The OECD and the United States complicit in Judaizing Jerusalem
PIP, August 31, 2010 .-
In complicity plan within hours of the dilator of 'direct talks' by United States, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an organization in which the countries of the European Union and the United States took the decision to hold the 'Annual Tourism Conference' of 2010, in occupied Jerusalem, endorsing Judaizing Israel and Jerusalem, capital of occupied Palestine.
In complicity plan within hours of the dilator of 'direct talks' by United States, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an organization in which the countries of the European Union and the United States took the decision to hold the 'Annual Tourism Conference' of 2010, in occupied Jerusalem, endorsing Judaizing Israel and Jerusalem, capital of occupied Palestine.
Netanyahu wants a wealthy 'Israeli Paix. " For a Palestinian rabbi should disappear
PIP. August 30, 2010 .-
During the day Sunday the premier Benjamin Netanyahu, fixed its maximum position to achieve peace accommodated to the occupying power, to, called the Zon
to north of Palestine (West Bank) Judea and Samaria with total disregard for Palestinian sovereignty. During the weekly government meeting, Netanyahu said "First of all, it requires a recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, and that the agreement stipulated the end of the conflict. Our intention is to move seriously and responsibly towards a peace agreement based on three principles (¿???). " Considered that such recognition would exclude additional requirements, referring to the right of Palestinian refugees from 1948 to Palestinian lands, now Israel. For the premier of the occupying power, to meet with the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, the next 2 / 9 in Washington, "a return to Israel of Palestinians in 1948, would endanger the Jewish character of Israel. .. Security arrangements are needed to ensure that concrete will not play in 'Judea and Samaria (West Bank)' what happened in Lebanon and Gaza after Israeli withdrawals. " Netanyahu continued with more irony, "I am aware of the difficulties of negotiation and not downplay the fundamental issue is whether the Palestinian side is willing to move toward a peace settlement of the conflict for generations." Jordan: Jordanian King Adallah II, participating in the plan dilator of the "direct talks", he received yesterday the defense minister Ehud Barack, responsible for crimes against humanity, said "the talks should be approached with seriousness to can succeed. " Israel: The fundamentalist spiritual leader of the Israeli ultra-Orthodox party Shas, Rabbi Ovadia Yossef said in a violent speech that "God should send a plague to the Palestinian people disappear off the face of the earth." Photo: Israeli Soldiers scaring Palestinian children in occupied Jerusalem.
During the day Sunday the premier Benjamin Netanyahu, fixed its maximum position to achieve peace accommodated to the occupying power, to, called the Zon

Hamas against the delivery of Jerusalem. Strong opposition to Palestinian
'direct talks'
PIP, August 28, 2010 .-
The Palestinian Hamas premier Ismail Haniyeh, during the iftar (breakfast the evening of Ramadan), said in Gaza that "any business that watered
ent Jerusalem would a national mandate. The Palestinians around the world will not support any purposeful movement in the absurd talks with Israel. " During the iftar with relatives of Palestinian prisoners, victims of Israeli aggression and children with special needs, Hamiyeh sent them that "prisoners, the wounded and families of the martyrs will not support someone who wants to hand over Palestine and Jerusalem after have sacrificed for years and have fought to keep. " Manifestations and repression While that the Palestinian Authority is prepared to engage in peace talks on Wednesday 2 / 9, yesterday during the demonstrations of Palestinian people against the plan of 'direct talks' was experienced a confrontation between Palestinians and security personnel of government Mahmoud Abbas holds the Palestinian Authority to stop them. According to official sources concerned about the protests against Abbas for joining Israel and the U.S., fear and extended in the rest of occupied Palestine if they are repressed by the police while the PA, led by U.S. General Keith Dayton. DFLP: Among the ten groups of the Palestinian resistance with Hamas, they know opposition, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), denied in a statement the "direct talks" to be launched next September 2 between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and the occupying power. For the FDLP "negotiations should be balanced and useful, with clear texts to argue based on the resolutions of international legality, with a mandatory time frame and a certain agenda. The Front does not support the official policy of the PNA that totally ignores the unanimous demand of the Palestinian forces to condition the negotiations, above all, the arrest of colonialism in the West Bank as well as Jerusalem, the capital of a Palestinian state. " Noting that "its deep concern at the start of negotiations would only serve the Israeli government's plans and its policy of Judaizing and colonialism." Photo: Palestinian demonstrations in Ramallah with Palestinian flags against the 'direct talks. "
The Palestinian Hamas premier Ismail Haniyeh, during the iftar (breakfast the evening of Ramadan), said in Gaza that "any business that watered

