Grave outbreak inter-Palestinian violence leaves 6 dead
PIP, May 31, 2009 .-
A serious clash between Palestinian police and Hamas fighters, in Qalqilya, West Bank, leading to deaths 6 Palestinians in the early hours of Sunday while trying to arrest a Hamas member. Three of the dead were police officers loyal to President Abbas, 2 were Hamas fighters and one civilian victim was the owner of the house. In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Abu Obeideh condemned the killing of cliques and staff from the AP and vowed retaliation "hard and brutal." Unfortunate outbreak of violence (see information 29 / 5).
A serious clash between Palestinian police and Hamas fighters, in Qalqilya, West Bank, leading to deaths 6 Palestinians in the early hours of Sunday while trying to arrest a Hamas member. Three of the dead were police officers loyal to President Abbas, 2 were Hamas fighters and one civilian victim was the owner of the house. In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Abu Obeideh condemned the killing of cliques and staff from the AP and vowed retaliation "hard and brutal." Unfortunate outbreak of violence (see information 29 / 5).
NO PIP, May 29, 2009 .-
President Hussein Obama, received yesterday at the White House by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and expressed his confidence that if both sides take into account "not short-term tactical gain, but long-term strategic goal can be achieved for peace" (¿???) . The Obama-Abbas meeting comes just days before U.S. President Travel The Middle East next week after receiving the occupation premier Netanyahu. In fact the Zionist prime minister rejected all peaceful and friendly claims that Obama made concerning Jerusalem, settlements and a Palestinian state. As former President George Bush, Obama's words to the winds and are ineffective for a dignified solution. Murder: killed by the occupying power in the village of Deir al-Asal, Ali Abdullah Abdel Majid Dodeen, top Hamas military leader in Hebron, West Bank. Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, told Europa Press and accused Israel and the Palestinian Authority to coordinate the murder, reserving the right to avenge the Palestinian martyr. Photo: Obama received more tense Abbas.
President Hussein Obama, received yesterday at the White House by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and expressed his confidence that if both sides take into account "not short-term tactical gain, but long-term strategic goal can be achieved for peace" (¿???) . The Obama-Abbas meeting comes just days before U.S. President Travel The Middle East next week after receiving the occupation premier Netanyahu. In fact the Zionist prime minister rejected all peaceful and friendly claims that Obama made concerning Jerusalem, settlements and a Palestinian state. As former President George Bush, Obama's words to the winds and are ineffective for a dignified solution. Murder: killed by the occupying power in the village of Deir al-Asal, Ali Abdullah Abdel Majid Dodeen, top Hamas military leader in Hebron, West Bank. Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, told Europa Press and accused Israel and the Palestinian Authority to coordinate the murder, reserving the right to avenge the Palestinian martyr. Photo: Obama received more tense Abbas.
for the Liberation of Palestine-PLO
1964 - May 1928 to 2009
1964 - May 1928 to 2009
PIP, May 28 2009 .-
On May 28, 1964, was the first constitutive meeting of the PLO and the Palestinian National Council (Parliament) in the 'Hotel Seven Arches' in East Jerusalem, Capital. Shukeyri Ahmad, was elected President. On July 17, 1967, confirmed the Charter of the PLO. The Palestine National Council, approved the new Constitution and elected democratically Commander Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee and Head of the Palestinian Revolutionary Forces. Hamas: reported that Israeli forces killed yesterday 27 / 5, a Palestinian resistance in al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Mohamed Karim Al Maduna, 25, resident of Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza. Another Palestinian died in Gaza tunnel collapse while carrying food from Egypt to Gaza.
On May 28, 1964, was the first constitutive meeting of the PLO and the Palestinian National Council (Parliament) in the 'Hotel Seven Arches' in East Jerusalem, Capital. Shukeyri Ahmad, was elected President. On July 17, 1967, confirmed the Charter of the PLO. The Palestine National Council, approved the new Constitution and elected democratically Commander Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee and Head of the Palestinian Revolutionary Forces. Hamas: reported that Israeli forces killed yesterday 27 / 5, a Palestinian resistance in al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Mohamed Karim Al Maduna, 25, resident of Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza. Another Palestinian died in Gaza tunnel collapse while carrying food from Egypt to Gaza.
