Another Palestinian boy died. Violent repression
PIP, January 30, 2011 .-
One of two Palestinians wounded by bullets on Friday by Israeli settlers during an altercation at Khirbet Safa, near the city of Hebron, the boy Yousef Mousa Fakhri Ikhlayyel 17 years
du died during the night of Saturday. The boy Palestinian civilian in Hebron had been hospitalized in a coma after being hit by a shot in the head according to medical sources, and died in hospital Al Ahly of Hebron, around midnight. Witnesses said the clashes started on Friday morning, when over 100 armed illegal settlers from the settlement of Kiryat Arba passed near the Palestinian village of Beit Omar, with an open provocation to the Palestinian population. Repression: Thousands of Palestinians attended the funeral. Some threw stones at watch towers and the Israeli army watching them soon threatening and violently repressing the Palestinian mourners tear gas and rubber coated bullets after the funeral, leaving several injured. Photo: Palestinian youths throwing stones at the troops of the Israeli occupying power.
One of two Palestinians wounded by bullets on Friday by Israeli settlers during an altercation at Khirbet Safa, near the city of Hebron, the boy Yousef Mousa Fakhri Ikhlayyel 17 years

Pretest Palestinian allegations of Palestinian Wikileaks
PIP, January 29, 2011 .-
Thousands of Palestinian supporters of Hamas, came on Friday after the weekly prayers the streets in Gaza and the West Bank to reject the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and President Mahmud Abbas after filtration this week by Al Jazeera and The Guardian of the concessions offered to the po
Israeli occupying assistance in peace negotiations and to demand the resignation of Abbaas and protest and the team of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO) carried out peace negotiations, led by Saeb Erekat. The protesters waved flags of Hamas, Ismael Hanyieh Premier challenge you and posters with pictures of the Qatari Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani, to show their support for the work of Al Jazeera, while shouting slogans against the PNA and its president. ANP: Meanwhile Fatah group loyal to Abbas, mobilized hundreds of Palestinians with signs in favor of Abbas. Deepening Palestinian differences and promoting an occupying power that uses these times to expedite the settlement of Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank. Photo: hundreds of thousands of protesters against the Palestinian Hamas in Gaza.
Thousands of Palestinian supporters of Hamas, came on Friday after the weekly prayers the streets in Gaza and the West Bank to reject the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and President Mahmud Abbas after filtration this week by Al Jazeera and The Guardian of the concessions offered to the po

Wikileaks Among Palestinians Israel kills Palestinians. Peru and Paraguay, recognized the Palestinian state
PIP, January 28, 2011 .-
The Palestinian people caught in the scandals of Wikileaks, and crimes of the occupying power. A young Palestinian civilian was killed Thursday by shooting the illegal Jewish settlers Yitzhar illegal settlement, near Nablus, the northern occupied West Bank. The victim was named Udai Qadus Maher, 19, said the hospital
where he entered the victim, while his family reported that he died from a gunshot to the chest of the young. His cousin of the victim, Omar Qadous, witnessed the scene, said he and his cousin had been attacked by four settlers were shot from a hill, while working in a field near their village. Israel: permanent In justification, the Israeli army said wryly, "We used to be charged when a Palestinian dies" rather ironic an official of the settlers said he had "no information on this incident." ANP: Unusual for its part, the Palestinian Authority amid accusations of Palestinian Wikileaks, told the Palestinian Maan Agency that "the youth participating in a demonstration of tens of Palestinians against land confiscation in the area and threw them stones at the settlers before shooting. " Hebron Meanwhile, in other cities of the West Bank, another young man was killed Friday by violent illegal Jewish settlers living in the city. Acknowledgements: This week Peru and Paraguay, recognized a limited level the independent and sovereign Palestinian state, putting like the other countries of UNASUR security of the occupying power. Photo: Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers attacking Palestinians in Nablus.
The Palestinian people caught in the scandals of Wikileaks, and crimes of the occupying power. A young Palestinian civilian was killed Thursday by shooting the illegal Jewish settlers Yitzhar illegal settlement, near Nablus, the northern occupied West Bank. The victim was named Udai Qadus Maher, 19, said the hospital