Chancellor Lieberman in favor of settlements. Jordanian opposition believes 'the end of the Palestinian cause'
PIP, August 26, 2010 .-
The fanatical Israeli Foreign Minister, party leader fundamentalist Israel Beiteinu, Avigdor Lieberman told the Israeli daily Haaretz that "There is no reason why with
struction should not be resumed in the main West Bank settlements when done on September 26 freezing 10 months" and added "We can not punish tens of thousands of citizens who have served in the military and live in communities (settlements) laws, we must take into account the natural growth." Also Lieberman, sees little hope that the US-sponsored talks will bear fruit. Jordanian Opposition : The Higher Coordination Committee Jordanian opposition parties, said Thursday that the upcoming peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis in Washington is "a step in the liquidation of the Palestinian cause and only favor Israel ... We see in these" direct talks "a new stage to the Palestinian cause, which in the interest of the Zionist enemy to build a Palestinian state imaginary. " The Higher Committee, formed by the Islamic Action Front and six games left pan-Arab and Jordanian, who criticize the servile attitude of the Palestinian Authority, Jordan and Egypt, also announced that "negotiations are doomed to failure in view of the support military, economic and political Unlimited U.S. and Israel of continuing agreements between the two. " Photo: The progress of construction of illegal settlements, shows the illegal settlement of Moreh Allem Azmet behind the new settlement in occupied Palestine.
The fanatical Israeli Foreign Minister, party leader fundamentalist Israel Beiteinu, Avigdor Lieberman told the Israeli daily Haaretz that "There is no reason why with

According to Hamas, "Direct talks liquidate the Palestinian cause"
PIP, August 25, 2010
Amid Israeli conditions imposed to agree to reach the 'direct talks' while the pressure on G
aza and the West Bank, the demolition of houses and construction of settlements, the Hamas government again expressed its concern to the Palestinian weakness to negotiate. The Head of the Political Department of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, in Damascus, said Tuesday that "If the upcoming talks in Washington will succeed him in accordance with Israeli standards and liquidate the Palestinian cause, and that these negotiations can succeed only if they meet with the demands imposed by the Israeli government. " Reiterating "We will take stock of the 1967 territories. Draw the borders as they wish and seize our sovereignty. " For Hamas, also adds that the holder of the Authority Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is too weak to undertake these negotiations, for which both sides have said on 2 September in Washington. Finally Meshal, said "Our complaint, in short, is the occupation. Our project is the resistance "and called on Abbas and Fatah to join Hamas in a joint strategy against the occupying power. This strategy, he added, would be the "option of resistance and defending the legitimate rights of Palestinians." Photo: Demolition of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem.
Amid Israeli conditions imposed to agree to reach the 'direct talks' while the pressure on G

Israel placed the first nail to the "direct talks" of U.S.
PIP, August 23, 2010 .-
The Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, warned yesterday that "direct negotiations with the Palestinians, which begin on September 2 in Washington, to achieve peace is' difficult, but possible. " Immediately put the first nail to crucify any process to determine "the Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state." This is inconsistent and would mean that nearly 1.4 million Palestinian Christians and Muslims largely are within Palestinian lands before 1948, Israel today, he weighs deportation.
The Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, warned yesterday that "direct negotiations with the Palestinians, which begin on September 2 in Washington, to achieve peace is' difficult, but possible. " Immediately put the first nail to crucify any process to determine "the Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state." This is inconsistent and would mean that nearly 1.4 million Palestinian Christians and Muslims largely are within Palestinian lands before 1948, Israel today, he weighs deportation.
the PNA and Israel accepted the U.S. plan dilator. Hamas rejected
PIP, August 21, 2010 .-
Both Israel and Palestine on Friday applauded U.S. invitation, at the start of direct talks to the proxy
mo 2 / 9 in Washington. However, Hamas, branded as "misleading and reject." Israel: A spokesman for the occupying power said the Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, has long sought to ensure the resumption of talks "to be ready to sit down at any moment with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. " Also, added the satisfaction of returning to the talks without preconditions prior, and who refuse to stop expanding settlements in Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley. Both sites are illegally occupied Palestine considered Israel's sovereignty. ANP: Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said that "Hillary Clinton's statement, issued in New York on behalf of the Quartet, comprising the United States, European Union, Russia and the United Nations contains the necessary elements for establish a peace agreement. " PLO Like ANP, holder Abbas and the PLO, put aside the preconditions of illegal settlement freeze and Judaizing Jerusalem, agreeing to sit down without preconditions with the occupying power, as required by Netanyahu. Hamas: The premier of Hamas, Ismael Hanieyeh, said "We reject the U.S. proposal to resume negotiations. Its consequences will not be met by our people and the PNA is not for the right to negotiate, because Abbas ended his presidency on January 9, 2009 and then suspended the elections. " For its part, Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, said: "The call for resumption of direct negotiations is a new attempt to deceive the Palestinian people, because it has no value and will lead to the zero point without achieving any result ... ignoring the Palestinian demand to suspend construction in Jewish settlements. Restarting the peace talks would legitimize the settlements and approve its continuation. Photo: Another Israeli soldier is kidnapped by dragging shoot Palestinians with their hands tied and blindfolded.
Both Israel and Palestine on Friday applauded U.S. invitation, at the start of direct talks to the proxy