PIP, May 26, 2009 .-
A legislative committee of the Israeli government approved the proposal for a law that considers a crime punishable by three years' imprisonment who commemorated the Nakba (Catastrophe), reminiscent of the Palestinians, pain of loss of land and mass exile for Israeli statehood 15/5/1948 on the territory of Palestine. The bill, which will be debated in Parliament, was promoted by the far-right party member Alex Miller Israel Beitenu Chancellor extremist Avigdor Lieberman. Arab parties in Israel's parliament, rejected the proposal and MK Jamal Zahalka (Balad, opposition) defined as "madness Netanayhu-Lieberman." Summit: Meeting in Damascus, Syria, the Organization of Islamic Conference, OIC, which groups together 57 countries which together have about 1,500 million Muslims, criticized yesterday 25 / 5, the Israeli occupation in Palestine, the Golan and part Lebanon. For his part, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, that: "Israel is a major obstacle to peace."
A legislative committee of the Israeli government approved the proposal for a law that considers a crime punishable by three years' imprisonment who commemorated the Nakba (Catastrophe), reminiscent of the Palestinians, pain of loss of land and mass exile for Israeli statehood 15/5/1948 on the territory of Palestine. The bill, which will be debated in Parliament, was promoted by the far-right party member Alex Miller Israel Beitenu Chancellor extremist Avigdor Lieberman. Arab parties in Israel's parliament, rejected the proposal and MK Jamal Zahalka (Balad, opposition) defined as "madness Netanayhu-Lieberman." Summit: Meeting in Damascus, Syria, the Organization of Islamic Conference, OIC, which groups together 57 countries which together have about 1,500 million Muslims, criticized yesterday 25 / 5, the Israeli occupation in Palestine, the Golan and part Lebanon. For his part, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, that: "Israel is a major obstacle to peace."
Four Palestinians killed in Rafah
PIP, May 24, 2009 .-
forces of the Israeli occupying power entered on Friday 22 / 5, in the city of Rafah, killing a Hamas militant. According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the martyrs are Sa'ed Saleh Abdul Majed Jaber Saleem Yaseen. Two other Palestinians were found dead today 24 / 5, inside a tunnel in Rafah, said the Emergency and Ambulance director of the Ministry of Health, Muawiyah Hassanein.
forces of the Israeli occupying power entered on Friday 22 / 5, in the city of Rafah, killing a Hamas militant. According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the martyrs are Sa'ed Saleh Abdul Majed Jaber Saleem Yaseen. Two other Palestinians were found dead today 24 / 5, inside a tunnel in Rafah, said the Emergency and Ambulance director of the Ministry of Health, Muawiyah Hassanein.

Jerusalem, under Israeli occupation and racism
PIP, May 23, 2009 .-
Violating international legal resolutions, the UN call and then Meeting con el presidente Obama, el premier israelí Benjamin Netanyahu, reiteró el jueves 21/5, que: “Jerusalén es la capital de Israel. Lo fue siempre, lo será para siempre y nunca será dividida”, durante la ceremonia para celebrar el 42 aniversario de la ocupación el 5/6/1967 y la ilegal anexión de Jerusalem (1980), capital de Palestina Ocupada. Poco antes, el presidente israelí Shimon Peres, responsable de crímenes de guerra, declaró que “Jerusalem es y seguirá siendo la capital de Israel, y nunca fue la capital de ningún otro Estado” (¿???) ... Palestinos: Unos 300 palestinos manifestaron (Foto) el jueves en la entrada of the Old Holy Jerusalem, being strongly repressed by the occupation forces, leaving dozens injured. The UN believes that the Israeli capital Tel Aviv and Jerusalem considers occupied city.
dangerous and risky situation
PIP, May 21, 2009 .-
Palestinian security services, reported to President Mahmoud Abbas of the internal gravity of the new Palestinian government to 48 hours of the meeting with President Obama and warned of an outbreak of inter-Palestinian violence against the government and its institutions by sectors of Fatah and Hamas opposed the new government. Meanwhile, Hamas, which rejected the new government and consider it illegal, allowed two ministers from Fatah, leave Gaza to go to swear on Monday in Ramallah. U.S. : Reliable sources Palestinian accused Abbas of being advised by the U.S. consul in Jerusalem, to form the new government before the meeting with Obama.
Palestinian security services, reported to President Mahmoud Abbas of the internal gravity of the new Palestinian government to 48 hours of the meeting with President Obama and warned of an outbreak of inter-Palestinian violence against the government and its institutions by sectors of Fatah and Hamas opposed the new government. Meanwhile, Hamas, which rejected the new government and consider it illegal, allowed two ministers from Fatah, leave Gaza to go to swear on Monday in Ramallah. U.S. : Reliable sources Palestinian accused Abbas of being advised by the U.S. consul in Jerusalem, to form the new government before the meeting with Obama.