The Palestinian Wikileaks denounced the plot to suppress Palestinian
PIP, January 27, 2011 .-
In these hundreds of openings of the 1700 documents that took the Qatari channel Al -Jazeera and the British newspaper The Guardian, taken from the Palestinian Wikileaks, Wednesday revealed in leaked documents the support of the 'intelligence British ' Authority
ad Palestinian National Authority (PNA) with a secret plan to crack down on Hamas supporter and Fatah dissident groups. The plan was prepared in 2005 for the services of MI6 (British intelligence), together with officials of the PA in Jerusalem and handed over to Palestinian security chief Jibril Rajoub. Leaked documents also indicate the close cooperation between Israeli forces and the NPA in military and security matters. According to The Guardian, the Palestinian security apparatus, criticized for its repeated violations of human rights has been applied largely in the West Bank, the British plan-RO. Strategy: The UK paper included detailed proposals based on a number of loyal contacts of the PNA in the UK to escape the controls of the traditional Palestinian security chiefs, opening a direct line with Israeli intelligence. The Palestinian security plan for the M16, recommended "detention officers midrange Hamas and other Palestinian resistance groups, with funding from the European Union (EU)." Among the secret documents leaked, there is one that tells a secret meeting held in 2005 between then-Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Palestinian Interior Minister Nasser Yousef, to eliminate Hassan al Madhoun, commander of the Brigades of the Martyrs of Al Aqsa, the armed wing of Fatah, considered by Israel responsible for a suicide attack last year. The Israeli minister asked the Palestinian minister: "We know where you live, why do not you kill him?". To which Rajoub, replied: "The environment does not facilitate, our capabilities are limited." Finally Madhoun Al Israel killed a few weeks later in an attack on his car released from a unmanned warplane. According to Alistair Crooke, former senior British intelligence services who also worked for the EU some time in Israel and the Palestinian territories, the documents reflect a decision of the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair, to tie the security policy of the United Kingdom and the EU to the struggle of the Palestinian Authority against Hamas. Repression: Palestinian Police Authority is headed by Major General Keith Dayton and armed by Israel, for a tight grip on the RO, after the release of the Bank to Gaza in 2007. Governed first by the PA and the second by Hamas. "Since then, hundreds of Hamas militants and other activists have been detained and routinely subjected to all kinds of human rights violations in the territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority." (Wikileaks-EFE). Photo: Palestinian police repress Palestinians.
In these hundreds of openings of the 1700 documents that took the Qatari channel Al -Jazeera and the British newspaper The Guardian, taken from the Palestinian Wikileaks, Wednesday revealed in leaked documents the support of the 'intelligence British ' Authority

Palestinian Wikileaks shows that Palestinian refugees can not vote
PIP, January 26, 2011 .-
Nearly 1.7 million Palestinians were expelled from their land and their homes to result in the creation of Israel on Palestinian land in 1948, displaced during the war provoked by the establishment of Israel in 1948. After the total occupation of
Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine in 1967, some hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled by the occupying power. Currently, refugees and their descendants amount to 6.5 million Palestinians are scattered throughout the world, a great part of them in dire condition. UN Resolution 194 of 11/12/1948, requires Israel to return of refugees to their homes. Israel never adopted the resolution to date and refuses to allow the return. Wikileaks: The documents submitted Tuesday by Al-Jazeera and the British newspaper The Guardian, note that the holder of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and other negotiators were willing to accept the Israeli proposal to allow the return of a symbolic number, according to leaked documents, Abbas told a 2009 meeting with Palestinian negotiators that it was "illogical ask Israel to accept that 5 million or 1 million return. " On behalf of the occupying power, in 2008, the documents reveal that the then prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, Abbas launched an offer under which the Israeli government would allow the return of 1,000 refugees per year for five years. Ie 5000 Palestinian refugees of 6.5 million. ANP: In another of the hundreds of documents contain the contents of a meeting on January 15, 2010, the chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, who tells the American diplomat David Hale that "Israel would accept the return of a symbolic number (5000) of refugees to continue negotiations. " Vote: addition, Erekat, had denied in past negotiations, the right of refugees to vote in elections. "I never said that the Diaspora could vote. That does not happen, "Erekat said in a conversation with Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht in March 2007. These statements have cost the government today to large critical ANP. Remember : The Palestinian Authority for almost 3 years suspended the presidential and legislative elections, after the triumph of Hamas in 2006. Hamas: In a protest Tuesday, Khalil al-Haya, a political leader of the Hamas government, told a crowd of Palestinians concentrated in Gaza that "ceding territories goes against all our principles, standards and justification," adding that "can not speculate on the refugees to negotiate with the Zionists ... is a historic catastrophe for the Palestinian people committed by Fatah and its leader Abbas. " Photo: Condoleezza Rice, Ehud Olmert Mahmoud Abbas in 2007.
Nearly 1.7 million Palestinians were expelled from their land and their homes to result in the creation of Israel on Palestinian land in 1948, displaced during the war provoked by the establishment of Israel in 1948. After the total occupation of

