From Israeli hypocrisy irony in 'direct talks'
PIP, September 30, 2010 .-
dilator in the U.S. plan in line with Israel, leaving the owner PA, you
Mahmad Abbas, only the vague claim to withdraw from the negotiations. On 26 September, due to the moratorium of 10 months, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, not only not extended as requested by President Barack Obama and Abbas, but authorized the continuation of illegal construction in settlements in Jerusalem occupied and in different parts of the Palestinian territory, where the settlers began to build release at least six different points. The hypocrisy of Netanyahu was accompanied by the irony of his foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman during his UN speech last Tuesday, saying "it will be decades to find peace with the Palestinians" and "need to change Israel's borders and displacement of the Arabs (Palestinians) living in Israel and not swear allegiance to the Jewish state. " When Netanyahu criticized the hypocrisy of Lieberman's speech, ironically, the man responded, "I said that we all think." Hamas: On part of the political department chief of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, Mahmoud Abbas asked to keep its word and withdraw from the 'direct talks. " For his part Abbas, said he expected the meeting of the League of Arab States, on Oct. 4 to make a determination. While all sources indicate little desire to Abbas to keep its word. Photo: Netanyahu and Lieberman.
dilator in the U.S. plan in line with Israel, leaving the owner PA, you

Tenth Anniversary of the Intifada in Jerusalem
PIP, September 29, 2010
To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Intifada Al Quds (Jerusalén), el jefe del gobierno de Hamas en Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, afirmó ayer martes que la Intifada había acercado a los palestinos “A la victoria y a la liberación. La Intifada restauró la dignida
d del pueblo palestino y lo acercó a la victoria y a la liberación…Nuestro pueblo no depo
ndrá las armas y no detendrá la resistencia, porque tal es nuestro derecho mientras dure la ocupación sionista”. Resumida historia: La Intifada por Al Quds, comenzó el 28/9/2010, en la capital palestina, Jerusalén ocupada, luego del fracaso del diálogo de paz emprendido por el presidente mártir Yasser Arafat y el desafió Provocateur then Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon to try to enter the sacred land of Mosques in Old Jerusalem, causing a Palestinian uprising against occupation and the confrontation of the civilian population against the powerful military force of occupation., intensifying after Sharon won the Israeli elections and made from power in 2001. Ethnic cleansing, the expansion of settlements and the start of construction of the apartheid wall, was the emblem of the Sharon policy. But the essential purpose of Sharon was close to Yasser Arafat democratic president in December 2001 to poison and lead to death in November 2004, Like murdered in March of that year the spiritual leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, killed by an Israeli missile. More than 6 000 Palestinians were killed during the intifada, with hundreds of thousands injured, in which Israeli leaders were never brought to international trials for crimes against humanity. While the Intifada is dormant and just never officially by the government of Arafat, the agreement to end the violence on February 8, 2005 between President Mahmoud Abbas with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon criminal was considered as the epilogue to both governments but not to the Palestinian people. Photo: Scenes from the Intifada in 2000.
To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Intifada Al Quds (Jerusalén), el jefe del gobierno de Hamas en Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, afirmó ayer martes que la Intifada había acercado a los palestinos “A la victoria y a la liberación. La Intifada restauró la dignida

bombard Gaza, killing 3 Palestinians. Irene humanitarian ship was boarded and diverted
September 28, 2010 .- A new Israeli airstrike on Gaza, three Palestinians were killed in central Gaza Strip. Mohammed Eid, Rafiq Abdul Hadi and Ala 'Abu Zubeidah, entered without vine
to last night at the Al-Aqsa hospital in the town of Deir El Balah, as Selmeya Abu Adham, the head of military medical services of the Hamas government in Gaza. A fourth militant character suffers moderate injuries. The same battalion belonging to the Al Aqsa were hit by fire with shrapnel in the east of the refugee camp of Al Bureij. With these 3 new Palestinian martyrs, and add 16 Palestinians killed since the beginning of the plan dilator of 'direct talks. " Boat addressed: two war patrols of the Israeli occupation navy pressed and then boarded the ship heavily armed with British flag Irene solidarity with a group of Jewish solidarity activists in international waters, which had left London to come to Gaza and break the criminal siege (see 27 / 9). The boat Irene took him to the port of Ashdod in southern Israel. embarrassed: 's navy occupation without moral ethics, twice warned the activists that they were in breach of international and Israeli laws to try to enter the Palestinian areas under Israeli blockade. Brazenly an army spokesman said the "unfortunate that the Israeli navy has been distracted from their efforts to prevent terrorism and prevent weapons smuggling to be delivered to the enemies of Israel," an absurdity. Photo: Aerial view taken by Israeli helicopters Irene ship shortly after being tackled illegally.
September 28, 2010 .- A new Israeli airstrike on Gaza, three Palestinians were killed in central Gaza Strip. Mohammed Eid, Rafiq Abdul Hadi and Ala 'Abu Zubeidah, entered without vine

