Feroz Israeli attack on Gaza kills one Hamas member
PIP, July 31, 2010 .-
Israeli aircraft attacked at dawn Saturday, killing with the
with their rocket fire east of Nuseiret refugee camp, the leader of Hamas, Isa Abdel Hadi Betran (42) and wounded 11 people to attack five targets in the Gaza different Gaza. Batran had survived several Israeli terrorist attacks, no clutch his wife and five children were killed by the Israeli occupation army during the invasion of Gaza 2008-2009. During Saturday's funeral about 3,000 Hamas members fired their automatic weapons. Batram was buried beside his wife and children. Hamas: Hamas spokesman Hamad Al Raqqab promised that "Hamas will not remain unmoved by the blood of the martyrs." Photo: Betran Funeral of Palestinian martyr.
Israeli aircraft attacked at dawn Saturday, killing with the

squatters Palestinian house in Old Jerusalem, occupied city 1967
PIP, July 30, 2010 .-
illegal settlers violently entered a house in the old city of Jerusalem, occupied in 1967 and drove the family palestine
Majid ina Qarsh, installed there since 70 years ago, with the support of the Israeli occupation police. The settlers claim to have bought that property to the owner's children Suleiman Handal, who immigrated to the United States in the '60s, who had rented the property to Qarsh. "We live here since 1936. It was my grandfather, who rented this house, "said Majid Qarsh, 50, a member of the family. The Palestinian family certainly a word of the settlers, because if they bought property really have actual documentation that credits and are only kidnapped Israeli documents. Meanwhile the Qarsh furniture were taken to the streets and installed 2 families of Jewish settlers. Photo: With arrogance Jewish settlers take the furniture into the streets of another Palestinian family also usurp the house.
illegal settlers violently entered a house in the old city of Jerusalem, occupied in 1967 and drove the family palestine

40 houses were demolished Palestinian Bedouin in the Negev
PIP, July 29, 2010 .-
On Tuesday at dawn over 1,500 Israeli police supported by bulldozers military bulldozers, picks and shovels
Raron ent in the Bedouin village Al Araquib in the Palestinian desert of Negev in Israel today and began to demolish by force and violence to an unprecedented more than 40 houses built in Bedouin garb with mud and straw, leaving home to more than 300 Palestinians who historically lived in this place with their customs Negev Bedouin. The villagers who wanted to halt the Israeli infraction were brutally repressed and many arrested, something similar happened to the humanitarian movement 'Forum for coexistence and civil equality in the Negev. " Atrocious : In just over four hours Israeli bulldozers obliterated the Palestinian village of civilians and unarmed Bedouins and they pulled dozens of olive trees. Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld confirmed the operation and justified the criminal attitude, saying that the houses had been "illegally built" and destroyed in accordance with a 'judicial decision issued 11 years ago was never applied. " However, all these poor houses belonging to Palestinian heritage were long before the creation of Israel on Palestinian territory in 1948. Its people standing outside with an uncertain fate in a forced exile. Photo: testimony of tragedy, after the destruction of Palestinian homes.
On Tuesday at dawn over 1,500 Israeli police supported by bulldozers military bulldozers, picks and shovels

Israel prohibits English members enter Gaza
PIP, July 25, 2010
As mediated brutal siege by the Israeli authorities denied entry to Gaza on Sunday a group of four deputies
two English PSOE, José Antonio Peres Tápies, Jordi Pedret, Fatima Aburto and Meritxell Cabezon which sought to visit the Gaza Strip. As indicated by Fátima Aburto, Israeli authorities announced their decision through the English Consulate General in Jerusalem, without offering any explanation. "We are outraged. We consider an error Israel tried to hide that the situation in the region. We're not a fleet, but we have been the English parliament in coordination with the UNRWA (UN agency for Palestinian refugees), "Aburto said. "If they have to hide the truth is that something very wrong behind" and believes that they do not let into the Palestinian territory "is very suspect." The delegation belongs to the Inter Parliamentary Group called Palestine. Members who came to Israel on Saturday and stay until Thursday in the region, traveled to the Palestinian cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Hebron.
As mediated brutal siege by the Israeli authorities denied entry to Gaza on Sunday a group of four deputies

