Saturday, August 1, 2009

Free Welcoming Letters For Church Guests

Post-PIP * To keep the report - August 2009

Olmert on trial for corruption,
but no war criminal
PIP, August 31, 2009 .-
The Israeli prosecution filed charges against Ehud Olmert in the District Court of Jerusalem by illegal scandals: Rishon Tours, Envelopes of Cash and Investment Centre. The offenses were committed while Olmert was mayor of Jerusalem and illegal trade minister. In the case of the Rishon Tours travel agency, prosecutors accused the former Israeli premier had submitted duplicate invoices to various bodies and institutions related to his trips abroad between 1993 and 2003. Moreover, the DPP accuses Olmert have been for a decade large sums of money from American businessman Morris (Moshe) Talansky, in the case called 'Envelopes of cash'. Olmert committed the crimes of fraud, breach of trust, tax evasion, violation of the so-called Gift Act, no income statement in the crimes of conflict of interest, breach of trust and fraud in granting personal favors and benefit from his post at his former partner and friend Uri Messer, in the case known as the Investment Centre. Olmert was forced to resign in 2007 and ended his rule in 2009. War Crimes: Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Livni Tpzi and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, are responsible for the slaughter in Gaza through its operating Cast Lead which began on 27/12 / '08 and 1493 Palestinians killed, destroying Gaza.
-PLO Executive Committee. Moving and dead
PIP, August 29, 2009 .-
In the emergency meeting of the Palestine National Council of the PLO, on Wednesday 27 / 8, I am forming a new PLO Executive Committee, with its 18 members representations of the following way: President Mahmoud Abbas / Saeb Erekat / Head of the Political Department Farouk Kaddoumi / Ahmed Qurei / Khaled Abdul / Rahim Mallouh / Ishaq Ali / Abu Ismail / Hanna Amira / Saleh Rafat / Yasser Abed Rabbo / As'ad Abdul Rahman / Riad / Ghassan Shaka / Mohammed Zuhdi Nashashibi / by Zakaria al-Agha / Hanan Ashrawi and Ahmad Majdalani. Displacement: During yesterday's meeting of the Executive Committee President Mahmoud Abbas decided to move the historic Political Department Farouk Kaddoumi, leaving in its orbit to the Department. More dead A Palestinian family lost 3 of its members to death yesterday in a release of a hunger tunnels that connect the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian Sinai to food supplies, medicines, etc. The tunnel had been damaged in one of the many bombings Israeli occupying power.
Urgent. Killed a young Palestinian fishermen in Gaza
August 27, 2009 .- This morning, a fisherman was killed and another wounded by a brutal attack by the Israeli occupation navy in the sea of \u200b\u200bGaza, while in fishing in his boat. The dead Palestinian Zeyad al-Attar (26), was identified by the head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hassanein. "The missile launched against the small boat was similar to those used by Israeli tanks during the attacks on Gaza," Hassanein told the media.

pressure New Palestinian press
PIP, August 27, 2009 .-
The head of the Palestinian public television, TV Palestine (photo logo official channel) , Muhammad Dahudi, was fired today for not giving enough coverage to the activities of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The decision was made this week by Yasser Abed Rabbo, head of media in the Palestinian Authority and an adviser to President Mahmoud Abbas. Dahudi said he learned of his dismissal by a group of bodyguards and police Abed Rabbo stationed at the entrance to the headquarters of the TV that forced him to retire. The channel's executive rejected the measure "arbitrary and unjustified." A senior Fatah leader said the Arabic daily 'Al-Quds Al-Arabi "published in London that the main reason for the dismissal is the rejection of Dahudi to give more coverage to the activities of Palestinian premier Salam Fayyad, the leading U.S. operator , former member of the World Bank, as the 'Jerusalem Post'.