about to materialize the plan of "direct talks" in the middle of restrictions, walls, illegal settlements
PIP, 20 August 2010 .-
While the U.S. and Israel are about to specify, perhaps on 2 Septem ber
its expansion plan of the "direct talks" with the Palestinian Authority, behind most of the Palestinian people who oppose this plan as beneficial only to Israel, the occupying power is creating an uncertain future for the Palestinian population in the West Bank by building settlements and the Apartheid Wall. Meanwhile, keep Gaza fenced, preventing access to Palestinians with 17% of the territory and territorial waters of the Gaza Strip, with restrictions that only allow fishermen to fish for up to 4.5 kilometers in the Sea, and prevents access to 85 percent of the territorial waters of the Mediterranean, the Palestinians are entitled to under the Oslo Accords. There are limited in their farmland. According to a report presented yesterday by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the World Food Programme (WFP), which claim that "Some 178,000 people are affected by these restrictions, which reaches thousands of families access to a decent life ... The Israeli army fired warning shots usually any Palestinian who violates the restrictions and enter prohibited areas, which has killed at least 22 people and wounded 146 since January 2009. " Photo: Another Israeli soldier abducted to display with Palestinians, where it is seen to be with his gun, smiling and making obscene gestures taking parts of their genitals.
While the U.S. and Israel are about to specify, perhaps on 2 Septem ber

More photos of wild fun with Israeli soldiers kidnapped a Palestinian girl
PIP, August 19, 2010 .- New photos
Israeli soldiers appear on the Internet, as part of an ancient custom of the Israeli occupation soldiers. The main objective of these soldiers that mandatory at age 18 shall serve for 2 years the Israeli army in the occupied territory, is to repress, kill, kidnap and usurp. These are orders from his superiors that in many cases are congratulated and rewarded for their violent attitudes, as is the case of the soldiers who attacked the "Freedom Flotilla ', killing 19 people as well as those soldiers who invaded Gaza and killed Palestinian 1.445 those who daily make life impossible for Palestinian civilians. In the context of this dehumanization many soldiers want to take the memory of the Palestinians who abducted or killed, then they portray and are part of a sinister pride and curriculum. Photo: Four armed Israeli soldiers sporting wildly photographed with a Palestinian girl of no more than 12 years, who was kidnapped and that his eyes blindfolded and their hands tied.

Proud Israeli soldier shown in its savagery Facebook
PIP, August 17, 2010 .- With a heart
wild over
than human, a woman who until last served the Israeli occupation army, Eden Aberyil, rose to their Facebook, their photos where it appears smiling and enjoying the moment showing Palestinians kidnapped with his hands and feet tied and his eyes blindfolded, where their faces reflected a sharp pain and helplessness. The soldier is seen with pleasure the beasts, hung the pictures in an album entitled "The Army, the best part of my life", without adding them when they were taken. Among the comments from his fans Israeli friends on the photos, a phrase that says: "So you are the sexiest." Photo: One of the humiliating photos of Eden Aberyil on Facebook kidnapped Palestinians.
wild over