Another Palestinian died and are 3 in 24 hours
PIP, July 23, 2010 .-
Around noon on Thursday Israeli occupation forces killed the civilian Palestinian Mahmoud Bilal Libdeh, this time Salfit district, proximity to the West Bank Jewish settlement of Barkan illegal. 1 Palestinian was also injured. Israeli forces lifted the body without letting anyone get close and took him to an unidentified destination. It is the third in 24 hours. On Wednesday, the Israelis had killed 2 Palestinians Saber Mohammed Hasan Al Qasem Mohammed Kafarneh and Shunbari ash, along with a dozen injured including 2 children and 2 were severe. Meanwhile talks continue playing raised by indirect or direct gratification U.S. with Israel and the PNA.
Around noon on Thursday Israeli occupation forces killed the civilian Palestinian Mahmoud Bilal Libdeh, this time Salfit district, proximity to the West Bank Jewish settlement of Barkan illegal. 1 Palestinian was also injured. Israeli forces lifted the body without letting anyone get close and took him to an unidentified destination. It is the third in 24 hours. On Wednesday, the Israelis had killed 2 Palestinians Saber Mohammed Hasan Al Qasem Mohammed Kafarneh and Shunbari ash, along with a dozen injured including 2 children and 2 were severe. Meanwhile talks continue playing raised by indirect or direct gratification U.S. with Israel and the PNA.
In a new Israeli attack on Gaza kills two Palestinians
PIP, July 22, 2010 .-
Another new attack by the Israeli occupying force, on Wednesday, killing to 2 Palestinians, one of them was identified as Mohammed Saber
Hasan al Kafarneh (22) and Mohammed Qasem Shumbari ash and wounding a dozen in the proximity of the village of Beit Hanun in northern Gaza Strip according to the jefe de los servicios médicos de emergencia de Gaza, Muawiya Hasanein, agregó que dos de los heridos se encuentran en un estado grave, además 2 niños recibieron heridas por el ataque. Israel: Como es de costumbre la potencia ocupante justifica sistemáticamente sus crímenes. El ejército israelí afirmó que los soldados abrieron fuego contra un “grupo de sospechosos que se habían acercado a la frontera. Hamas: El gobierno de Hamas, condeno estos ataques reiterados contra los civiles de Gaza. ANP: La Autoridad Palestina no hizo comentarios. Foto: El mártir Kafarna es trasladado luego del ser muerto.
Another new attack by the Israeli occupying force, on Wednesday, killing to 2 Palestinians, one of them was identified as Mohammed Saber

Unusual, Israel seeks compensation??. And they ...?
PIP, July 21, 2010 .-
A military court of the occupying power, ruled yesterday that six Palestinians who are called 'terrorists' must pay $ 18 million compensation for the 2002 attack against the Hotel Park of Netanya, killing ten Israelis. Halima Rmelat of Palestinian Prisoners Society said that the amount corresponds to the damage to the building by the explosion caused by members of the resistance, Sayyed Abbas As, Muhanad Shrem, Muammar Shahrur, Zetawi az Naser, Ahmad al Jayousi and Fathi al-Khatib, the group 'Holy Revenge', allied to Hamas. Shortly after they were arrested and no possibility of legal defense, were sentenced to 35 life sentences plus 150 years in prison, plus force today to pay $ 3 million each. did they ..?: many billions of dollars and euros be paid by the occupying power to the millions of refugees of 1948 and 1967, for theft, theft of land, ethnic cleansing, crimes selective abduction, demolition homes and villages, and the degradation and humiliation to every Palestinian in these 6 decades.
A military court of the occupying power, ruled yesterday that six Palestinians who are called 'terrorists' must pay $ 18 million compensation for the 2002 attack against the Hotel Park of Netanya, killing ten Israelis. Halima Rmelat of Palestinian Prisoners Society said that the amount corresponds to the damage to the building by the explosion caused by members of the resistance, Sayyed Abbas As, Muhanad Shrem, Muammar Shahrur, Zetawi az Naser, Ahmad al Jayousi and Fathi al-Khatib, the group 'Holy Revenge', allied to Hamas. Shortly after they were arrested and no possibility of legal defense, were sentenced to 35 life sentences plus 150 years in prison, plus force today to pay $ 3 million each. did they ..?: many billions of dollars and euros be paid by the occupying power to the millions of refugees of 1948 and 1967, for theft, theft of land, ethnic cleansing, crimes selective abduction, demolition homes and villages, and the degradation and humiliation to every Palestinian in these 6 decades.
Palestinians must swear allegiance to Israel and Zionism.
journalists injured by Israeli forces
journalists injured by Israeli forces
PIP, July 18, 2010 .-
The occupying power cabinet on Sunday approved a series of discriminatory measures that would make life harder for Palestinians to a
dquirir a permanent residence or Israeli citizenship to live in their territories of Palestine in 1948, now Israel. The most notable of these is that the Palestinians should swear allegiance to a "Jewish and democratic state, Judaism and Zionism" before it is awarded Israeli citizenship. Legal Center Arab Minority Rights in Israel, objected to the measures that were adopted with safety and said that "the declaration of allegiance to a Jewish state and respect for the laws of the State, is very serious, requiring all non- Jews are identified with Zionism and impose a political ideology and loyalty to the principles of Judaism and Zionism. " Is to continue to impose other restrictions on Palestinians who wish to obtain residency or citizenship, to live in the land of their ancestors of '48, are not new, are part of a law enacted in 2005 that allows them to stay for one year, renewed annually whether to accept the Israeli government. Journalists attacked: occupation forces wounded two Palestinian press photographers, one of the AFP, while covering a protest in nearby Palestinian village of Beit Umar, between Hebron and Bethlehem, south of the West Bank. AFP photographer, Abdel Rahim Qusini, said a soldier hit him hard in the face and legs, and that his colleague was left temporarily deaf by a grenade exploded near him, saving his life. Photos: Injured the reporter Rahim Qusini AFP photographer, is rescued by his companions.
The occupying power cabinet on Sunday approved a series of discriminatory measures that would make life harder for Palestinians to a