Wikileaks scandalous report on Palestinian refugees.
trial are asked leaders of the ANP
PIP, January 25, 2011 .- According to the Wikileaks
Palestinian, Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, driven by former President George Bush, proposed June 28, 2008, sending Palestinian refugees to Argentina or Chile in a private meeting cel
Ebrad in Berlin with Israel's former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, former premier of the Palestinian Authority, Ahmed Qurei and chief negotiator of the Liberation Organization (PLO), Saeb Erekat, with the support of Mahmoud Abbas and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert , rsponsable of war crimes in Gaza and against the Palestinian people. The revelation is part of the contents of over 16 thousand pages that make up the 1,700 secret documents released by the Palestinian Wikileaks released by the Arab network Al-Jazeera and the British newspaper The Guardian. "Perhaps they could be contributing countries such as Chile, Argentina, etc.," said CR, Rice identified as one of the "Palestine Papers" referred to yesterday. Refugees: The U.S. proposal, Israel, all power and might have influenced the decision to transfer 117 Palestinian refugees in Iraq in Chile and elsewhere were sent to Brazil, between March and April 2008. The information on Palestinian refugees called hours after the same media released documents showing that the Palestinian government by Mahmoud Abbas, Israel secretly offered "huge concessions" on Jerusalem in 2008 and 2009, in addition to silence the invasion of the occupying power in Gaza. Hamas: Meanwhile the Hamas government in Gaza, reacted saying "This is proof that the Palestinian Authority is full of traitors, ready to relinquish the Palestinian people's inalienable rights, silence concerning Jerusalem and the return of refugees, "the former Hamas foreign minister Mahmoud al-Zahar. "They should be ashamed and hide," said Al-Zahar. Impeachment : Meanwhile, Sami Abu Zuhri, another Hamas representative, said that "the holder of the ANP leaders should apologize the Palestinian people and brought to trial before a court, for high treason. "
Palestinian, Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, driven by former President George Bush, proposed June 28, 2008, sending Palestinian refugees to Argentina or Chile in a private meeting cel

Wikileaks Palestinian Authority denounced the Palestinian concessions to Israel
PIP, January 24, 2011 .-
The main Palestinian political organizations reacted with distaste to a series of leaks Wikileaks documents said Palestinian revealed by the Al-Jazeera, on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in 2008 that showed "the involvement of the Palestinian Authority willing to make significant territorial concessions regarding Jerusalem and refugees Palestinians reach a peace agreement. " Hamas: Today Monday, spokesman Sami Abu Zouhri Hamas government in Gaza, in a statement called "These are serious and secret documents show the involvement of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, his attempts to settlement of the Palestinian cause, in particularly in the case of Jerusalem and refugees ... showing their involvement in the fight against Palestinian resistance in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and its cooperation with the Zionist occupier in the siege of Gaza and the war in December 2008 - January 2009, seeing in it the hateful phase of the Authority and its head Mahmoud Abbas. " The network Al-Jazeera began Sunday at night to reveal hundreds of "confidential documents" on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, showing in its view that the Palestinian negotiators were ready in 2008 to make major concessions on East Jerusalem and the fate of refugees. PNA: Palestinian National Authority , refuted the allegations and the chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat considered it "a tissue of lies." Mahmoud Abbas for his part, felt that distorted reports. Grave Report: According to documents released by the Qatari Al-Jazeera in English issuance, the PLO team headed by Saeb Erekat, in 2008 made him unprecedented proposals to Israel on the division of Jerusalem and its holy sites, such as the Jewish state had sovereignty over most of its settlements in the holy city, and that an international body controlled the Temple Mount. Israel: Israeli media said two years ago that was the option that toyed with the ANP in the famous 'Annapolis agreement', promoted by the U.S.. Ehud Olmert's own (former Israeli prime minister and then partner of the holder of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas), confirmed two months ago that "the solution was to put Jerusalem on the negotiating table."
The main Palestinian political organizations reacted with distaste to a series of leaks Wikileaks documents said Palestinian revealed by the Al-Jazeera, on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in 2008 that showed "the involvement of the Palestinian Authority willing to make significant territorial concessions regarding Jerusalem and refugees Palestinians reach a peace agreement. " Hamas: Today Monday, spokesman Sami Abu Zouhri Hamas government in Gaza, in a statement called "These are serious and secret documents show the involvement of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, his attempts to settlement of the Palestinian cause, in particularly in the case of Jerusalem and refugees ... showing their involvement in the fight against Palestinian resistance in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and its cooperation with the Zionist occupier in the siege of Gaza and the war in December 2008 - January 2009, seeing in it the hateful phase of the Authority and its head Mahmoud Abbas. " The network Al-Jazeera began Sunday at night to reveal hundreds of "confidential documents" on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, showing in its view that the Palestinian negotiators were ready in 2008 to make major concessions on East Jerusalem and the fate of refugees. PNA: Palestinian National Authority , refuted the allegations and the chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat considered it "a tissue of lies." Mahmoud Abbas for his part, felt that distorted reports. Grave Report: According to documents released by the Qatari Al-Jazeera in English issuance, the PLO team headed by Saeb Erekat, in 2008 made him unprecedented proposals to Israel on the division of Jerusalem and its holy sites, such as the Jewish state had sovereignty over most of its settlements in the holy city, and that an international body controlled the Temple Mount. Israel: Israeli media said two years ago that was the option that toyed with the ANP in the famous 'Annapolis agreement', promoted by the U.S.. Ehud Olmert's own (former Israeli prime minister and then partner of the holder of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas), confirmed two months ago that "the solution was to put Jerusalem on the negotiating table."
Hypocrisy Lieberman for a provisional Palestinian state. Thirteenth murder of Palestinians
PIP, January 23, 2011
The Israeli daily Haaretz reported Sunday that Israeli Foreign Minister, the fanatic, Avigdor Lieberman, enlists the 'creation of a provisional Palestinian state' without the dismantling of illegal settlements Jews in the West Bank. According io
Diar, the provisional state would rise by 50% of West Bank territory, that is something less than 3000 km2, without Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and parts Bethlehem and Hebron. The hypocrisy of Lieberman plan grant territorial continuity that will allow a Palestinian state with provisional borders feasible. Something impossible to imagine when the Palestinian territory is divided by settlements and also loses its capital Jerusalem, more than 3000 km2 of its small territory . Murder: Israeli artillery killed the thirteenth Palestinian and wounded two others in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, said the Palestinian emergency services. The victim had about 20 years and whose identities are unknown at the time were evacuated to Shifa hospital in Gaza. The attack was in the east of Gaza City. An Israeli military spokesman denied the army's involvement in this incident and tried to portray him as "an internal Palestinian affair." However, witnesses, and even the wounded said the attack on the Zionist occupation army. Wounded: Meanwhile in the West Bank, 2 Palestinian civilians were wounded Sunday by fire from Israeli occupation forces near the wall of apartheid in the town of Athahiriya, south of Hebron. Photo: the young Palestinian killed in Gaza.
The Israeli daily Haaretz reported Sunday that Israeli Foreign Minister, the fanatic, Avigdor Lieberman, enlists the 'creation of a provisional Palestinian state' without the dismantling of illegal settlements Jews in the West Bank. According io

