dead two Palestinian girls. Illegal Jewish settlers stone. Finally a good
in Gaza
in Gaza
PIP, April 30, 2009 .-
An armored Israeli army jeep occupancy at a rate of more than 90 kms per hour, hit a small tractor, transp
ortando Palestinian civilians from the same family in the village of Ein al Bedia north of the West Bank. Following the brutal clash purposely killed 2 girls: Jana Jana Imad Ali Hussein Fuqaha 5 and Imad Ali Hussein Fuqha Masah 7 years, another brother of Hussein's father 12 and 45 years received serious injuries. Pedrada: Supporters fundamentalist ultra Yizthar illegal settlement, arrived at the Hawara village and started throwing stones at Palestinian houses, creating panic among its residents. These settlers believe that "land is a promise of God "(¿???). Jews Good in Gaza: Despite the suffering of Palestinian children, after all the children of Gaza are a light breeze of happiness. An agreement between the Hamas government and the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to start implementing an educational project to distribute 200,000 laptops to schoolchildren in the Gaza Strip. The agency said in a statement that the NGOs 'One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)' collaborating on the project in coordination with UNRWA, in order to facilitate the Gaza school learning opportunities. In the Gaza Strip about 70% of the million and half people are refugees and receive education and medical services through the agency of the UN. Poverty reaches 80% of the population and 40% unemployment due to the block and the ongoing Israeli siege. Photo: Palestinian refugees in Gaza girl shows her laptop.
An armored Israeli army jeep occupancy at a rate of more than 90 kms per hour, hit a small tractor, transp

Israel killed a Palestinian and Egyptian killed five other Palestinians
PIP, April 29, 2010 .-
During a protest in Gaza against the Israeli blockade on Palestinian youth 19, Ahmad Deeb Salem, was seriously injured this morning
fire from Israeli soldiers occupation. The protest was called by a popular committee against the so-called "buffer zone or buffer, an area of \u200b\u200b150 meters around the border between Israel and Gaza, which has been extended recently by the Israeli army to 300 meters in some places and is usually patrolled by Israeli forces. These areas are 20% of arable hectares in the Gaza Strip. The young man had joined the protest along with dozens participants who left the Ash-ShuyaĆa neighborhood, east of Gaza City. The head of the emergency department of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Moawiya Hasanin, told the media that the youth was wounded in the abdomen by fire Israeli killed in the A-Shifa hospital. Occupying Power: Israel argues that the buffer zone is "security" and is intended to prevent firing rockets into its territory. But imposing insecurity and kill Palestinians. Egypt: Under pressure Israeli, Egyptian forces gassed one of the tunnels of Rafah, used by Palestinians to satisfy your hunger due to Israeli blockade, killing 5 Palestinians and wounded severely intoxicated with 5 other Palestinians. All were taken to hospital last night at Abu Yousef al-Najjar, in the city of Rafah. Palestinian martyrs are young people ranging from 18 to 22 years. Hamas: The Hamas government in the morning today condemned the killing and accused Egypt of this heavy responsibility. Photo: The young martyr Ahmad Salim Deeb.
During a protest in Gaza against the Israeli blockade on Palestinian youth 19, Ahmad Deeb Salem, was seriously injured this morning

"They want to end the Palestinian resistance"
PIP, April 7, 2010 .-
A condemnation of Gaza's Hamas prime minister Ismael Hanyeh, for the targeted killing of a member Hamas, the martyr Ali Sweiti (34), joined the
spokesman for Hamas, Fawzi Barhum, who at the sentence added, "The more coordination is safety (with Israel) more killed our people" and urged the PA to "free the hand of the resistance in the West Bank to end the Israeli aggression. Israel only wants to end the Palestinian resistance. " ANP: Finally the sentence came from the premier of the PA, Salam Fayyad, saying "the Israeli policy of assassinations which result in undermining the efforts of the ANP." International Community: The outside world remained silent and address this crime. Photo: Hundreds of Palestinians on the house demolished by the occupying power to kill Sweiti, looking stunned the martyr's corpse covered in a red blanket.
A condemnation of Gaza's Hamas prime minister Ismael Hanyeh, for the targeted killing of a member Hamas, the martyr Ali Sweiti (34), joined the