Israel aborted another ship humanitarian aid to reach Gaza
PIP, July 15, 2010 .-
Israel forced the Libyan Al Amal ship with 2,000 tons of medicines and food to Gaza, to twist its way to dock just after 9pm local time in the Egyptian port of Al-Arish
, leaving behind his criminal objective of breaking the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. Navy of the occupying power for 24 hours was on alert and pursuing humanitarian threatening the ship in international waters. "We're not around, we are following," said a military source from Tel Aviv, while the Foundation responsible for the ship-chaired by the leader's son Libyan Muammar al-Gaddafi complained they were being forced to go to Egypt and stressed his intention to reach Gaza. From Tripoli, the head of the humanitarian organization, Youssef Sawani, resisted, saying that "any indication that we have changed our course or destiny," he said, is nothing more than an attempt to distort reality and to impose the script that Israelis would like to see. " Israel Radio broadcast a recording lasts Cuban commander, who would be legally responsible for a possible confrontation. "Any attempt to enter the area (maritime exclusion of Gaza) will be your fault," said military spokesman. Egypt Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit announced that the cargo delivered to the Libyan Red Crescent to be sent to Gaza. Hamas: The premier of the Hamas government, Ismail Haniyeh, was yesterday called for "the convoys continued by land and sea" and urged countries to break the blockade on Gaza. ANP: The Palestinian Authority was not issued or filed a complaint. Photo: The ship Libyan Al Amal loading their holds with the aid to Gaza.
Israel forced the Libyan Al Amal ship with 2,000 tons of medicines and food to Gaza, to twist its way to dock just after 9pm local time in the Egyptian port of Al-Arish

A tank killed a Palestinian in Gaza. 3 houses demolished in Jerusalem and go 6
PIP, July 14, 2010 .-
An Israeli tank attacked the refugee camp of Al Bureij in central Gaza, killing Palestinian women Nemaha Abu Yusef's' Aid and injured 4 children
p or the impact of a Israeli artillery during tonight at his home east of the Gaza Strip. Demolitions: The occupying power demolished yesterday 3 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem proximity, adding to the 3 demolished earlier, they are: In the village of Al-Esawiyah yesterday Mahmoud Elisawy demolished the home of approximately 100 m2, the another 2-story house is Ms. Sabah Abu Rmelah and third in the same town is a small one-room house of Khalell Dary. Demolition of the above 3 are located one in the village of Beit Hanina, one of which is a residential house of 65 m2, leaving a family of 6 people including 4 children in the open, the other 2 are located in Jabal Al Mukaber, one of them of 100 m2, living 9 Palestinians, including 2 children and one of 80 m2 belonging to Mashrah Moussa, leaving him homeless with his family of 6. Photo: A Palestinian houses demolished yesterday, is behind the wall near Jerusalem.
An Israeli tank attacked the refugee camp of Al Bureij in central Gaza, killing Palestinian women Nemaha Abu Yusef's' Aid and injured 4 children

