PIP, December 31 2010 .-
2011 in Freedom
Once again, the Palestinian people are claiming their freedom and independence ... Once again ... the dream without limits is under occupation ...
A 2011 with dignity and justice
Post Palestinian Information
Post Palestinian Information
Israel adjust the old wall of Jerusalem stone for Judaizing the city
PIP, December 30, 2010 .-
Concerned Aqsa Heritage Foundation (Heritage Foundation Aqsa) in Jerusalem, issued yesterday, Wednesday, a statement denouncing a project with the intention of Israel to sabotage the
walls of the Old ntiguos Holy Jerusalem, replacing some of the features other original old stone marked with Jewish symbols representing the Temple of Solomon and six-pointed star with the accelerated intentions of Judaizing the Palestinian city of Jerusalem. Aqsa Foundation, noted at the door of Sahira (called by the Jews Herod's Gate) a stone wall had been removed and replaced by another with an engraving of the Temple and several stones inside the door were replaced with stones engraved with stars of David. Another stone from the historic New Gate was removed above the inner arc of the door. The Israeli occupying power have made similar changes to several sections of the city wall, as in the main A'amud Gate (Damascus Gate), one of the most famous gates with serious attempts to change the Palestinian history wall. For its part, Israel, covered up his crime to the Palestinian story claiming the restoration, repair and maintenance of the wall, where it is illegal any Israeli involvement in occupied Jerusalem. Photo: The ancient ramparts of Jerusalem capital of Palestine.
Concerned Aqsa Heritage Foundation (Heritage Foundation Aqsa) in Jerusalem, issued yesterday, Wednesday, a statement denouncing a project with the intention of Israel to sabotage the

Another Palestinian killed by Israeli gunfire
PIP, December 29, 2010 .-
During another air and ground assault on Gaza, one Palestinian was killed and five others were wounded yesterday at dusk to the east of the city of Khan Younis. According to the spokesman of the health services in Gaza, Abu Adham Selmiya, reported that the dead civilian is Qdaih Muhammad Hassan, 22, hit in the face by Israeli fire, including the wounded one of them is serious. There are now 10 Palestinians killed in Gaza since 18/12.
During another air and ground assault on Gaza, one Palestinian was killed and five others were wounded yesterday at dusk to the east of the city of Khan Younis. According to the spokesman of the health services in Gaza, Abu Adham Selmiya, reported that the dead civilian is Qdaih Muhammad Hassan, 22, hit in the face by Israeli fire, including the wounded one of them is serious. There are now 10 Palestinians killed in Gaza since 18/12.
12,000 Palestinian prisoners tortured by the Israeli Bet Shim
PIP, December 28, 2010 .-
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel accused Tuesday 28/12, the Israeli General Security Service "Shin Bet torture
ar and deny lawyers access to 90 percent of the hostages, Palestinian prisoners, in breach of the Geneva Conventions, Human Rights treaties and its own civil and military laws of the State of Israel. The Shin Bet holds prisoners for hours sitting in a chair with hands tied behind his back and legs to the legs, sleep deprived, the threat to them and their family, humiliated, I change the high-temperature high-calo cold and locks for long periods of unhealthy cells. Currently there are around 12,000 prisoners, including 30 MPs and ministers from Hamas and Fatah Marwan Barghoutti, likewise, almost 700 are children and more than 950 women. Most of them have been denied access to counsel or any opinion held, keeping them in ways that 'administrative pressure' renewable every six months.
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel accused Tuesday 28/12, the Israeli General Security Service "Shin Bet torture
second anniversary of the invasion of Gaza Cast Lead
PIP, December 27, 2010 .-
At 24 months of the Israeli invasion of Gaza Cast Lead. With unfortunate allies, betrayal and under the American umbrella, 27
d ecember 2008, launched its operating merciless criminal gazaauĂ against the civilian population, with serious consequences in view. Again, the apology was a farce. Consequences: Lead Cast of the invasion, the Hamas government in Gaza who resisted with fortitude and singly, promptly announced that damage to the Palestinian territory of Gaza, more than 1,900 million dollars. The human losses reached to 1,445 Palestinian martyrs, of whom 465 children, 265 women and 114 elderly, the injured exceed 6500, of which 1850 are children and 108 women. Meanwhile, were completely destroyed and 4150 houses partially damaged more than 20,000. Trial: The occupying power is responsible for the human losses and material for its unilateral war, who should compensate the victims and their direct: Ehud Olmert, Tipzi Livni, Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak, among others must be judged by International Court of Justice, ICJ. Remember : http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=79806 Photo: Children Palestinian martyrs killed by the occupying power during his criminal invasion. All siblings.
At 24 months of the Israeli invasion of Gaza Cast Lead. With unfortunate allies, betrayal and under the American umbrella, 27

