Azucena De La Fuente (Vicenta) Dream of a woman awake
'Women killed' by Ramon Irigoyen
... "The splendid short Dream of a woman wakes , directed and performed by Azucena De La Fuente , is a plea against maltreatment. He has been featured in 115 festivals, won 12 international awards and was shortlisted as a candidate for the Oscar in 2003. Universities and institutions have hired their projection. Your viewing is highly recommended for colleges and universities, where both have to fight against gender violence ". The Country (02-09-2005)
" Dream of a woman wakes up " is fantastic. Everything is very good: the splendid scenario, the interpretation of Ms. Azucena De La Fuente , language, images, narration speed. It is very original. Congratulations on such a splendid job. "Dream ..." reaches Everest short film by his many successes. There is a faster way to say: it is a masterpiece. May 19, 2005. Ramón Irigoyen, writer and commentator aString BE and El Pais.
A English short award at Créteil. "Dream of a woman awake" has got a Special Mention in the International Film Festival of Women in Créteil, Paris in May 2005. Journal of the Academy. International Section
Azucena de la Fuente, winner in France. " The film" Dream of a woman wakes ", the actress and director Valladolid Azucena De La Fuente has received the special jury award at the University of Paris XII, at the 27 International Festival of Films de Femmes de Créteil, Paris. Since its debut in the competition in the Mexican city of Guadalajara in 2003, this short film has won eleven awards and has been invited to over a hundred festivals. "1 April 2005. El Norte de Castilla.
"A special mention to 'Dream of a woman awake' in English Azucena De La Fuente. The short, the whole argument against gender violence which tells, in an original and imaginative, a heartbreaking story of abuse at home, won the award for the public, "March 20, 2005. H. Sánchez Belén editor of Film / Multimedia .
Azucena De La Fuente Diva Prize awarded to the dissemination of film culture. "The actress and director of Valladolid, who picked up the sculpture designed by Peter Monk Muinelo Gonzalo hands, president of the Association and the University Cultural Valladolid, has been awarded for his brilliant career "enhanced this year with first prizes for his films ' Dream of a woman wakes ' and 'Evening casting'." December 24, 2003. El Norte de Castilla.
Azucena de la Fuente, José David Redondo honorary award for best career 2003 "Tomorrow, December 23, actress, director and producer Azucena De La Fuente receive the award-Tribute to José David Redondo Best Professional Career 2003. This prize is awarded by the Asociación Cultural Amigos del Cine de Valladolid, as part of the Christmas Gala VII, Music and Movies ... This is the first time that scholars and film critics as part of the jury awarded this prize to a woman "December 22, 2003. Cinema for the Net
' Dream of a woman wakes up' rated * * * in http://www.cinemagazine.com/20 November 2003.
"shortlisted for Oscar's short Azucena De La Fuente " One of the big stories that have been echoed by the International Film Festival of Valladolid is the confirmation of the shortlist for an Oscar for the short film ' Dream of a woman wakes up ' "October 29, 2003. Journal Notices of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
'Shorts Competition VI Ciudad de Astorga "2003. Award for best actress for "Dream of a woman wakes" in a short film directed by her. The event has wanted to reward his impersonation of macho role in the worst sense of the word ... "September 11, 2003. newspaper El Faro .
"' Dream of a woman wakes up' Azucena De La Fuente takes a prize at the IV Festival of Short Films" The Cafetín "of Calahorra." September 1, 2003. Cinema for Red .
"In this fourth edition of the Short Film Festival 'Cafetín' was presented the award for best short film chosen by the public who went to 'Dream of a woman wakes ' of Azucena De La Fuente. " August 20, 2003. The news, weekly newspaper for the Rioja and Ribera Baja of Navarre.
"I write from afar to work with me" "Your short" Dream of a woman wakes 'will be released in commercial cinemas in Los Angeles in September and November will be in San Francisco, Paris and Troia (Portugal ), are all cities where he will present his short film. Everywhere people have reacted very well. I write 'mails' from far away. "August 20, 2003. Angelica Tanarro. El Norte de Castilla .
“Ayer en Guanajato fue una maravilla escuchar los sonoros aplausos que recibió la proyección del corto ´ Sueño de una mujer despierta ”28 de julio de 2003. José Quintanilla, crítico de Monterrey (México)
“El resultado de Azucena De La Fuente en su debut como directora en el campo del cortometraje en formato cine ha sido fenomenal. Su ´ Sueño de una mujer despierta ´ fue elegido como mejor título producido o realizado en Castilla y León. Para Emiliano Allende, director de la XVI Semana de Cine de Medina del Campo, originality stands in the way of dealing with the issue of women abuse and the work is supported by De La Fuente : heads it, is the author of the screenplay and acting. "April 14, 2003. Diario de Valladolid .
"The emotional note put Valladolid director Azucena de la Fuente, who is breaking voice to acknowledge the award from Professor Francisco Javier de la Plaza, which is not prevented her from devoting his success family, 'for battered women and victims of war. " Standing ovation. "April 13, 2003. El Norte de Castilla.
"To discover little by little, for the first time, all the processes of creating a film in 35 mm. I am deeply moved. Because now I live from the gut. It's like attending pregnancy and the birth of a living being " Azucena De La Fuente . January-March 2003. article in the Journal of the Actors Union.
"It's very difficult to star, produce and direct a short" Inside the XVI Festival of Audiovisual Programming Vitoria, yesterday projected the short film 'Evening Casting' of Azucena De La Fuente, who has just working with Mira Sorvino in 'Semana Santa' 28 June 2001. El Periódico de Álava .
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