Israel investigated the attack on the Freedom Flotilla and congratulated the soldiers
PIP, July 13, 2010 .-
The investigation of a commission headed by former Israeli National Security Council member, General Giora Eiland, a hypocrite Report on the attack and the murderer
19 people ato including 9 in the criminal Turkish attack Turkish Mavi Marmara humanitarian ship the Freedom Flotilla is led with 10 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza elpasa 31 / 5, considered to be due to "faulty intelligence and planning." Unusual Document: The Report of the occupying power, which was not released, advocates the use of firearms by the military against unarmed civilians. Also, 'welcomes' the commands for their professionalism, their courage and their many resources for the operation of boarding the ship Mavi Marmara. Justification Document downplayed the presence of 700 passengers, saying that "a group of between 65 and 100 passengers on the Turkish ship used knives, chains and metal bars to attack the troops." Thereby justifying the criminal attack helicopters, warships and heavily armed soldiers. With this research unilateral Israel is cleaned thoroughly with the deaths. General Eiland told reporters yesterday: "To my relief, the investigation found no negligence significant issues or failure. Was due to mistakes made at relatively high levels that the results were different than planned. " Eiland did not name any of the commanders, even the marine commander Eliezer Marom, who took over the operation and led the attack in international waters. Photo: air and sea attack by Israeli forces to humanitarian boat Mavi Marmara.
The investigation of a commission headed by former Israeli National Security Council member, General Giora Eiland, a hypocrite Report on the attack and the murderer

humanitarian Libyan Al Amal boat sailed into Gaza. Israel threatened
PIP, July 12, 2010 .-
The boat chartered by a Libyan NGO humanitarian aid goes to the Strip Gaza and will not change course, as the occupying power required. The ship 'Al Amal "(Hope), carries two tons of food and medicines, and sailed yesterday from Greece directly to Gaza. The ship humanitarian NGOs was organized by the Libyan 'International Charity and Development Association ", headed by Saif al Islam Gaddafi, Libyan leader's son, Muhammad al-Gaddafi. Threat: threatening Israel warned it will not allow the passage in the next hour boat Al Amal and joined the armed forces to attack, if necessary, to ship humanitarian disarmed. The Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman fan, said "I say very clearly, no ship reach Gaza. We will not allow harm our sovereignty. "
The boat chartered by a Libyan NGO humanitarian aid goes to the Strip Gaza and will not change course, as the occupying power required. The ship 'Al Amal "(Hope), carries two tons of food and medicines, and sailed yesterday from Greece directly to Gaza. The ship humanitarian NGOs was organized by the Libyan 'International Charity and Development Association ", headed by Saif al Islam Gaddafi, Libyan leader's son, Muhammad al-Gaddafi. Threat: threatening Israel warned it will not allow the passage in the next hour boat Al Amal and joined the armed forces to attack, if necessary, to ship humanitarian disarmed. The Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman fan, said "I say very clearly, no ship reach Gaza. We will not allow harm our sovereignty. "
Sixth Anniversary of the ICJ ruling against Israel's Apartheid Wall
PIP, July 10, 2010 .-
Thousands of Palestinians mark, with more than a dozen protest marches against the Apartheid Wall and accession to the sixth Aniv
Ersari the ruling of the International Court-(ICJ) in The Hague against Israel's construction of the racist Wall. Concentrations were made yesterday and continued Saturday in nearly all districts from Hebron in the south to Jenin in the far north of occupied Palestine. "Like every Friday we have met in Naalin (Palestinian village) to protest against the theft of our lands and assure the world that this wall has nothing to do with security," said Hindy Musleh, a member of the organization "Stop the Wall '. Court: On July 9, 2004 the International Court of Justice-ICJ in The Hague, ruled against the wall that the occupying power had been rising in the West Bank, separating villages and cities, and near Jerusalem. The ICJ considered it "illegal and called on Israel to destroy them, freeze and compensate Palestinians affected. Wall: I started building Sharon June 2002 and the initial project would reach just over 325 km. long. Currently over 700 km long Green Line doubling the UN between the West Bank and Israel. The Apartheid Wall combines sections of electronic fence segments with concrete walls up to 10 meters, leaving neighboring cities and always on the same street, separated by concrete blocks. This wall, due to the expansion policy is running with 68% of Palestinian territory and 80% of Palestinian water, usurping houses and cultivated fields and penetrating more than 24 km in the Palestinian territory. Testimony: Ibrahim Muhammad, a resident of East Jerusalem, said: "We suddenly we saw 45 minutes of my mother because of the laps we had to take on the Wall, the sooner arrived at her house just across the street. " Israel: He ignored the ICJ ruling, violated all UN resolutions condemning the wall and still building, causing severe damage to the development, heritage, health, freedom and the Palestinian economy. Photo: Apartheid Wall in Jerusalem.
Thousands of Palestinians mark, with more than a dozen protest marches against the Apartheid Wall and accession to the sixth Aniv