extremely stressful Israel to attack Gaza. He killed two other Palestinians.
Ecuador recognizes a Palestinian state
Ecuador recognizes a Palestinian state
PIP, December 26, 2010 .-
Within days of the 2nd anniversary of the invasion Cast Lead to Israel in 22 days killed mostly civilian Palestinians 1445
is, the situation continues to deteriorate, the occupying power on Sunday killed 2 fighters of Jihad, Abu Mus'ab Rock and Mahmoud Issa Yousef An-Najjar east of Khuza'a village near Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip during shootouts with the army Israel said the Al Quds Brigades, resisting penetration of the Israeli army backed by helicopter gunships in part of Palestinian territory. Hours later, after noon today, Israeli tanks made at least ten shots of shell in the direction of Khan Yunis, causing severe damage to 5 homes, causing no casualties. Likewise dropped poison gas bombs on part of the population. Silence: From the day 18/12, 9 Palestinians were killed and 35 wounded in Gaza, following Israeli bombing, against a dreadful silence of the international, UN, Arab countries, including the Palestinian Authority. Hamas: It remains ready to resume hostilities on Saturday warned the Hamas spokesman Abu Obeideh, "the younger Israeli aggression, we will respond firmly, we are prepared to answer any Zionist aggression." According to Yediot Aharonot, Hamas would have Fajr-5 missiles Syrians, with a range of 80 to 90 miles and Russian Kornet missiles. Ecuador: Flu As part of Mercosur, on Friday, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has signed the official recognition of the Government of Ecuador to the Palestinian state as free and independent, with its borders since 1967. Photo: Palestinian gassed at Khan Younis.
Within days of the 2nd anniversary of the invasion Cast Lead to Israel in 22 days killed mostly civilian Palestinians 1445

Christmas with Dignity and Freedom
PIP, December 25, 2010 .-
In Bethlehem, Palestine, was born the Prince of Love and Peace, the Palestinian Jesus, under the Roman-Jewish occupation of Palestine. In this Christmas, the People of Palestine raises his voice and cries Freedom. A 2010 years, the land and the people of Jesus, living under the Israeli-Zionist occupation.
In Bethlehem, Palestine, was born the Prince of Love and Peace, the Palestinian Jesus, under the Roman-Jewish occupation of Palestine. In this Christmas, the People of Palestine raises his voice and cries Freedom. A 2010 years, the land and the people of Jesus, living under the Israeli-Zionist occupation.
Israel again attacked and killed a Palestinian farmer
PIP December 24, 2010 .- The young Palestinian
Salamah Abu Hasheesh, a pastor of 22 years died after being hit by bullets in the back.
Another 4 were injured Thursday evening. The injured included a 14-year-old was hit in the head and is very serious. The medical services spokesman of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Abu Adham Selmiya, had indicated that 4 Palestinians were wounded, two of them seriously. Israel: With unbearable justifications for their crimes, the occupying Power confirmed that soldiers had shot several people trying to enter the security zone along the border between Israel and Gaza. That area of \u200b\u200b300 meters wide along the Gaza border, is the territory after the war usupado Cast Lead and considered by Israel security zone. Hamas: Meanwhile the Hamas government, that the 4 Palestinians wounded in the lower body while searching for gravel for construction are workers and the martyr Abu Hashish, is a farmer, all civilians. According to statistics, between 26 March and 10 December, Israeli soldiers shot killed 19 Palestinian children gathered building materials, in northern Gaza. Photo: Hasish The young Palestinian killed by Israelis.
Salamah Abu Hasheesh, a pastor of 22 years died after being hit by bullets in the back.