sailed a boat in solidarity with Jewish activists to break the lock Gaza. Another Palestinian died, and are 13
September 27, 2010 .- On Sunday at 13:32 local time, sailed from the port of Famagusta in northern Cyprus to the Gaza
G aza, humanitarian ship flying the British flag 'Irene', with 10 Jewish activists from around the world, symbolically breaking the Israeli blockade of Gaza and led by Glyn Secker Jewish English. It was organized and sponsored by the organizations' European Jews for a Just Peace ',' Jews for Justice for Palestinians (UK) ',' Jüdische Stimme Für Einen Gerecht Nahost Frieden (Germany ) ',' American Jews for a Just Peace (USA) ',' Jewish Voices for Peace (USA) 'and' Jews Against the Occupation of Sydney. " From London, Richard Kuper, a member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians ", said the Israeli government policies are not compatible with all Jews in the world and added" We call on all governments and people around the world to speak and act against the occupation and the Israeli siege of Gaza. " With a symbolic cargo of toys and musical instruments for children, textbooks, fishing nets for fishing communities in Gaza and prostheses orthopedic medical care to hospitals in Gaza, Palestinians reach Gaza shore in 36 hours, letting them know that their objective is in solidarity with the Palestinian people near and nonviolence. Another of the ship's passengers, a survivor of the Nazi camps, Reuven Moskovitz, 82, said "It's a symbolic duty for me as a survivor of the Shoah (Holocaust) protest against the persecution, oppression and imprisonment of so many people including over 800,000 children in Gaza. " Death: After the serious injuries received last 15 / 9, after the Israeli airstrike east of Juhor ad Dik, Gaza, Mahmoud Salem died al'Amarin, member of the resistance, raising the sum of the Palestinian martyrs 13, from the beginning of the plan dilator of 'direct talks' with the international silence. Photo: Irene The ship sailed on time with humanitarian Jewish activists to Gaza.
September 27, 2010 .- On Sunday at 13:32 local time, sailed from the port of Famagusta in northern Cyprus to the Gaza

Today alleged moratorium expires Israeli settlement construction.
kill a Palestinian baby
kill a Palestinian baby
PIP, September 26, 2010 .-
This ends midnight Sunday called 'moratorium' (never respected) from 10 months to build the roast Ntamientos
illegal Israeli actions in the occupied West Bank. In practice, the Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu gave 'carte blanche' to restart the buildings. Zionist organizations of Jewish settlers began to celebrate the resumption of colonization from yesterday and today celebrated a big party in the illegal settlement of Revava, in the northern West Bank. Supporters settler leaders estimate that more than 80 buses moved hundreds of Israelis, promoted by organizations close Likud party, headed Netanyahu. unpunished: With the pressure on the international community in recent weeks that Israel extend the 'Moratorium' to the building decreed in November 2009, has not helped. Netanyahu the disregarded and not even heard the call of President Barack Obama to extend the moratorium. ANP: Meanwhile, the head of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, that after the UN meeting, he traveled to Paris, remains unclear situations on the one hand say "withdraw from the" direct talks "if left unaddressed the buildings "and also claims to accept" compromise formulas. " However, it is hard to believe that Abbas will sit and let give evidence to Obama leaving the dialogue, which subtracted force on the domestic front. Settlements: These large blocks of settlements, many cities turned into Palestinian land, Israel considers his own in any peace agreement. Crime: In another premeditated murder, while the occupying forces suppressed Palestinian demonstrations against the settlements, gassed a civilian house killing Palestinian baby Mohammed Mahmoud Abu Sarah 14 months, from the village of Al-Isawiya, Jerusalem, , totaling 12 Palestinian martyrs since the start of 'direct talks. " Photo: Suppression of the Israeli occupation police.
This ends midnight Sunday called 'moratorium' (never respected) from 10 months to build the roast Ntamientos