Urgent: Selective Killing a member of Hamas
PIP, April 26, 2010 .-
Israeli occupation soldiers killed around noon today to the martyr Ali S
weiti, a member of Hamas Wing Resistance Brigades Azedin Al-Kasem, after surrounding the house in which he took refuge in the village of Beit Awa district of Hebron, West Bank. In the criminal 'targeted killing' involving Israeli soldiers, agents of the Border Police and members of the internal security services (Shin Bet). Witnesses said Israeli soldiers took the lifeless body of Palestinian martyr Hamas, having demolished most of the home that belonged to a sister of his wife and was severely damaged by the action of military bulldozers and rocket fire from the air. Outrage: angry neighborhood residents threw stones at the soldiers shortly after learning of the death of Sweiti and were suppressed, leaving a balance of more than 6 wounded. Israel: justified by the occupying power Sweiti blaming his crime of killing a policeman in occupied Palestine borders within six years ago in a shooting that wounded two other officers of the occupation. Responsibility: Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Minister Interior Eli Yishai, the premier Benjamin Netanyahu and the chiefs of the army and security services, are directly responsible for this crime against humanity that the world remains passive and allows the occupying power to continue tarnishing the Palestinian people. Hamas: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh condemned and called for the Palestinian people to continue resistance against the occupation. ANP: The head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, remained silent about this crime. Photo: Palestinian showing the bloodied coat of the martyr Ali Sweiti.
Israeli occupation soldiers killed around noon today to the martyr Ali S

The occupying power repressed in Jerusalem and Gaza. Serious injuries.
US-supported Palestinian elections
PIP, April 25, 2010 .-
During a demonstration, called by fundamentalist Jewish settlers to demand the demolition of Arab houses in the neighborhood of Sil wan in
occupied Jerusalem, which began early yesterday morning guarded by nearly 700 police illegal occupation. Upon entering the city Palestinian youths blocked the main street and stopped Wadi il Helwe advance to the demonstrators who managed to go only a few hundred meters stopped by the Palestinian resistance and covered with stones on, others, from their terraces beat pots and pans and chanting slogans: " We must put an end to Jewish settlements in Silwan," We will sacrifice our heart and soul for you, Silwan "and" Allahu Akbar (God is the large). " as armed settlers attacked the police and young people with strength in the scuffle injuring a dozen, including a Palestinian who was in serious condition. Gaza: In a peaceful demonstration, 150 people of the International Solidarity with Palestinians protested on Saturday against the blockade forced Palestinian agricultural activity in which the Power occupant called "buffer zone" along the border on the Gaza side, east of Al Maghazi refugee camp. The Israeli forces fired on demonstrators Nidal Al Naji wounding 18 in the right hip, Hind Al Akra, 22, was seriously wounded in the stomach (being operated) and international activist Bianca Zimmer (28) of Malta, left hip injury while filming the march. Elections: During today's meeting Sunday, the Palestinian Authority, which suspended twice elections, announced that he will call elections on July 17, they are supported by the U.S. and Israel views with sympathy. Hamas: Hamas government immediately rejected the unilateral decision to consider the government of Mahmoud Abbas met and illegal mandate that only you can get to the election after a mutual respect and unity of the Palestinian front. Photo: Supporters marching and leading Jews in the village of Silwan in Jerusalem.
During a demonstration, called by fundamentalist Jewish settlers to demand the demolition of Arab houses in the neighborhood of Sil wan in

