Israel sigue matando. Colonos agreden a palestinos en Burin
PIP, February 28, 2011 .-
While the world focuses its lens on the Libyan uprising, the occupying Power continues to bleed consistently to the Palestinian people against the international indifference. In another attack and new
s shot of the Israeli occupation forces last night killed a young Palestinian worker Abdulmajeed Ghazi Shahin, during an attack by Israeli tanks east of Az-Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza capital, medical sources said. Witnesses reported that a group of men walked to the east of Gaza City near the security zone created illegal by Israel looking for building materials, when suddenly a missile struck them. Silmiya Abu Adhan, head of the Emergency Ministry of Health, Government of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, told reporters that the ambulances collected from a dead zone and one wounded in critical condition due to the impact of Israeli air missile and were taken to Shifa hospital in Gaza City. Settlers: With aggressive criminal, illegal Jewish settlers in Palestinian territory in the early hours of last Saturday's car torched Palestinian Zein el-Bashir and tried to burn down his house in the village of Burin in the south of the city of Nablus and northern the occupied West Bank. Jewish settlers came from the illegal settlement of Bracha. Then the Palestinian inhabitants cast with rocks at the settlers. Photo: One of the security complexes of Hamas in Gaza, bombed by the air force of the occupying power.
While the world focuses its lens on the Libyan uprising, the occupying Power continues to bleed consistently to the Palestinian people against the international indifference. In another attack and new

The death of a woman and two children, added to 4 Palestinians killed after Israeli attacks on Gaza
PIP, February 27, 2011 .- During the attack
Israeli war planes to the village of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza, a mother and her 2 children were burned to death after a missile hit her house occupying power and fire. The parent
q ue received serious shrapnel wounds, he moved with his family died at the Hospital Kamal Udwan Strip. Meanwhile, for the fourth consecutive day of air and ground attacks by the Zionists in Gaza, the Israeli air force bombed some ministerial offices of Hamas and two military objectives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad movement in the town of Khan Younis and Nuseirat refugee camp, killing 4 civilians and wounded dozens. In response to Palestinian resistance attacks with Qassam rockets attacked the Jewish enclave of Netivot in the Negev desert, on Saturday evening, without causing human and material damage. The ongoing Israeli attacks since last Thursday were the largest that have been reported following the foray criminal Cast Lead Gaza (2008-2009), who left 1,445 Palestinians dead. Palestinian residents in Gaza, fearful, spoke of a "war room" because the fighter jets F-16 and Apache helicopters fired at civilian populations, in both, the people of Rafah, a town bordering Egypt, said several people were injured and severe damage occurred in Palestinian homes as a result of these latest attacks .. Hamas: The government of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh, in Gaza, condemned the attacks and refute the excuses of the occupying power to attack and kill in retaliation to attacks by Palestinian homemade rockets (not left Israeli casualties) and asked the international community to stop Israeli attacks. ANP: For his part, head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, in Ramallah, West Bank, maintains complete silence from those attacks and Israeli crimes. Photo: Palestinian homes destroyed by the Palestinian attack in Beit Lahiya.
Israeli war planes to the village of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza, a mother and her 2 children were burned to death after a missile hit her house occupying power and fire. The parent

A Palestinian killed in fresh attack on Gaza. Jereusalén repression
PIP, February 25, 2011 .-
for a new attack for a second day, Israeli occupation forces killed yesterday in eastern Az-Zeitoun neighborhood in southeast of Gaza, the young civil Jindiyeh Adel Muhammad 29. Jerusalem On the evening of Wednesday, the Israeli army attacked a peaceful demonstration by Palestinians against the encroachment of settlements and houses in the village of Silwan, with tear gas and bullets of steel and rubber .
for a new attack for a second day, Israeli occupation forces killed yesterday in eastern Az-Zeitoun neighborhood in southeast of Gaza, the young civil Jindiyeh Adel Muhammad 29. Jerusalem On the evening of Wednesday, the Israeli army attacked a peaceful demonstration by Palestinians against the encroachment of settlements and houses in the village of Silwan, with tear gas and bullets of steel and rubber .
Israel attacked by air and land in Gaza, dozens injured
PIP, February 24, 2011 .-
's air force bombed the Israeli occupying power early this morning to several objectives Hamas military and civilians in the north and east of the Gaza Strip. Warplanes, helicopters and Israeli tanks bombarded militia positions s
Palestinian many locations, and at least 22 Palestinians were wounded, and caused serious damage in the village of Dir el Balah. Palestinian witnesses said clashes erupted between Palestinian resistance and the occupation army when Israel entered a tank in northern Gaza, killing several Palestinians wounded including 3 children and 2 other construction workers were injured, one of them seriously, while collecting waste materials in proximity to the illegal Israeli security cordon of 300 meters usurped throughout the Gaza border. According to the Ministry of Health of Hamas, reported that among the wounded 2 of them are in serious condition. Israel: The occupying power justified the attacks in response to an attack by Palestinian militants from Beer Sheva in the Negev desert. The Palestinian attack of 2 Grad missiles that caused no casualties or material damage and were in retaliation for Israeli attacks on Gaza daily. Photo: Israeli Airstrike the Palestinian village of Dir Al Balah in Gaza.
's air force bombed the Israeli occupying power early this morning to several objectives Hamas military and civilians in the north and east of the Gaza Strip. Warplanes, helicopters and Israeli tanks bombarded militia positions s