Bolivia recognizes Palestinian sovereignty. Dangerous military move to Gaza
December 23, 2010 .- Bolivian President Evo Morales announced on Wednesday that Bolivia recognize Palestine as an independent state. "As
other countries such as Brazil and Argentina, Bolivia folds of this recognition of a Palestinian state, their independence, their sovereignty," Morales said in press conference at Government House. "During this time we have heard and informed of the serious problems facing Palestine from neighboring countries such as Israel could not remain indifferent to the issue," he added. course: more plainly than other surveys, the Bolivian president did not specify under what was recognized borders. Bolivia in January 2009 broke relations with Israel, the invasion Cast Lead to Gaza, which began in late 2008. Dangerous: On 10 December, the Israeli military chief General Gabi Ashkenazi, predicted that next attack Gaza "will be extensive and far more devastating than the one launched in December 2008 to January 2009", known as Cast Lead, because Kornet missiles at the Palestinian resistance to Israel meets its attacks (see 11/12), Army on Wednesday announced the deployment dangerously Israel dozens of tanks, missile systems to the border with the Gaza Strip after several air operations in recent days that killed 5 Palestinians, injured more than 15 and several houses destroyed. Hamas: For its part, Hamas denied the versions of Ashkenazi and attributed to a campaign to try to engage Iran in the event of such supply Kornet rockets and an excuse to attack en masse to Gaza. Photo: Bolivian president.
December 23, 2010 .- Bolivian President Evo Morales announced on Wednesday that Bolivia recognize Palestine as an independent state. "As

Israeli Airstrike on Gaza, leave 8 wounded
Israeli Airstrike on Gaza, leave 8 wounded
PIP, December 21, 2010 .-
Avion is one of war Israeli occupying power, launched at dawn on Tuesday 8 airstrikes against Gaza Strip, wounding two Palestinian fighters
s six civilians. Three of the attacks were launched against the city of Khan Younis, wounding two fighters Ezzedin Al Qassam Brigades of Hamas. He also attacked a tunnel near the Rafah border with Egypt, the Palestinians used to pass food, medicines and basic necessities due to Israel mant.iene criminal siege on Gaza and Egypt, near Rafah. 4 other attacks were launched in the north of the Palestinian territory against the Jabaliya refugee camp and the towns of Beit Lahya, Beit Hanoun and Zeitun leaving 6 Palestinian civilians injured.
Avion is one of war Israeli occupying power, launched at dawn on Tuesday 8 airstrikes against Gaza Strip, wounding two Palestinian fighters

The occupying power killed five Palestinians in Gaza
PIP, December 19, 2010 .- With the rhetorical justifications
always, Saturday night in a bombing 5 Palestinians killed in air in the center
or Gaza Strip, all young residents Nuseirat refugee camp, reportedly, there was a loud explosion near the town of Deir El Balah after midnight. Ambulances arrived and took charge of five bodies that went to a nearby hospital whose names are: Abdallah Al Shuraihi; Muhammad Mu'in Al 'Assar, Khalil Tawfiq Al-Taweel, Ashraf and Bilal Abu Yaser Sabt Zannoun .. Israel: In an embarrassing statement justifying the crime, the Israeli army said that "a plane of the Israeli Air Force had a squadron of white on terrorist operatives who were preparing to fire rockets at Israeli territory from the center of the strip Gaza. " The Israeli news service Ynet reported that "the dead were members of Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees, although none of the militias of the Palestinian resistance yet identified the victims as militant members of motion. Photo: Grieving friends and relatives of Palestinian martyrs.
always, Saturday night in a bombing 5 Palestinians killed in air in the center