More union disunity
PIP, May 20, 2009 .-
Faced with failure to achieve concrete the sixth Conference of Fatah and the fiasco of a unity government, hastened to show next week a new Palestinian government to President Obama and Israel, President Mahmoud Abbas, without power and by decree, was sworn the new Palestinian government in Ramallah, without the participation of Fatah Movement, who is Secretary General Abbas, and Hamas rejected the government's illegal nor members of the PFLP and the People's Party (Communist), which did not recognize . The government of 22 ministers, of which 10 of Fatah, and other personal way the DFLP, FPL and independent. Is headed by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Fatah : decided to boycott the new Executive in protest at Fayyad's attitude of not having his parliamentary bloc to prepare the formation of the executive, as the leader of Fatah. Hamas: expressed his rejection of the government and calls it a slap to the national reconciliation process that keep the various factions in Cairo. "The decision by Abbas to form a new government, reinforces the constitutional and legal chaos," said Fauzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza. He added that Hamas, the executive "will remain illegal and illegitimate. Not recognize or deal with it. " Israel: The Israeli occupying power expressed his approval as U.S. with the new government. Photo: oath of ministers.
Faced with failure to achieve concrete the sixth Conference of Fatah and the fiasco of a unity government, hastened to show next week a new Palestinian government to President Obama and Israel, President Mahmoud Abbas, without power and by decree, was sworn the new Palestinian government in Ramallah, without the participation of Fatah Movement, who is Secretary General Abbas, and Hamas rejected the government's illegal nor members of the PFLP and the People's Party (Communist), which did not recognize . The government of 22 ministers, of which 10 of Fatah, and other personal way the DFLP, FPL and independent. Is headed by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Fatah : decided to boycott the new Executive in protest at Fayyad's attitude of not having his parliamentary bloc to prepare the formation of the executive, as the leader of Fatah. Hamas: expressed his rejection of the government and calls it a slap to the national reconciliation process that keep the various factions in Cairo. "The decision by Abbas to form a new government, reinforces the constitutional and legal chaos," said Fauzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza. He added that Hamas, the executive "will remain illegal and illegitimate. Not recognize or deal with it. " Israel: The Israeli occupying power expressed his approval as U.S. with the new government. Photo: oath of ministers.
PIP, May 19, 2009 .- The first visit
right-wing Benjamin Netanyahu to President Barack Obama took shape yesterday at 1030 local time (1430 GMT). Then held a press conference at 13.25 (17.25 GMT). Obama, asked to return to negotiations for a Palestinian state and called it halt settlement building in Palestinian territory. Netanyahu for his part, said he was willing to resume "immediately" talks with the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas, but did not support the creation of a Palestinian state, and only said that "Palestinians have the right to govern themselves" (¿???) . Next week Obama will receive the President of the AP Mauhmoud Abbas and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Bush: From the beginning of his administration George Bush (h), said that before the end of his presidency will be a Palestinian state. Now it's up to Obama. endorse the war "?: According to THE PRESIDENT OF U.S., gave assurances to Israel to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions is not" negotiate forever "with Tehran (¿???) . Settlements: against Obama's call to freeze the settlements. The Council of Jewish Settlements, challenged Obama and asked the Israeli government to increase the settlement, according to spokesman Dan Dayan.
right-wing Benjamin Netanyahu to President Barack Obama took shape yesterday at 1030 local time (1430 GMT). Then held a press conference at 13.25 (17.25 GMT). Obama, asked to return to negotiations for a Palestinian state and called it halt settlement building in Palestinian territory. Netanyahu for his part, said he was willing to resume "immediately" talks with the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas, but did not support the creation of a Palestinian state, and only said that "Palestinians have the right to govern themselves" (¿???) . Next week Obama will receive the President of the AP Mauhmoud Abbas and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Bush: From the beginning of his administration George Bush (h), said that before the end of his presidency will be a Palestinian state. Now it's up to Obama. endorse the war "?: According to THE PRESIDENT OF U.S., gave assurances to Israel to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions is not" negotiate forever "with Tehran (¿???) . Settlements: against Obama's call to freeze the settlements. The Council of Jewish Settlements, challenged Obama and asked the Israeli government to increase the settlement, according to spokesman Dan Dayan.