For the fourth time demolished Palestinian villages of Bedouins
For the fourth time demolished Palestinian villages of Bedouins
PIP, August 17, 2010 .-
forces demolished Tuesday 17 / 8 for the fourth time in less than three weeks the Palestinian village of Bedouin in ocala
l Al Arakib made up of 45 small villages in Beersheba in the Negev desert, where nearly 160 thousand Palestinians living Bedouin living there since long before 1948 when Israel was created, are 27% of the population of the Negev made by Jews who arrived after 1948 in Europe. The now demolished houses had been lifted in recent days in the village that 29 / 7 (see), Israeli forces destroyed their 40 houses, where they live 300 Palestinians including 200 children, as the occupying power does not recognize that ancient right of the Bedouin to live on their land natural. Neither the town of Al Arakib used on maps of Israel. Talab Al Sana, Palestinian legislator in the Israeli Parliament said today that the demolition of houses during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan "crossed all red lines." Resistance: Desperate to see him again demolish their flimsy houses resisted the Bedouins are the forces that were suppressed and many of them were taken prisoners. Photo: Palestinian Bedouin arrested after the demolition of their homes.
forces demolished Tuesday 17 / 8 for the fourth time in less than three weeks the Palestinian village of Bedouin in ocala

Strong rejection of Hamas and Palestinian resistance groups to plan
dilator of 'direct talks'
dilator of 'direct talks'
PIP, August 16, 2007 .-
Faced with the possibility of the holder of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, to access the "direct talks" due to direct pressure and indir Unidaos States
ectatic by Israel. Hamas and the main Palestinian resistance groups with the exception of Fatah, issued a statement yesterday urging the Palestinian owner not to allow resumption of direct talks with the occupying power, as they consider a move as dangerous. They argue the signatories, which include Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and Islamic Jihad to "insist on direct negotiations are a lifeline for Israel just as their isolation is compounded ... The return to direct negotiations will serve the U.S. and the Zionist settlement of the Palestinian people's national rights, "continues the document read by one of the leaders of the PFLP, Maher al-Taher. Hamas: Hamas leader, Khaled Meshal, called the meeting in Damascus of "Outstanding. This meeting brought together eleven groups representing the majority of Palestinians. " Israel: The occupying power has warned it will reject any guarantee of the Quartet (UN, USA, Europe and Russia) to the Palestinians for the start of direct peace negotiations, that the 1967 borders are the basis of any final agreement. ANP: For its part, the Palestinian Authority would announce within days dran approved the start of the plan dilator direct negotiations with Israel, according to Israeli daily Haaretz. Photo: Palestinian woman crosses in front of an Israeli tank that aims his gun.
Faced with the possibility of the holder of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, to access the "direct talks" due to direct pressure and indir Unidaos States
peace Ironically Netanyahu interpretation
PIP, 13 August 2010 .- Grazing
irony, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, mocking the Palestinian people, offers the holder of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abba
s, to reach a peace agreement 'provisional' with reimbursement just under 90% of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967. The generous offer of the occupying power to exclude East Jerusalem, capital of occupied Palestine. Arab : The League of Arab States, recently gave the nod to start the dilator U.S. plan of "direct talks" between Israelis and Palestinians, but said it is Mahmoud Abbas, who must choose the time, well as to clarify that any future round of negotiations must be final. ANP: Abbas conditioned the start of direct negotiations for a freeze of Israeli settlement construction in the occupied territories and a firm timetable for talks aimed at a final status solution to end decades of conflict. In fact today, Friday 13 / 9, Abbas is meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdallah II, for the continuation of the process imposed by Israel and the United States. While Palestinian sources said that details of the start of negotiations will be decided next week. Israel: Netanyahu , anticipated that once again rejected any precondition to negotiations and is not willing to stop the settlements, the Jordan Valley settlement and the return of East Jerusalem. Servile allies This clearly shows the reluctance of Israel to move forward with a serious peace plan. Moreover, the occupying power has a strong favorable current as the most committed to the peace process, Jordan and Egypt are allies of Israel and from his hand the Palestinian Authority is subservient to the United States and Israel. Photo: Netanyahu.
irony, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, mocking the Palestinian people, offers the holder of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abba

Hamas prisoners freed by the onset of Holy Month of Ramadan
PIP, August 12, 2010 .-
To mark the beginning of the month of Ramadan, which is to the Palestinians in Gaza in grave consequences due to Israeli blockade
the Gaza-Egyptian, the government Hamas, pardon to 100 Palestinian prisoners, including members of Fatah, arrested by the security reasons and not for political reasons, said the Hamas interior minister, Fathi Hammad. Another 20 Palestinians arrested for having cooperated in any way with the Israeli occupation, were also freed. Hamas, carried out an operation against the suspects or collaborators with the occupying power with severe punishment, but in this case by the beginning of Ramadan and in a gesture of mercy. Hamas brought order to the Gaza Strip shortly after taking office in 2006 to ban guns and severely punish crime. Photo: Palestinian prisoners at the time of release.
To mark the beginning of the month of Ramadan, which is to the Palestinians in Gaza in grave consequences due to Israeli blockade

