime" and "pirate Israeli attitude," adding: "We hold Israel fully to the brutal attack on the convoy of freedom and civil and we believe that this assault is a new crime against humanity and against the unarmed Palestinian people. " United States: President Barack Obama inspirational dilator plan 'proximity talks' associated with Israel and the Palestinian Authority did not condemn the criminal conduct of his Israeli partner only t regret what happened. Responsibility: The immediate perpetrators and involved in the crime against humanity that they had better be judged by an international court, is the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, as himself, the heads of Israeli forces. Photo: Turkish passenger ship old Mavi Marmara.
The promise of the occupying power was fulfilled. In the early hours of today 31 / 5, Israeli warships criminally attacked the 'Flotilla Lib

Damn tunnels Palestinian hunger. New bombing Gaza
PIP, May 30, 2010 .- In the bloody
tunnels that Palestinians in Gaza were forced to make to reach the Egyptian border and cross Alime
nts, medicine, livestock and gasoline, among other needs to break the Israeli-Egyptian mouthing the Gaza Strip, is regularly the cemetery of Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation forces and by the Egyptian forces and failure of the precariousness of the same. In the afternoon yesterday in a traumatic situation blew up a gas cylinder, used for kitchens, home generators for electricity and home ranges within a tunnel in Rafah, killing 6 Palestinians, while another 12 were injured, 3 of them in of gravity, as reported by the Ambulance Service chief in Gaza, Muawiya Hassanein. On the condition of the bodies so far identified only 2 of the deceased, Kaware Nizar Anwar (20) and Hasan Zaki Kaware (28). Bombing: At dawn on Saturday again F-16 warplanes attacked villages near Rafah, to destroy the tunnels Palestinians, wounding several civilians. Photo: Palestinians from cattle in the tunnels of Gaza.
tunnels that Palestinians in Gaza were forced to make to reach the Egyptian border and cross Alime

Argentina's President Cristina de Kirchner called for the recognition of a Palestinian state
PIP, May 28, 2010 .-
Speaking Friday in the UN program of "III Forum Alliance of Civilizations', which takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Argentina President Cristina Fe
rnández de Kirchner, said that "the construction of peace is linked with longing still unresolved, as the international recognition of the State Palestinian and Israel's right to live in internationally recognized borders, "adding: "These are elements that contribute to the alliance of civilizations, a world of peace and subtract arguments to those who use terrorism as a kind of religious identity that has nothing to do with religion, but a political nature." An interesting statement, though, that the president obviously doomed state terrorism, which does not allow a perfect alliance of civilizations. Used today by Israel and in the past in Argentina. Background: worth remembering that Argentina, with the government of President Carlos Menem acknowledged the diplomatic status, the opening of the first diplomatic missions and accredited envoy of President Yasser Arafat and Prime Ambassador Palestinian Suhail Hani Daher Akel, in 1996. Embassy: After successful negotiations gave Argentina an important building for the Palestinian Embassy in Buenos Aires. The same was recycled again and opened by Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel, in the presence of 1800 individuals on 15 November 1999. Reciprocal : Démarches started from the very opening of the Embassy in 1999, opening a diplomatic mission in Palestine, Argentina, was crystallized with the government of President Nestor Kirchener between 2005/2007. View Photos: can see pictures of the first Palestinian Embassy in Buenos Aires: Wishes: The Palestinian people, met this courageous determination expected to check the immediate recognition of Argentina to the state capital of Palestine with Jerusalem as a background to the world. Photo: Kirchener President during his speech in Rio de Janeiro.
Speaking Friday in the UN program of "III Forum Alliance of Civilizations', which takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Argentina President Cristina Fe