Feroz murder of a Palestinian fisherman. Attempted Hamas-Fatah reconciliation
PIP, September 25, 2010 .-
Brutal murder of a young Palestinian fisherman of 20 years, Mansur Mohammad Bakr, from the village of As Sudaniya west of Beit Lahiya, admitted yesterday at the hospital Gaza, with fatal wounds
mortar bullets in the chest. As reported by Abu Adhan Selmaya, medical services spokesman of Hamas in Gaza. Justifying his crime, the Israeli occupation army, pointed to the digital edition of the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth that "the navy fired a number of emergency early in the morning from a fishing boat that had strayed from the established area for fishing. " With this crime and are 11 Palestinians killed since the beginning of 'direct talks. " Reconciliation In a marathon meeting that began last night and lasted until the early hours of Saturday, the Hamas and Fatah, limaron some of their differences in Damascus, Syria, agreed to achieve Palestinian reconciliation. Of the meeting were three representatives of the Central Committee of Fatah and Hamas's top leader, Khaled Meshal, exiled in Damascus. According to a joint statement reached "an agreement on the road and steps to follow to reconciliation "in" a friendly and cordial and both sides showed a real desire to stop the rupture, "the statement said.
Brutal murder of a young Palestinian fisherman of 20 years, Mansur Mohammad Bakr, from the village of As Sudaniya west of Beit Lahiya, admitted yesterday at the hospital Gaza, with fatal wounds

UN: no evidence to indict Israel, was shown the crime against Freedom Flotilla. Israeli officials should be tried
PIP, September 24, 2010 .-
On 2 June, the Human Rights Council UN resolution voted for the creation of an International Commission intended to review "the serious attacks involving by Israeli forces against human convoy of humanitarian law
Freedom Flotilla vessels in international waters, "the 31 / 5, killing nine Turkish solidarity activists (other reports speak of 19 dead). Experts appointed by the Commission, are Karl Hudson-Phillips (Trinidad and Tobago), Judge at the International Criminal Court (2003-2007), Desmond de Silva (UK), chief prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (2005) and Mary Shanthi Dairiam (Malaysia), the working group on gender equality of the UN Program for Development. Report: Last 22 / 9, the Commission completed its report and said that "there is clear evidence to support accusations against Israel of crimes under Article 147 of the Geneva Convention as premeditated murder, torture, inhuman treatment, causing great suffering and serious injury. " He continued, "The circumstances of the killings of at least six of the passengers was in some way, extra-judicial execution (selective), arbitrary and summary." He asserted that "a number of people who were on ships, among whom were journalists, were wounded" and "the conduct of the armed forces of Israel reveals an unacceptable level of brutality and serious violations of human rights and the right international humanitarian law. " "Israel acted against civilians, not only disproportionate, but levels of violence resorted to totally useless and amazing. " Session: On Monday 27 / 9, the Human Rights Council presented the report of the Commission. At the same meeting, the Council discusses the Goldstone report on the Israeli invasion Cast Lead to FANJ Strip between December 2008 and January 2009, 1445 killing Palestinians and destroying hundreds of homes, hospitals, schools and supply UN. Occupying Power: Israel tried to prove his right to "retaliation" and considered that "The report is biased and partial, like the organism that produced it. " According to the Commission, Israel not only failed to cooperate, but hampered throughout the investigation. Forbidding access to Israel, by closing borders and preventing questioning of the military member. The Commission should gather testimony in Turkey, Jordan, Geneva and London. UN The Human Rights Council UN considered inappropriate unserious any parallel investigation by the occupying power in early August to form a committee chaired by Geoffrey Palmer, former premier of New Zealand (near Israel) and the unfortunate choice of the former president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, an ally of Israel, and a delegate Turkey and one from Israel. Dead: The solidarity Turks killed in the Gaza humanitarian boat, received a total of 30 shots and five died from gunshot wounds to the head, according to British newspaper The Guardian. Responsibility: Both reports of the Committee on Human Rights and Goldstone, open the way to judge for 'war crimes' former Israeli premier Ehud Olmert, the former chancellor Tpzi Livni and former and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak responsible for the invasion of Gaza and the current Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Barack, for the attack on the "Freedom Flotilla." Photo: Burial in Turkey of 9 dead solidarity.
On 2 June, the Human Rights Council UN resolution voted for the creation of an International Commission intended to review "the serious attacks involving by Israeli forces against human convoy of humanitarian law