United States condemned the Palestinian state surveys. Bolivia will recognize
PIP, December 18, 2010 .-
supporting the colonization of Palestine by the Israeli occupying power, on Thursday 12/16/2010 in the 111th Congress House of Representatives of the United States approved the
Resol ution, 1765, in which "condemns the unilateral action to declare or recognize a Palestinian state and called on not to establish gibier recognition they become unfavorable to peace. " The massive vote in the House, is another in a long series of resolutions to strengthen the unconditional support of the Congress of the Israeli occupation and Palestinian apartheid. Hard laws: The resolution, H.Res.1765 was voted on in a procedure known as "the suspension of the rules." This procedure, which is reserved for non-controversial resolutions, including the appointment of a post office, prohibits the resolution to be modified and the limits of debate. In return for these restrictions, the resolution must get at least a 2 / 3 of the votes to pass instead of a majority simple. Bolivia: During the Mercosur meeting ended on Friday, President Evo Morales announced his desire to recognize Palestine as a free and sovereign. Photo: U.S. Congress.
supporting the colonization of Palestine by the Israeli occupying power, on Thursday 12/16/2010 in the 111th Congress House of Representatives of the United States approved the

PIP, December 16, 2010 .- start
Mercosur negotiations for a free trade agreement with the Palestinian Authority during the forty-bloc summit to be held Thursday and Friday in the Brazilian city of Foz de Iguazu. Mercosur, announced the desire to sign free trade agreements with different countries, among whom are Palestine, Syria and the UAE. The Occupying Power, which has an agreement with Mercosur, reacted against the decision.
Mercosur negotiations for a free trade agreement with the Palestinian Authority during the forty-bloc summit to be held Thursday and Friday in the Brazilian city of Foz de Iguazu. Mercosur, announced the desire to sign free trade agreements with different countries, among whom are Palestine, Syria and the UAE. The Occupying Power, which has an agreement with Mercosur, reacted against the decision.
The Arab League has no solution to the Palestinian situation. Massive act of Hamas
PIP, December 16, 2010 .-
The Arab League yesterday decided to make the resumption of dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians to have "a serious response
po r part of Israel" ensure progress in the peace process, still believes in the false support of the U.S., although it was "the failure American mediation, and at its meeting provided no solution to the tragedy of the Palestinian people. The meeting in Cairo of the "Monitoring Committee for Peace Initiative by the Arab League '," decided to resume negotiations only if a response would be to ensure progress in the process "of peace, according to a statement issued at the end of the meeting. However, Israel continues its policy of Judaizing Jerusalem and settlements in occupied Palestine. Conversations: Despite
failure of the talks, without specifying whether it was direct or indirect talks, Foreign Minister Qatar, Sheikh Hamad al-Thani bin Yasem, head of the committee, said in his speech during the meeting would be "proximity talks." Hamas: Meanwhile, in the besieged Gaza, on Tuesday, tens of thousands of Palestinians celebrated the 23 anniversary of the Hamas Movement, reiterated his government, meanwhile, could hear the background sound of warplanes the Israeli occupying power on the challenging flew more than 200 thousand people. Photos: (1) Heads of the Arab League. (2) massive act of Hamas in Gaza.
The Arab League yesterday decided to make the resumption of dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians to have "a serious response

Other 2 Palestinians killed. U.S. wants to relaunch the fiasco of 'direct talks'
PIP, December 13, 2010 .-
Two Palestinians, Jihad and Osama Ezzat Kamal Al Hur An Nabahin, were killed by Israeli fire near the central part of the fence apartheid on the eastern edge of the field of Refuge
iados Al Bureij in the central Gaza Strip, a spokesman for the emergency department Hamas Interior Ministry, Adnan Abu Selmi. The occupation army considered the two Palestinians were suspected and for that reason the Israeli army spokesman shot, hardening the fire after one of the occupation soldiers was wounded. However. An investigation by the Israeli army revealed that the soldier was injured in the incident by friendly fire, not a gun battle with Palestinians shot, as had been reported. According to investigations, the injured soldier was shot dead guarded prognosis of one of his companions, perhaps because "the harsh weather conditions that hampered visibility," said a military spokeswoman. Direct talks : Today Monday arrived in the region U.S. envoy George Mitchell, to meet tonight with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and will also meet in Ramallah with the head of the PNA Mahmoud Abbas and return to Washington tomorrow. Mitchell, who knows of his repeated failures, carries a message from U.S. President, Barack Obama, to restart the failed 'direct talks. " Settlements: The arrival of Mitchell, comes after Obama, expressing that the U.S. would pressure Israel for building settlements. Photo: occupation soldiers during an attack on Palestinian civilians.
Two Palestinians, Jihad and Osama Ezzat Kamal Al Hur An Nabahin, were killed by Israeli fire near the central part of the fence apartheid on the eastern edge of the field of Refuge