Israel demolished Palestinian homes. Unspeakable: Peres is greeted with honor in Spain
PIP, February 23, 2011 .-
with total impunity and lawlessness legal authorities of the Israeli occupying power, supported by military occupation, now demolished five houses that housed poor 50 b Eduin Palestinians and several trees olive from the village of Amn
IYR, south of the nearby city of Hebron, West Bank. The occupation force so brutal bulldozer was used to reduce to rubble the homes and bury their crops and water sources. The demolition began shortly before dawn yesterday, about 05:30 AM, compared to the despair of the Palestinians who saw fly their homes, uprooting their crops and soil and sand filling a well and a water cistern. The Palestinian inhabitants had to flee to a nearby cave to avoid being at the mercy of illegal Jewish settlers living illegally in Hebron, who were threatened with death unless they left the place in which they will build new settlements. The affected residents said they will rebuild their flimsy homes and ask the International Committee of the Red Cross to supply them with tents. Israel: with colonial arrogance, the government of Tel A viv
said Palestinian Bedouin communities living on state land and turn them evacuation orders and demolition, ignoring that Palestinians living in its territory is occupied and also have the documents of ownership of those lands. UN Last Sunday the Resident Coordinator for UN Humanitarian Affairs, Maxwell Gaylard, had condemned a similar forced eviction in the Palestinian village of Khirbet Tana. The Israelis disregarded the conviction and against this savagely attacked another village. Peres: Despite maintaining the occupation, violating UN resolutions, building illegal settlements, crimes, and submission to the Palestinian people, the president of the Israeli occupying power, Israeli President Shimon Peres, was received with honors in Spain, despite its responsibility and counts of crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people. Peres, the Nobel Committee to try to withdraw the Nobel Peace Prize after he accepted the Nobel military siege against the Peace and poisoned Yasser Arafat, was received by King Juan Carlos and English Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Photos: Palestinian Bedouin House demolished by Israeli forces. King Juan Carlos hug the person responsible for war crimes Shimon Peres.
with total impunity and lawlessness legal authorities of the Israeli occupying power, supported by military occupation, now demolished five houses that housed poor 50 b Eduin Palestinians and several trees olive from the village of Amn

Palestinian demonstration against the U.S. veto and the politics of ANP
PIP, February 21, 2010 .- More than 4000 Palestinians
Sunday repudiated the U.S. veto by determination of its President Barack Obama against a resolution against the illegal Israeli settlements
Wales. The demonstration was prepared for Sunday, which they called 'Day of Rage', as part of the demonstrations against the Palestinian Authority-ANP and its head Mahmoud Abbas, which was accompanied by a strong ingrdiente was the unfortunate veto Obama on the UN to condemn Isreal for illegal settlements and the impunity of colonization and Judaization of occupied Jerusalem. Fatah : The leader of the Fatah movement, Tawfik Tirawi, a former Palestinian intelligence officer prepared and trained by the U.S. and Israel, accusing Obama of order "to kill a draft resolution in the Security Council" and stressed that "no negotiations as long as the expansion of settlements." For his part Abbas, declared that "relations with the U.S. would continue despite his veto. Hamas: Gaza In a crowd of Palestinians took to the streets to condemn the United States, while the Hamas government in an official statement said that "all show that the White House is not an honest broker in the peace process Israel and confirms its support for arbitrary policy potencia ocupante”. Agregando su crítica al “fracaso de la política de la ANP con el ocupante sionista”. Israel: Fuertemente favorecida la potencia ocupante arremete y acelera con via libre la continuidad de sus asentamientos en Palestina y su capital Jerusalem ocupada. Foto: Protestas palestinas contra el veto.
Sunday repudiated the U.S. veto by determination of its President Barack Obama against a resolution against the illegal Israeli settlements

Demolición israelí de una Mezquita palestina. Fracaso diplomático
PIP, 20 Febrero 2011.-
Varios jeeps de soldados de la potencia ocupante israelí invadieron en el atardecer del pasado jueves a la aldea Khirbit Yirza, cerca de la ciudad de Tubas, West Bank and bulldozer demolished a mosque, then razed 10 shops
cam paign used by Palestinian farmers and shepherds in the area. After the demolition of the mosque and shops, Israeli soldiers gave illegal orders for demolition of 3 houses and stables. The area where the village is the Jordan Valley, a fertile area historically part of Palestine, where Israel, illegally occupied in 1967 and considers it part of their sovereignty and maintains a systematic plan of usurpation of land and houses Palestinian construction of new settlements for Jewish settlers. Failure diplomat The head of the Palestinian National Authority-ANP, Mahmoud Abbas, after his failed diplomacy following the U.S. veto in the UN-CS, the condemnation of settlements (see 19 / 2) said Saturday it will "continue cooperating with the United States despite Washington's veto of UN resolution. " Adding, "We did not boycott the U.S. administration and our interest is not boycotting anyone." U.S.: The veto was the first United States during the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama. Abbas's words were welcomed by Obama and the Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, met against Palestinian interests. Meanwhile, Israel continues building settlements, reinforced by the veto of Obama. Photo: Demolition Israeli Yirza Khirbit Mosque.
Varios jeeps de soldados de la potencia ocupante israelí invadieron en el atardecer del pasado jueves a la aldea Khirbit Yirza, cerca de la ciudad de Tubas, West Bank and bulldozer demolished a mosque, then razed 10 shops

United States vetoed the condemnation of the settlements. Fragile Diplomacy of the PNA and Israel celebrates
PIP, February 19, 2011 .-
Among many untidiness of Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestine National Authority PNA to halt Palestinian demonstrations, is committing another mistake. First call
s elect not to agree with Hamas. Then demita force the government to a new line without Hamas account and resistance groups. Finally looked so desperate that the Security Council of the UN, condemned the illegal settlements, knowing that President Barack Obama, he predicted that the veto. Error diplomat Without trying to find a better diplomatic solution to the U.S., Abbas was guided by the membership of 130 countries, without regard to rejection of Europe and introduced the project last Friday raised by Arab countries to condemn the occupying power by illegal construction in settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Veto: United States, which is supporting the PA to protect Israeli interests its ambassador, Susan Rice, vetoed the resolution despite the other 14 members, Britain, France, Russia, China, Brazil, Colombia, Lebanon, Nigeria, Gabon, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, South Africa and Germany, were favor of conviction, however, the lack of reorganization of the UN, give rise to these immunities unacceptable. Harmful: The ineffective diplomacy of the PNA and the hypocrisy of the United States, strengthened Israel, which did not condemn him and encouraged him for the continuity of buildings, mostly in occupied Jerusalem. Photo: The Security Council with little ability to legislate.
Among many untidiness of Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestine National Authority PNA to halt Palestinian demonstrations, is committing another mistake. First call