U.S. funds settlers routes. Brutal ban. Hamas NW
PIP, May 27, 2010 .- While
side bet on the Palestinian Authority President Barack Obama and his plan of 'conversations indire
tsp', the U.S. Agency International Development (USAID), continues to fund the building occupying power in occupied Palestine illegal routes for the exclusive use of illegal Jewish settlers. Avalar occupation: U.S. Agency funded 235 kilometers of road in occupied Palestine and is currently funding the construction of another 132 kilometers connecting different points of settlements by the end of this year, although the United States assured the Palestinian Authority not part of the construction. Lock : For its part, Israel has restricted more than 150 kilometers of Palestinian road, damaging and isolating communications Palestinian regions together. Brutal ban: Israeli military authorities blocked the village of Sheikh Saad in occupied East Jerusalem and 1800 do not allow their residents out of it by car or walking and only allow Palestinians who have Israeli identity card, on Monday reported the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. West Sheikh Saad village, is surrounded by the Israeli apartheid wall, while on the east, north and south is surrounded by Jewish settlements in the valley of Kidron, leaving their 3000 isolated Palestinian inhabitants. The other 1200 Palestinians who have Israeli cards, not fare well. Their mobilization must walk through the valley with the risks of being attacked by fanatical settlers. No mercy: Ambulances, fire trucks, food or gasoline, must coordinate in advance with the illegal Israeli Civil Administration, an entry permit to the village, without considering urgent cases of sick people. However, as the village is geographically included in the illegal Israeli Municipality of Jerusalem, must pay their taxes, to avoid the risk of losing the property. Hamas NO: The Hamas government, disagreed with the municipal elections in the West Bank on 17 July. His spokesman Ismail Al Ashqar, issued a statement in which he said his government that won elections in 2006, illegally deposed, opposes the election process while continuing the split between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. For its part, the Hamas statement also stated that presidential elections should have been held on January 9, 2009, postponed to January 24, 2010, were finally left without effect indefinitely by the government Abbas, meanwhile, the legislature is frozen. Photo: Construction illegal routes in Occupied Palestine.
side bet on the Palestinian Authority President Barack Obama and his plan of 'conversations indire

Aircraft Israelis attack Gaza. Obama pressured by the U.S. Zionist lobby
PIP, May 26, 2010 .-
F16 warplanes were launched against the civilian population of Gaza in the north and south of the Strip at dawn on Tuesday. missiles fired four consecutive
over an area where the international airport in Gaza destroyed Yasser Arafat east of Rafah and two missiles at a military training camp of Hamas in the town of Beit Hanoun. Medical sources in Gaza reported that the training camp were injured civilians and police officers. The occupying power confirmed his unwarranted attacks tunnels located on the grounds that attacked near the northern and southern Gaza. The attacks killed more than 30 wounded, of whom 21 were civilians. Pressures: According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House next Tuesday. The invitation of President Barack Obama, interest is due to receive before it reaches the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, in the coming weeks, mainly due to the crisis in relations between Israel and the U.S., and to reassure the Israeli calm the rave reviews and has been receiving pressure from the American Jewish lobby, and members of Congress for greater protection for Israel. Photo: private property Palestinians in Gaza destroyed by Israeli F16.
F16 warplanes were launched against the civilian population of Gaza in the north and south of the Strip at dawn on Tuesday. missiles fired four consecutive

in full 'proximity talks', Israel, kills, destroys houses
and deported Palestinian
PIP, May 23, 2010 .- While the negotiator
George Mitchell, is in the region to meet with Israel and the Palestinian Authority, charting the American-Israeli plan of the dilator
as "proximity talks", the occupying Power continues its goal of ethnic cleansing and destruction. Kills: The occupation force Israeli killed in the early hours of Saturday, 22 / 5 to 2 Palestinians in the Hamas resistance Farhim area, east of the town of Abasan Al Kabira. The martyrs Abu Nader Is'haq Daqqah and Adel Hamdi Abu Ahmed, tried to thwart the advance of an army patrol inside Israel and Gaza were shot dead. Demolition: After the murder, with impunity in the Israeli patrol came and demolished with explosives Farhim the house of Palestinian civil Rjleilah Abu Jaber, accusing, without proof, to make in that place Palestinian homemade missiles, leaving his family to weather, losing all their personal belongings and forced to take shelter under a tent. Bombing: Also during the early hours of Saturday, the Israeli air force missile attack to 3 entries of the 'tunnel of hunger' in the village of Beit Hanun in the region of Rafah in Gaza, causing casualties and widespread destruction on private Palestinian property . These tunnels are used by the Palestinians desperately to break the Israeli-Egyptian criminal blockade on Gaza and to transport food, medicine and necessities. Deportation: Applying the Military Order of Deportation No. 1650, on Friday May 21, Israeli forces deported without the possibility of returning to Abu Hamed brothers Imad and Dawabbeh Bir city as you know in the West Bank to Gaza, not to count cards Israeli permission to reside in the occupied city. These young Palestinians born in this city and always lived in his father's house. When the army's occupation of his house started to deport them, they did face looks helpless and despair of his father, relatives and neighbors. Palestinian Mail: Managing Palestinian life remains the occupying power from Wednesday 19 / 5, suspended official mail between the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza, as reported on Saturday Maher Abu Ouf, director of the Palestinian Mail Erez border crossing in the northern Gaza Strip. Stopping of Abu Sufian unjustly Zubda, postal service official in Gaza. The occupying power declined to about the kidnapping of Abu Zubda, who was born on the Israeli side with the loss of contact with their families. Photo: a Palestinian boy by Israeli forces against the V of victory.
George Mitchell, is in the region to meet with Israel and the Palestinian Authority, charting the American-Israeli plan of the dilator