Israeli attack in Gaza kills 5
PIP, August 25, 2009 .-
Five Palestinians were killed early this morning of Tuesday, six are missing and several injured. Among those killed were killed 3 siblings: Mansour (30), Na'el (26) and Ibrahim Ali Al-Butneiji (24). "The air attack on a tunnel, is a response to mortar fire launched at Israel yesterday from the Gaza Strip, said in a statement the Air Force. Tensions entered its second day in Gaza, where on Monday a 20-year civil Palestinian was killed by a shot and another wounded when they approached the security fence separating Israel and northern Gaza. In response to Qassam rockets were launched towards the Israeli side, without causing damage. In retaliation, the occupying power launched its deadly warplanes on civilians. The Israeli occupation army attacked while his prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in London to meet with his British counterpart Gordon Brown, to legalize their illegal settlements in Europe and try to show their hypocritical stance in favor of the peace accords. In the United Kingdom, Netanyahu, will leave for Germany where he will meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Secret A Saudi newspaper reported Tuesday that the son of President Abbas, the embattled businessman Yasser Abbas, is in secret contacts with Israeli officials to arrange a meeting between Abbas, Netanyahu outside the meeting of the UN General Assembly next month in New York, as is the wish of President Obama. Photo: Consequences of air attack.
Israeli Doublespeak
PIP, August 24, 2009 .-
As the premier Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday expressed its willingness to dialogue with the Palestinians to form the President Obama on your next visit to America, his foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, also yesterday said: "Israel will not sign peace with the Palestinians over the next few years because there is no possibility of bringing Israeli and Palestinian positions in the near future. "
The Swedish government rejected the statement by its ambassador to Tel Aviv
PIP, August 22, 2009 .-
The Swedish ambassador in Tel Aviv, Elizabeth Bursine Bonier repudiated yesterday the publication of the Swedish newspaper 'Aftonbladet' (see info 21/agosto) which claimed that Israeli soldiers kill Palestinians to market their organs. The Swedish Foreign Ministry rejected the above and I believe that its ambassador to Israel, Boni, acted on "behalf of itself and not on behalf of the country Swedish. " Pressure: For its part, Israel, followed by a strong pressure on the Swedish government, the newspaper and the journalist Donald Bostrom. The latter said: "It was not anti-Semitic attack, but the reality show that tries to hide."

"They looted the bodies of our children"
PIP, August 21, 2009 .-
On Monday 17 / 9, the leading Swedish newspaper 'Aftonbladet ', the journalist Donald Bostrom in his article "plunder the bodies of our children," accused the Israel army to kill Palestinians to market their organs. "The Israeli army could have carried out kidnappings and murders of young Palestinians whose remains were returned to families after looting their bodies." As an example set for Ghanna Ahmad Bilal, a 19-year old Palestinian killed by Israeli army in May '92 in Nablus, after attacking with stones at occupation soldiers. According to witnesses questioned by the journalist, he says, "the Palestinian youth was shot in the chest and stomach and evacuated by helicopter to an unknown location. Days later, the remains of his body was returned to his family bands rolled in hospital. " According to the author, "the alleged aberrations committed by the Israeli army could be linked to the case of Brooklyn Rabbi Levy, Izhak Rosenbaum" (see info 27/07/2009), imprisoned by the CIA for organ trafficking. Israel: The Israeli government, on Friday 21 / 9, Sweden demanded the condemnation of the article and the author of "antisemitic." With the fan unethical Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, in his note to the Swedish government, said: "This is not only a continuation of the 'Protocols of Zion." Committee Against Torture: This aberrant and inhuman practices Israel is not new. 17 / 1 / 2002 the 'Committee Against Torture in Israel', appropriately led by Israeli Hanna Friedman, about the torture and mass murder of defenseless Palestinian civilians, he demanded an explanation from the Israeli generals and Finkelstein Mofaz, by Crimes Against Humanity with the approval of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, essentially, on the case of 3 Palestinian children tortured, killed and robbed his organs, and another 7 Palestinian civilians killed in similar circumstances. Photo: Bilal The young family returned to open from the top and cooked surgically with the lack of organs.