The occupation force repressed in Jerusalem and killed a Palestinian
PIP, September 23, 2010 .-
As the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, met in the United States with the leaders of the occupation policy
ica continuous colonization and death in occupied Palestine. Around 4 am yesterday, a supervisor of the illegal settlers shot dead by Palestinian civil Samir Serhan than 30 years in the Silwan neighborhood in East Jerusalem. Police occupation quickly settler arrested was released without charge. In both MLEs of Palestinians accompanied the burial of martyr Samir, the cry for vengeance against the occupation. Repression: Almost immediately assembled large groups of Palestinians began throwing stones in anger at the old Jerusalem to the police of the occupation and the illegal settler cars burning some of them, being strongly repressed by the police and the Israeli army even entered the Sacred Mosques Listing to garrote the Palestinians with tear gas, rubber bullets and steel, while its police mounted on horses roamed the streets of Old Jerusalem, knocking women, the elderly and young people who were in the street, leaving over 40 injured and 8 Palestinians kidnapped until dusk on Wednesday. Israel: Standing In justification, the Israeli police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, told army radio said "A guard charged with protecting the Jewish residents of the neighborhood fired his gun after being stoned in car, "adding that" the guard was questioned by police and released. " ANP: With warm condemns the Palestinian Authority, said that "heavily armed settlers continue to install in the middle of Palestinian neighborhoods leads daily provocations and violence against unarmed and defenseless Palestinians. " Hamas: From Gaza, issued a statement of condemnation and expressed that this death "reveals the harmful intentions of the occupation government to use the negotiations to cover up their crimes better" and called for continued resistance against the Zionist occupation. Photo: Israeli soldiers on horseback ready to enter the old city of Jerusalem to suppress.
As the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, met in the United States with the leaders of the occupation policy

New annual round of the UN, with low expectations for "direct talks"
PIP, 22
September 2010 .- In the framework of a new year round in New York, the UN General Assembly on the International Day of Peace, began the summit called for the Millennium Development
NIO. In this area, on Sunday met unofficially premier Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. Also yesterday met Israeli President Shimon Peres (responsible for crimes against humanity in Gaza) and Abbas. According to Peres, "None of us would like to see the rule in the Middle East Iranian (...) One way to overcome this danger is really to go for peace. Israel is now committed to peace "with impunity and with aplomb, did not take into account that he represents the occupying power to subject the Palestinian people. Abbas for his part, stressed with low weight and low credibility, if not freezing the settlements may be withdrawn from 'direct talks. " Quartet: Today in New York will meet the Quartet, comprising the European Union, the United States, Russia and the UN, to discuss the talks and asking Israel to extend the moratorium on the construction of new settlements in the West Bank West. The so-called 'moratorium', which entered into force in November 2009, never fulfilled by the power occupant-end next Sunday and has become one of the key points for the talks. Although Abbas says leave the negotiating table if Israel does not extend the suspension, Netanyahu and his government made it known repeatedly that there will be no concessions or suspend the construction of settlements. Photo: The Quartet met at the UN, with little weight.
September 2010 .- In the framework of a new year round in New York, the UN General Assembly on the International Day of Peace, began the summit called for the Millennium Development

Israel built a wall to further isolate Jerusalem from the Palestinian side. Xenophobia
PIP, September 21, 2010 .-
The government of the occupying power in its policy of encircling and Judaizing Jerusalem despite the 'direct talks' ground
s usurped Palestinian in the center of Jerusalem, began with a fast-paced construction of the apartheid wall in Shufat, which closes the entrance of the Palestinian village of Ras Al- Khamis. The wall is 12 meters high and over 600 meters in longitude, leaving Shufat Palestinian residents and the neighborhoods of Ras Khamis, Ras Shehadeh and Anata, surrounded and isolated the Palestinian side. Khader Salameh, Chairman of the Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Shufat, said Saturday that "this plan will isolate the area of \u200b\u200bRas Al-Khamis, exacerbanndo the suffering of some 15 thousand inhabitants, especially in patients, the elderly and schoolchildren. " xenophobic: the Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman fan, put on the negotiating table the possibility that if a Palestinian state, will receive the 1.3 million Palestinians who remained in the Palestinian territories in 1948, now Israel, and now has Israeli citizens. "Our principle which should guide the negotiations with the Palestinians should not be" land for peace ', but an exchange of territories and populations', told the media upon arrival at the weekly council meeting of ministers in Jerusalem Sunday and added that "the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem This must remain under Israeli sovereignty. " Photo: The Shufat apartheid wall, which is behind it eat away at the Jerusalem Jewish settlements.
The government of the occupying power in its policy of encircling and Judaizing Jerusalem despite the 'direct talks' ground