Without Hamas-Fatah unity. NO Palestinian state
PIP, May 17, 2009 .-
In the fifth round of unity talks between Palestinian factions, mainly Hamas and Fatah, which eat yesterday in Cairo, was abruptly interrupted by strong discussion between Mahmoud Al Zahar on behalf of Hamas and Azza, Al Ahmad, Fatah. This agreement as a unity government should have been completed in March. Everything went to another meeting in July. Palestinian state NO: Premier Bibi Netanyahu, traveled to America, to thank President Hussein Obama, by not participating in the World Conference against Racism and to say no to a Palestinian state and will accept only economic independence (? ?). Lieberman The Chancellor will tell you that Palestinian refugees do not speak or listen.
In the fifth round of unity talks between Palestinian factions, mainly Hamas and Fatah, which eat yesterday in Cairo, was abruptly interrupted by strong discussion between Mahmoud Al Zahar on behalf of Hamas and Azza, Al Ahmad, Fatah. This agreement as a unity government should have been completed in March. Everything went to another meeting in July. Palestinian state NO: Premier Bibi Netanyahu, traveled to America, to thank President Hussein Obama, by not participating in the World Conference against Racism and to say no to a Palestinian state and will accept only economic independence (? ?). Lieberman The Chancellor will tell you that Palestinian refugees do not speak or listen.
a trickle of blood hanging
the world * 1948 -15 May-2009
PIP, May 15, 2009 .- 61 Years of Nakba
(Catástrfe .) Fall of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem. The colonial powers and the League of Nations, War I, promised the powerful Zionist lobby "a Jewish national home 'in Palestine, without Palestinian agreement. Europe fregoteando his conscience over the Holocaust and the U.S. economic pressure from the lobby after the Yalta agreement, promoted the Zionist desires of the partition of Palestine at UN for building on the land of a Jewish State (11/29/1947). Israel declared unilaterally on 15/5/1948, the Palestinian state was choked with intricacies of law, conspiracy, treason, occupation, persecution, ethnic cleansing, exile, walls, settlements and apartheid. Burying a country that in 7500 BC, led the civilization. Ban: Israel Betenu The far-right party, the Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, will introduce an amendment bill to ban any commemoration of the Nakba, the Palestinians: "We want to amend the 1949 law for the birth of Israel is not commemorated by any citizen as a day of mourning "..." offer three years' imprisonment for anyone in mourning to commemorate the day Israel was born, "said Such Nahum, spokesman for the party. Creation: Zionist Terrorism created Israel with destruction of 418 Palestinian villages and towns, thousands of civilians killed and 750 000 refugees. Photos: expelled Palestinian refugees, Jerusalem, Palestine in May 1948.
(Catástrfe .) Fall of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem. The colonial powers and the League of Nations, War I, promised the powerful Zionist lobby "a Jewish national home 'in Palestine, without Palestinian agreement. Europe fregoteando his conscience over the Holocaust and the U.S. economic pressure from the lobby after the Yalta agreement, promoted the Zionist desires of the partition of Palestine at UN for building on the land of a Jewish State (11/29/1947). Israel declared unilaterally on 15/5/1948, the Palestinian state was choked with intricacies of law, conspiracy, treason, occupation, persecution, ethnic cleansing, exile, walls, settlements and apartheid. Burying a country that in 7500 BC, led the civilization. Ban: Israel Betenu The far-right party, the Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, will introduce an amendment bill to ban any commemoration of the Nakba, the Palestinians: "We want to amend the 1949 law for the birth of Israel is not commemorated by any citizen as a day of mourning "..." offer three years' imprisonment for anyone in mourning to commemorate the day Israel was born, "said Such Nahum, spokesman for the party. Creation: Zionist Terrorism created Israel with destruction of 418 Palestinian villages and towns, thousands of civilians killed and 750 000 refugees. Photos: expelled Palestinian refugees, Jerusalem, Palestine in May 1948.
PIP, May 14, 2009 .- The picture shows the Pope Mobile in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ayda, Bethlehem Occupied Palestine and behind him the racist Apartheid Wall built illegally occupying power in the holy place of Jerusalem and Bethlehem Christian world. Beyond the objections made by the Pope about it can we speak of peace? ... When the Palestinian people is stifled, massacred and occupied, between the Apartheid Wall and illegal settlements, compared to international silence. Nazareth: is a sacred city by the announcement of the birth of Jesus to the Virgin Mary. It is entirely inhabited by Palestinians and was occupied with the creation of Israel in May 1948. Benedict XVI, gave its biggest mass with thousands of Palestinian Christians and believers. Juan Pablo II: In 2000 the late Pope, was also in the same places and made similar requests to the present Pope with regard to Palestinian sovereignty. Spent 9 years, is still asking in vain and in 2000 there was no racist Walls today.