deported Palestinian Prime
PIP, April 23, 2004 .- Last night
the occupying power to forcibly transferring Sayyed Ahmad Sabah and his family from the West Bank to Gaza ,
making it the first expelled by the Military Order Deportation. Sabah who lived in the village of Then, near Tulkarem, on Wednesday won his freedom after 9 years in Israeli prison, but last night an Israeli force came home without notice to his family carried him and left him in the border of Gaza, forbidding his return. The excuse is the lack of "valid permit" issued by Israel to Palestinians living in their homeland Palestine. Sayyed Sabah moved to Gaza in 1994 to work in the newly created Palestinian Authority-ANP, to move in 1996 to its current home. In 2001 he was arrested only for resisting the Israeli army during the Intifada that began in 2001. "I lived with my wife and children in the town of then and all this time I dreamed of returning there after being released," said Sabah Sayyad, adding that "I was speechless when the prison authorities told me that I had lost my license granted by Israel. " Colonialist Generous: When they went to seek to deport him, Sabah Sayyad said, "The Israelis gave me the choice between staying in jail for an indefinite period or be released in Gaza." This morning with his family settled in a refugee tent in the proximity of the village of Beit Hanun in northern Gaza. Israel: The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Occupied Territories, Major General Eitan Dangote, promised the PA that "not one person would be deported to Gaza ... no intention of treating the original residents of Gaza as illegal." Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas prime minister in Gaza, said that "Gaza and the West Bank Palestinian body are one unit and called the Palestinians to resist these orders." ANP: The head of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, had said "not only allow deportation of Palestinians", making clear the lack of government according to the plight of the Palestinian people. Photo: Sabah Ahmed Sayyed hours after being released without knowledge of his deportation.
the occupying power to forcibly transferring Sayyed Ahmad Sabah and his family from the West Bank to Gaza ,

For Lieberman "Jerusalem is part of Israel." Attack on fishing.
Suppression of the AP journalist
PIP, April 21, 2010 .-
The far-right Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, hours to travel to Spain today, and at a meeting yesterday with the foreign diplomats
accredited in Tel Aviv, marked the Israeli position regarding Jerusalem and the peace process. Lieberman said: "Jerusalem is our eternal and indivisible capital "and is back with the words of former Israeli prime minister and leader of the terrorist Irgum band in the 40s, noting:" Today I stand before you and repeat the statements of Begin, 'Jerusalem is ours eternal capital that will never be divided 'of Israel. " On the other hand, Lieberman warned that any foreign attempt (a reference to the U.S. and Europe) to "impose peace between Israel and the Palestinians will aggravate the situation in the region ... Any attempt to impose a solution on the parties without establishing a foundation mutual trust will only aggravate the conflict. It is impossible to impose peace. " Is little clear Israeli interest to resolve the situation and the desire to continue the occupation. However, Spain will receive honors, which enhances the Israeli policy of occupation and ethnic cleansing. fishing Attack: The Hamas government in Gaza said Israeli military ships opened fire on a fishing boat sailing off the coast of Rafah, causing several injuries. The attack was repeated just 24 hours after a ship of the Zionist navy boats opened fire on fishermen in Al-Sudaneya, northern coast of the Gaza Strip. Palestinian fishermen in Gaza have movement restrictions in the Mediterranean Sea. Repression: The Palestinian Authority police, arrested and jailed journalist Muhammad Salahat today, a representative of the Palestinian Society for Human Rights-RASED at the intersection of Al Jasser, when he went to Jordan, just to criticize the head of the AP, Mahmoud Abbas. In another incident, Palestinian police forces led by U.S. General Keith Dayton, 6 Palestinian citizens kidnapped by Hamas in Nablus and Hebron. Photo: the Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman fan.
The far-right Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, hours to travel to Spain today, and at a meeting yesterday with the foreign diplomats

The order of deportation "is a cruel potential" for UN.
Misrepresentation of Barak
PIP, April 20, 2010 .-
The UN special rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Richard Falk, yesterday accused Israel of violating
ar the Fourth Geneva Convention and other international laws relating to civilians in time of war. Whipping the Military Order of Deportation, Falk, said that "A large number of violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law can be linked to actions taken by the Israeli government ... These ordinances appear to allow Israel to arrest, charge, imprisonment and / or deport any suspect in the West Bank "and added" the potential for abuse is cruel law requires a deportee to pay the cost generated by deportation or face confiscation of their property in case you have no money. " party: The occupying power is part of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1948 and is a mandatory part of fulfilling its mandates. But Israel from his own creation on the territory of Palestine and occupation thereof, permanently violated all articles to date, without receiving the appropriate sanctions by international organizations. Falsehood: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, responsible for war crimes Gaza invasion in 2008/2009, in a detached political falsehood, said that "Israel must recognize that the world will not tolerate more decades of dominance over the Palestinian people." However, Barak can not hold his words when accepting the Military Order of Deportation, illegal construction of settlements, the Apartheid Wall and his repeated criminal assaults on Gaza. These words flying in the wind full of hypocrisy, are away from their true face and attitude. Photo: Deported Palestinians to Jordan.
The UN special rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Richard Falk, yesterday accused Israel of violating