A soldier of the occupation is worth more than 11,000 kidnapped Palestinians
PIP, July 9, 2010 .-
In Central Park chosen for the closure of the caravan in occupied Jerusalem, they arrived yesterday 15 000 of almost 200 000 Israelis who supported a march of twelve days ago by the parents of occupation soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas forces, when he formed part of an invasion of Gaza, four years ago and that Israel refused to exchange this prisoner permanently by Palestinian hijackers. Miles Kidnapping: Currently there are nearly 11 000 abducted and detained 350 Palestinians whom are children, nearly 280 women, nearly 40 legislators from Hamas and Fatah deputy Marwan Barghoutti in Israeli detention camps, in violation of all legal acts international, tortured and inhibited de contacto con sus familiares. Al parecer: 1 soldado de ocupación vale más que 11 mil palestinos secuestrados por resistir la ocupación israelí.
In Central Park chosen for the closure of the caravan in occupied Jerusalem, they arrived yesterday 15 000 of almost 200 000 Israelis who supported a march of twelve days ago by the parents of occupation soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas forces, when he formed part of an invasion of Gaza, four years ago and that Israel refused to exchange this prisoner permanently by Palestinian hijackers. Miles Kidnapping: Currently there are nearly 11 000 abducted and detained 350 Palestinians whom are children, nearly 280 women, nearly 40 legislators from Hamas and Fatah deputy Marwan Barghoutti in Israeli detention camps, in violation of all legal acts international, tortured and inhibited de contacto con sus familiares. Al parecer: 1 soldado de ocupación vale más que 11 mil palestinos secuestrados por resistir la ocupación israelí.
En medio de conversaciones indirectas continúan destruyendo la vida palestina
PIP, 8 Julio 2010.-
Mientras el premier israelí Benjamín Netanyahu se reúne con el presidente Barack Obama, hablando de las conversaciones dilatadoras directas o indirectas y el titular de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas, desde su gira en Etiopia, anunció que c
onfía en Estados Unidos para continuar las conversaciones, The Netanyahu-led occupying power, continues to destroy Palestinian life. Gaza: Several Israeli armored military vehicles, conducted a limited invasion Thursday at dawn in an area near the Karem Abu Salem crossing east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. According to local sources, three military vehicles and two armored bulldozers moved 200 meters into Palestinian agricultural land near the border and began flattening farmland and destroying some structures, while the army opened fire in different directions. This is part of the Israeli invasions and attacks almost daily in the northern and eastern Gaza Strip and prevents farmers from reaching their agricultural land near the border. Nablus, Israeli soldiers handed residents Borqa village near the northern city of Nablus, West Bank, military orders to demolish their homes. The workshop andthe 2 houses belonging to Palestinian families Jamal Saif Mahmoud Hamed Hilaal Hajii Hajji. Photos: Israeli armored bulldozers destroyed house in the Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza.
Mientras el premier israelí Benjamín Netanyahu se reúne con el presidente Barack Obama, hablando de las conversaciones dilatadoras directas o indirectas y el titular de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas, desde su gira en Etiopia, anunció que c