Pope at Bethlehem birthplace of Jesus Palestinian
PIP, May 13, 2009 .-
The city that puts the birth of the Palestinian Jesus Christ, today is surrounded by a wall cement Apartheid nine meters High built by the Israeli occupying power, dividing the Holy Land of Bethlehem in 3 parts. On arrival was greeted by President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, Benedict XVI called for "greater movement for the Palestinians" and called the "sovereign right of the Palestinian people." In the afternoon visit the Palestinian refugee camp in Bethlehem Ayda, but the Vatican denied that the Pope's address is given at the foot of the Apartheid Wall under pressure from the occupying Israel. Gaza NO: In his view, though, the Pope asked and prayed for the people of Gaza, decided not to visit the Gaza chipped and blocked by Israel. It is difficult to understand when we speak of peace and saying "I am in solidarity with the people who have lost so many things," and not to go there in need of such Palestinian and Israeli pressure. Nazi (¿?): With total disregard for Israeli parliament speaker, Reuven Rivlin, berated the Pope and said it was part of the perpetrators of the Holocaust against the Jews. Humiliations: The occupying power that persuaded the Pope, is in Israel on the same day the Palestinian Nakba 61 years recalls that Palestine lost their land, never tired of criticizing and humiliating the Pope, to even apply for his arrest and prosecution. What is amazing is the silence of Christians the world and the international community as much offense from those who have no moral ethics to be an occupying power.
The city that puts the birth of the Palestinian Jesus Christ, today is surrounded by a wall cement Apartheid nine meters High built by the Israeli occupying power, dividing the Holy Land of Bethlehem in 3 parts. On arrival was greeted by President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, Benedict XVI called for "greater movement for the Palestinians" and called the "sovereign right of the Palestinian people." In the afternoon visit the Palestinian refugee camp in Bethlehem Ayda, but the Vatican denied that the Pope's address is given at the foot of the Apartheid Wall under pressure from the occupying Israel. Gaza NO: In his view, though, the Pope asked and prayed for the people of Gaza, decided not to visit the Gaza chipped and blocked by Israel. It is difficult to understand when we speak of peace and saying "I am in solidarity with the people who have lost so many things," and not to go there in need of such Palestinian and Israeli pressure. Nazi (¿?): With total disregard for Israeli parliament speaker, Reuven Rivlin, berated the Pope and said it was part of the perpetrators of the Holocaust against the Jews. Humiliations: The occupying power that persuaded the Pope, is in Israel on the same day the Palestinian Nakba 61 years recalls that Palestine lost their land, never tired of criticizing and humiliating the Pope, to even apply for his arrest and prosecution. What is amazing is the silence of Christians the world and the international community as much offense from those who have no moral ethics to be an occupying power.
in Occupied Jerusalem
PIP, May 12, 2009 .-
In this unwelcome visit Pope Benedict XVI, in Occupied Jerusalem, was violated international law because it was accompanied by Israeli officials. UN resolution 478, 20/8/1980, asked not to recognize Israeli capital Jerusalem and not visit the same officially. Almost blessing Israel in these times where the Palestinians keep the pain of 61 years of the loss of their land the next 15 / 5. Yesterday the pope visited Jerusalem's Holocaust Museum, near the devastated village Deir Yassin, which in 1948 began the Palestinian Holocaust, denied by the international community. Between visits, she prayed at the Wailing Wall and the Sacred Mosques Premises. During the interfaith dialogue, the Muslim Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, chief of justice in the religious courts in Palestine, took the floor and called for Christians and Muslims: "We fought together and suffer together the injustice of Israeli occupation and its oppressive practices, and expect freedom and independence ... His Holiness Pope urged him to condemn these crimes in the name of God and to pressure the Israeli government to stop its aggression against the Palestinian people. " Judicial Pressures : addition to the strong Israeli pressure experienced by the Vatican and the Pope, the Zionist Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben Gvir, deputy counsel extremist Michael Ben Ari (National Union), accused the Catholic Church in particular Benedict XVI, "Concealment of property stolen from Jews," and appeared before the Israeli court order not to let out the Pope to judge (¿???). The claim was rejected by the immunity of the Pope. Photo: The Pope at the Holocaust Museum Occupied Jerusalem with Shimon Peres and Israeli leaders, accused of crimes against the Palestinians.