Obama wants another Roadmap
PIP, August 19, 2009 .-
Behind the scenes and looking for more expansion that solution to the Palestinian people under occupation, both President Barack Obama President Hosni Mubarak agreed Tuesday 18 / 8, to see progress of peace in the Middle East. Egyptian spokesman said Soliman Awaad to the press in his country. Obama even hopes to be able to establish a new road map for the month of September, after a meeting next week will hold its special envoy George Mitchell and the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu. The two leaders after a long working meeting at the White House, Obama bases his optimism on the temporal order of Netanyahu not to grant new permits for Jewish settlements in the West Bank, despite the accelerated work to build illegal settlements remain today. Moreover, the Egyptian president 81 years, which maintains the closure of its borders with Gaza, for 2 years, said Obama's support for the continuity of his government to 28 years. Settlers: Challenging Obama, fundamentalist Jewish settlers marched in Jerusalem on Tuesday to pressure the U.S. government. Photo: Settlers pressure with posters of Obama's face the Palestinian keffie in the style of the martyr Yasser Arafat.

arrogance and defiance of the Israeli government
PIP, August 18, 2009 .-
Four Israeli ministers, including the interior minister, Eli Yishai and Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon, held on Monday, a tour of the illegal settlements in the West Bank and around Jerusalem. Defying UN resolutions, leading to the Palestinians evicted from their homes and the indelible words of President Obama, with impunity Yishai said that "all settlements are legal." Mientras que el ministro de Asuntos Estratégicos pidió que se reconsidere la reconstrucción del asentamiento de Homesg, por ser un punto estratégico en la lucha contra los reclamos palestinos. El fundamentalista ministro lo considero un “importante territorio y la necesidad de desalojar a los habitantes palestinos”. Desagradable: En tono de puja política y utilizando el sufrimiento de las familias palestinas que están siendo desalojadas para quedarse con sus legitimas tierras, la ex canciller israelí Tpzi Livni, responsable de crímenes de guerra en Gaza, critico la actitud de los ministros, del mismo modo que lo hizo Ehud Barack, otro de los criminales de guerra. Sin embargo, cuando ellos eran gobierno Olmert, never froze settlement construction. Photo: settlers built at a settlement.

Officially closed the 6th Congress of Fatah
PIP, August 16, 2009 .-
After the misunderstandings, accusations and success in the shade fraud, the Fatah movement, far from the Fatah of Yasser Arafat, officially concluded on Sunday 6 th Conference in Bethlehem (Bethlehem), after appointing 80 new members of the Revolutionary Council. Among those elected, include the Jewish city Ury Palestinian Davis (67). Meanwhile, women won 13 seats in the Council, 26 percent of the seats went to members of Fatah in Gaza. Ury Davis was elected the first Jewish candidate who joined Fatah in 1984 through the leader Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), was murdered in 1988 in Tunisia by a terrorist commando led by the current Israeli Minister Ehud Barak. Ury, lives in Ramallah, in 1980 renounced his Israeli citizenship consider it a racist state and maintained strong ties with the leader Yasser Arafat, assassinated by Ariel Sharon in complicity with former President George Bush and Palestinian domestic sectors. Attentive : The Palestinian people lived as attentive and air of concern for their fate because the Palestinian leadership bid under the criminal Zionist Israeli occupation. Photo: Martyr Yasser Arafat Ury Davis, Tunisia 1984.
Hamas ends a small pro-al Qaeda Palestinian group
PIP, August 15, 2009 .-
After 24 hours of clashes that killed 24 people and over 140 wounded, Hamas forces on Saturday ended at noon to pro radical Islamic group Al Qaeda, Ansar Jund Allah (Warriors of God). The Interior Ministry spokesman of Hamas, Al Eyab Ghusein, explained that the dead are "six police officers, 8 civilians and 10 members of the banned, one of them, the military chief Jibril al-Shimali and Sheikh Musa." Among the civilians would be two girls, one eight years. Hamas forces continued encircling the zone of conflict in the Mosque of Ibn Taymeyah in the refugee camp of Al Brazil. The clashes erupted as a result of the sermon of Sheikh Abdul Latif Musa or Abu al-Nur al-Maqdesi, leader of the group, which openly criticized Hamas, saying: "Today we declare this the birth of the Islamic Emirate in Gaza" (?? ?). According to a report arrived from Gaza, the group threatens to kill the prime minister of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh. For its part, Hamas spokesman, Taher al-Nounou, accused the group affiliated with Al-Qaeda for violating the law, to carry out attacks and want to impose an Islamic emirate, adding that the Hamas government "never let the chaos of uncertainty back to the region. "