Gaza's population rejected the visit of French Foreign Minister
PIP, January 21, 2011 .-
The terrain where armored car arrived on Friday the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Michele Alliot-Marie, in a provocative view of the Gaza Strip, was greeted by a crowd of angry Palestinians who threw eggs and shoes. The demonstrators were relatives
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who are detained and kidnapped in Israeli prisons said they were angered by comments attributed to the French minister the day before in Israel, where yesterday described the arrest of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit Palestinian in jail is a "war crime", without mention the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli concentration camps. Later, protesters briefly blocked the minister to leave a hospital that had visited and threw shoes at the windshield of his vehicle, blocking her exit until the Hamas security forces, cleared the stage for the Chancellor out safely. Gilad Shalit, was arrested during an invasion of Gaza in 2006 and is still alive as a prisoner of war, Hamas attempted several times to exchange it for thousands of Palestinians kidnapped, something that the occupying power has always sought to avoid the exchange justifications. For his part, government spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri of Hamas said "We reject the statement and call on France to reconsider that stance does not serve the French role in the region." Lock : The blockade is not only against people but against the Hamas government. With little to conform to ethical and Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the French foreign minister added further repudiation of not meeting with any official of the Hamas government. However, Hamas gave a high lesson to keep it safe from the crowd. Foto: Objection for the output of the French Foreign Minister Alliot-Marie, on leaving the hospital.
The terrain where armored car arrived on Friday the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Michele Alliot-Marie, in a provocative view of the Gaza Strip, was greeted by a crowd of angry Palestinians who threw eggs and shoes. The demonstrators were relatives

Another Palestinian youth was killed, is the second in 48 hours and 12 in 20 days
PIP, January 20, 2011 .-
One Palestinian was killed Thursday morning by fire from Israeli soldiers after shooting near the illegal Jewish settlement Mevo Dotan, north of Jenin in the West Bank, Israeli military sources said. The exercise
quote Israeli justified its new crime by accusing the Palestinian who was armed with an assault rifle and attacked the military post, located near the settlement. Then abducted the body without providing until noon today his name and was only made aware that the village Yaabed, located about ten kilometers Jenin without giving further details. Then he knew it was the young Salem Omar As-Samuel, 24. Witnesses said Israeli forces belonging to the Brigade Kefir, fired at the Palestinian who died on the spot due to gunshot wounds. Abductions: The accident occurred on a day in which Israeli troops overnight arrested over 35 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including at 4 Palestinian fishermen detained by the Israeli Navy in the Mediterranean Sea Gaza, as Palestinian security sources reported Hamas. Farce: The occupying power said that "those arrested are activists and 'terrorist' Hamas sought by intelligence agencies have planned or taken part in attacks against the army and Israeli settlers. " Photos: raids to kidnap Israeli Palestinians and terrorize the population.
One Palestinian was killed Thursday morning by fire from Israeli soldiers after shooting near the illegal Jewish settlement Mevo Dotan, north of Jenin in the West Bank, Israeli military sources said. The exercise