The resignation of the Palestinian government and elections are not enough for the Palestinian people. Domino effect in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen, strong repression
PIP, February 18, 2011 .-
A huge demonstration filled the streets of Ramallah, against the police of the Palestinian National Authority-ANP, attentive and willing to suppress. In addition to dissatisfaction with the government of Mahmoud Abbas, call
Maban for Palestinian unity, the end of the bitter internal struggle for power and "make clear they are tired and no longer afraid to go out to them accountable to their political " según una de las activistas palestina, Riam Awad, que agregó “El pueblo quiere el fin de la división, queremos un Gobierno, no dos Gobiernos”, en clara alusión al llamado de Abbas para la formación de un nuevo gobierno palestino sin Hamas. Riam agregó “Los palestinos siempre hemos sido exportadores de revoluciones. Ahora no podemos quedarnos en casa viendo las revoluciones de nuestros vecinos por televisión. Los jóvenes vamos a reaccionar”. HRW: La organización humanitaria ‘Human Rights Watch’, pidió la semana pasada a la ANP que investigue las golpizas y la detención arbitraria de manifestantes en las últimas semanas, sin encontrar respuesta al pedido. En otro testimonio de los activistas, Amal Kreishe, aseguró “No es fácil para los palestinos manifestarse y expresar las ideas libremente. La gente hoy salió a la calle desafiando las reglas del gobierno para que estemos callados”. Mea culpa: La desesperada opción de Mahmoud Abbas de llamar a elecciones presidenciales y legislativas luego de estar suspendidas y mantenerse en la presidencia a pesar del fin de su mandato en enero de 2009, ahora, Abbas, considera que “Las elecciones deben incluir Gaza y la Ribera Occidental, y si no, no podrán celebrarse”. Hamas: Había rechazado la elecciones por considerarlas serviles a los intereses de ANP y eran imposible levarlas a cabo sin antes una unidad palestina. Libya: domino effect Tunisian-Egyptian, hit the streets of Libya. During yesterday's demonstrations, thousands of Libyans in the 'Day of Rage', came to demonstrate against President Muhammad Al Ghaddafi, in power for over 23 years and were brutally repressed by the Libyan army and police that left at least 38 dead and hundreds injured. Today at dawn and early morning continued the demonstrations. Bahrain: The rich monarchical Arab country of Bahrain, which boasts an abundance outside with sophisticated buildings, inside their small town lives in the worst kind of poverty. His people are also encouraged him his monarch Al Khalifa and took to the streets demanding his resignation, being strongly repressed by more than 11 dead and dozens injured. Yemen: The clashes continued for more than a week against the regime of President Ali Abdallah Saleh. Yesterday, in addition, one of its major cities, hundreds of demonstrators demanded the resignation of the president. Three people were killed and 19 wounded in violent clashes with police. Photo: Ramallah Palestinian demonstrations against the PNA.
A huge demonstration filled the streets of Ramallah, against the police of the Palestinian National Authority-ANP, attentive and willing to suppress. In addition to dissatisfaction with the government of Mahmoud Abbas, call

Spain: to recognize the Palestinian state must agree with Israel.
Gaza NO. Three Palestinians killed
PIP, February 17, 2010 .-
Back in Spain, English Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez, said yesterday at the parliamentary session and in response to Jordi Pedret Socialist deputy that "Spain can play a role
very useful for Israel and Palestine, resume dialogue to fruition in the creation of a Palestinian state and that 2011 will be a key year for this, and in this objective, the English government works discreetly. " On a visit last week to Israel and the Palestinian territories, Trinidad met with the Israeli leadership and Palestine, visited the Holocaust Museum and the Jewish settlements in occupied Hebron and also met with the Palestinians, ancient inhabitants of the holy city. Trinidad Jimenez, stressed in Ramallah, West Bank, closing his tour of the Middle East, that "2011 will be a key year for the proclamation of a Palestinian state because the conditions and circumstances and Spain is firmly committed to this "He added," but for the Palestinian state becomes a reality, it is essential to first negotiate with Israel. " Gaza NO: Jiménez Chancellor, avoided travel to Gaza for not meeting with Hamas government avoiding to see with their own eyes the tragedy of 1.6 million Palestinians isolated from the world and surrounded by Israel and Egypt. UNASUR: Although it was not openly published, the Latin American bloc that declarative recognized the State of Palestine on the borders of '67, your documents are similar to expressions of the English foreign minister. In almost all cases they know in their decrees that the recognition will be obtained once the dialogue of the Israeli-Palestinian peace, security of the State of Israel and set the borders between both parties. Spain did not recognize even the right to a Palestinian state and warned that it would be agreed with the occupying power. Murder: Today Thursday at dawn, a helicopter gunship of the occupying power, attacked a group of fishermen and killed 3 Palestinian youths Fathi Jihad Khalaf, Tal'at Ar-Rawagh and Abdullateef Iqtaifan Ashraf, who were collecting shells on the coast, according to Ministry of Health of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The spokesman for the emergency department of the Ministry, Azham Abu Salmiya, said rescue teams rescued the lifeless bodies of those killed in the town of Beit Lahia, and were taken to Kamal Odwan hospital of Jabalyia refugee camp in northern Gaza. Roundup: Meanwhile in the West Bank during the night-morning, the occupying force kidnapping more than 15 Palestinians all related to Hamas. Photo: English Chancellor Trinidad Jimenez with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayahu, last week in occupied Jerusalem.
Back in Spain, English Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez, said yesterday at the parliamentary session and in response to Jordi Pedret Socialist deputy that "Spain can play a role

For Hamas, the change of government in the PA, is a superficial change to the popular fear
PIP, February 16, 2011 .-
Referring to the resignation of cabinet renounced the Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and the attitude of the owner of the PNA-PNA Mahmoud Abbas, Aiming
Garle "the formation of a new team as soon as possible" spokesman of the Hamas government in Gaza, Fawzi Barhoum, considered the past 14 / 2, that the regeneration of a new government of the ANP, is a "superficial change, with no hint of reform and the fear of popular rebellion whose sole purpose is to legitimize their claims to hold general elections before September in the West Bank. " Barhoum said that "the new government would lack legitimacy because there will be people who choose and will not be approved by the Palestinian Legislative Council (a body of parliamentary powers). It also made an urgent appeal to donor countries to the PA "to suspend funding to the government of Abbas, because it is coercive dictatorship whose power comes from the force and urged people to withdraw their support. " For its part, Hamas lawmaker Yahya Al Abadisa considered "government reform is a political strategy to prevent the outbreak of a popular uprising similar to those that occurred in Tunisia and Egypt, which resulted in the fall of the regimes ... It is an attempt to prevent the revolution. " Further, Cabinet noted the coincidence of the resignation of chief PLO negotiator, Saeb Erekat, after complaints from Palestinians Wikileaks released by Al-Jazeera and the Guardian of the Palestinian attempt to negotiate the sovereignty of Jerusalem in favor of Israel. Photo: Palestinian police of ANP suppress a Palestinian demonstration in Ramallah.
Referring to the resignation of cabinet renounced the Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and the attitude of the owner of the PNA-PNA Mahmoud Abbas, Aiming