UN: Israel violates Palestinian rights. Striking
Human Rights Watch report
PIP, August 14, 2009 .-
The UN Special Committee investigation concluded today, after 10 days in the Palestinian territories' Practice Israelis in Palestine. " Stressing that Israel committed "serious violations" of human rights against Palestinian civilians. "During the recent invasion Cast Lead Gaza. Israel committed serious violations of international humanitarian law by putting special targeting of civilians, the deliberate destruction of homes and property, religious sites and cultural centers. " The committee of 3 members, also expressed "concern at the increasing number of violence in the West Bank Jewish settlers against Palestinians in the presence of the Israeli army and police," said report released on Friday 14 / 8 and will be submitted to the UN General Assembly. Striking : Human Rights Watch, denounced on Thursday the killing of 11 Palestinians, including 6 children waving white flags during the invasion of Gaza. Without extending reservation or leave your information on the real tragedy of this criminal Israeli invasion of small, defenseless territory of Gaza, where Israel in 22 days killed 1493 Palestinians, of whom 80 percent were civilians, 45 percent were children and 40 percent women and the elderly.
Urgent, Qurei 'are coordinators Zionist occupation '
PIP, August 13, 2009 .-
As Kaddoumi, former premier Ahmed Qurei on Thursday questioned the electoral process and vote counting of the 6th Congress of Fatah, denouncing that " counterfeits in the Iranian presidential elections in June are much lower than existed in Palestine ... behind the scenes agreements were reached that was ruled out some names and included others by force, "referring to the allocation of seats on the Central Committee. According to the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, Qurei accused involved in elections outside sources for the victory of former senior security as Muhammad Dahlan (driven by Arafat), Jibril Rajoub and Tawfiq Tirawi, whom he accused of being "Zionist occupation coordinators."

New members of the Central Committee of Fatah. Kaddoumi
considered it illegal
PIP, August 13, 2009 .-
The elected members of the Fatah Central Committee, at the Sixth Conference 4 to 11 / 8: * 1: Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) (74) , * 2: Mohamed Ghoneim (72), * 3: Salim Zaanoun, * 4: Mahmoud Aloul (61), * 5: Marwan Barghouti (50), * 6: Jibril Rajoub (56), * 7: Abu Osman (61), * 8: Mohammed Al-Madami, * 9: Nasser Al-Kidwa (58), * 10: Hussein al-Sheikh, * 11: Azzam Al-Ahmed (61), * 12: Mohammed Dahlan (48) , * 13: ABEDS Erakat (62), * 14: Mohammed Ashtiyeh (1957), * 15: Nabil Shaath (70), * 16: Tawfiq Tirawi, * 17: Jamal Muheisen (62), * 18: Sultan Abu Einein ( 58), * 19: Abbas Zaki (66). Illegal : One of the founders of Fatah, along with Yasser Arafat, Farouk Kaddoumi, Head of the PLO Political Department, despite his expulsion in an interview with the agency 'Shihab', published today, Thursday 13 / 8 , rejected the election of President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah ahead and questioned the "methods of secretly arranged the election." Kaddoumi reaffirmed in the interview that he "will continue to be Secretary General of Fatah" and again accused "President Mahmoud Abbas and Mohammed Dahlan (elected to the Central Committee), to plan Israel of poisoning Arafat." Therefore considered "illegal the Conference of Fatah in Bethlehem busy" because "the city is under the bayonets of the Zionist occupation" and "Fatah members had to obtain permits to enter Israel to the Palestinian city." Very hard, Kaddoumi found that some of the members who have led the "National disaster, made his money the Central Committee members instead of being tried for their crimes."
Israel: Peace is an illusion (¿???)
PIP, August 12, 2009 .-
Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai, the Shas party fundamentalist , insisted that Israel will continue its expansion of settlements in the West Bank despite U.S. objections. Is at stake to justify "security and national interests (¿???). For its part, the extremist Israeli Foreign Minister ultrareligioso Shas party, Avigdor Lieberman, met Monday with U.S. legislators, described the peace dialogue as an "illusion." In talks "can only achieve further improvements in the safety and the Palestinian economy," categorically denying any possibility of a Palestinian state. Honors: is to remember that Lieberman, accused of corruption visited a few weeks ago to Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Colombia, where he was received with full honors.