In this unwelcome visit Pope Benedict XVI, in Occupied Jerusalem, was violated international law because it was accompanied by Israeli officials. UN resolution 478, 20/8/1980, asked not to recognize Israeli capital Jerusalem and not visit the same officially. Almost blessing Israel in these times where the Palestinians keep the pain of 61 years of the loss of their land the next 15 / 5. Yesterday the pope visited Jerusalem's Holocaust Museum, near the devastated village Deir Yassin, which in 1948 began the Palestinian Holocaust, denied by the international community. Between visits, she prayed at the Wailing Wall and the Sacred Mosques Premises. During the interfaith dialogue, the Muslim Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, chief of justice in the religious courts in Palestine, took the floor and called for Christians and Muslims: "We fought together and suffer together the injustice of Israeli occupation and its oppressive practices, and expect freedom and independence ... His Holiness Pope urged him to condemn these crimes in the name of God and to pressure the Israeli government to stop its aggression against the Palestinian people. " Judicial Pressures : addition to the strong Israeli pressure experienced by the Vatican and the Pope, the Zionist Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben Gvir, deputy counsel extremist Michael Ben Ari (National Union), accused the Catholic Church in particular Benedict XVI, "Concealment of property stolen from Jews," and appeared before the Israeli court order not to let out the Pope to judge (¿???). The claim was rejected by the immunity of the Pope. Photo: The Pope at the Holocaust Museum Occupied Jerusalem with Shimon Peres and Israeli leaders, accused of crimes against the Palestinians.
Pope Benedict XVI came to the Holy Land Occupied
PIP, May 11, 2009 .-
After 3 days in Jordan, arrived in Tel Aviv, Benedict XVI, has expected to stay until the 15 / 5, the day that celebrates the occupying Power have built their state on the Palestinian Holy Land. Although his trip is untimely, his words are even more difficult. From Jordan, although I advocate that "both peoples can live in peace in a homeland of their own," hinted on the bombing of Gaza, and unfortunately called "Palestinian terrorism" to resistance. However, today was received in Tel Aviv, the Israeli leadership, responsible for state terrorism and crimes against the Palestinian people. Discrimination: The occupying power forced the PLO to close an office assembled press at the Ambassador Hotel in Occupied Jerusalem to cover the papal visit.
After 3 days in Jordan, arrived in Tel Aviv, Benedict XVI, has expected to stay until the 15 / 5, the day that celebrates the occupying Power have built their state on the Palestinian Holy Land. Although his trip is untimely, his words are even more difficult. From Jordan, although I advocate that "both peoples can live in peace in a homeland of their own," hinted on the bombing of Gaza, and unfortunately called "Palestinian terrorism" to resistance. However, today was received in Tel Aviv, the Israeli leadership, responsible for state terrorism and crimes against the Palestinian people. Discrimination: The occupying power forced the PLO to close an office assembled press at the Ambassador Hotel in Occupied Jerusalem to cover the papal visit.
PIP, May 9, 2009 .-
Hunger, destruction, pain, siege and Israeli attacks, is Gaza now living. After five months of Israeli criminal invasion and two months (2 / 3 / '09) of the donors' conference in Egypt, the 3,900 million euros announced for the reconstruction, only minutiae have reached Gaza. Europe 400 million, 776 million U.S. and the 787 of millions of Saudis, it becomes a political money to pressure the Palestinians support the peace process, the recognition of Israel and an end Fatah-Hamas bid led by Mahmoud Abbas. Meanwhile, debris from 4,000 houses, hundreds of factories and schools destroyed and thousands of Palestinians in refugee tents. Without food, metals, cement and prevented their entry by Israel and Egypt, the Hamas Executive appealed past solutions, building houses with adobe (Photo). Pope Benedict XVI came to Jordan and get to the Occupied Holy Land, where Palestinians remember the disaster of losing their country 61 years ago and the Zionists celebrate the creation of their state.
Hunger, destruction, pain, siege and Israeli attacks, is Gaza now living. After five months of Israeli criminal invasion and two months (2 / 3 / '09) of the donors' conference in Egypt, the 3,900 million euros announced for the reconstruction, only minutiae have reached Gaza. Europe 400 million, 776 million U.S. and the 787 of millions of Saudis, it becomes a political money to pressure the Palestinians support the peace process, the recognition of Israel and an end Fatah-Hamas bid led by Mahmoud Abbas. Meanwhile, debris from 4,000 houses, hundreds of factories and schools destroyed and thousands of Palestinians in refugee tents. Without food, metals, cement and prevented their entry by Israel and Egypt, the Hamas Executive appealed past solutions, building houses with adobe (Photo). Pope Benedict XVI came to Jordan and get to the Occupied Holy Land, where Palestinians remember the disaster of losing their country 61 years ago and the Zionists celebrate the creation of their state.