The PA tries to change the government to restrain Palestinian unrest. More illegal settlements in Jerusalem
PIP, February 15, 2011 .-
to calm the Palestinian street demonstrations against the government of the Palestinian National Authority-ANP and its head Mahmoud Abbas, Salam Fayyad, Palestinian Prime Minister prese E
his resignation and his cabinet. Abbas accepted the resignation, and paradoxically pure and political makeup, commissioned Fayyad resigned to form a new government representing all Palestinians and not just those related to Al Fatah, which is impossible because the main political movement, Hamas, will not accept it. To achieve that change is needed according to the 'Palestinian Basic Law', approval of the Palestinian parliament today, made by an absolute majority of deputies from Hamas, which refuses to that extent. Otherwise the new cabinet is due to higher inter-fighting and be in the context of illegality as the current government. Hamas: Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, a critic as saying that "This action is illegal and we reject it, the government only may be that if he wins the trust with the approval of Parliament. " In addition, Abu Zuhri, dismissed the elections to consider the government of Abbas, illegal, since its mandate expired in January 2009 and added, "regardless of skin change this government, will not have the legal law, because is the choice of the people. " Settlements: The illegal Israeli municipality of occupied Jerusalem, yesterday approved the construction of 120 new homes in the illegal Jewish settlement of Ramot Shlomo, in occupied East Jerusalem, according to an Israeli director, Pepe Alalo. The same is composed of a block of 56 houses and one 64, for settlers illegal Jewish. Currently living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 200 000 320 000 settlers and another for the rest of the West Bank. Affront Provocative: The construction approval comes a day before the arrival in the area of \u200b\u200bthe diplomat of the European Union, Catherine Ashton, who has repeatedly refused to Israeli settlement activity as an obstacle to peace. Photo: Vista illegal Jewish settlement of Ramot Shlomo, turned into a great city choking occupied East Jerusalem.
to calm the Palestinian street demonstrations against the government of the Palestinian National Authority-ANP and its head Mahmoud Abbas, Salam Fayyad, Palestinian Prime Minister prese E

Israel remains vigilant. Abbas and Netanyahu regret the resignation of Mubarak. Gaza celebrates. Reununció Palestinian Premier and his government
PIP, February 14, 2011 .-
Despite the security of the Egyptian army to Israel, they maintain the alert of its armed forces around the Egyptian borders. The output of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak left variations between
Israelis and Palestinians themselves. Gaza: Palestinians in Gaza celebrated with Palestinian flags, Tunisian and Egyptian the fall of the murderous regime of Mubarak. Thousands of gazauíes became the main street Omar al-Muhtar in a sea of \u200b\u200bflags, shouting Maser, Maser (Egypt, Egypt) and never stopped acting out, the request for resignation of the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Israel: the government of the occupying power was relieved for the first time Saturday, after the Egyptian military leaders make sure to keep the peace treaty signed in 1979 between both countries. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a security conference held this week in Herzliya, the Israeli military-political elite expressed his fear that the Islamists of Egypt or Iran also happen to dominate the process of democratization and suddenly there is a hostile neighbor to the hostility of the occupying power. ANP: From Ramallah, West Bank, the holder of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, banned demonstrations and lamented the resignation of Mubarak, as did Netanyahu. This occurred in an important day for the Palestinian situation in which Abbas's chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat resigned Wikileaks hacked by Palestinians, who accuse him of negotiating in favor of Israel. U.S. : the State Department spokesman, Philip Crowley, in your Twitter account, said "Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit gave an update to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on the new interim government and promised a sheet map that will outline the plans in Egypt and their needs. " For soon, the junta announced that the period transition to civil power will last for six months and suspended the constitution, dissolved parliament and assumed the legislative function. Disclaimer: Another effect of the Wikileaks Palestinians and fall of Mubarak, dragged the PNA Palestinian premier Salam Fayyad, to announce his resignation Monday with all of its government. Photo: manifestations of joy in Gaza for the fall of Mubarak.
Despite the security of the Egyptian army to Israel, they maintain the alert of its armed forces around the Egyptian borders. The output of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak left variations between

To avoid infections, the PNA called for elections and Hamas was rejected. The Wikileaks did give up a Palestinian cabinet minister. Egyptian promises to Israel. Murder
PIP, February 13, 2011 .-
So hasty and sloppy, then the triumph of the Egyptian people's revolution, to prevent people thrive Palestinian uprising, the Palestinian Authority-ANP, which on Tuesday
last week had thawed democratic elections, calling for municipal elections yesterday, did call for presidential and legislative elections, illegally suspended by the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas 2 years ago to hold onto power with U.S. support , Israel and Europe. Hamas: The Hamas government, which triumphed in democratic elections in 2006, announced he will not participate in presidential and parliamentary elections called for by September. His spokesman, reiterated that "as the municipal elections, will not participate in these elections, we do not recognize the legality and not accept the results ... Mahmoud Abbas ended his term in January 2009 and has no law to govern or to call elections" . The Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh and his government had been headed by Abbas with the accession of Israel and the U.S. and in 2006, a large proportion of its members and some of his ministers were arrested by Israel to strengthen the Palestinian Authority. Disclaimer: The Wikileaks Palestinians, accelerated the resignation of the chief defendant, the chief negotiator of the PNA-PLO Saeb Erekat, their concessions to provide part of Jerusalem to the occupying power. promises to Israel: Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu, held yesterday that the Egyptian army, which controls the Egyptian transitional government, promised, in an unusual, honor the agreements with Israel, breaking his silence since the fall of the dictator Mubarak. Without it, the occupying power had been on high alert, that is still alive. Meanwhile, the Egyptian army into Gaza remains locked. Murder: Meanwhile, Israeli forces shot, wounding 2 Palestinians in Gaza in occupied Jerusalem, the illegal Jewish settlers attacked with gunfire, killing the Palestinian civilian ar-Ruweidhi Husam Hussein. Photo: posters accusing the chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat of "Lair, lair" ("Liar, Liar").
So hasty and sloppy, then the triumph of the Egyptian people's revolution, to prevent people thrive Palestinian uprising, the Palestinian Authority-ANP, which on Tuesday