'Palestinian Prisoner's Day. " Thousands of Palestinians kidnapped in
Israeli fields
PIP, April 17, 2010 .-
in Palestine is an emotional day. Thousands of relatives of Palestinians kidnapped and imprisoned in Israeli detention centers,
took to the streets to demand freedom in the 'Palestinian Prisoner's Day. " In occupied Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem to Gaza, manifestations of multiplied. In Jerusalem there was friction between the occupying forces and Palestinian civilians. In Ramallah, Palestinian flags were multiplied with the flags of the various resistance movements with pictures of hundreds of Palestinians kidnapped languishing in prisons and in the 'slow death camp' as they call the Zionist detention 'Ansar II'. There are currently 7000 prisoners, according to the Center of Statistics Palestinian-CEP, however, other Palestinian reports speak of about 10 000 Palestinians illegally detained, most without trial or conviction. The CEP also reported that there are 34 women and 270 children under 15 years. Torture torture law passed by parliament and the Israeli court, is applied to the worst form of detainees suffering physical and mental torture, for example, the injection of blood infected with AIDS. From the occupation of 1967, more than 1 million Palestinians in Israeli jails tasted the bitter and while they were questioned by human rights organizations, the occupying power ignores the complaints and violates international law and the articles of the Fourth Convention Geneva Convention on prisoners. Moreover, the Palestinians have no rights to counsel and be assisted by law, remained under Israeli law for Palestinian prisoners. No immunities: immunities and rights without respect him, himself martyred leader Yasser Arafat, Nobel Peace Prize, democratic president, was deprived of his freedom on house arrest Ramallah the same chair for 3 years until he was poisoned, a crime remains unpunished. Among the thousands of prisoners, including violation of its immunities, are one of the leading members of Fatah, Marwan Barghutti and 39 deputy members of Hamas. Dead: Dozens of Palestinians were killed as a result of torture and ill-treatment. Many others died of their health deteriorated to which Israel was not assisting him, as the case of deceased 27-year old Mohammed Ahmed Abu Raed Hamad, from the village of Al Eizariya Jerusalem district, who was found dead Friday in his cell from Eshel Prison, by the deteriorating health and lack of food, after five years of arrest after being accused by the 'intent' to murder of an Israeli soldier, his death will have no legal assistance. Martyr The Israeli army killed in the village of Ash Shuja'iya east of Gaza a Palestinian resistance fighter, a martyr Jum'ah Saleem. Photo: Mass kidnappings of Palestinians by Israeli occupation forces.
in Palestine is an emotional day. Thousands of relatives of Palestinians kidnapped and imprisoned in Israeli detention centers,

addition to the racist deportation order, began with the demolition of houses in Jerusalem. International silence
PIP, April 16, 2010 .-
The illegal Israeli town of Jerusalem, signed by Mayor Nir Barakat, issued orders to teach engineers municipality to demolish illegal Palestinian homes
in several districts of occupied Jerusalem, including the city of Silwan, from Wednesday. Fakhri Abu Diab, a member of a Committee on Defense of Palestinian homes in Silwan, said "house demolitions in Jerusalem shows that Israel does not care about international law" and demanded the Palestinian Authority holder "definitely freeze the dialogue with Israel , out in defense of the Palestinian people and end the Zionist settlement in Jerusalem. " For its part Ziad Al Hammoury, head of the Centre Jerusalem for Social and Economic Rights, said that Israel is acting to force the Palestinians in Jerusalem by demolishing their homes and the imposition of expelling thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank is part of the Israeli plan to pull the population Palestinian forces and replaced by Jewish settlers, which is why they are building thousands of units for Jewish settlers. " Silence: The international community did not react adequately to the racist Israeli Military Order of Removal from executed last Tuesday and also face this onslaught of illegal mayor of Jerusalem, Barakat, 24 hours later. Photo: Israeli bulldozer demolishing Palestinian houses in Silwan, Jerusalem.
The illegal Israeli town of Jerusalem, signed by Mayor Nir Barakat, issued orders to teach engineers municipality to demolish illegal Palestinian homes