Libya An NGO donated 50 million dollars to rebuild houses in Gaza
PIP, August 10, 2010 .-
The NGO International Charity and Development Association, headed by Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi signed
ho and Amman (Jordan) an agreement to donate 50 million dollars to the UN Agency for Refugees (UNRWA, its acronym in English). The money will help rebuild 1,250 homes in the Gaza Strip. UN Peter Ford, Representative of UNRWA, to thank, said: "There are still 12,000 Palestinians in Gaza that they expect their homes to be rebuilt" in relation to destruction by the Israeli military invasion Cast Lead from 2008 and 2009, which killed 1445 Palestinians mostly children and women and destroyed more than 40 thousand homes and civilian buildings and government of Hamas. Responsibility: The Israeli leadership of the previous government, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tpzi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, among others, responsible for crimes against humanity for the invasion and inhumane siege of Gaza. Just as the current Israeli government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman fan and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, are responsible for crimes against humanity by the current ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people, the siege on Gaza and the attack on the ships in solidarity with the 'Freedom Flotilla', which killed 19 people including 9 civilian Turks. Enjoy freedom and impunity. Photo: House in Gaza destroyed by the occupying power.
The NGO International Charity and Development Association, headed by Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi signed
<*> Cerco
energy left Gaza without electricity
PIP, August 7, 2010 .-
Today Saturday is another day that the people of Gaza, suffering from lack of fuel led to a new energy crisis in the central single Fran works in
Gaza ja, so that electricity is rationed again. Situation in recent months repeated often by the financial dispute that the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas imposed on the Hamas government. Both executives are accusing each other of the situation that has left Gaza in recent months between eight and twelve hours a day without light. untenable situation: Due to the economic siege on Gaza military, since 2007, the Gaza Strip is ruled by Hamas electoral victory by the press at all levels regardless of Palestinian suffering. The ANP, as decided by Israel and the United States remains the partner of all major suppliers, importers and donors of the Palestinian territories. Thus, the PA to Israel buys fuel for Gaza and then sell it to Hamas. ANP: The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas denies responsibility and says he always cover the amount of fuel for Gaza. Hamas: Prime Minister of Hamas accused the PA of deliberately energy crisis in the Gaza to cause unrest among the Palestinian population and to create internal conflicts. The truth is that Gaza's only power plant, which covers one third of the consumption of the Strip, stopped working on Saturday, amid a heat wave, for lack of industrial fuel, sources of the power plants of Hamas. Photo: Palestinian boy in Gaza suffering energy fence.
Today Saturday is another day that the people of Gaza, suffering from lack of fuel led to a new energy crisis in the central single Fran works in

Urgent. Israel razed part of the Islamic cemetery in West Jerusalem occupied
PIP, August 6, 2010 .-
The Waqf Al Aqsa Foundation and Heritage, criticized the Agency palestina Ma’an, que buldócer de la ocupación israelí arrasaron el pasado miércoles a 15 tumbas en el Cementerio Musulmán de Mamillah en Jerusalem Occidental, ocupado este sector en 1948. La Fundación Al Aqsa, encargada de la mantención de los cementerios islámicos, condenó la destrucción causada en el Cementerio, la violación a los muertos, a sus familiares y al Islam.
The Waqf Al Aqsa Foundation and Heritage, criticized the Agency palestina Ma’an, que buldócer de la ocupación israelí arrasaron el pasado miércoles a 15 tumbas en el Cementerio Musulmán de Mamillah en Jerusalem Occidental, ocupado este sector en 1948. La Fundación Al Aqsa, encargada de la mantención de los cementerios islámicos, condenó la destrucción causada en el Cementerio, la violación a los muertos, a sus familiares y al Islam.
Un niño palestino de 4 años pateó a soldados de la ocupación.
De poda Israel mató a 4 libaneses. Asesinato en Gaza
De poda Israel mató a 4 libaneses. Asesinato en Gaza
PIP, 5 Agosto 2010.-
Soldados israelíes occupation forcibly entered in fields planted to the east of Hebró
n, belonging to the Palestinian Al Jabari family. After destroying the agricultural field planted, the family attacked, beaten and kidnapped the father carried. What stood out this barbarity suffered by the Al Jabari, was the spontaneous attitude of a child of only 4 years, Khalid Al Jabari, who was brought to the armed Israeli soldiers in defense of his father, shouting: "I want to my dad, " clinging to his clothes, kicking and striking with his little fist leg of the robust and aggressive occupying soldiers. Finally got rid of brave boy to push Palestinian and blow it up several feet, while his father charged the military jeep and took him to an uncertain fate in front of the desperate look of their families and the little boy. invaded Pruning: With strong challenge Israeli soldiers appealed to their safety and mounted on a crane to cut a tree beside the Lebanese border Addaiseh and behind the so-called "technical fence 'wire fence built by gorse Israel. The mission of UN peacekeepers in Lebanon would have asked one of the Israeli government not to do it because they would be repulsed and killed. Warned the Lebanese army fired into the air tried to stop the advance Israeli Lebanese territory immediately, helicopters and tanks attacked Israelis opened fire, killing 1 Lebanese journalist and 3 soldiers. On the Israeli side was killed an Israeli lieutenant. Today Thursday, Israeli cranes returned to fell the trees. Murder: Israeli forces attacked Gaza Sanati As the area east of the town and Khuza'a Abasan Al Kabira, killing Sharif Bdeir Abdulhadi. Photo: Despair Khalid child, clinging to the clothes of her father not to take him hostage.
Soldados israelíes occupation forcibly entered in fields planted to the east of Hebró