At 28 years of memories of the death of Sabra and Chatila
PIP, September 18, 2010 .-
With the invasion of Israel on June 6, 1982, known as "Peace for Galilee", Lebanon became a real desire
dera boiler, where children,
women and elderly were burned to the passage of the soldiers of Prime Minister Menahem Begin and Defense Ariel Sharon. For 88 days, Lebanon and Palestinian refugee camps were plunged into total chaos, tight in death, pain and destruction. On the night of September 16 and until September 18, 1982, the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut, were surrounded by the army of Ariel Sharon. Isolation from the world. Lured a small group of Lebanese mercenaries who responded to the low instincts Zionists, who did not hesitate to vent their hatred encouraged. With axes, knives and mass shootings, killed unarmed Palestinian civilians with impunity, while the Israeli bulldozer sent by Sharon, were responsible for debris removal wrapped corpses of refugees. More than 5,000 Lebanese civilians and Palestinian martyrs began to turn the air of Sabra and Shatila in the memories of death. Today: The Martyrdom of Sabra and Chatila still in force in occupied Palestine where the Palestinian people are subjected daily from Jerusalem to Gaza to the worst treatment and ethnic cleansing imposed by the occupying power. Photo: The horrific deaths of Sabra and Shatila.
With the invasion of Israel on June 6, 1982, known as "Peace for Galilee", Lebanon became a real desire

already are 9 Palestinians killed during the 'direct talks. " Israel refuses to halt settlements
PIP, September 17, 2010 .-
After yesterday's bombing in the Gaza Strip which left serious material damage, the air force of the occupying power with a missile fired by an air war
F16, Wajid Palestinian civilian killed by Jihad al-Qadhi, the Rafah in southern Gaza. Raids: During the daily incursions of the army of occupation in the occupied West Bank, in the refugee camp of Nur Shams, near the town of Tulkarm, killed on Friday 17 / 9, Iyad Abu Shilbayeh (38), a senior member of Hamas Palestinian resistance, amounting to 9 Palestinians killed by Israelis during the 'direct talks. " Hamas / PA: Meanwhile, through a government statement condemned Hamas from Gaza air strikes and the death of Abu Chilbaya considered "one of our martyrs whose crime will not go unpunished." The Palestinian Authority committed to Israel and the United States did not condemn any of the 9 deaths and air strikes on Gaza. Settlements: Thursday After the second round of "direct talks", the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, left the area without having accomplished anything and the refusal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the proposal U.S. President Barack Obama to extend for three more months to freeze construction of settlements, despite Everyone knows that the moratorium expires on September 26 was never fulfilled (see a16 / 9). Photo: occupation troops during the raid in Tulkarem busy.
After yesterday's bombing in the Gaza Strip which left serious material damage, the air force of the occupying power with a missile fired by an air war

New Israeli air strike on Gaza, while Abbas visits the homes in occupied Jerusalem Netanyahu
PIP, September 16, 2010 .-
For the fourth straight day of Israeli occupation forces bombed Gaza. During the night and early today, the air force attacked two
s goal of the Hamas government in the north and south of the Gaza Strip. Justifying this latest attack as a response the nine rockets launched into Israel in the last 24 hours, a military statement said, although they do not threaten life or property damage. The bombing of the occupying power Palestinians caused some injuries as minor, serious damage and a fire in a medicine factory in the area of \u200b\u200bKhan Younis in southern Gaza. 'Direct talks': "Meanwhile the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, received yesterday at his home in occupied Jerusalem at the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas and U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to advance the 'direct talks. " Despite little progress in the talks, Israel, succeeded to the presence of Abbas, an Israeli recognition of a Jerusalem, heavily damaging the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem. Settlements: According to official Israeli statistics show a rise of 33% of housing starts in the illegal settlements since the beginning of the alleged moratorium of 10 months ending Sept. 26, in clear violation of the commitment made to the United States. For his part, Netanyahu anticipated Abbas yesterday, a visitor to his home in occupied Jerusalem that does not prolong the moratorium. Photo: One of the tunnels of hunger in Gaza, bombed in Gaza today.
For the fourth straight day of Israeli occupation forces bombed Gaza. During the night and early today, the air force attacked two