Gaza celebrated the fall of the dictator. Calling end to the blockade. Algeria
PIP, February 12, 2011 .-
Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets in the Gaza Strip to celebrate the resignation of the tyrant Hosni Mubarak, accept responsibility for crimes against humanity committed by Israel against Palestine
vats Gaza in recent years. We celebrated with fireworks and a lot of hype, unlike the West Bank that demonstrations were banned and repressed by the Palestinian National Authority-ANP, where the owner Mahmoud Abbas, lost a great ally with Mubarak. Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, had expressed their solidarity with the dictator and even on 29 January, Abbas phoned him and expressed to him for nearly 30 minutes his full support and solidarity. Hamas: the Palestinian resistance and Hamas government believed that Mubarak's resignation is the beginning of "the victory of the revolution." Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, said "The resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak the beginning of the victory of the Egyptian revolution ... that victory was the result of the sacrifices and the firmness of the Egyptian people " End the Blockade: Abu Zuhri, called for an urgent" need that new Egyptian authorities take immediate decision to lift the blockade of Gaza and open the Rafah crossing permanently to allow free flow of people and for the reconstruction process in Gaza to start and close down the tunnels of supplies of inputs. " Israel: The occupying power that maintains military forces along the border with Egypt, demonstrates their concern about the fall of Mubarak and his partner is waiting with another major Egyptian men and ally, the spymaster Omar Suleiman. Moreover, so far managed to keep its borders Egypt to Gaza blocked. ANP: From Ramallah, the PA and Abbas owner, maintained a profound silence with the loss of his ally, the repressive dictator of Gaza and Hamas. Arab: Meanwhile, Syria, Libya, Jordan and Saudi Arabia keep their people oppressed and forbidden to do demonstrations and Internet stopped, stay silent high unrest, Lebanon, Algeria and Yemen, as well as Gaza, celebrating the triumph of the people Egyptian. U.S. : President Barack Obama is concerned his failure to attempt transition favorable to their interests and those of Israel, to tell Mubarak to appoint as Vice President Suleiman. West: Europe and the USA with two faces trying to show a sincere appreciation, however, were his principal allies, financing and supporting its undemocratic regime, as we are doing with other anti-democratic Arab regimes. Algeria: On the morning of Saturday, hundreds of Algerians won the streets demanding regime change, being strongly repressed and dozens were wounded and arrested. Photo: Demonstrations in Gaza for the Egyptian people.
Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets in the Gaza Strip to celebrate the resignation of the tyrant Hosni Mubarak, accept responsibility for crimes against humanity committed by Israel against Palestine

Egyptian Wikileaks revealed that the vice of Mubarak promised to Israel, the Palestinians clean
February 11, 2011 .- The Egyptian spy chief, Omar Suleiman, Egyptian Vice President imposed by the dictator Hosni Mubarak, on the orders of President Barack Obama, according to Wikileaks and
gipcio, offered Israel "li
mpiar Palestinians Sinai" and was concerned to be the only contact with the intelligence services with the Mossad. Wikileaks information, corresponding to U.S. diplomatic cables from 14/5/2007, filtered and delivered Wednesday to The Daily Telegraph. Suleiman, the West, Israel and the U.S., wanted to be the successor to Mubarak, he communicated with the Mossad and the Israeli leadership daily show those cables. Traitor : Offering cleaning Sinai Suleiman was made by Yuval Diskin, head of the Shim Bet and Israel Security Agency, after he complained about the tunnels that Palestinians in Gaza carried out to reach the Egyptian side. The November 2007 cable stated that Diskin met with Rob Danin, deputy assistant U.S. secretary of state and Mark Kimmitt, deputy assistant secretary of Defense in Tel Aviv, to present their plans to eliminate Palestinian Gaza and Hamas, falsely accusing the tunnels were used as a center for trafficking of arms and explosives for operations in Gaza. " When in fact those tunnels were and are to survive, seeking food in Egypt before the criminal block the borders of Gaza by Israel and Egypt at the entrance of food, medicine and fuel oil. Wikileaks cable indicates that the Israelis provided a detailed names Suleiman the Palestinians of Hamas to be removed. Also indicate that Suleiman cables permanently blocked to Palestinians, while showing as a negotiator between Palestinians and Israelis. Candidate: For the Israelis and the Palestinian National Authority Suleiman is the preferred candidate to succeed Mubarak on the grounds that its cooperation with both is very good. In May 2009, during a meeting with the Americans, saying that Egypt boasted Suleiman made the border with Gaza "safer, destroyed tunnels, built barricades and walls of steel underground." Photo: spy chiefs Omar Suleiman (left) and Yuval Diskin (right).
February 11, 2011 .- The Egyptian spy chief, Omar Suleiman, Egyptian Vice President imposed by the dictator Hosni Mubarak, on the orders of President Barack Obama, according to Wikileaks and