Obama in the White House supports Netanyahu partner
PIP, July 7, 2010 .- On Tuesday
was received at the White House Brack Obama for president, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, a man ber
committed war crimes and head of the occupation in Palestine. Obama reassured the American Jewish lobby and the pro-Zionist of his party, guaranteeing Netanyahu all the assurances required by the occupying power. After the meeting, Obama said he did not ask the Israeli government anything that goes against their security and rule out the possibility that the U.S. demand that Israel sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. The Israeli government has never acknowledged having nuclear weapons, however, has more than 300 nuclear warheads and a powerful nuclear base at Dimona. Playing: Both tried the "proximity talks." Playing with the treaties, Netanyahu expressed his interest to meet in "direct talks" with the Palestinian Authority, as if there is a difference between "indirect and direct talks." The reality is that this plan dilator is the most satisfying to Israel to continue its settlement policy indecent. "Congratulate?: Obama congratulated Israel for 'flexible' the siege on the Gaza Strip. On Monday, Israel undertook to authorize entry into Gaza of a list of building materials agreed with the Palestinian Authority, without participation Hamas. Pact hunger While the Palestinian people of Gaza, hungry and bleeding, the Palestinian Authority agreed with the occupier few building materials should be sent. Alms: does not need the alms Gaza, Israel can not control the Palestinian life. Photo: Obama, occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, the White House with Netanyahu, occupying Palestinian and Syrian Golan.
was received at the White House Brack Obama for president, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, a man ber

illegal settlements encroach more than 42% of the West Bank
PIP, July 6, 2010 .-
In a lengthy report with maps and photos of the Israeli rights group B'Tselem human revealed Tuesday that "grabs
ntamientos Jews in the occupied Palestinian territory controlled over 42% of West Bank territory, taking away much of the land to its Palestinian owners." "The extensive geographical and spatial changes Israel has made the landscape of the West Bank undermine the negotiations that Israel has done for 18 years with the Palestinians and violate their international obligations," the group said in a report summary findings reflect what was said before other activists against illegal settlements built by the arrogance of the Zionist occupation. Currently more than 500 thousand settlers live in more than two hundred settlements. Settlers: The representatives of the illegal Jewish settlers rejected the figures and said the report was politically motivated and its expansionist spirit said it's land was granted by God. For its part, the Israeli government was playing silence statements. Photo: view of a settlement in occupied Jerusalem.
In a lengthy report with maps and photos of the Israeli rights group B'Tselem human revealed Tuesday that "grabs

Abbas agreed to give part of Jerusalem to Israel. Hamas reacted
PIP, July 4, 2010 .-
According to the Israeli daily Haaretz on 3 / 7, on a story taken Arabic daily Al Hayat, the head of the Palestinian Authority, M
ahmoud Abbas, have agreed to allow the occupying power sector is the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of occupied Jerusalem as part of a peace agreement. The holy city is divided into 4 parts: the Christian sector, the Armenian and Muslim since 1967, with the destruction of a Muslim quarter of the Jewish quarter was formed around the Wailing Wall. Is a legitimate Palestinian city and historic capital of ancient Palestine. So Abbas pledged to the United States special envoy, George Mitchell, the last meeting last Thursday. Giving land: According to the report, Haaretz "Abbas offered the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of a set of concrete proposals for a peace agreement, including proposals on borders and security measures. Abbas is said to have proposed the creation of a Palestinian state within 1967 borders, but with an exchange of land covering 2.3 percent, leaving large Jewish settlement blocs like Gush Etzion, Pisgat Ze'ev and Modi'in Illit in the hands of Israel, together with a strip of land overlooking the Ben-Gurion International Airport ... while the rest of East Jerusalem would be open to the faithful of all religions. In return, Palestinians receive land bordering the southern West Bank, and a passage between the West Bank and Gaza. " Reminder: worth to note that the settlements referred to, were illegally built on Palestinian lands and cities are now inhabited by thousands of illegal settlers and territorial asphyxia and progress of Jerusalem. Jerusalem thus be set aside, without continuity to a Palestinian state and under constant pressure from the army and the Israeli police and Jewish settlers fundamentalists. U.S. : U.S. policy achieved its best card in the game to convince an officer removes and legalized by the Palestinian Authority of a major part of Jerusalem to the Palestinians, both inside the Old City and around East Jerusalem. Israel: The response of the premier Benjamin Netanyahu, half-heartedly responded to Mitchell that he wanted to meet face to face with Abbas and added with irony colony. Hamas: Palestinian Premier Hamas in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, reacted by removing authority of Mahmoud Abbas to negotiate Jerusalem and the Palestinian territory. ANP: In an interview on Sunday to Israel Radio, Saeb Erekat, Abbas aide denied the report published by 'Al Hayat', but acknowledged that indirect peace talks currently underway under the auspices of the United States, remain secret. Photo: View of Western Wall. Behind the sacred land of the mosques of Omar and Al Aqsa.
According to the Israeli daily Haaretz on 3 / 7, on a story taken Arabic daily Al Hayat, the head of the Palestinian Authority, M