Two Palestinians executed for treason in Gaza
PIP, April 15, 2010 .-
According to reports from Palestinian sources said the Hamas government, executed early today two Palestinians convicted by a military court in Gaza to cooperate and assist the occupying power and provide information to the Zionist return for sums of money during the invasion of Gaza 2008-2009, which killed 1445 Palestinians. Those convicted of high treason were identified as Mohammed Abu Nasser Ismail and Freih and their bodies transferred to Shifa hospital in Gaza, without specifying the mode. The death penalty and prison is the law in Palestine and the Arab countries, dictated by military courts in wartime. Gaza's last execution was in 2005, issued by the military tribunal order of the Palestinian Authority.
According to reports from Palestinian sources said the Hamas government, executed early today two Palestinians convicted by a military court in Gaza to cooperate and assist the occupying power and provide information to the Zionist return for sums of money during the invasion of Gaza 2008-2009, which killed 1445 Palestinians. Those convicted of high treason were identified as Mohammed Abu Nasser Ismail and Freih and their bodies transferred to Shifa hospital in Gaza, without specifying the mode. The death penalty and prison is the law in Palestine and the Arab countries, dictated by military courts in wartime. Gaza's last execution was in 2005, issued by the military tribunal order of the Palestinian Authority.
Israel attacked Gaza and killed 4 Palestinians. From now governs the Military Order racist. For Peres peace is near (¿???)
PIP, April 13, 2010 .-
During Tuesday night Israeli media reported several bombing targets Palestinian government of Hamas in Gaza. For its part, the exercise
ito confirmed that Israeli occupation soldiers in infantry, armored cars, tanks firing shells and a helicopter gunship, came at least 300 meters in the territory of Gaza, clashing with a strong Palestinian resistance. For their part Hamas, said Israel stopped the advance of occupying the Al Bureij refugee camp, killing the fighter Marwan Faraj Al Jarbo and Palestinian civil Jalalah Abu Wael. In the unequal contest, the occupying forces killed a Palestinian and wounded another 2 to 6, one of them seriously. Military Order : From the first hour of today began to govern the racist military order to empty Palestine in its plan of ethnic cleansing, deportations as both its daily crimes. Hypocrisy Peres: In stormy climate of violence imposed by the occupying power, with weakness and hypocrisy, Israeli President Shimon Peres said in an interview published today in the French daily Le Parisien that "peace is very close "(¿???). Photo: A Palestinian critically wounded by Israeli gunfire.
During Tuesday night Israeli media reported several bombing targets Palestinian government of Hamas in Gaza. For its part, the exercise

a military order of deportation and Judaizing Palestine seeks to demonize. Gaza without electricity
PIP, April 11, 2010 .-
In a new escalation of demonization and Judaizing the occupied Palestinian territories, the fanatical government of Netanyahu, ordered the firm to
of who was responsible for the Central Command in the occupied territories, Gadi Shamni, a military order to deport thousands of Palestinians, uprooting them and usurp their homes and lands. The new order brings the original definition of 'infiltrate, 1969', which established the occupying power after holding the rest of Palestine and its capital in 1967. Violation: Illegal These decrees violate the Geneva Conventions on the protection of persons in occupied territories. Violate human rights and UN resolutions. Hypocrite excuse: Appealing to the rhetorical security myth, the language of the Order is ambiguous, stating that the term also applies to infiltrate the Palestinian inhabitants of Jerusalem occupied and everything depends on the decision of the Israeli commanders on the ground. When it comes into force next week, tens of thousands of Palestinians will automatically become criminals and may receive different punishments both go to jail and be deported. Until now, Israel's civil courts have occasionally prevented the expulsion, however, now these orders will be placed under a single jurisdiction of the Military courts, reported the Israeli daily Haaretz. Illegal : occupying army spokesman said that "amendments to the order to prevent infiltration, signed by the central command, were published as part of a series of manifestos, orders and appointments to apply in the West Bank, both in Hebrew and Arabic and the army is prepared to implement this order. " UN Serious deportation of Palestinians, was deplored by UN resolutions 681 of 1990, and 694 of 1991, the 726 of 1992, and among others, 799 of 1992 in all cases, the UN demanded the occupying power to halt the deportation and allow return of deportees. Israel never fulfilled them. Without electricity: Since Friday, Gaza, live without electricity due to lack of fuel. Four power plants put out their operation, this time not due to Israeli blockade, but Palestinians differences between Hamas and the PNA. With the excuse that the PNA does not receive the money charged to taxpayers Hamas in Gaza, took the radical step of blocking fuel. Photo: The premier Benjamin Netanyahu, read today's intolerant military order to the weekly meeting of the ministerial council.
In a new escalation of demonization and Judaizing the occupied Palestinian territories, the fanatical government of Netanyahu, ordered the firm to