Nakba no official discourse. Mitchel arrived with their 'proximity talks
PIP, May 20, 2010 .-
With more concessions to satisfy the occupying power and to avoid irritating the United States, May 15 anniversary of the Nakba (catastrophe) Palestinian Debid
or the fall of Palestine and the creation of Israel in 1948, the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas broke the Palestinian tradition of giving a speech on feelings more expensive for Palestinians. Hamas: Analysts Hamas government, today regretted the decision "sought to avoid an event would be expected to condemn Israel with harsh words." While Israel has banned within the territory of 1948 activities for the Nakba, suppressing and imprisoning some of the Palestinian activists of '48 Israeli documentation. Conversations: This week came the second time the U.S. envoy States, George Mitchell, to continue the "proximity talks." Wednesday and met with Abbas on Thursday it was with the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu. While the willingness of the Palestinian side is active marking the Israeli left would not give anything about Jerusalem and the settlements in occupied Palestine. Photo: With Mitchel big smile came to his plan of 'American paix. "
With more concessions to satisfy the occupying power and to avoid irritating the United States, May 15 anniversary of the Nakba (catastrophe) Palestinian Debid

banned by the occupying power to enter Palestine Chomsky
PIP, May 18, 2010 .-
Held at the Allenby Bridge linking Jordan with Palestine in the vicinity of Jericho, the illegal Israeli control of the Palestinian border, arrested the Jewish American writer Noam Chomsky (81), who moved to Ramallah, to give a lecture at the University of Berzeit. After the usual torturous interrogation Israel prevented him from entering occupied Palestine. Chomsky, a critic of Israel, had to return and said indignantly: "It is very unusual behavior that only happens in totalitarian states."
Held at the Allenby Bridge linking Jordan with Palestine in the vicinity of Jericho, the illegal Israeli control of the Palestinian border, arrested the Jewish American writer Noam Chomsky (81), who moved to Ramallah, to give a lecture at the University of Berzeit. After the usual torturous interrogation Israel prevented him from entering occupied Palestine. Chomsky, a critic of Israel, had to return and said indignantly: "It is very unusual behavior that only happens in totalitarian states."
unpunished demolition order in full 'proximity talks'
PIP, May 17, 2010 .-
The Palestinian civil Maleb Anawi, Monday just got an order to demolish his house in the village Al Hadidy, northern Jordan Valley. "Le dij
ea the police where I go? "And" I responded that it is my problem. " Anawi, desperate as six times their property was destroyed by Israeli soldiers. The Palestinians lived historically the Jordan Valley in large quantities, are usually shepherds and farmers from their land. Since the Oslo Accords has divided the West Bank in 1993, the Jordan Valley was designated as Area C, which states that power is transferred to the Palestinian Authority, there has been no indication of the transition. In March past, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Israel's control of the Jordan Valley is part of Israel and would be an "essential condition" of any peace agreement. The Jordan Valley has earned its description as the granary of Palestine was usurped and monopolized by Israeli companies and illegal Jewish settlements. Water: The Merkorot Israeli water company, controls 98% of illegally Valley water supply, charging prices 4 times higher for Palestinians to illegal settlers. Their monopoly on the support of the military orders have destroyed 162 Palestinian wells since 1967. Frustrated: "During several generations dig holes in the ground, where we get enough water to feed people, animals and crops, "says Abu Sakri, a Palestinian citizen in the life of the village Al-Hadidy. He adds: "Now our wells have been closed and we are forced to fetch water from a village 35 miles away, paying unaffordable. You do not need guns to kill people. Do not let us use our water is another equally effective way. " Photo: Maleb showing today Anawi demolción order the army of occupation.
The Palestinian civil Maleb Anawi, Monday just got an order to demolish his house in the village Al Hadidy, northern Jordan Valley. "Le dij