A 17-year Palestinian boy killed by an Israeli tank in Gaza
PIP, January 19, 2011 .-
On Tuesday afternoon, a tank of the occupying power Israeli youths fired a missile at Palestinian civilians who sought scrap, near the border territory usurped called "security zone", killing a boy 17, az Za'anin Amjad, a resident of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza and his other companions were wounded, according to Gaza Hospital. Israel: and crime on the attack, the Israeli army to justify the attack, a spokeswoman said, "are studying the details of what happened." Al Zaanin, is the eleventh Palestinian killed since the beginning of the year.
On Tuesday afternoon, a tank of the occupying power Israeli youths fired a missile at Palestinian civilians who sought scrap, near the border territory usurped called "security zone", killing a boy 17, az Za'anin Amjad, a resident of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza and his other companions were wounded, according to Gaza Hospital. Israel: and crime on the attack, the Israeli army to justify the attack, a spokeswoman said, "are studying the details of what happened." Al Zaanin, is the eleventh Palestinian killed since the beginning of the year.
Barack created the right-wing Netanyahu Atzmaut and strengthens
PIP, January 18, 2011 .-
The coordinator of the commands that killed the leader of the PLO and Fatah Abu Jihad April 1988, in Tunisia, then prime minister of Israel from 1999 to 2001 and currently holds the portfolio of Defense Ehud Barak, announced Monday that left the ranks and leadership
Labour's leadership to form a new band 'centrist Zionist and democratic ', which will be called Atzmaut (Independence). His departure from Labour party is to stay in power and strengthen the policy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who happily received the news that will allow the continuation of its policy of colonization of Palestine and Judaizing Jerusalem. Atzamaut, already has its own bank in the Israeli parliament made up of 5 Members going with Barack and strengthened with the seats in right-wing Israel Beitenu Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and the Orthodox parties. Photo: Ehud Barak in 1988, commander of the commands that killed the second of Yasser Arafat, Abu Jihad.
The coordinator of the commands that killed the leader of the PLO and Fatah Abu Jihad April 1988, in Tunisia, then prime minister of Israel from 1999 to 2001 and currently holds the portfolio of Defense Ehud Barak, announced Monday that left the ranks and leadership

Dangerous construction plan of 1400 houses in the settlement of Gilo in East Jerusalem
PIP, January 17, 2011 .- Authorities
the Israeli occupying power felt imminent approval Sunday before 29 January 1400 a plan to build new homes in the illegal settlement of Gilo in southern Jerusalem This, cap ital
occupied Palestine, in its consistent policy of colonization and Judaization of Jerusalem, ignoring criticism from the UN and the international community. Reports of the Zionist army radio station quoted officials of the illegal Israeli municipality confirmed the existence of a housing project currently underway and will receive the nod this week. Municipal Urban Planning Committee would encourage the building. This is a much more dangerous than their predecessors because of the large building that is planned, primarily because it was built on the outside of the limits of Gilo, further expanding settlement occupied Palestinian territory. The extension of Gilo is the first in a series of projects already under way for the expansion of Jerusalem, especially south of the city. Rejection: NGOs and Israeli left-wing political parties spoke out against the project and expressed concern about these new buildings that will benefit the ultra-Orthodox Israeli fanatic settlers. These criminal actions are added to the demolition of Centennial Hotel Shepherd, last week (see 9 / 1). Photo: The illegal settlement of Gilo in Jerusalem built on Palestinian land, become a major Jewish city.
the Israeli occupying power felt imminent approval Sunday before 29 January 1400 a plan to build new homes in the illegal settlement of Gilo in southern Jerusalem This, cap ital

Israel threatened to kill Hamas leaders
PIP, January 16, 2011
The Israeli occupying power threatened to kill Hamas leaders in Gaza if rocket fire continues its territory as in recent weeks, reported yesterday the Palestinian daily Al Manar. According to Channel 10 TV
Israel, citing that "Israel sent a severe threat to the Hamas organization through an Arab country (Egypt)" and that "their leaders will join the list of targets to attack if shooting continues rockets into southern Israeli communities. " In recent weeks, the spiral of violence on the border between Israel and Gaza has increased with an increase in the number of rockets fired by Palestinian resistance in response to air attacks, the murders of mostly Palestinian civilians and resistance to 300 meters usurped by Israel along the Gaza border, considered illegal 'security zone'. Disproportion: force disproportionate response by Israel to Palestinian rocket low power only 3 workers injured Thai Israeli kibbutz in the last 2 weeks, air force and army Israel killed 10 Palestinians, more than thirty wounded and the destruction of several houses of civilians and military objectives of the Hamas government in the 11 days of January. Hamas: On Thursday, Prime Minister of the Hamas government, Ismail Haniyeh, instructed his security forces to strengthen and monitor compliance with ceasefire reached a day earlier by armed Palestinian factions in Gaza to avoid making excuses for criminal attacks of the occupying power and reiterated that if Israeli attacks continue to respond to them. Cerco : Meanwhile, Gaza remains an open-air prison blocked by Israel and Egypt with a severe boycott over 1.5 million Palestinians since 2006, without a consistent international response to the tragedy. Photo: Poster dramatic "Gaza is resisting."
The Israeli occupying power threatened to kill Hamas leaders in Gaza if rocket fire continues its territory as in recent weeks, reported yesterday the Palestinian daily Al Manar. According to Channel 10 TV