Netanyahu avoid going to the Security Summit Nuclear.
invade farms in Gaza and in Bethlehem repress
invade farms in Gaza and in Bethlehem repress
PIP, April 9, 2010 .-
nuclear power Israel announced that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, will not participate in the Summit s
Nuclear Security BOUT develop the next days Monday 12 and Tuesday April 13 in Washington to avoid any claim to urge Israel to sign the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Instead, low level of decision participation Israeli vice-premier intelligence minister, Dan Meridor, head of Atomic Energy, Shaul Horev and National Security Adviser Netanyahu, Uzi Arad. Excuses: According to the Israeli daily Yediot Aharon, yesterday's decision by Netanyahu justified after advice that several Arab guests wish to require Washington to include Israel in the NPT. With little support Netanyahu, head of state terrorism, said: "We wanted to kind of activity. We are in favor of the principles of the Summit, which is security to prevent nuclear materials by terrorists, "a clear reference to Iran. Nuclear Power : With the support of France, Israel from the 50s is a major nuclear powers, currently have over 300 nuclear warheads on the Dimona nuclear base. Rejecting any attempt to be investigated and the demands of Iran, Egypt and Turkey, which demanded that "Israel is placed under control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)." Scientific : In 1986, the Israeli scientist Mordechai Vanunu told British media that "Israel has nuclear weapons in the region able to fly in seconds." Vanunu was persecuted and imprisoned in Rome. In the Israeli prison, Vanunu has adopted the Christian religion and remained a strong critic of Israel's nuclear strength. U.S. : Council spokesman of the U.S. National Security, Mike Hammer, confirmed that he had been informed Netanyahu's decision, adding that "Israel is a close ally and look forward to working with him on matters of nuclear safety" (¿???). The appointment of Washington is an initiative of President Barack Hussein Obama, bringing together leaders and delegations from 47 countries, including the U.S., which is the main nuclear power in the world and not to control your programs. U.S. Republican : The daughter of former Vice President Richard Cheney, Liz Cheney, the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, said he welcomed "Netanyahu decided not to attend the Summit." The announcement was irresponsibly supported and celebrated with a series of applause from the audience. Invasion A new strain weekend. The Israeli ground forces backed by occupation military vehicles, armored vehicles and bulldozers, violated the eastern coastal border of Gaza and razed several farms, farms and crops in the rural village of Qarara, near Khan Younis. Wounded: Meanwhile, 5 young Palestinians were injured by illegal Jewish settlers near the refugee camp of Al-Dheisheh of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank. Martyrs Rescue Palestinian director, Adnan Abu Selmeya, said on Thursday found 2 bodies of Palestinians civilians crushed in a tunnel in Rafah, Gaza, following Israeli bombing of that city on Tuesday, joining more than 135 Palestinians killed in tunnels of hunger in the past 20 months. Photo: Israeli Dimona Nuclear Plant in the desert of Beersheba, Palestinian Territory 1948.
nuclear power Israel announced that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, will not participate in the Summit s