sketching the horror and the error of the Partition of Palestine
62 Anniversary of the Nakba. Killed an elderly
sketching the horror and the error of the Partition of Palestine
62 Anniversary of the Nakba. Killed an elderly
PIP, May 15, 2010
Forced to pay the humiliation of Europe, the Palestinians were uprooted from their land to become beggars in the world. If
No home, no land with a heavy load of pain and injustice, it took the brunt of his life these fateful 62 years. In which a foreign State and a foreign people settled on a precarious international law in its ancient land. In outlining the horrors of decades and find out why. Burguete is necessary to the essence of the Nakba (catastrophe). Following the Partition and the creation of the Jewish state called Israel (15/05/2010). After the failed time. Political action is necessary to review the situation in Palestine, the illegitimacy of the partition and repair of sustained dissonance. The UN, in the midst of pressures to avoid recognizing the Palestinian state and admitted in 1949, the unilateral creation of Israel 05/15/1948) proclaimed-nine hours after the end of British rule in Palestine, by David Ben Gurion. Far from the letter of resolution 181, was endorsed in Zionist terrorism which demolished 418 Palestinian towns and drove to 750 thousand natives from their homes. "Thanks to the Jewish state founded fear" Yitzhak Shamir, (Reuters 5/4/1991). After the ignominy of 62, the election is to be free or slaves worthy of the occupation, apartheid and the international community is now considered politically correct to speak of a Palestinian state, while it undermines the Zionist pressure. Murder: follow the results of the "proximity talks." Israeli occupation forces shot and civil riddled old Ahmad Fuad Kill 78 in proximity to the eastern border of Gaza. Photo: Palestinian Refugees 1948.
Forced to pay the humiliation of Europe, the Palestinians were uprooted from their land to become beggars in the world. If
Settlers kill Palestinian boy
PIP, May 14, 2010 .-
In an unfortunate event happened yesterday, the body of Palestinian Zaben Aysar 14, was found Friday in the morning on a route near Ramallah, West Bank, according to testimony, the child was killed by illegal Jewish settlers after having thrown rocks at their cars to be approached in a threatening manner. These settlers live armed with weapons given by the army and are protected by Israeli law for their crimes go unpunished, because they understand that it's her 'security'. The plan of colonization and Judaization of occupied Palestine, allowed more than 500,000 Jewish settlers live among 2.5 million Palestinians usurp their land and controlling their lives.
In an unfortunate event happened yesterday, the body of Palestinian Zaben Aysar 14, was found Friday in the morning on a route near Ramallah, West Bank, according to testimony, the child was killed by illegal Jewish settlers after having thrown rocks at their cars to be approached in a threatening manner. These settlers live armed with weapons given by the army and are protected by Israeli law for their crimes go unpunished, because they understand that it's her 'security'. The plan of colonization and Judaization of occupied Palestine, allowed more than 500,000 Jewish settlers live among 2.5 million Palestinians usurp their land and controlling their lives.
Third deportation of Palestinians. Thanks to the "proximity talks" Israel joined the OECD.
PIP, May 11, 2010 .-
Applying the Military Order of Deportation and amid international silence, Israeli forces on Monday deported to third Palestinian in less than a month. The civ il
Achtiwi Hani, was expelled without the right to return to Beersheba Beit Hanun in the Gaza Strip, losing their homes and their property, with the sole justification for Israel to have no documentation, although always lived in that place that came under Israeli flag in 1948. OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, based in Paris, the occupying power invited a member of this important economic organization, since "Israel meets the specific requirements of being a developed open economy," according to secretary-general, Angel Gurria Mexican. United States, one of 34 members, strongly support Israel's income. The irresponsible attitude of the OECD supports the occupation of Palestine and is violating its own rules requiring that 'members must practice democracy and respect for human rights. " Contradictory objective with the policy of Israeli military occupation that requirement. Worryingly, Angel Gurria, a few months ago visited Israel and said he noticed the same "Palestinian deterioration product of the occupation." gift: As part of U.S. largesse, Israel took its first profit in its rapid accession to the OECD, after the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, backed the U.S. plan to 'proximity talks' with the ANP. Photo: Palestinian deported, by the Military Order.
Applying the Military Order of Deportation and amid international silence, Israeli forces on Monday deported to third Palestinian in less than a month. The civ il