Closing of the 6 th Conference of Fatah.
Palestinian tortured
PIP, August 11, 2009 .-
much longer than the expected and with a long closure of the 6th Conference of Fatah, because of tensions and disagreements, the Congress ends today. Tomorrow will publish the final results of the new members of Central Committee and Revolutionary Committee. Among the rated figure Marwan Barghouti (50), illegally jailed for life in Israel, ABEDS Erekat, Palestinian negotiator Jibril Rajub, former preventive security chief Mohammed Dahlan and former Secretary of Security, U.S. strong man to be thrown by Yasser Arafat . Among those who were not elected is former premier Ahmed Qurei and Tayeb Abdel Rahim, the secretary of the presidency. For his part was expelled historical Farouk Kaddoumi, Secretary General of Fatah and head of the PLO Political Department, for his complaint to the Palestinian leadership (see July 17). Torture: A member of Hamas was arrested in June, died Monday in Juneid prison in Nablus, the Palestinian Authority. Source of the security services said Fadi Hamadneh, 22 committed suicide, however, family members and a statement from Hamas said they died "due to the barbaric torture in prison" and blamed President Mahmoud Abbas. The young Hamadneh is the third Palestinian killed Hamas arrested and tortured this year by the Authority Palestine. The other two Palestinians are T'iema Abu Kamal (45), a master of Fawwar refugee camp, near Hebron, died in early August for the torture in prison in Hebron, and Haitam Amr, nursing Ahli Hospital Hebron in June was tortured to leave his body blue by Mokhabarat (intelligence service) of the AP. Photo: Marwan Barghouti, seized by Israel.

The Conference elected Abbas.
challenging Netanyahu
PIP, August 9, 2009 .-
Yesterday in the expanded 6 th Conference of Fatah, was elected Mahmoud Abbas (74) at the head of Fatah, considered a candidate of consensus and lack of viable alternatives. The deputy Fatah, Marwan Barghouti, one of the most charismatic leaders illegally detained Palestinian serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison. During the early hours of Sunday 9 / 8 overwhelmingly voted to clause "continue the resistance against Israeli occupation ... We believe that the resistance with all means possible, is a legal right of occupied nations to confront their occupiers. " While the conference of Bethlehem, whose closure, originally scheduled for last Wednesday, has been extended by differences among the delegates are scheduled to vote Sunday renovation of the main bodies of Al-Fatah: the Central Committee, 21 members and 120 of the Revolutionary Council. Two of the highlights, the former prime minister and current chief Palestinian negotiator, Ahmed Qureia and former Secretary of Security Mohammed Dahlan (driven by Arafat, 2000), vie for control of policy makers. Without reaching an agreement that would put an end to the long Congress, young people are unhappy, "I blame the leaders of Fatah by the mistakes of the past years," Risiko Temsik, Hebron and head of the youth Fatah in the universities. Other party youth movement requires the written accountable financial management in recent years and give way to those that have been tanning in refugee camps and in jail. Credibility: The Palestinian street is not the erratic changes in policy of Fatah. According to a survey of Palestinian National Newsletter, 56% of respondents did not believe in a positive change in the Conference while the remaining 34% saw an improvement, not daring to predict that it would materialize. Settlements: While the apartheid wall and settlements are the main topics of the Congress, challenging the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, on Sunday during a meeting of ministers, hypocritically warned that "no settlement freeze and will not repeat the mistake ... The evacuation of Gaza did not bring peace or security, and Gaza became an outpost of Hamas-led Iran. "

Israel continues to destroy the Palestinian infrastructure. Conference, detention and abduction
PIP, August 7, 2009 .-
Eight Israeli military jeeps and a bulldozer entered the village of At-Tuwani, south of the city of Hebron, on the morning of 4 / 8, the same day began the 6 th Conference of Fatah, and began to destroy the building of the local electrical infrastructure, as pointed out by the occupying power in a statement. Residents of the village who were left without electricity, said the British envoy Tony Blair, when he visited the village last month, assured the Israeli authorities permit for the project of electrification. However, Blair's office denied saying he had not given any green light for construction. So Israel is destroying the Palestinian infrastructure with impunity. Fatah Conference: Although yesterday was to be completed, it will continue until next Sunday and Friday will be elected new officers in a hostile environment. unaffected: According to Dr. Nabil Shaat, a member of Fatah Central Committee, Farouk Kaddoumi, historical Secretary General of Fatah, from Friday 7 / 8, no longer part of Fatah is due to their complaints. Arrests : Palestinian police arrested 14 Palestinians from Hamas in different areas, as Israeli forces abducted 22 Palestinians in various parts of the West Bank.