Thousands of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. Israel is the greatest threat
PIP, April 8, 2010 .-
More than 7,000 Palestinian prisoners from the almost 12,000, mostly without trial or conviction and illegitimately det
Enid, since yesterday began a hunger strike in 13 prisons and 3 units detention. Rafat Haduna, director of the Center for Prisoners, based in Gaza, reported that "The prisoners requires five key demands to suspend the strike." With legal claims and guaranteed by international law, prisoners want Israel to "cease to embarrass their families at checkpoints at the gates of access to prisons and to allow Gaza residents to visit relatives in Israeli prison after four years of restraint. " The prisoners claim to "stop the inhuman treatment and allow their relatives to bring them books." They also ask that "allows high school students sit their examinations in prison. " For its part, Israel Prisons Authority refused to refer to the strike and boldly announced "the general respect for the rights of prisoners" (¿???). Israel is a threat : On Wednesday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during a visit to Paris, told French reporters before entering the working lunch with French President Nicolas Sarkozy that "Israel is the main threat to regional peace ... If a country uses force disproportionately in Palestine and Gaza, and used phosphorous bombs, not going to say 'bravo'. Let's ask why he acts that way. " Photo: Palestinian Mothers with pictures of their children abducted and detained by the occupying power.
More than 7,000 Palestinian prisoners from the almost 12,000, mostly without trial or conviction and illegitimately det

Rabbis call to destroy the sacred site of the Mosques in Jerusalem
PIP, April 7, 2010 .-
With an aggressive print campaign extremist grouping Eretz Israel Rabbinical Shelanu (Our Earth Israel), enc
ABEZ by Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe and Baruch Marzel, called to destroy the mosques of Omar and Al Aqsa in Jerusalem sacred site, to lift into place illegally 'King Solomon's Temple Terecer '. Rabbi Wolpe said that "the people of Israel has particular enthusiasm for Passover, hoping to build the Third Temple and the coming of the Messiah" (¿???). More challenging, the rabbi added: "The Arabs and the president of the United States, Barack Obama, know that the Third Temple will be erected on the Temple Mount and the mosques are there temporarily." To clear : The mosques dating from the sixth century, after the Israeli-Zionist occupation of Jerusalem in 1967, are set as the main goal of erasing the construction of the Temple and finally to achieve Judaizing Jerusalem. Since 1969, excavations began Israelis under the premises of the mosques, claiming to find underneath the ruins of the Temple and cause the collapse of the ancient structures. On several occasions, and more frequent in recent years, with support from the illegal Israeli police in Jerusalem, the Jews and their rabbis fans, come to campus to provoke the Muslim Palestinians and try to place the foundation stone to erect the Temple. 15 days ago ago by Rabbi Wolpe fundamentalists, religious Copies of the Haggadah of Passover, on whose cover shows an imaginary view of the Temple Mount with a model of the Temple in place of the sacred site and without the Mosques. Settlements: Jewish fans built into the sides of the Muslim holy site and illegal dwellings illegally opened a few weeks ago the synagogue Hurva. Silence: No reaction, apparently, the world absorbed the words of the rabbi. As pressure U.S. Jewish lobby President Barack Obama left without air (see ). Photo: The fundamentalist Rabbi Wolpe, supported by the Israeli government and Israeli Foreign Minister lung Avigdor Lieberman.
With an aggressive print campaign extremist grouping Eretz Israel Rabbinical Shelanu (Our Earth Israel), enc

Easter Jerusalem Palestinian Christians prohibited. Three Martyrs
PIP, April 5, 2010 .-
Easter in the Holy Land, Palestinian Christians in Palestine was occupied almost prohibited. With the potential illegality total
Israeli occupying ence allowed Palestinians to enter Jerusalem to pray freely at the Holy Sepulchre and visit the 14 stations of the Via Dolorosa which toured the suffering of Jesus. Depriving religious freedom, Israel 10 000 permits granted to Palestinians, including 500 in Gaza, however, only 3 000 were able to enter and stay close to their faith in the most important shrine in Christianity. Foreign tourists who have agreed to the Old City of Jerusalem lived closely settlements which Israel is dealing with Christian and Muslim neighborhoods, and the control of Israeli forces from the streets of the occupied Holy City. With more rights : Christian Easter this year coincided with the Jewish Passover. Easter, the religion whose meaning is quite different from that of the Christians, unlike the Palestinian Christians, Jews around the world who came to Israel and occupied Jerusalem enjoyed freely and safely to celebrate. Vatican The Holy See in Rome, accustomed to the arrogance and religious discrimination, not encourage protest formally to the occupying power and silence crowned the Israeli anti-Semitism against the Palestinian Semites. Neither these violations of Palestinian freedom was strong in the international press media. Three Martyrs medical Yesterday Palestine Red Crescent announced the death of Palestinian Jihad Atallah ad Daghma, who was wounded in the Israeli invasion on March 27 at the village of Abasan in Rafah, Gaza. While in Ramallah, Palestinian women died Samar Mustafa Saif Radwan Al Gharbi village Al Lubben, seriously wounded on 1 April to get hit with malevolence by the order of an illegal Jewish settler. Monday morning, Muhammad Amer Elayyat Damen (62) from the village of Deir Abu Da'eef Jenin district, died of a stroke heart as a result of being arrested and abused for 4 hours by the Israeli army, to prohibit the illegal checkpoint in Al Hamra, the crossing to Jordan. Photo: Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre of Jesus.
Easter in the Holy Land, Palestinian Christians in Palestine was occupied almost prohibited. With the potential illegality total