crisis within Fatah Liberation Movement
PIP, May 9, 2009
and betrayed In the meeting, Fatah fails to consolidate its Sixth Conference of Fatah Ramallah, "Arab Jerusalem", by the strong opposition of most members of the provinces Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, as opposed to the determinations of the Preparatory Committee, etre others, to reduce to 650 members.
and betrayed In the meeting, Fatah fails to consolidate its Sixth Conference of Fatah Ramallah, "Arab Jerusalem", by the strong opposition of most members of the provinces Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, as opposed to the determinations of the Preparatory Committee, etre others, to reduce to 650 members.
PIP, May 8, 2009 .-
A detailed 184-page report investigating the attack by Israel on UN buildings, where they killed dozens of children and women in Gaza, was incredibly small at only 27 pages for security and political sensitivity. Hypocrisy: Undoubtedly, on fears about the Israeli reaction, after President Peres, responsible for crimes against the Palestinian civilian population, rejected the initial report and said that "Israel will not allow themselves to be pressured." The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, unethical, denied having released a version of "softened" the document issued by an Investigating Committee of the global forum and added: "We currently do not consider it necessary to request another investigation." The Investigating Committee was composed of Ian Martin, Larry Johnson, Sinha Basnayake and Lt. Col. Patrick Eichenberger, to gather information on the nine most serious attacks on officials and UN facilities in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, launched by Israel on 27 December to 19 January '08 '09. Murder: Zionist occupation forces killed in the illegal checkpoint in the Holy tax Ibrahim Mosque in Hebron, the Palestinian civil Bassam Al Din Mohammed Hammam with mental disability. Photo: Peres, Netanyahu, Barak, Fetejando occupation with French champagne.
A detailed 184-page report investigating the attack by Israel on UN buildings, where they killed dozens of children and women in Gaza, was incredibly small at only 27 pages for security and political sensitivity. Hypocrisy: Undoubtedly, on fears about the Israeli reaction, after President Peres, responsible for crimes against the Palestinian civilian population, rejected the initial report and said that "Israel will not allow themselves to be pressured." The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, unethical, denied having released a version of "softened" the document issued by an Investigating Committee of the global forum and added: "We currently do not consider it necessary to request another investigation." The Investigating Committee was composed of Ian Martin, Larry Johnson, Sinha Basnayake and Lt. Col. Patrick Eichenberger, to gather information on the nine most serious attacks on officials and UN facilities in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, launched by Israel on 27 December to 19 January '08 '09. Murder: Zionist occupation forces killed in the illegal checkpoint in the Holy tax Ibrahim Mosque in Hebron, the Palestinian civil Bassam Al Din Mohammed Hammam with mental disability. Photo: Peres, Netanyahu, Barak, Fetejando occupation with French champagne.
Torture Camp "Facility 1391".
Torture Camp "Facility 1391".
Attack on Gaza
PIP, May 7, 2009 .-
The Committee against Torture United Nations in Geneva, denounced the existence in Israel of a detention center known as "Facility 1391", used by Israeli intelligence for interrogation and torture. "The committee has received complaints of torture, ill treatment and severe conditions of detention deficient in these facilities," said committee chairman, Fernando Mariño Fernández. He noted that the "Facility 1391 is located in an unspecified location in Israel, inaccessible to the International Committee of the Red Cross." He said that between 2001 and 2005 were recorded at least 600 complaints torture and none has been investigated. The expert group also denounced the practice of targeted assassinations in Gaza and the West Bank. In Wednesday's meeting of the Committee against Torture in Israel's representative at the UN, who will answer these allegations. Attack: Security Hamas spokesmen said that Israeli F-16 fighter jets flew over the area of \u200b\u200bRafah, Gaza, and carried out two attacks. The head of the emergency department of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Moawiya Hasanin, told the media that the attacks left four wounded high severity.