During the "proximity talks", Israel applied Military Order
Deportation. Killed a Palestinian baby
PIP, May 10, 2010 .-
Amid the start of the plan dilatory 'proximity talks' between the Palestinian Authority and Israel and Mahmoud Abbas' confidence in Israel and the United States with impunity characterizes it, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu authorized the IDF to implement the Military Order of Deportation to Palestinian civil Murad Muhammad Salman Zahdeh of the old city of Hebron, who started Sunday at his home under 'illegal pretext' to reside in the city \u200b\u200band not have identification, sport Jordan. Zahdeh Salman has been living in the Palestinian town for more than 10 years. Murder: in critical condition since the 7 / 5, 10AM Monday, the baby died Hamzeh Abu Mariyah of 17 months due to inhalation of tear gas fired by the Israeli military to civilian workers in their land belongs to the town of Beit Umar, near Hebron in.
Amid the start of the plan dilatory 'proximity talks' between the Palestinian Authority and Israel and Mahmoud Abbas' confidence in Israel and the United States with impunity characterizes it, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu authorized the IDF to implement the Military Order of Deportation to Palestinian civil Murad Muhammad Salman Zahdeh of the old city of Hebron, who started Sunday at his home under 'illegal pretext' to reside in the city \u200b\u200band not have identification, sport Jordan. Zahdeh Salman has been living in the Palestinian town for more than 10 years. Murder: in critical condition since the 7 / 5, 10AM Monday, the baby died Hamzeh Abu Mariyah of 17 months due to inhalation of tear gas fired by the Israeli military to civilian workers in their land belongs to the town of Beit Umar, near Hebron in.
Urgent. The PLO adopted the "proximity talks." Obama Reject
PIP, May 9, 2010 .-
During Saturday's meeting the PLO Executive Committee, supported to the satisfaction of U.S. plan 'proximity talks' with Israel in total inequality of power and weight
. Meanwhile, the government of Hamas from Gaza reiterated their strong opposition, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his "satisfaction at the adoption of the PLO" and added "I hope that the talks would begin soon and there are no preconditions", a reference not freeze the construction of illegal settlements in occupied Jerusalem and the Gaza blockade. A section of Fatah, headed by the ousted head of the PLO Political Department, Farouk Kaddoumi, rejected the decision of the owner the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, as the Palestinian resistance movements. Hamas-Obama: Israeli daily 'Yediot Ahronot' said today that the premier of the Palestinian government of Hamas, "Ismail Haniyeh, last week sent two letters to President Obama, on a real settlement of the Middle East and stop Israeli fire into Gaza. " Obama ignored them and did not return letters. Photo: President Obama, Hamas Prime Minister Haniyeh.
During Saturday's meeting the PLO Executive Committee, supported to the satisfaction of U.S. plan 'proximity talks' with Israel in total inequality of power and weight