Frictions in the 6 th Conference.
Letter from Saudi King
August 6, 2009 .- The conclusions of the Sixth Conference of Fatah, like yesterday, a series of clashes between management and the delegates demanded management information of the movement. Hundreds of delegates protested the lack of administrative and financial balances on the management of Fatah since its last congress in 1989 and the political agenda that led them to be defeated by Hamas in legislative elections in 2006. Many delegates considered the speech of Abbas's tiring for her nearly 3 hours, rejected attempts by leaders explanations movement, the Central Committee and Revolutionary Council, according to which the inaugural address of President Mahmoud Abbas serves as the balance of the last 20 years of Fatah. Discontents: Delegates irritated Fatah repeatedly interrupted the speech of the number two Central Committee and chairman of the conference, Ahmad Ghneim (Abu Maher), who angrily left the platform. This situation led to an altercation between the former deputy Hussam Khodor and President Abbas, as himself, strong booing the General Secretary of the Presidency Tayeb Abdel Rahim, also forced to interrupt his speech. From outside the Conference, which was not involved, Farouk Kaddoumi, said the hard decisions are respected because this conference was held under Israeli occupation. Kaddoumi, Head of Political Department of the PLO and Fatah Secretary General based in Tunis, was anticipated by orders from Abbas, who will be expelled from the movement and closed the Political Department. Kaddoumi is worth remembering that one of the founders of Fatah, Abbas faced since always and its leadership in Ramallah. Commission: Today on the third day of the conference adopted a commission investigating the poisoning of Yasser Arafat, sparked by Farouk Kaddoumi, the 17 / 7 accused President Abbas and former security secretary Muhammad Dahlan, of plotting with the war criminal Sharon and U.S. envoys in the death of Arafat. Saudi : The king of Saudi Arabia, Abdallah bin Adbdelaziz, sharply criticized the divisions between Palestinian factions. The Saudi monarch sent a letter to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, the 6th Congress of Fatah, saying: "Let me be frank with you, brothers (Palestinian), the arrogant and criminal enemy (Israel) has not been able for many years of continuous aggression to hurt the Palestinian cause than that caused by the Palestinians themselves against their cause. "
benefit differences to the Occupying Power
PIP, August 5, 2009 .-
With intentions to renew the Central Committee and Revolutionary Council is carried out by the Sixth Conference of Fatah in Bethlehem occupied under the excessive military presence of the Zionist occupation around the holy city and limit the movement of persons. Mandated President Abbas met on 9/1/2009, strongly confronted Hamas democratically elected in 2006 by the Palestinian people, calling it "dark men", creating more cracks and away any approach to the need for Palestinian unity, satisfying the occupying power who want more inter-Palestinian clashes undermine its foundations. For its part, the Secretary General of Fatah, Farouk Kaddoumi, who was not part of Congress disagree with the direction, from Amman, Jordan, issued a letter addressed to almost 5 veneers Sixth Congress with strong criticism for spending millions of dollars and History of Fatah revolutionary commitment and the PLO, overshadowed by the bad driving and the poisoning of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (see 06/17/2009). He began his letter thus: "These days, you have to honestly review the stages of the revolution and evolution since its inception in 1965, in order to identify the mistakes and achievements, and how management is facing difficulties. No one can deny that the Revolution Palestine has been plunged into a political crisis because of the commission or regulatory tactical errors in the daily practice of individuals or members of the central management ...".