Guyana recognize Palestine in the 1967
PIP, January 14, 2011 .-
Guyana, a member of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), recognize Palestine as a state free and sovereign in the "1967 borders", as the Foreign Ministry announced yesterday in a statement. Although, these borders are erased by the occupying power.
Guyana, a member of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), recognize Palestine as a state free and sovereign in the "1967 borders", as the Foreign Ministry announced yesterday in a statement. Although, these borders are erased by the occupying power.
Arafat was poisoned
PIP, January 13, 2011 .-
special adviser martyr leader Yasser Arafat said on Monday that soon will release new information about his death. In an interview with Radio Maan, Bassam Abu Sharif said that research carried out by British forensic experts rev
Elo Arafat was poisoned 'thallium', a deadly features while not stop gnawing red blood cells. New information has also come to light, Abu Sharif, adding that the information is submitted to a committee of investigation. Abu Sharif also said that President Arafat had warned to remain alert to the Israeli assassination attempts. In 2004, militarily encircled by Sharon since 2001 as president in Ramallah, against the indifference of the Arab regimes and the international community, Arafat, and was aggravated by an agreement with France was flown to Paris for treatment and died in Percy Hospital on November 11, 2004. The cause of death was never revealed. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was responsible for the crime in Palestinian hands blistered plot of treason. After 6 years no one was interested in investigating.
special adviser martyr leader Yasser Arafat said on Monday that soon will release new information about his death. In an interview with Radio Maan, Bassam Abu Sharif said that research carried out by British forensic experts rev
A new addition to Israeli killing 10 Palestinians dead in 11 days
PIP, January 11, 2010 .-
An Israeli warplane bombed a motorcycle driven by a Palestinians in the area of \u200b\u200bKhan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Tuesday. The civilian who was driving the vehicle Muhammad An-Najjar, 25, reported Ho spokesman Nasser
Spital in Gaza was killed instantly and the Israeli army justified his crime by describing it as a rebel armed group Jihad. With this new killing the occupying power killing 10 Palestinians what they will last 11 days of 2011, between Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas: Taher Al Nun Hamas government spokesman, urged the various Palestinian resistance groups to suspend their activities against Israel to avoid excuses for a large-scale attack against the area. Hamas charged that these crimes also enhance the resistance to respond. Photo: Palestinian seen the bike in carrying the slain Palestinian.
An Israeli warplane bombed a motorcycle driven by a Palestinians in the area of \u200b\u200bKhan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Tuesday. The civilian who was driving the vehicle Muhammad An-Najjar, 25, reported Ho spokesman Nasser

Israel not to kill. Gaza bombing
PIP, January 11, 2011 .- The ninth Palestinian killed
2011 Palestinian farmer was he Qarmout Shabbir Shakir, 65, who was shot dead by Israeli occupation army east of the town of Beit Hanu
n, in northern Gaza, medical sources and witnesses. Israeli soldiers stationed on the border between Gaza and Israel opened fire on the area and hit him on the farm of Shaban. A Palestinian ambulance took him to hospital in the city, but it was too late when he entered the emergency room, medical sources said the center. Bombing: Air Force bombed the occupying power today two targets in northern and southern Gaza Strip, as well as tunnels that connect with Egypt to break the blockade. Combat Aircraft F-16 attacked the morning to a military training camp the Ezzedine al-Qassam, the Hamas resistance. The second attack was directed against a seat of government security forces of Hamas. Soon after, Israeli warplanes fired smuggling tunnels that connect Gaza with Egypt, killing nearly 10 Palestinians wounded. Photo: Burial of Palestinian martyr killed by the occupation forces.
2011 Palestinian farmer was he Qarmout Shabbir Shakir, 65, who was shot dead by Israeli occupation army east of the town of Beit Hanu

Brutal: Eight Palestinian killed. Hotel demolished in Jerusalem,
to create settlement
PIP, January 9, 2011 .-
With strong incidents in Nablus last week, on Sunday the Israeli occupation army, shot dead 25-year Sammudi Khaldun, illegal checkpoint near Nablus in the northern West Bank. A witness said the soldiers
stripped the boy and I let him bleed to death without allowing the passage to ambulances. The death happened at the same checkpoint which killed several days ago Dharaghma Mahmoud Muhammad (see 2 / 1). Israel: As usual, the occupying power justified the crime by saying that "it was a terrorist from Islamic Jihad and was carrying a homemade bomb." However, the young Palestinian man being shot did not break any bombs and soldiers brutally stripped naked and left him to bleed. ANP: The police and intelligence cooperation between the police of the Palestinian Authority and Israel, led to the recent murders Zionists in the West Bank, according to reiterate his claim, the Hamas government in Gaza. Demolition: Several bulldozers demolished the Hotel Sunday Shepherd (Pastor) in the East Jerusalem, in order to make room for creating a new ace
entamiento with 20 apartments for illegal Israeli settlers. The proposed demolition of the Shepherd Hotel and receive funding from the millionaire homes American Jewish Irving Moskowitz, who long favored Israeli settlers and settlements increase Judaizing Jerusalem. Israel: With impunity Israel spokesman, said, "have the right to build anywhere in the city, including East Jerusalem, annexed in 1967 as our indivisible capital." Jerusalem Western area of \u200b\u200bthe city was occupied in 1948 with the creation of Israel and the old part of East Jerusalem was occupied in 1967. Israel illegally in 1980 the city consider indivisible capital of Israel. The UN refused and asked for the removal of this sector. Photo: Young Palestinian Sammudi stripped and bled to death and demolition of the Hotel.
With strong incidents in Nablus last week, on Sunday the Israeli occupation army, shot dead 25-year Sammudi Khaldun, illegal checkpoint near Nablus in the northern West Bank. A witness said the soldiers