Rejection of US-Israel plan. Brazil drew to incorporate Hamas
PIP, August 3, 2010 .-
The recently approved decision of the League of Arab States, on Thursday, 29 / 7 to support the plan of U.S. direct talks with the endorsement of Auto
Palestinian authority and Israel, was rejected by the Hamas government. The Head of the Political Department of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, rejected any negotiations with Israel, saying, "The United States pushed the support of Arab leaders to legitimize direct talks with Tel Aviv ... There is no legitimacy for the Palestinian Authority Palestinian-Israeli negotiations both direct or indirect while Israel keeps Gaza fence, kill our people and create settlements and walls in the West Bank ... The negotiations are at a pressure of Americans and Israelis, "as stated during a graduation ceremony for new members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command in Damascus. Meshal, rejected the backing of the Arab League, saying it "could not give legitimacy to these negotiations are not desired by the Arab street." Opposition : The Palestinian Authority joined the dilator plan sponsored U.S. "proximity talks" with Israel in May despite strong opposition from other factions Palestinians, including Fatah opposition sector. Accept request to join the US-Israel of "direct talks", causing more friction in the Palestinian internal front. PLO announced yesterday in a statement after the meeting of the Executive Committee in Ramallah, that a possible direct dialogue can only yield positive results if you have a 'complete cessation of construction in Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank' to ensure success. Israel: For its part, the occupying power did you know the president Barack Obama, would not accept conditions and is not in their plans to freeze construction of settlements, essentially in Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley. Brazil: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, during a visit to the region mandated to dialogue with Hamas and questioned the ability of the United States to negotiate in the troubled Middle East. "There is no peace without talking to Hamas" clearly expressed Lula, who maintains excellent relations with the PNA. Chancellor prohibited: Last week Israel, in violation of Geneva law immunities, forbade the Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, enter the Gaza Strip, considering that "this visit favors Hamas and propaganda for terrorists "as the fans versions spokesman for the Israeli occupying power. Photo: Khaled Meshaal during his speech to reject the American-Israeli plan.
The recently approved decision of the League of Arab States, on Thursday, 29 / 7 to support the plan of U.S. direct talks with the endorsement of Auto

The Israeli warplanes attacked a second day in Gaza
PIP, August 1, 2010 .-
The Israeli warplanes on Sunday bombed Gaza for a second d
ed consecutive night as an excuse for launching a short-range missile at its territory without causing damage or casualties, the Israeli army said in a statement. The criminal attack was directed against occupying aviation Palestinian hunger two tunnels located in southern Gaza, near the border with Egypt. This is the second Israeli airstrike on Gaza on the weekend after he killed a member of the Hamas Palestinian resistance and wounded 11 Palestinians, 2 of them seriously (see 31 / 7). The Palestinian rocket, fallen power virtually harmless in the Israeli city of Ashkelon, about six miles north of Gaza, Grad rate was superior in size and scope to the usual Kasam, which rarely cause casualties. Photo: illegal settlers usurped the home of Old Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine, occupied since 1967 (see 30 / 7).
The Israeli warplanes on Sunday bombed Gaza for a second d

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