Today started the sixth conference of Fatah
PIP, August 4, 2009 .-
The Fatah political movement created by the martyred leader Yasser Arafat, which debacle began after the death of his forced today opened 4 / 8 at 48 pm. of the Sixth Conference for the first time in occupied Palestinian territory, the first was in Tunisia in 1989. Compared with nearly 2263 members, President Mahmoud Abbas formally opened the conference with a strong criticism of the Hamas movement, which refused to permit the release of 350 Fatah members from Gaza because the Palestinian Authority almost 1200 Palestinians freed Hamas, imprisoned in the West Bank. With a contentious one of its founders who did not attend was the head of the PLO Political Department and Secretary General of Fatah, Farouk Kaddoumi, installed in Tunisia and now in Amman, who accused President Abbas to partner with Israel for poisoning Arafat and did not accept the meeting in Bethlehem considered under Zionist occupation. It is worth mentioning that all permits Fatah members to go to Bethlehem unfortunately were granted by Israel. Renewal: Congress renewed the Central Committee and Revolutionary Council, Fatah's main bodies, and adopt a new policy agenda. While the program includes resistance to the occupation, the wall and settlements, leaving aside the armed resistance against the Zionist occupation. "This is a conference to seek change. 80 percent of our leaders have to be replaced because they failed in everything. You must be a generational shift, "said Ziyad Abu Ayn, a close associate of imprisoned Marwan Barghouti deputy chief in Israel and reference to Fatah. For his part, political analyst Hani Al-Masri, said "This conference is a historic moment. O Al Fatah shown capable of implementing reforms, rejuvenation and changes to the lesson taking their failures or continues to decline and becomes just the party of the Palestinian Authority without having achieved its objectives of national liberation. " Occupying Power: If Israel agreed that this conference takes place in occupied Palestine, is to feel comfortable with the decision and grant the strengthening of President Abbas. For his part, the United States also wants the president to be reelected Abbas' Fatah movement. No doubt these interventions internal measures harm Palestinian liberation and independence.

Sixth Conference of Fatah in Bethlehem, Occupied Palestinian
PIP, August 3, 2009 .-
The 6th Conference of Fatah "Arab Jerusalem" which begins in April / 8, presented the opening of the political agenda: 1): Refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. 2): Protecting the rights of refugees and the rights of our people through the Green Line, to a claim of 'a just solution to the refugee problem "based on the legitimacy international resolutions and adherence to the right of return and compensation. 3): Continued commitment to the principles, in particular the release of Palestinian territories occupied in June 1967 (1949 Armistice Line), to establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. 4): Retrieve the initiative to break the deadlock and the refusal of the reality of neither peace nor war that Israel is imposing, and we adhere to the peace option. 5): Require the resumption of negotiations to be opened in the context of the Arab initiative for peace and the restoration of the property. Reject the postponement of negotiations on Jerusalem, the problem of refugees and of any final status issues. "

New evictions for Judaizing Jerusalem
PIP, August 2, 2009 .-
Today Sunday 2 / 8, at 5 am, the Israeli police surrounded and began eviction from their homes of two Palestinian families in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, in occupied Jerusalem. The settlers, arrogant, determined, and some smiling entered the homes of both families and Ghawi Hanun, and robbed before the helpless eyes of their owners. Sixty Palestinians, 22 of them children, were on the street after the theft, to the persistent silence and double standards the United States. Salaimeh Hashem, a resident of the area watched in dismay how the trucks were filled with household appliances and Ghawi Hanun, and was anticipating what will happen to him if there is no miracle: "I'm waiting for me out of my house "he said nervously. He owns one of the 24 homes that also depends on an eviction order to enlarge the settlements for Judaizing the Holy City. Photo: Palestinian Child Hanun family notes are desperate as your home, belongings and toys. Moving View Video:

Arab regimes do little to Palestine
PIP August 1, 2009 .-
British MP George Galawi criticized Arab countries that "do nothing to return Palestine to the Palestinians." The deputy known for his support of the Palestinians and their enmity with Israel, now called 1 / 8, in the Egyptian daily 'Al Anwar' to Arabs and Muslims to "unite and return to Palestine from the Palestinians" and accused the Arab countries not to "do enough for the cause." With regard to the Palestinian leadership, said, "there must be new, that is true and representative in all the people, both inside and outside." Called to revive the PLO, in the sense indicated by its name for the liberation of Palestine. The deputy was more than once in Gaza where distributed drugs and criticized the Egyptian government for not doing enough to reach the area that Palestinian needs. Galawi was with Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and distributed medicines. Photo: Deputy Galawi (center) in Gaza.
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