The plan of 'proximity talks', it guarantees employment.
No resistance
No resistance
PIP, May 8, 2010 .-
As hectic as the construction of new housing in illegal settlements by Israel, was the marathon gestió
n George Mitchell, an emissary of President Barack Obama, in his meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli President Shimon Peres (both responsible for crimes) and the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas to start the U.S. plan to "proximity talks" between Palestinians and Israelis. Charter: Mitchel gave Abbas a letter of guarantee from Obama, ensuring the success of 'proximity talks' as basis for the creation of a Palestinian state, "said Obama. However, the treatment NO Jerusalem, under the same, let disqualified any objective assurance and good intentions. ANP: Today Saturday will meet in Ramallah Palestinian National Authority Abbas to ensure their support. For its part, the Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said Sunday that today and tomorrow will meet again with Mitchell, saying that the PA was "anxious for the success of Obama and Mitchel" PLO also the PLO Executive Committee chaired by Mahmoud Abbas, will meet at noon Saturday to discuss the 'talks indirect ', although it had already approved the same on 2 May. Flashback: After 17 years of 'direct talks in Oslo Agreement' (13/09/1993) agreed with the leader President Yasser Arafat poisoned, Israel violated it and got their failure. Homesteading during this time all Palestinian territory, reducing the governments of Obama and simple and delaying Abbas 'proximity talks' without addressing the issue of Jerusalem and with little chance of reaching meet real Palestinian sovereign interests. Arab : The League of Arab States, with reserves of Syria and Libya, backed the opening of a four-month period of talks between Palestinians and Israelis with U.S. mediation. UN The main international institution covers the countries of the world is on the sidelines and minimized by the United States and Israel, without even taking into account its resolutions. Hamas: The Hamas government headed by premier Ismail Hanyieh rejected the "proximity talks" on the ground that "guaranteeing the same occupation and Israeli crimes" and considered of little value because "the PA has no legitimacy to finalize an agreement from the Palestinian territory with the enemy. " PFLP: Imprisoned illegally from 2000 in Zionist prisons, the secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmed Saadat, said Wednesday from his prison that "the resumption of negotiations will be nothing but a cover for continued Israeli policy created under the continuing occupation. " NO resistance: The owner of the PNA Mahmoud Abbas sent his security post in the occupying power. In an interview with Asharq Alawsat, "lashed out at Hamas for accumulating weapons" and attacked by "overloading the situation and promote violence," expressing "disapproval of war and armed resistance against Israel. "
As hectic as the construction of new housing in illegal settlements by Israel, was the marathon gestió
peace plan for Israel-US expansion. 'Plan King' expansion, 187,000 illegal homes
PIP, May 5, 2010 .-
With the arrival of U.S. envoy George Mitchell, to promote the "proximity talks" between Israel and the Authority
Palestinian Dad , Israel was in the same order as it said on Monday 4 / 5, the premier Benjamin Netanyahu to Mitchel. While on the other hand, the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, seeking allies, met yesterday with the Saudi king and today with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, another attempt to legitimize the U.S., full of defects that favor the occupying power. Distracted or accomplices While Israel welcomed Mitchel amid attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza fishing, a wave of kidnappings in the West Bank, Jewish settlers attack Palestinian homes in Hebron and the burning of a mosque in Nablus , both Egypt and the Palestinian Authority with backing from the League of Arab States, apparently distracted, or complicit with an excess of confidence in Israel's ally, the United States, continue to be provided to the Israeli game indecent 'expansion and expansion '. dangerous actions: This game allows Israel to continue rapidly eating into Palestinian territory. As reported Monday by the Jerusalem Post, on Sunday during a conference on 'Menahem Begin Heritage Center' in occupied Jerusalem, Aryieh King, founder of the Israel Land Fund (Land Fund Israel), with dangerous actions presented a new plan to build new housing for illegal 187.000 Jews on Palestinian land. King said, and to have the Jewish National Fund to finance new homes in East Jerusalem with a chain of settlements stretching from Ramallah to Bethlehem . Maps: Using a map of the territory OPT, King showed himself in Ma'aleh Adumim settlement and the settlement of Gilo, "there is enough land to build 60,000 units." Also, "There are 800 dunams (80 hectares) in areas of East Jerusalem owned by a wealthy Jewish philanthropist, who could be enough space for 100,000 homes," said King, adding "The potential is enormous." It should be noted that these lands were usurped Palestinians expelled and turned into refugees. The "King Plan" has the backing of Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Leaving visibly demonstrated the Zionist strategy of expansion, leaving little chance the return of Palestinian state. Photo: Building illegal Zionist settlements in occupied Palestine.
With the arrival of U.S. envoy George Mitchell, to promote the "proximity talks" between Israel and the Authority