Chile recognized the Palestinian state on '67 borders.
Showdown Israeli sergeant dies
PIP, January 8, 2011 .-
Chile is the Latin American country where Palestinians have their largest community with nearly 350,000 people, mostly in Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and Beit Jala and a major Jewish political lobby with almost 90 thousand people. Finally on Friday, Chile, recon
Leisure Palestine as a "state full, free and sovereign, in the borders prior to June 4, 1967 ", adding his appreciation to those who made Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador, among others. Chile also oreció all security to Israel and Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno, confirmed that President Sebastián Piñera, "will visit Israel and the Palestinian territories on 4 and 5 March next." Showdown: On another day of rage in Israel on Gaza, found a strong response from the Palestinian resistance in confronting the Israeli occupation sergeant of only 20 years old Nadav Rotemberg, was killed and four soldiers wounded by fire friend, after being hit of a mortar shell fired by their colleagues against the Palestinians. Hamas: "We applaud any action of resistance against the occupation. The Palestinian resistance has the right to attack any Zionist soldier into Gaza, "said his spokesman, Abu Obeida, an official in the Hamas government. Photo: Chilean President Sebastián Piñera.
Chile is the Latin American country where Palestinians have their largest community with nearly 350,000 people, mostly in Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and Beit Jala and a major Jewish political lobby with almost 90 thousand people. Finally on Friday, Chile, recon

The seventh of 2011. Brutal murder of a Palestinian in Hebron
PIP, January 7, 2011 .-
Palestinians on hunger strike Wael Al-Bitar, E'beid Majdi, E'wewy Ahmad, Neirukh Muhand, Wisam Al-Qawasmi and Suqieyah Mohammad, detained in prisons Pale Authority
stina being of Hamas in Bethlehem, were released during the night and returned to his city, Hebron. Almost in combination with the PNA, the Israeli forces reached the house of one of those released and arrested at his home Wael Al-Bitar, and immediately the Israeli occupation forces entered the ground floor where he lived another release, Omer Salim Al-Qawasmi, 67 and shot him in his bed while he slept. The two Palestinians living in the Ash-Sheikh neighborhood in Hebron, West Bank. Raja'e Omer, Omer Salim's son was at home when Israeli soldiers stormed in the building, her mother was in the dawn prayer and forced to go to the room's disabled brother, and then entered the bedroom of the father and shot him in cold blood. Medical sources in the Hebron Governmental Hospital, said the body of Al-Qawasmi was greeted with several gunshot wounds on the top and bullet wounds he had torn his face. Then the soldiers of the occupation were removed from the place taking a 5 Palestinians kidnapped, which are those that had been released from prison by the Palestinian Authority. Hamas: The Hamas government spokesman in Gaza, Sami Abu Zuhri accused Israel and the Palestinian Authority for this crime during a press conference in Gaza, adding that "the crime of Hebron is a new escalation of violence in Israel, demanding the release of all Hamas members detained by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, which reach almost 285 Palestinians . Photo: The wife of Al-Qawasmi, bloodied by the bed where her husband was killed.
Palestinians on hunger strike Wael Al-Bitar, E'beid Majdi, E'wewy Ahmad, Neirukh Muhand, Wisam Al-Qawasmi and Suqieyah Mohammad, detained in prisons Pale Authority

Other 2 Palestinians killed in Gaza, and added 6 so far in 2011
PIP, January 6, 2011 .-
tanks of the occupying power of Palestinian civilians gunned down in February on the border between Gaza and Israel, east of the field Jabaliya refugee, said Thursday the Ministry of Health in Gaza, adding up to 6 Palestinians killed in the first 6 days of the year. The ministry spokesman, Adham Abu Salmiya, said the two men were shot inside the area considered misused 'security' for Israel, near the border. Strong condemnation of the Hamas government to murder Israelis.
tanks of the occupying power of Palestinian civilians gunned down in February on the border between Gaza and Israel, east of the field Jabaliya refugee, said Thursday the Ministry of Health in Gaza, adding up to 6 Palestinians killed in the first 6 days of the year. The ministry spokesman, Adham Abu Salmiya, said the two men were shot inside the area considered misused 'security' for Israel, near the border. Strong condemnation of the Hamas government to murder Israelis.
Lieberman: "lack a decade to reach an agreement." Gaza bombing
PIP, January 5, 2011 .-
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman occupying power, yesterday put a new nail to hope Palestinian stating that "it would take at least a decade to reach a political agreement ... I think we have a good economic cooperation and
s ecurity and we need to continue cooperation at these levels. But we must leave for a political solution within a decade, "said the far right. The Chancellor fan added "I think it is impossible to artificially accelerate the political process. We must go step by step. " Expansion: With a pragmatic expansion and its usual lack of sincerity, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, is 'committed' to continue negotiations with Palestinian Authority, without involving the freezing of settlements. Bombing: The Israeli army aviation attacked again at dawn Wednesday with two goals in the Gaza Strip causing no casualties but several wounded, officials said Palestinian security services, the attacks were against a tunnel linking southern Gaza Strip with Egypt near Rafah and against a military training base the Ezzedine al-Qassam, military wing of Hamas. Photo: Lieberman asking forgiveness in the Wailing Wall.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman occupying power, yesterday put a new nail to hope Palestinian stating that "it would take at least a decade to reach a political agreement ... I think we have a good economic cooperation and