33 - Easter with Dignity - 2010
33 - Easter with Dignity - 2010
PIP 2 / 3 April 2010
back 1977 years ago, the Roman-Jewish powers that occupied Palestine and subjected the Palestinian people, led r
crucify the Palestinian Jesus, trying to stone her message of peace, love and equality between human beings and peoples. Message: The message of Jesus over his torture and stoning, and lasted about his death, resurrected. Today: In 1977 years, the Palestinian Land, the Holy Land and its People living under the Israeli-Zionist occupation, with the same interest, crucifying the Palestinian people and stoning their roots. Like the Palestinian Jesus, his people will rise from the rubble of the destruction imposed by the occupation forces and their roots will remain in the message of Dignity Love, Peace. Photo: The Palestinian Jesus was crucified and resurrected in Jerusalem, ancient capital of Palestine. Wishes: Studio Team Post-PIP Palestinian Information, placing their hopes and wishes men of the world Dignity and Freedom in this Easter of Resurrection.
back 1977 years ago, the Roman-Jewish powers that occupied Palestine and subjected the Palestinian people, led r

Israeli Airstrike on Gaza. Children injured
PIP, April 2, 2010 .- As
threatened (see April 1), today at dawn F16 warplanes and Apache helicopter gunship attacked the Gaza Strip
criminally nine goals scored by the occupant, leaving more than 25 wounded civilians, including 3 young children. Justification: As the occupying power, the air raids came in response to the launch on Thursday of a homemade rocket fired by Palestinian militants from this area, without causing casualties or damage against Shkola Hof kibbutz in southern Israel. The launch was claimed by the Palestinian resistance to Israeli armed attacks. The occupying army in a statement that its aircraft "achieved a successful manufacture of ammunition in the northern Gaza Strip and another point where weapons were made." Hamas: Interior Ministry sources and security of Hamas said the Israeli warplanes bombed several sites in the towns of Rafah and Khan Younis in southern Gaza and Gaza City. At least four missiles struck in areas near center of the city of Khan Younis. A fifth missile hit a cheese factory in Gaza City, where a fire broke out, leaving 2 children injured, others hit by two missiles exploded in the Nusseirat refugee camp, causing several injuries, including 1 child. ANP: The head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, like the previous attacks, did not react to this new barbarism. Photo: One of you Palestinian children wounded in the Shifa hospital.
threatened (see April 1), today at dawn F16 warplanes and Apache helicopter gunship attacked the Gaza Strip

Grave left bereaved Israeli threat to the population of Gaza
PIP, April 1, 2010 .-
Israeli warplanes launched at dawn thousands of leaflets over much of the Gaza Strip,
in which the threat of an imminent attack. In the pamphlet appears threatening a child with a flower and an Arabic inscription that reads: "Wait for the answer tomorrow," according to Palestinian witnesses told the Palestinian news agency Maan. Remember : Last Friday two Israeli forces, earth and air, invaded Gaza, killing 5 Palestinians and Israel stopped its attack when it destabilizes the death in combat of one of its main military Goloni Brigade, stationed at the before invasion Cast Lead, the largest Eliraz Pretz (see March 27). Photo: Israeli warplane dropped leaflets.
Israeli warplanes launched at dawn thousands of leaflets over much of the Gaza Strip,

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