Mitchel came to talk about peace and Israel attacked Gaza fisheries and burned a mosque in Nablus
PIP, May 4, 2010 .-
Again, the Israeli occupying power gives today welcomed Barack Obama presidential envoy, George Mitchell with violating
nce against the Palestinians. Mitchel arrived yesterday in Israel to meet with both parties. As the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas continues to rely on U.S., Netanyahu renewed their attacks. Israeli warships fired missiles today against small boats against the Al-Sudanieh in the northern coastal strip of Gaza, causing severe damage, but none so far no fatalities. Palestinian fishermen suffer this harassment almost daily by Israel, which last 4 years keeps a tight naval blockade of the Gaza coast. Mosque fire : Jewish extremists Supporters of some of the illegal settlement of Eli, Shilo or Maale Levon fire Tuesday, the main mosque of Ash-Sharqiyya Lubben village in the southern city of Nablus, West Bank, where reduced to ashes much of its facilities and books historical and holy Koran. According to the local council head Lubben, Jamal Draghmeh, illegal Jewish settlers protected by Israeli army set fire to the curtains of the mosque, the flames spreading to other parts of the Islamic religious grounds. On 14 April, illegal Jewish settlers desecrated and burned the mosque in the village of Hawara in Nablus. Photo: Blow the fire at the mosque in Nablus.
Again, the Israeli occupying power gives today welcomed Barack Obama presidential envoy, George Mitchell with violating

UN's role in the loss of Palestinian land
PIP, May 3, 2010
hundreds resolutions are respected and not violated by Israel. The Occupying Power, born of a specimen of
UN has no limits. Since its inception has set out to shatter ancient Palestine and its capital Jerusalem, imposing a systematic plan of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian population, decimated and change the geography of their land. In this way. Applied the Zionist expansionist desires to spread throughout the Arab territories. "Israel your borders from the Nile to the Euphrates." Slogan featured on the Israeli parliament in the 70 forged in the colonial imagination of its main ideologue, the Hungarian Jew Theodor Herzl, the Jewish state in Basel on Palestine in 1897. In addition to all of Palestine, occupied the Syrian Golan and Lebanon Cha'an village. Controlling the Egyptian Nile and having its main partner and ally the United States, on the Euphrates in Iraq. Read Article among other newspapers and websites published "Mercosur" hundreds resolutions are respected and not violated by Israel. The Occupying Power, born of a specimen of

International Workers Day in Palestine under occupation and humiliation
PIP, May 1 2010.-
En el Día Internacional del Trabajadores, levantamos nuestra bandera palestina contra la ocupación sionista, el bloqueo a Gaza, la judaización de Jerusale
m, Belén y Hebron. Nuestras voces de repudio se multiplican contra el Muro de Apartheid y los asentamientos judíos ilegales en Palestina y Jerusalem, ocupada carcomiendo y usurpando la tierra palestina. Levantamos las voces reclamando la liberación de los más de 10 mil palestinos secuestrados en los campos de detención y las cárceles israelíes, donde son torturados, humillados y denigrados como seres humanos. Exigimos el fin del criminal cerco a la Franja de Gaza, hambreando a más de 1,5 millón de palestinos en estado de catastrophe. We condemn the attitude of the occupying power for the treatment and exploitation of Palestinian workers and responsible for unemployment and lack of jobs in the West Bank and Gaza that exceeds 45 percent. We condemn the illegal over 460 Israeli checkpoints positions (military checkpoints) in Palestine that stifle Palestinian life, their free development and freedom of movement of Palestinian people. Denounce crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in the hands of the Israeli nuclear power. After 62 years since the fall of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem, demanded an end to the Zionist occupation israelí.En International Day Workers' our memories to the Palestinian martyrs headed by the Leader Yasser Arafat and our congratulations to the workers of the world struggling for their dignity and those who gave their lives for freedom.
En el Día Internacional del Trabajadores, levantamos nuestra bandera palestina contra la ocupación sionista, el bloqueo a Gaza, la judaización de Jerusale

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