URGENT: Israel intends to attack en masse to Gaza.
Palestinian deaths. 23 years of Intifada
Palestinian deaths. 23 years of Intifada
PIP, December 11 2010 .-
Army chief of the occupying power, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, said on Friday threatening the possibility of attacking
the Gaza Strip "will be extensive and more devastating than the operation Cast Lead in December 2008 to January 2009. Ashkenazi said through the portal Ynetnews that the next attack on Gaza "will be extensive and must end so that there is no doubt which side is won," referring to the failure of the operation Lead Cast against the resistance of Hamas and Palestinian people of Gaza. Commend Crime: With a clear attitude of war criminal, Ashkenazi said that soldiers are concentrating near the Strip and praised the Israeli air strikes launched in the last week on a school, a poultry farm, residential areas, training camps, a power plant and tunnels of the enclave. Deaths: Two Palestinian teenagers were killed in the neighborhood of Shajaiyeh, Gaza, when he stepped on an explosive device left Israel during the invasion Cast Lead, 3 others wounded. Intifada: On 8 December, with few reminders, was 23 anniversary of the Intifada (popular uprising), where the Palestinian people lift up the stone against the tanks of the occupation. The violent repression led by Israeli Defense Minister Rabin Yisthak, took the lives of thousands of children, men, women and elderly Palestinians, hundreds of Palestinian children with broken arms, young people buried alive, pregnant women aborted and a series of atrocities against people who fought and fight for their freedom. The pain continues see Dec. 8. Photo: Gen. Ashkenazi , while announcing the future attack on Gaza.
Army chief of the occupying power, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, said on Friday threatening the possibility of attacking

Israel attacked Gaza at dawn today
PIP, December 9, 2010 .-
Air Force War of the occupying power Israel bombed at dawn today three different sites in the Gaza Strip. According to the occupying military spokesman, is in response to terrorist missile launch home type from the Gaza Al Qassam a western Negev kibbutz. The attacks damaged homes of Palestinian civilians and a warehouse, still unidentified dead or wounded.
Air Force War of the occupying power Israel bombed at dawn today three different sites in the Gaza Strip. According to the occupying military spokesman, is in response to terrorist missile launch home type from the Gaza Al Qassam a western Negev kibbutz. The attacks damaged homes of Palestinian civilians and a warehouse, still unidentified dead or wounded.
Palestinian Tragedy during the month of November 2010
PIP, December 8, 2010 .-
The violation of human rights and national rights of the Palestinian people suffering under occupation Israeli. Murder
s: during the month of November, Israeli forces killed two Palestinians selectively in Gaza. For several attacks killed 2 Palestinians in Gaza and another 3 in the West Bank. Wounded: Meanwhile, wounded 74 Palestinians, 40 in the West Bank and 34 in Gaza, including 8 children, 3 women, 1 handicapped and two international peace activists. Attacks: Israeli forces attacked on 188 occasions: 93 times in the West Bank and 95 times in Gaza. Of which 52 were air strikes against Palestinian civilian areas, 57 attacks during confrontations with the Palestinians and 58 attacks on military checkpoints (CheikPoint). The Israeli warships opened fire on 6 occasions. Incursions: troops raided the occupying power in 563 opportunities: 536 times within the occupied West Bank and 27 times inside Gaza. The raids were 31 times in Jerusalem, 73 in Ramallah, 35 in Jenin, 19 in tubas, 22 in Tulkarem, 39 in Qalqilya, 89 in Nablus, 27 in Salfit, 25 in Jericho, 47 in Bethlehem, 129 in Hebron, 8 times in northern Gaza, 1 in Gaza, 4 in central Gaza, 8 in Khan Yunis and Rafah 6. Abductions: During the month of November, Israeli forces detained and forcibly kidnapped 220 Palestinians, 218 in the West Bank and 2 in Gaza, among the 27 hostages are children, 3 women; 1 Hamas legislator, 7 students, 2 anglers, 2 police officers of the Palestinian Authority. Demolitions: The Israeli army bulldozers demolished and destroyed 108 private homes. Destruction illegal Jewish settlers with Israeli army support destroyed harvested fields, usurped land and uprooted hundreds of olive trees. Settlements: The Israeli authorities allowed the construction of 675 houses in illegal settlements around occupied Jerusalem and announced the construction of another 1428 houses. Photos: Palestinians kidnapped in Hebron.
The violation of human rights and national rights of the Palestinian people suffering under occupation Israeli. Murder