Al-Manara Square in Ramallah equivalent to Al-Tahrir Square in Cairo
PIP, February 10, 2011 .-
By this time, Al-Manara Square in downtown Ramallah, West Bank, became a reflection of the Al-Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of Palestinians are concentrating on the Plaza expressing sympathy for the people
Egyptian and Tunisian, and calling for freedom, social justice, democracy and human rights in Palestine. Other events taking place in Bethlehem, Jenin, Nablus and Gaza. The demonstrations have been launched by the youth movements, the Palestinian NGO Network, trade unions, students, workers, professionals, human rights activists and representatives of political parties under the flags of Egypt, Tunisia and Palestine , chants against Mubarak and the complicity of the West and preserve U.S. Israeli colonialism and protect Arab despotic regimes. police state: These peaceful demonstrations are also hostile to the government of the Palestinian National Authority-ANP and its head Mahmoud Abbas. Palestinian youth do not just blame the Zionists for all evils. The riots in Egypt and Tunisia have allowed them to remove the fear to criticize the Palestinian Authority, which in turn blame the West Bank into a "police state", in which freedoms are lacking and where the ANP leaders become entrenched thanks to the complicity of Western powers. "While in the Arab world there are winds of reform, the government increasingly accumulates ANP more power, "complains Nidal, a graduate student in geochemistry of 22 who is afraid to make known his name. Nidal, one of the organizers of protests in recent weeks have brought to the street to hundreds of young Palestinians defying the orders of the ANP, which banned any expression of solidarity with the Egyptians. Nidal, coupled with other Palestinians, said they were "frustrated, tired of the Palestinian security services to control the life and movements of citizens" and set up a Facebook page for calling the demonstrations. On Wednesday, Palestinian officials of the PNA, arrested the creator of the page, the up and repressed the press. Brutality: As in Egypt, the Palestinian police brutality did not expect to demonstrate the gulf that separates the rulers from the ruled. "Everything has evolved very fast. At first the demonstrators sympathized with the Egyptians. Now demanding an end to the division between Gaza and the West Bank, and the head of the Palestinian president, "says Nidal. For his part, Commissioner Adnan Damiri, a spokesman for Palestinian security forces, from his office in Ramallah, with little credibility, he said "forbid these events because we have other priorities, such as resistance against Israeli occupation. We should not interfere in the internal affairs of the Egyptians. " Photo: A portrait of Mubarak , trampled by protesters.
By this time, Al-Manara Square in downtown Ramallah, West Bank, became a reflection of the Al-Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of Palestinians are concentrating on the Plaza expressing sympathy for the people

Israeli Attack on Gaza: 10 wounded. Domino effect: municipal elections in July
PIP, February 9, 2011 .- Last Tuesday
warplanes attacked the Gaza Strip, blowing up a drug store in Zeitoun, east of Gaza City and a carpentry workshop doors.
According to the head of emergency services, Adham Abu Salmiya, said that 8 Palestinian civilians were injured including 2 children and 3 women. The injured were taken to Kamal Odwan hospital in northern Gaza City. Criminals Israeli warplanes fired two missiles in another area east of the city of Gaza, no injuries. 2 other Palestinian civilians were injured when two missiles struck a military training camp Jihad movement. Meanwhile, other air attacks against the occupying power was one of the tunnels on the border between Gaza and Egypt, used to be supplied by the Israeli blockade on Gaza-Egyptian. Israel: As usual an Israeli military spokesman, defended his attacks on "terrorist targets." Resistance: Hours after the attacks, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine reported that its militants fired rockets into an Israeli military jeep came challenging neighborhood east of Gaza city of Ash-Shujayiya, causing them to flee the area. domino effect: As a result of the Tunisian-Egyptian riots and fears of domino effect, accelerated changes in anti-democratic governments. The Palestinian National Authority-ANP, which froze the 2009 presidential elections and legislative January 2010, agreed yesterday to celebrate the July 9, 2011 municipal elections in the West Bank and Gaza, which had been canceled in July 2010. Hamas: For its part the government of Hamas, refused to be voted on Gaza, blockaded by Israel and dismissed nominate candidates from their representatives in Ramallah, West Bank. Hamas denies legitimacy to the government the owner of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, since its mandate officially expired in January 2009 and remained undemocratic power. Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, said: "This election is not valid because the government calls the Palestinian Authority lacks legitimacy ... Hamas will not participate in this farce will not recognize its results." Another Hamas spokesman, Mushir al-Masri, referring to the existence of two Palestinian governments, one of Hamas in Gaza and one of the PNA in the West Bank, structured by Al-Fatah, considered that the "election for inter-only deepen the divide. " Al-Masri said that "this call is as illegal as the government of Salam Fayyad, established in 2007 by Abbas to dismiss the prime minister Ismail Haniyeh, elected democratically by the Palestinian people." Photo: Blasting drug store by Israeli missiles.
warplanes attacked the Gaza Strip, blowing up a drug store in Zeitoun, east of Gaza City and a carpentry workshop doors.

Several families of Jerusalem would be cast to build apartments for illegal settlers
PIP, February 8, 2011 .-
The Municipal Committee on Planning and Construction Israeli occupied Jerusalem awaiting approval construction of two buildings including 13 apartments for illegal Jewish settlers in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Jer
usal East. One building will have 10 apartments and the other three. The fanatical settlers now occupied three houses in the neighborhood, forcing the eviction by force of its rightful Palestinian owners. Following approval of the plan will need to evict Palestinian family living on the site to begin construction. Judaize: To follow the plan of Judaizing the occupied Palestinian capital, the Planning Committee also expects the adoption of a new access road south of the illegal settlement Har Homa, which will allow further expansion on the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. During the past 18 months was growing resistance of the Palestinians to reject efforts by fans settlers in Sheikh Jarrah and against evictions of Palestinian families and then usurp their properties. Photo: A Palestinian family driven from their homes and their furnishings brought out in Sheikh Jarrah, and then be placed families of illegal settlers.
The Municipal Committee on Planning and Construction Israeli occupied Jerusalem awaiting approval construction of two buildings including 13 apartments for illegal Jewish settlers in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Jer