The Committee against Torture United Nations in Geneva, denounced the existence in Israel of a detention center known as "Facility 1391", used by Israeli intelligence for interrogation and torture. "The committee has received complaints of torture, ill treatment and severe conditions of detention deficient in these facilities," said committee chairman, Fernando Mariño Fernández. He noted that the "Facility 1391 is located in an unspecified location in Israel, inaccessible to the International Committee of the Red Cross." He said that between 2001 and 2005 were recorded at least 600 complaints torture and none has been investigated. The expert group also denounced the practice of targeted assassinations in Gaza and the West Bank. In Wednesday's meeting of the Committee against Torture in Israel's representative at the UN, who will answer these allegations. Attack: Security Hamas spokesmen said that Israeli F-16 fighter jets flew over the area of \u200b\u200bRafah, Gaza, and carried out two attacks. The head of the emergency department of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Moawiya Hasanin, told the media that the attacks left four wounded high severity.
PIP, May 4, 2009 .- Norwegian
Lawyers Loai Deeb, Bent Endresen, Pål Hadler, Geir HOINA, Harald Stabell and Kjell M. Brygfjeld, on behalf of Palestinian families, announced on Wednesday a lawsuit in Norway, against Israeli officials, including former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Livni Tpzi former foreign minister and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak, for "war crimes" and "gross violations of human rights" during the war "Molten Lead" against the civilian population of Gaza, from 27/12/2008 to 18/1/2009, which kill nearly 1500 Palestinians of them 485 children and 365 women and destroying hundreds of homes and buildings Hamas official. According to a source close to the complainants in the case of 3 persons of Palestinian origin installed in Norway and 20 Palestinian families that lost relatives and property in the Zionist invasion.
Lawyers Loai Deeb, Bent Endresen, Pål Hadler, Geir HOINA, Harald Stabell and Kjell M. Brygfjeld, on behalf of Palestinian families, announced on Wednesday a lawsuit in Norway, against Israeli officials, including former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Livni Tpzi former foreign minister and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak, for "war crimes" and "gross violations of human rights" during the war "Molten Lead" against the civilian population of Gaza, from 27/12/2008 to 18/1/2009, which kill nearly 1500 Palestinians of them 485 children and 365 women and destroying hundreds of homes and buildings Hamas official. According to a source close to the complainants in the case of 3 persons of Palestinian origin installed in Norway and 20 Palestinian families that lost relatives and property in the Zionist invasion.
Demolitions in Jerusalem. Gaza bombing
PIP, May 3, 2009 .- Two Palestinian civilians
Hamdan Al Fayez Abu Jarad Astal and Jihad, were killed and at least six wounded, victims of Israeli shelling in southern Gaza, near the border town of Rafah. According to sources of the Occupying Power, the targets of these attacks were against three underground tunnels Palestinians use it to survive the Israeli blockade - Egyptian. Another version of the Zionists, is responding to two missiles fired at Israel, which caused no damage or deaths. Judaizing Jerusalem: At least 60,000 of the 225,000 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem the Palestinian capital, at risk of being demolished by the Israeli occupying authorities, according to a report of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The document warns that approximately 1,500 Palestinian homes have demolition orders in Jerusalem. Putting implement this measure would leave 19,000 people homeless, half of them minors. Only 13% of East Jerusalem annexed by Israel is considered by the Israeli authorities suitable for Palestinian construction, they never get the permits, and a third of that area has been expropriated for the construction of Jewish settlements, home to 195,000 illegal Israeli Jersalem Palestinian territory. According to statistics, only between 2000 and 2008 the Israeli authorities in East Jerusalem have been demolished over 1,670 Palestinian houses and buildings.
PIP, 1 May 2009 .-
Forcing fate of the Palestinians in Gaza to survive, get food, medicine, fuel, spare parts, computers, mobile phones and all types of products home, they take dramatic risks. Two Palestinians were crushed in the collapse of a tunnel while traveling with food, according to the head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hassanein, who confirmed the two deaths. Shehada Abdullah, director of Abu Yousef Hospital in the town of Rafah (on the border with Egypt), said the bodies were taken yesterday at 5:00 local time (2.00 GMT). More than fifty Palestinians were killed in similar situations, many of them caused by the actions of Egypt by introducing water or poisonous gases in the tunnels and other Israeli air strikes.
Forcing fate of the Palestinians in Gaza to survive, get food, medicine, fuel, spare parts, computers, mobile phones and all types of products home, they take dramatic risks. Two Palestinians were crushed in the collapse of a tunnel while traveling with food, according to the head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hassanein, who confirmed the two deaths. Shehada Abdullah, director of Abu Yousef Hospital in the town of Rafah (on the border with Egypt), said the bodies were taken yesterday at 5:00 local time (2.00 GMT). More than fifty Palestinians were killed in similar situations, many of them caused by the actions of Egypt by introducing water or poisonous gases in the tunnels and other Israeli air strikes.
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