The ship and the convoy Salam Asia 1, arrived in Gaza with a thousand tons of aid
PIP, December 4, 2011 .-
again organized by the Turkish NGO IHH, the ship arrived in Egypt in solidarity with Sierra Leone flag and named "Salam (Peace)" carrying medicines, food, medical devices, toys and ten generators for hospitals aluado v
a million dollars. Its cargo Thursday came overland from Egypt to Rafah, Gaza, in a convoy of 4 buses, several trucks and two ambulances called Asia 1, 108 international activists from over 17 countries which include Iran, India, Pakistan, Japan, Turkey Lebanon, Syria, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen,
m ore than 1,000 tons of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians gazawies. Tour: The boat Salam, had left India in November 2010, covering over 7000 kilometers. On December 20 came to Lebanon with the aim of arriving at Gaza on the second anniversary of "Operation Cast Lead (December 27, invasion of Gaza), but the difficult negotiations with the Egyptian government to enter from the Egyptian port Arish to the entrance of Rafah, the caravan took a week, Egyptian authorities prohibiting entry to Gaza militants more of a partnership which had arrived by air. Finally, on Saturday 1 / 1 / 2011, the ship left the port of Latakia (Syria) toward El Arish with a small delegation of 8 members despite threats from the Israeli navy to intercept. Hosting: Thousands of Palestinians together with representatives of the Hamas government, joyously received the hundreds of international solidarity and its precious cargo, criminal breaking the Israeli blockade of Gaza since May 2006. Photo: Members of the ship Salam, to be received in Gaza.
again organized by the Turkish NGO IHH, the ship arrived in Egypt in solidarity with Sierra Leone flag and named "Salam (Peace)" carrying medicines, food, medical devices, toys and ten generators for hospitals aluado v

Third Palestinian killed what will 2011
PIP, January 3, 2011 .-
While the world is indifferent and the Palestinian Authority remains silent Israeli state terrorism on the third Palestinian killed so far in 2011. The illegal checkpoint (checkpoint) Israeli Al Hamra, near Jericho, West Bank, the occupying forces killed a civilian Mahmoud Ahmad Maslamani.
While the world is indifferent and the Palestinian Authority remains silent Israeli state terrorism on the third Palestinian killed so far in 2011. The illegal checkpoint (checkpoint) Israeli Al Hamra, near Jericho, West Bank, the occupying forces killed a civilian Mahmoud Ahmad Maslamani.
Israel unleashed its fury in 2011. Killed one Palestinian and bombed Gaza
PIP, January 2, 2011 .- The second Palestinian martyr
in just 24 hours. The young Dharaghma Muhammad Mahmoud, 21, died Saturday
ngo dominant in the step of Bekaot-Hamra, east of the West Bank city of Nablus, near Tubas, place of residence in the West Bank. According to the Red Crescent's body was riddled by bullets and was shot at close range by three soldiers. Hatim Froukh An eyewitness said: "I was in the eastern part of the step waiting for the bus when I heard the screams. I turned around and saw a young man in jeans and a brown jacket and with his hands up while he was targeted by three soldiers, one of them was a woman and they were a few feet from him and began to shoot. " Bombing: the Israeli army bombed during the early hours of Sunday the northern and central Gaza. In the Nuseirat refugee camp, attacked a Hamas activity center, wounding 4 Palestinians and Hamas military installation in the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza, without any reports of casualties. Photo: Grief relatives of the martyr.
in just 24 hours. The young Dharaghma Muhammad Mahmoud, 21, died Saturday

Painful. 2011 First Palestinian martyr
PIP, 1 January 2011 .-
During a peaceful protest against the Apartheid Wall in the village of Beli'in, near Ramallah, in the West Bank, strongly suppressed by force of the occupying power is
Raelian with tear gas, rubber bullets and steel, on Saturday killed a Palestinian woman Jawaher Ibrahim Abu Rahmeh, 35, after inhaling a type of unidentified gas released by the Israeli forces, Palestinian medical sources said. Jawwaher, is the second of his family being killed by poisonous gases Israelis, in April 2009, her brother died 20 years after suffering the impact of a tear gas bomb in the chest. Beli'in is a small village that the Apartheid Walls, the surroundings without allowing his people to their development. Israel: As always, a military spokesman said Israeli forces hypocrisy react that way after being stoned soldiers. However, the spokesman for the occupation should have clarified that make war forces in Palestinian cities, occupying, oppressing and subjecting the Palestinian people. Photo: occupation forces gassed Palestinians.
During a peaceful protest against the Apartheid Wall in the village of Beli'in, near Ramallah, in the West Bank, strongly suppressed by force of the occupying power is

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