The Quartet rejected a unilateral Palestinian state
PIP, February 7, 2011 .-
In the framework of the Conference on Security and through the political crisis in Egypt, on Saturday met in Munich, Germany, the Quartet for Middle East and rejected the possibility of
a Palestinian state unilaterally. In the same share of the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the head of European foreign policy, Catherine Ashton, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the representative of the Quartet, Tony Blair and the Special Envoy for Peace in the Middle East of that country, George Mitchell. Rejection: In his final statement challenged a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state and reiterated its support for a negotiated solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority before September. "Unilateral action by any party can not prejudge the outcome of negotiations and not be recognized by the international community," said the agency formed by the United Nations, the United States, European Union and Russia in an official statement added that "in light of developments in the Middle East, another delay in the resumption of negotiations is harmful to the prospects for regional peace and security," the text. No pressure: With a slight and not firm statement in the declaration, only criticized Israel for failing to freeze construction in the Israeli settlements. Weight uneven With a double conflict scale to weigh the Quartet condemned the firing of Palestinian rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Referring to the Palestinian resistance. Without condemning or name the Israeli airstrikes and Palestinian crimes than the 17 killed since the beginning of the year. PNA-Hamas : The Palestinian National Authority-ANP, considered the Quartet statement of 'enough'. Meanwhile, the Hamas government, the 'rejected and considered weightless and in favor of Israeli interests. " Photo: Responsible Quartet Ban Ki-moon, Hillary Clinton, George Mitchell, Catherine Ashton, Sergey Lavrov and Tony Blair.
In the framework of the Conference on Security and through the political crisis in Egypt, on Saturday met in Munich, Germany, the Quartet for Middle East and rejected the possibility of

exploded Mubarak the Egyptian gas to Israel. Hamas
PIP, February 6, 2010 .-
An operation exposes the true face of the dictator Hosni Mubarak, to operate the main gas pipeline last Saturday in the Egyptian town of El Arish, north Sinai, near Gaza. The television channels
sion Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera reported that the tube connects with Israel, like other Egyptian gas through the El Sheikh Zauid connecting to Israel through the Mediterranean Sea. Still do not know the authors, Mubarak's government considered that it was carried by saboteurs ends. One of these branches also carries gas to Jordan, another partner of Israel. Quill open: Meanwhile, the Egyptian people will scarce gas and the Palestinian people of Gaza, has no gas and is starved by the Israeli-Egyptian criminal fence, Mubarak's Egypt, had opened the gas tap to the occupying Arab under the Palestinian territory of Gaza. Spying: Israel, which mobilized its army to the borders of Egypt, could exploit the situation to justify a possible invasion to promote U.S. and Israeli efforts to save the regime subservient to their interests. Of Indeed, when President Barack Obama gives his approval to a senior aide to the Israeli Mossad, the head of the Egyptian services, Omar Suleiman, is appointed vice president, Mubarak, Israel promised to save all their skills and try to Mubarak through a "transition of power" which calls for U.S. West and to maintain the figure of Suleiman, another of the subservient to the occupying power. Hamas: Ayman Nofal, a senior Hamas commander, returned to Gaza yesterday after escaping from prison in Cairo. Nofal was arrested in Sinai by Egyptian army in early 2008, at the request of the Palestinian National Authority and Israel, and maintained since then Egyptian prisons in the winding. With Nofal, there are more than a dozen Hamas prisoners escaped from Egyptian prisons in the last week. Photo: The pipeline from El Arish to feed gas to Israel in flames.
An operation exposes the true face of the dictator Hosni Mubarak, to operate the main gas pipeline last Saturday in the Egyptian town of El Arish, north Sinai, near Gaza. The television channels

Egypt freed Israeli reporters while suppressing Arab journalists and the world
PIP, February 5, 2011 .-
in full seizure, with the Egyptian people on the street claiming resignation of Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian Foreign Ministry granted the request of the Zionist foreign ministry, headed by the ultra fun
fundamentalists Avigdor Lieberman, and freed an Israeli engineer arrested in the port city of Suez. Sahiak Tomer, 40, a resident of occupied Jerusalem and arrested by Egyptian police last Wednesday dubious movements, was released and escorted by foreign ministry officials on his return to Israel. At the same time, the four Israeli journalists detained in Cairo were released and returned on a flight to Tel Aviv. Three of them are journalists of Channel 2 of Israeli TV and the room of an Arab news website based in Nazareth, Israel. The images of the journalists were previously issued by the Egyptian state television, while police officers sostenían sus pasaportes frentes a las cámaras. Por otra parte, las fuerzas egipcias detuvieron a varios periodistas extranjeros de la televisión francesa y a dos palestinos que siguen detenidos en situación inhumana y en celdas oscuras. Por otro lado, el periodista egipcio Ahmad Mohammad Mahmoud de 36 años, murió hoy por la herida de bala recibida el lunes por parte de un francotirador pro-Mubarak en la Plaza Tahrir, mientras fotografiaba desde el balcón de su casa. Otro periodista grave es el sueco Bert Sundstrom de la televisora pública SVT, internado en un hospital del Cairo. Mientras provocadores de las bandas de Mubarak, prendieron fuego a las oficinas de prensa de Al-Yazira en el Cairo. Fotos: Los israelíes are safely transferred to Israeli control.
in full seizure, with the Egyptian people on the street claiming resignation of Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian Foreign Ministry granted the request of the Zionist foreign ministry, headed by the ultra fun

The Palestinian Authority Palestinian demonstrations
repressed in favor of the Egyptian people. Gaza
repressed in favor of the Egyptian people. Gaza
PIP, February 4, 2011 .-
The Palestinian National Authority-ANP has banned any expression of solidarity with the Egyptian people and against the dictator Hosni Mubarak. The spokesman of Palestinian security forces in the West Bank. undemocratic: With or
na decision of the owner of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, more committed to the dictatorship to democracy, Adnan Dumeri, announced to the press "All meetings or calls in support of regional issues are prohibited," and argued the decision arguing that the "ANP is not involved in regional issues." Repression: Palestinian agents cracked down hard on the hundreds of peaceful and unarmed Palestinian demonstrators taking part in a protest in support of the Egyptian people. Satisfaction of Israel and the U.S.. HRW: The NGO Human Rights, Human Rights Watch-HRW 'today demanded the PA to put an end to "police violence against peaceful demonstrators in favor of Egyptian protests." According to the statement released, "the Palestinian police charged with violence on a demonstration of several hundred Palestinians in Ramallah and arrested dozens of Palestinians, two journalists and an employee of the NGOs. " The NGOs, HRW deplores attacks on other Palestinian pro-democracy demonstrations throughout this week and recalled that the European Union, the U.S. and Israel, support training and equipping of Palestinian security forces, with 345 million dollars. Unusual : In a rare attitude, Jan. 29, the head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas called on Mubarak by phone to give his "solidarity and ignore
bought for safety and stability "according to a statement Abbas cabinet. Gaza: Palestinian Hundreds won the street in Gaza City on Thursday, declaring in favor of the Egyptian people with Egyptian and Palestinian flags and posters against Hosni Mubarak, distributed a statement asking the UN to take action against the regime. Egyptian lock: Mubarak's regime to please Israel Apartheid Wall built a steel block more Palestinians from Gaza and was a partner in the Zionist invasion Cast Lead to Gaza (2008/2009 .) Palestinian who killed ga'azauies 1445. Photos: Palestinian police repress Palestinian demonstrations in favor of the claims of the Egyptian people. Palestinian demonstration against Mubarak in Gaza.
The Palestinian National Authority-ANP has banned any expression of solidarity with the Egyptian people and against the dictator Hosni Mubarak. The spokesman of Palestinian security forces in the West Bank. undemocratic: With or