New round of dilator plan "direct talks", while killing
another Palestinian and go 7
PIP, September 15, 2010 .-
As a photo black and white yesterday in Sharm al-Sheikh, Egypt, took the new rounds of dilator U.S. plan "direct talks" between the premier
the Israeli occupying power and the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas with the presence of U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Without raising substantial progress. For his part, Netanyahu, he placed his rock again and reiterated that any deal goes through the security of Israel and the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Unusual : Today Wednesday they will meet the parties with the secretary of state, unusually, at the residence of Prime Minister Netanyahu in occupied Jerusalem. The presence of Abbas as a visitor at the home of Netanyahu, Jerusalem is to acknowledge the occupying power. In this regard, it noted that Abbas had accepted without Palestinian agreement, cede part of Jerusalem to Israel (see July 4, 2010). Settlements: The alleged moratorium to freeze settlement construction illegal expires on September 26 and was never respected by Israel, both Netanyahu and his foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, and stated that they will continue with the construction of settlements, although this to derail the talks. Hamas: The Hamas government, reiterated his rejection of "direct talks" and said that "these initiatives are part of the settlement of the Palestinian cause, again questioning the head of the Palestinian Authority, saying" Abbas finished his duties in January 2009 and has no authority to negotiate the Palestinian territory. " Murder: The army of the occupying power shots made artillery at the Karni crossing in northern Gaza, killing a Palestinian resistance fighter and wounding 4 Palestinians of which 2 are in extremely serious. There are now 7 Palestinians killed since the start of talks on 2 / 9. Photo: Sharm el-Sheikh meeting Mubarak, Clinton, Netanyahu and Abbas.
As a photo black and white yesterday in Sharm al-Sheikh, Egypt, took the new rounds of dilator U.S. plan "direct talks" between the premier

On the eve of the continuation of "direct talks", Israel killed three Palestinian farmers other
PIP, September 13, 2010 .-
While in Sharm Al coastal Sheikh, Egypt, is prepared tomorrow for the continuation of dilator plan of 'direct talks
as' with the presence of the secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister (responsible for war crimes) Benjamin Netanyahu and his partner holds the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, the again occupying power in Gaza on Sunday bombed and killed in the village of Beit Hanun to 3 Palestinian civilians, farmers, As'ad Abu Abdullah Ibrahim, 91 years, the child Husam As'ad Abu Khaled, 17, grandson of the elderly and the Walid Isma'il Abu Odeh young age of 21. Justification: The Israeli secret service chief, Yuval Diskin, noting the new crime justified that "pursuant to advance the peace talks, will increase the motivation of the different armed groups to sabotage the process." With these three new martyrs, add 6 Palestinians killed since the beginning of 'direct talks' on 2 September in Washington. silenced: face of these Palestinian deaths since the Israeli bombing, the world remained silent as the Palestinian Authority, the League of Arab States and the UN. Attitude that encourages Israel to continue blockading Gaza and building illegal settlements in the West Bank. Photo: Despair of the boy's mother killed Abu Odeh.
While in Sharm Al coastal Sheikh, Egypt, is prepared tomorrow for the continuation of dilator plan of 'direct talks

Israel approved a medical center in Jerusalem. Israeli shelling in Gaza, Palestinian replica
PIP, September 11, 2010 .- A new style
illegal settlement in occupied Jesrusalem, an open provocation and violation of "direct talks", the pot gum
occupying approved a plan to establish a special Medical Center for the deceased. Central Planning District, approved the installation in the village of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem Medical Center, for the ZAKA Zionist organization dedicated to management experts to Israeli deaths according to Jewish religious custom. The new illegal Center is near the campus of Hebrew University, over 6,500 square meters of usurped Palestinian land, including a mortuary of 1,500 square meters to be used in an emergency natural disaster. Bombing: addition to last Thursday, on Friday, Israeli warplanes bombed Gaza again in full Muslim holiday of Eid Al FETRA, wounding nearly a dozen Palestinian civilians, damaging simultaneously Ansar government building, a security center in the district At-Tuffah and Beit Hannoun. Hamas: The Hamas government spokesman who condemned the future construction Medical Center in Jerusalem and said "it is part of the delivery plans of the Palestinian Authority in the talks," adding that "Hamas said Palestinian resistance to Zionist bombing and missile attack Shaar Negev area in southern Israeli. " Photo: Sector Sheikh Jarrah, in Jerusalem, removed usurped Palestinian land to build an illegal medical center.
illegal settlement in occupied Jesrusalem, an open provocation and violation of "direct talks", the pot gum