Like Uruguay and Brazil, Argentina recognized the Palestinian state on '67 borders
PIP, December 6, 2010 .-
The Argentine government announced Monday 6 / 12, following the steps Brazil, which recognizes Palestine as an independent commonwealth. A statement that, as noted by the community
Argentine market, seeks to "convey the interest of our country to achieve a breakthrough in terms of peace." During the announcement, the Argentine government "shares with its partners in Mercosur that it is time to recognize Palestine as a free and independent state." "Argentina declared its firm opposition to the settlement policies in the occupied territories taken by Israel authorities," said the statement from the Foreign Ministry, who indicates that the award reflects "the growing consensus on the status of Palestine." Palestine in 1996 opened a diplomatic mission in Buenos Aires, headed by Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel, and inaugurated the building of the Embassy itself in 1999, while Argentina in 2008 established its diplomatic representation in Ramallah.

Brazil recognized the Palestinian state's borders '67
PIP, December 5, 2010 .-
At the end of his presidency and about to deliver the mandate, Brazil's President Luiz Lula da Silva Inazio recognized the Palestinian state in territory occupied in 1967. According to the Foreign Ministry, "the initiative is consistent with Brazil's historical willingness to contribute to the peace process between Israel and Palestine, whose direct negotiations are currently stalled and is in line with UN resolutions, which call End the occupation of Palestinian territories and the construction of an independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967. " He added that favor "a democratic Palestinian state, geographically united and economically viable, living in peace with the State of Israel." Jerusalem: On the issue of the Palestinian capital, occupied Jerusalem, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry was not issued and kept silent. Israel: The government of the occupying power rejected the decision of Brazil, who during this year we sold several unmanned intelligence aircraft, the occupying power is used to attack Gaza. U.S.: U.S. Lawmakers and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the highest rank in the Foreign Affairs Committee, condemned the "seriously misguided and regrettable decision Brazil to recognize a Palestinian state in pre-1967 borders. "
At the end of his presidency and about to deliver the mandate, Brazil's President Luiz Lula da Silva Inazio recognized the Palestinian state in territory occupied in 1967. According to the Foreign Ministry, "the initiative is consistent with Brazil's historical willingness to contribute to the peace process between Israel and Palestine, whose direct negotiations are currently stalled and is in line with UN resolutions, which call End the occupation of Palestinian territories and the construction of an independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967. " He added that favor "a democratic Palestinian state, geographically united and economically viable, living in peace with the State of Israel." Jerusalem: On the issue of the Palestinian capital, occupied Jerusalem, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry was not issued and kept silent. Israel: The government of the occupying power rejected the decision of Brazil, who during this year we sold several unmanned intelligence aircraft, the occupying power is used to attack Gaza. U.S.: U.S. Lawmakers and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the highest rank in the Foreign Affairs Committee, condemned the "seriously misguided and regrettable decision Brazil to recognize a Palestinian state in pre-1967 borders. "
Greco Shameful attitude of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem
PIP, December 3, 2010 .-
On 30 November the Greco-Orthodox Christian Patriarchate, with an inexplicable attitude opened together with the authorities of the Israeli occupying power a small path
access to the Monastery of St. George, near Jericho in the occupied Palestinian territory in the West Bank, leading voices of condemnation of the Palestinian people. It is a winding road that replaces another in bad condition and unused for 3 years. Repair, 1.65 million shekels (450,000 dollars) has been funded by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, who believes that contribute to increased site visits, mainly Orthodox Christian pilgrims. Legalization: The Israeli strategy is to create real major differences among the Palestinians in general and especially Orthodox Palestinians, as many of them disagree with the decision of the Patriarchate to legalize the Israeli occupation. In principle the opening of the Patriarch Theophilos III take place with Raed Mantzur, vice-head of the Civil Administration (Israeli military agency managing civil affairs in the occupied territories), and representatives of the Israeli Department of Public Works. However, when the time was not a reason for the pressures of their own parishioners. In its place, no Palestinian presence, cut the ribbon Archbishop Estrajus, justifying Theophilos III, saying: "I had important issue to resolve in the Patriarchate", without specifying. Vergonsozo: With a disgraceful attitude, Estrajus, expressed his gratitude to the Israeli authorities for "their understanding of the importance of this pathway and its sensitivity to renovate to accommodate the accessibility of pilgrims to our region." Photo: Archbishop Estrajus opening the road built by the occupying power, strengthening the occupation.
On 30 November the Greco-Orthodox Christian Patriarchate, with an inexplicable attitude opened together with the authorities of the Israeli occupying power a small path