Concern: Increase the air war in Israel
PIP, February 2, 2011 .-
concerned about the air war more Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Wednesday "strengthening the power of Israel" in response to the popular revolution that began in Egypt, mainly
pal ally Israel and the U.S.. In a speech to Parliament, Netanyahu said, "The basis of our stability, our future and the preservation or expansion of peace, especially in turbulent times, lies in strengthening power of Israel "and reiterated Israel's fear that a new regime to replace his friend, the dictator Hosni Mubarak, follow a line of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is the main opposition movement organized and funded, it also raises concerns not only Israel but the rest of the Arab regimes. Referring to the Palestinian Authority, Netanyahu, I take this opportunity to urge their ownership Mahmoud Abbas to build on what he believes is an opportunity created by the unrest in Egypt to renew stalled peace talks. Remember : It should be noted that Abbas, Netanyahu, King of Saudi Arabia and Jordan's solidarity with Mubarak at the expense of the Egyptian people and their own people mobilized. Option war A reading of Netanyahu's speech, it is clear that Israel would expand its armed forces on Arab land, if the 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, not survive the crisis or becomes less durable than in the past . Dan Schueftan, an analyst at Israel's Haifa University, said in an interview that "uncertainty in Cairo, which could last months, means that Israel may need to build an army far more powerful and increase the defense budget significantly ". Photo: Egyptian carrying signs "go out Mubarak (Mubarak out).
concerned about the air war more Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Wednesday "strengthening the power of Israel" in response to the popular revolution that began in Egypt, mainly

Israel is prepared. Fear of the domino effect in Jordan and the PNA
PIP, February 2, 2011 .-
Israel prepares its strategy against the possibility of having to invade Egypt if the Muslim Brotherhood takes power after the expulsion of popular Hosni Mubarak . Aloud and obs
esiva colonial position, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked the United States and the international community 'guarantees' to Israel, whatever the new government in Cairo and the press to respect the peace treaty signed three decades ago in Camp David Accords of 1979 between Egyptian President Anwar Al-Sadat killed him for treason, and Premier Menachem Begin. Treaty is still rejected by the Egyptian people. His vice president Hosni Mubarak took office on 14/10/1981 and is committed to that agreement and continued until the present with excellent relations with the occupying power, paid millions of dollars annually from the United States. Yesterday, Israeli forces moved to the borders with Egypt and Israeli President Shimon Peres, author of crimes against humanity in Gaza, during his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on an official visit to Israel, Peres reminded that " the Palestinian movement Hamas came to power under a process elections in the Palestinian territories, "adding:" Democracy does not begin and end only in elections. True democracy begins the day after the election, ensuring human rights and looking for the welfare of the citizens. " Without Ethics: The ethics moral Peres, makes him forget the Israeli violations of human rights against the Palestinian people and support Israel to the Palestinian Authority to behead Hamas Palestinian government, bringing a strong international engagement Palestine. domino effect: for fear of consequences that overthrew the undemocratic government of Tunisia, as is happening to the undemocratic government of Egypt, Jordanian King Abdallah II, another close ally of Israel, to hold the first demonstrations against him, dismissed the premier Samir Rifai, reappointed in office Marouf al-Bakhit, a former general and former Jordanian ambassador to Israel, to form a new government. For its part, also Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, began to give instructions for the incipient movements in the streets of Damascus, to stop any movement against it. Meanwhile, the premier of the PA, Salem Fayyad, so hasty and unusual call elections next Tuesday, despite fears of the holder of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, a new victory its political rival Hamas, which in 2006 succeeded in democratic elections with 67 percent of the vote, which now governs only the Gaza Strip. The ANP, has slowed so far holding new presidential and legislative elections, officially convened in 2009 at the presidential level and in January 2010 at the legislative level. For its part, the Hamas government rejected the poll as illegal. Photo: Abbas, Netanyahu and Mubarak Abdallah II.
Israel prepares its strategy against the possibility of having to invade Egypt if the Muslim Brotherhood takes power after the expulsion of popular Hosni Mubarak . Aloud and obs

Israel is preparing for a possible invasion of Egypt. unusual solidarity
PIP, February 1, 2011 .-
With the possible collapse of its main partner and ally Hosni Mubarak Arab, Israel, which was silent and expectant, has strongly reinforced its border with Egypt, with the exc
uses the situation of Egyptian popular uprising could lead to the infiltration of "terrorists" through Gaza. The Israeli daily Haaretz reported today that army troops were deployed along the dividing boundary with Egypt 250 km, including the borders of Gaza illegally from Egypt. Deployment: Moreover, local media reported today that the Israeli government approved the deployment of Egyptian troops in Sinai to safeguard the security and the borders with Israel. Under the peace agreement between the two in 1979, the area should be demilitarized. In a similar vein, Israel is prepared to provide any security to Mubarak, to the possibility of being killed. Solidarity unusual: Egyptian President Mubarak, with the support of the United States and Israel, used its iron fist against the Egyptian people for nearly three decades supported Israel to invade Gaza in 2008-2009 and an ally of the Authority Palestinian-ANP to crack down on Palestinian members of Hamas, was on Friday the solidarity of the holder of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, who is involved in the allegations against the Wikileaks Palestinian and the King of Saudi Arabia. Photo: Israeli forces move .
With the possible collapse of its main partner and ally Hosni Mubarak Arab, Israel, which was silent and expectant, has strongly reinforced its border with Egypt, with the exc

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