Israel dismisses the Month of Ramadan attacking Gaza
PIP, September 10, 2010 .-
The occupying power dismisses the Muslim month of Ramadan, yesterday with his criminal attacking warplanes to several targets in Gaza. Palestinian sources identified the places attacked was a security compound in Gaza City, a military training camp in the north and several tunnels in the area hungry Palestinian Rafah near the Egyptian border. Hamas condemned the attacks.
The occupying power dismisses the Muslim month of Ramadan, yesterday with his criminal attacking warplanes to several targets in Gaza. Palestinian sources identified the places attacked was a security compound in Gaza City, a military training camp in the north and several tunnels in the area hungry Palestinian Rafah near the Egyptian border. Hamas condemned the attacks.
The Palestinian Authority police, arrested more than 750 Palestinians from Hamas
PIP, September 8, 2010 .-
The government of Hamas from Gaza, reported Monday that police of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) arrested another 35 of
members in the West Bank under the pretext of searching for the perpetrators of the attack against illegal Jewish settlement (see September 3). According to Hamas, Palestinian detainees and to these add 750 and said that these arrests is a persecution against Hamas and other Palestinian resistance groups opposed to the "direct talks" led by the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, along with the occupying power, the United States, Egypt and Jordan. Israeli Rejection : The fanatical Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, reiterated on Monday that his radical party "Israel Beitenu 'that will block any attempt by the coalition Government to extend the partial freeze the building of settlements in Judea and Samaria (West Bank occupied)) which expires on 26 this month. This, analysts say, could complicate the outlook for the negotiations. Hamas: Ahmed Yousef, a senior Hamas official, said that "Abbas is not who decides the fate of the Palestinians and these" direct talks "are doomed to fail because it lacks popular support." Photo: Palestinian policemen led by U.S. General Keith Dayton, review the homes of Palestinian opponents of the regime of Abbas.
The government of Hamas from Gaza, reported Monday that police of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) arrested another 35 of

Lieberman, the most sincere of Israelis
PIP, September 6, 2010 .-
The Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fan, Russian evet (Avigdor)
Lieber man and head of the fundamentalist party "Israel Beitenu'- who came from the USSR to colonize Palestine in 1978 - said the sincere belief of the Netanyahu government, saying, in relation to 'direct talks' President Barack Obama, held in Washington last week, Lieberman said that "an Israeli-Palestinian peace will not be achieved or a year, either in this generation or the next." Photo: President Barack Obama with Lieberman.
The Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fan, Russian evet (Avigdor)

The effects of "direct talks", 2 Palestinians killed and 6 wounded in Gaza. Refugees in Lebanon
PIP, September 5, 2010 .-
The warplanes attacked the occupying power with missiles twice Hamas government's objectives and your
hunger tunnels that Palestinians used to satisfy the hunger for the Israeli-Egyptian criminal fence. As a result killed 2 Palestinian civilians Abdulkareem Khaled Al Khateeb and Khalil Muhammad Al Hattab, 6 wounded, one seriously and there are two missing Palestinians in Rafah Gaza. Israel: An occupation army source said it was "and retaliation for Hamas attacks against settlers ... and that these attacks will recur." Hamas: condemned the attack and said it was the Zionist response to peace. It also reiterated that the illegal settlers will remain a target. Hamas spokesman, Azat Al Ghashek, told the London daily Al Hayat that "the Jews colononos have plowed more than 500 000 war and is a parallel army of Zionist occupation." ANP: The head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, who condemned the attack by the Palestinian resistance to the illegal Jewish settlers before traveling to Washington to sign the "direct talks", this time did not condemn Israel's air strikes. Refugees in Lebanon: over 400,000 Palestinian refugees who were expelled from their land in 1948 for the creation of Israel and living in miserable condition in the refugee camps in Lebanon viewed with distrust the "direct talks" between Palestinians and Israelis doubt that means they can return to their homes after decades of exile. "It's a shame that our leaders are participating in these negotiations. I call 'surrender talks' because we, the Palestinians, we totally reject, "said Ahmed Fakih, one of the Palestinian refugees consulted. Suhail Natour, a Palestinian analyst in Lebanon, believes that "the refugees have lost their faith in the possibility of an agreement that will ensure their return home." Photo: One of the Palestinians injured this morning of Sunday by the Israeli air strike.
The warplanes attacked the occupying power with missiles twice Hamas government's objectives and your

In the midst of repression against the Palestinian people, Netanyahu agreed to be every 15 days with Abbas. Thirteen Palestinian militant groups decided to resist
PIP, September 3, 2010 .-
difficult climate Occupied Palestine was not felt in Washington, where the premier Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Palestinian Authority,
began their 'direct talks' supervised by the U.S. secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, almost euphoric to demonstrate that the negotiations are seriously and there is no conflict between them. As confirmed by George Mitchell, U.S. special envoy for the region, "once initiated talks Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to meet again on 14 and 15 September in the Middle East and it then every two weeks. Also to continue connected between meetings at various levels between them. " allies Repression: The Israeli occupation army and police of the Palestinian Authority have joined forces to suppress and stop Palestinians from Hamas and other Palestinian forces for attacks on illegal Jewish settlers. According to Israeli newspaper reported 'Yediot Aharonot', "The staff of the security services of the Palestinian Authority, searched the homes of scores of Hamas in the West Bank. Responsible for the Abbas government, said that Hamas is an attempt and its exiled leader, Khaled Mashaal, to cause unrest in the West Bank. " Hamas: In an official statement on the Hamas government in addition to rejecting the meeting yesterday in Washington, said "that Abbas has no authority to speak on behalf of the Palestinians because his term expired in January 2009." Palestinian Resistance: Palestinian resistance groups have joined forces to resist the Israelis and Jewish settlers in Palestinian territory. According to the government of Hamas, 13 Palestinian militant groups joined the military to confront the Israeli occupation. Photo: illegal Israeli controls on Palestinian territory to act against Palestinian protests.
difficult climate Occupied Palestine was not felt in Washington, where the premier Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Palestinian Authority,