tanks to repress SI, humanitarian aid to Gaza NO.
end of the fourth Tour de Mitchell
PIP, July 2, 2010 .-
After the meeting of Russian and Israeli foreign ministers, Russia will give away 50 BTR armored forces unarmed security Palestinian National Authority (PNA), which are led by U.S. General Keith Dayton. According to information Mod
Thursday at a press conference of the Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko, "In the coming days, BTR 50 armored vehicles will be transported to Jordan for delivery after the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank." For its part, the Army General Staff reported that Russian armored vehicles will be assigned by the Ministry of Defence and donated to the PA without their weapons to police surveillance of the Palestinians in the occupied territories. Israel: The Israeli official coordinating government activities in the Palestinian territories, Peter Lerner said that Israel took delivery from Russia to the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Tanks repressors: These armored without heavy weapons are not to confront Israel, nor to protect Palestinian borders, are solely to protect the 'order' of the Palestinians by the Palestinian forces and crack down on Palestinian demonstrations and the followers of sectors of Fatah opponents and supporters of Hamas. Zionist Hypocrisy: As the occupying power allows the entry of such armor to suppress the Palestinian people for the Palestinian forces of General Dayton, prohibit international humanitarian aid to starving the Palestinian people in Gaza. Failed round: finished fifth tour of George Mitchell, an emissary of President Obama in the region to implement the plan failed because of the "proximity talks." Mitchell came to the region last Tuesday to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (responsible for war crimes) and the premier of the PA, Salam Fayyad. Did yesterday in Ramallah with the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. As with the incumbent Israeli Defense Ehud Barak (responsible for war crimes). In the five rounds of indirect contacts held so far, had no significant progress by the end of the occupation and remains subservient to the occupying power gain over time colonizing Palestinian territory with its illegal settlements and apartheid wall. Photo : Russian BTR armored, ready to suppress.
After the meeting of Russian and Israeli foreign ministers, Russia will give away 50 BTR armored forces unarmed security Palestinian National Authority (PNA), which are led by U.S. General Keith Dayton. According to information Mod

Another air strike on Gaza. Europol police-Israel Agreement, with headquarters in Jerusalem occupied
Another air strike on Gaza. Europol police-Israel Agreement, with headquarters in Jerusalem occupied
PIP, 1 July 2010 .-
The Israeli warplanes launched early today in three attacks in the Gaza Strip but did not cause casualties, Dan but I
materials. The air raids aimed against Yasser Arafat airport destroyed a metal workshop and a humanitarian supply tunnel to break the Israeli blockade. Police Europe-Israel Agreement: A new agreement with Israel that strengthens the occupation of Palestine. The European Union (EU) decided in 2005 that the European Police Office, Europol, based in The Hague, to negotiate a formal cooperation agreement with Israel. If Europe does not recognize the occupation of East Jerusalem, will accept the headquarters of Europol, Israel, is set in occupied East Jerusalem. Israel is one of the countries, plus Canada, United States and Russia, to negotiate agreements to share information with Europol, which plans to have representatives in the Israeli police, which involves changing the policy of the EU because it would recognize, in fact , the occupation of Palestinian territory. Violation: An agreement on police cooperation between the EU and Israel violate international law, according to organizations that promote a movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Counsel for the BDS National Committee, said that any country that legitimizes the Israeli control over Palestinian territories is contrary to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. Report: According to Michael Deas, European coordinator of the organization, an agreement between the EU and Israel in policing is the result of several measures to enable the Occupying Power to participate in key economic policies of the 27 countries in the past years to the Israeli military sector companies that manufactured the deadly weapons used in the attack on Gaza in December 2008 to January 2009 and control technology of illegal settlements and checkpoints in the West Bank, are among the beneficiaries of EU multi-million for scientific research between the parties. Finally Deas, reported that "If the EU signed an agreement to share intelligence with the Israeli police, will be another support for their active complicity in Israel's occupation and apartheid system." Photo: Europoln headquarters in The Hague, a similar one will be installed in occupied Jerusalem, after the agreement.
The Israeli warplanes launched early today in three attacks in the Gaza Strip but did not cause casualties, Dan but I

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