Hamas calls for Palestinian referendum. Settlements, 625 more illegal houses in occupied Jerusalem. 2 Palestinians Killed in Gaza
PIP, December 2, 2010 .-
The Hamas government will respect any eventual peace agreement with Israel that is supported by a referendum of the Palestinian people of the territories and refugees from abroad, although not consistent with the political agenda
ica of Hamas, said yesterday the Prime Minister of Hamas in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh. In a meeting with foreign reporters at his office in Gaza, Haniyeh insisted that, although the founding document of Hamas rejects Israel, the government's program "includes the return of Palestinian state on lands Israel occupied in 1967, including Jerusalem" . Haniyeh reiterated that if the PLO reached an agreement with Israel (something that certainly happens) must be approved in a referendum of Palestinians in the occupied territories and the millions who live abroad. Settlements: Israel's government on Wednesday revealed the construction of 625 new homes in occupied East Jerusalem, which Israel considers illegal capital. The decree of the occupying power is to continue building in the illegal settlement of Pisgat Zeev, one of the largest Jewish cantons in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. This authorization came from the Planning Commission and Israeli construction in Jerusalem District. Was issued two years ago, but was suspended because of errors in planning and has not received final approval from the Ministry of Interior until Monday. Facing criticism, Israel said that "the areas annexed after the war of '67, are part of Israeli sovereignty." Kills: few minutes ago, at dawn on Thursday in Gaza, the occupation army 2 Palestinians killed, Ibrahim Mahmoud Rabee 'Najjar and Jalal Abdul Karim Nasr. The radius of the occupying army quickly said that gunmen were endangering the kibbutz of Kfar Aza, justifying his crime. Photo: The premier Ismail Haniyeh, during the press conference.
The Hamas government will respect any eventual peace agreement with Israel that is supported by a referendum of the Palestinian people of the territories and refugees from abroad, although not consistent with the political agenda

Seven Palestinians injured in attack by the occupying power in Gaza
December 1, 2010 .-
Because of a military attack Israeli occupation forces wounded seven Palestinians while collected remnants of building materials for houses
the ruin of the Jewish settlement Eli Sinai in northern Gaza, evacuated by Israel in 2005. The wounded, one of them seriously, were taken to hospital Udwan in the northern refugee camp of Jabaliya, according to Palestinian Red Crescent. The attack was a planned action by Israeli snipers, adding to the attacks in the past 48 hours were recorded against 12 other Palestinian civilians gathering of materials for construction on the northern border of Gaza, the so-called "nobody zone "Israel name a band called 300 to a thousand feet wide in the territory of Gaza, where Palestinians moving in this age can be killed without notice. Desperate: Palestinians in Gaza are forced to find these construction materials to build their houses demolished in the operation Cast Lead, the Israeli invasion of 2008/2009, before the suffering Gaza blockade. laconic "Our forces had no choice but to shoot the suspects in the lower body," said a spokesman tersely Zionist occupation army. Pressure: Palestinians in the village of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, yesterday began a week of protest demonstrations against the Israeli occupation were aborted in a threatening manner by 5 tanks and 2 Israeli military bulldozer in Beit Hanoun. Photo: One of the Palestinians looking for pieces of debris before being fired by Israel.
Because of a military attack Israeli occupation forces wounded seven Palestinians while collected remnants of building materials for houses
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