started the "direct talks" in the midst of Palestinian rejection and construction of illegal settlements in occupied Jerusalem
PIP, September 2, 2010 .-
After dinner and the meeting yesterday between the President Barack Obama in the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the owner of the Auto
Palestinian authority, Mahmoud Abbas, met here Thursday 2 / 9, to give substance to the "direct talks" to take the within a year. Protest: Abbas arrived in Washington, amid strong criticism and demonstrations against the Palestinian conversations. Since yesterday at noon, despite the police repression of the Palestinian Authority and Israeli occupation forces, Palestinians fired from hundreds to protest and demonstrate to the policy which they say is of failure. " For its part, the Palestinian Anti-Coalition Talks Direct, said it opposes a peace dialogue but these talks are "under the conditions imposed by the U.S. and Israel for their own interests." According to the secretary general of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, DFLP, Qais Abdul Karim, said seating is necessary to recognize Israel's withdrawal from occupied territory 1967 and the respect for UN resolutions. " Hamas: For his part, Prime Minister of Hamas, Ismael Hanyeh said "that does not support this delivery plan for Palestine of the Palestinian Authority" and support "the continuation of Palestinian resistance against Zionist occupation." Illegal settlements : The premier Benjamin Netanyahu, before traveling to Washington made clear it will not halt construction of settlements. As a new challenge to national rights and the occupied Palestinian land, on Wednesday, as they had announced about 200 Jewish settlers began to build in the most violent illegal settlement Kiryat Arba in Hebron new homes. In the Adam settlement northeast of Jerusalem occupied, the settlers laid the foundation stone for the building of a new civic center. In the settlement of Kedumin, 40 miles north of Jerusalem. While hundreds of illegal Jewish settlers from the settlement of Har Ephraim, began to build a nursery. In all cases, the Israeli army is giving protection to the settlers. Photo: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, supervisor of talks with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
After dinner and the meeting yesterday between the President Barack Obama in the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the owner of the Auto

settler provocation in Hebron. Repression and demonstrations against the 'direct talks. " Obama leaves Iraq and let the fire
PIP, 1 September 2010 .-
With a clear provocation and hit by a car of illegal Jewish settlers entered the Palestinian crossing Bani Naim north east of Hebron, West Bank, near
grab the illegal behavior Kiryat Arba, which was repelled with the Palestinian resistance fire killing 4 settlers, of which 2 were women, one of them pregnant. Repression: immediately succeeded by the Palestinian police of the Palestinian Authority led by U.S. General Keith Dayton came to hunt with a strong repression by arresting 150 Palestinians of Hamas, said a spokesman for Hamas in the Palestinian Legaslativo Council (blocked by the PNA), among those arrested were several children of members of Hamas who were kidnapped and held in Israeli jails is a strategy Palestinian Authority so that no protest against Mahmoud Abbas. Occupant: The Israeli chief of staff, General Gaby Ashkeanzi said are working to apprehend the perpetrators. Palestinian demonstrations : To mark the beginning of the plan dilator of 'direct talks', where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas, Jordan's King Abdalla II and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, dine at the White House with President Barack Obama, to begin tomorrow with the talks. Begin at noon today in Ramallah, a large demonstration against the submissive consider talks the Palestinian cause. It was called by a coalition of NGOs, social movements and various Palestinian factions, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Palestinian People's Party (PPP ) and the Palestinian National Initiative (INP). For their part Hamas also manifest in Gaza and the West Bank despite Palestinian police pressure and the Israeli army. Obama: After destroying Iraq, killing its president Saddam Hussein and more than 1 million Iraqis, with total scruples, justifying the crimes of former President George Bush (h) and total irresponsibility on the criminal acts last night President Barack Obama in the White House announced the withdrawal of the occupying army, although nearly 25 thousand troops remain. Photo: Palestinian Women demanding the arrest of Hamas members by the Palestinian police.
With a clear provocation and hit by a car of illegal Jewish settlers entered the Palestinian crossing Bani Naim north east of Hebron, West Bank, near

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