In the 'Palestinian Land Day', killed a Palestinian boy and another
is very serious
PIP, March 31, 2010 .-
All day yesterday there were demonstrations by the Day Palestinian Land ", both in the Palestinian territories in 1948 (today
Is rael) and in the occupied Palestinian territories and occupied its capital Jerusalem. In Sakhnin, Galilee, one of many Palestinian villages and towns were created within Israel in 1948 (still mostly Palestinian) was the place where he started the Intifada of March 30, 1976, against the encroachment on their ancient lands, marking the 'Earth Day'. More than 8 thousand Palestinians with Israeli citizenship forced-took to the streets carrying Palestinian flags, breaking with the Israeli prohibitions use these flags, to protest the occupation of land Palestinians, their chants were heard, "Barak, Barak, how many kids have you killed today?", referring to crimes against humanity of the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Jerusalem Palestinian demonstrations were severely repressed in the city as in other Palestinian cities. Murder: manifestations of civilians in Gaza were attacked by the Israeli occupation army killed a Palestinian child shot Mohammed Ismail al Fermawi Zeid, 15, near the airport destroyed Yasser Arafat, east of Rafah, according Moawiya Hassanein, chief of the Palestinian emergency services in Gaza. Another 20 Palestinians were wounded, including Riad Abu Namus child of 9 years, is in serious critical condition, said the source. Hamas: In a statement released today, said the boy's death as the death of the past weekend did not go unpunished and called for resistance against the occupation. Photo: Thousands of demonstrators inside Israel, in the village of Sakhnin in the Galilee to the banned Palestinian flag.
All day yesterday there were demonstrations by the Day Palestinian Land ", both in the Palestinian territories in 1948 (today

'Palestinian Land Day', the end of Israeli arrogance. Accusation: "We called to overthrow Hamas"
PIP, March 30, 2010 .-
Opinion: Palestinians who remained after the creation of Israel in 1948, were clinging to their villages of G
alilea, Acre, Safad, Haifa, Jaffa and Nazareth, among others resisted the evictions, theft, abuse, humiliation and discrimination. Israel, sought every means to Judaizing the land of '48. He failed. Between 1948 and 1976 only in Galilee usurped 100,000 hectares of arable land, turning on March 30, 1976 the spark of the Intifada (popular uprising). The brutal Israeli repression in cold blood killed 7 Palestinian youths. The increased uprising spread from northern Galilee to the triangle and the Negev. It was also the repudiation of slave labor, lack of social and education imposed on children by forbidding Palestinian literature and history to remove their consciences and Arabic. That was sealed on March 30 as the "Palestinian Land Day" and an end to Israeli arrogance. Manifestations : From early today began demonstrations in the Palestinian territories of '48 (now Israel) and the occupied Palestinian territories that are already lit by the Judaizing Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron, in celebration of 'Earth Day'. The PLO called for mobilization against the occupiers. Indictment: The Israeli foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said on Monday the Israeli daily Maariv that "the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmuod Abbas, urged Israel to topple the Hamas government in Gaza War of 2008-09" . "In 'Cast Lead' Abbas called us personally lobbied and demanded to bring down Hamas and turn away from power." Lieberman adding that: "One month after the operation ended, Abbas denounced Israel for war crimes in Gaza ... Is that a partner?" Asked the fundamentalist Israeli foreign minister. Kaddoumi: This accusation came from the Palestinian side by former foreign minister and secretary general of Fatah, Farouk Kaddoumi, the July 16, 2009, who "accused Abbas of being complicit in the invasion of Gaza, which killed 1445 and poisoning Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a martyr.
Opinion: Palestinians who remained after the creation of Israel in 1948, were clinging to their villages of G . Kaddoumi was then removed from office and Fatah, Abbas. Photo: A Palestinian woman clinging to their land, is behind an Israeli military truck ready to usurp your home.
Arab League Summit: Two Arab countries called on the PNA, freeze the dialogue with Israel. Two Martyrs. 20,000 houses would be demolished Jerusalem Palestinian
PIP, March 29, 2010 .-
During the new session of the XXII Summit League of Arab States, Syrian President Bashar Assad and President
of Libya, Summit host, Muhammad Gaddafi, yesterday asked the head of the Palestine National Authority PNA Mahmoud Abbas to suspend their desire for dialogue with the occupying power. Immediately Nabil Abu Rudeina, an adviser to Abbas, immediately rejected the suggestion and called the 22 nations represented at the meeting Arab League "realistic." Attitude pleased to Isreal and the United States and gave them some comfort after the secretary general of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, in addition to calling to stop negotiations with the Israelis, said each Arab country to develop its relations with Iran. Frustration over Israeli plans to continue Judaizing Jerusalem, Assad urged Abbas to abandon a strategy of US-backed peace and resume the resistance against occupation and called on Arab countries to stop any contact with Israel, adding that "The price strength is not higher than the price of peace. " The host of the summit, the leader Muhammar Libyan Gadaffi, cautioned that his country would withdraw support to an initiative launched at the Arab League Summit 2002 in Beirut, Lebanon, he called to give Palestinian land for peace, delegates said. Martyrs Two new Palestinian martyrs. After 11 years of suffering, today at 12 pm (Palestine time), civilian women died Zuhdiyeh Abdulraheem Sultan Hares village, near Salfit in the West Bank, the serious injury and disability to be deliberately run over in 1999 by order of an illegal Jewish settler, which is free. For its part, died yesterday evening Arafat Abdulhakeem Sulaiman, a member of the resistance force Hamas was seriously injured in Abasan village during the last Israeli invasion of Gaza (see March 27). Demolitions in Jerusalem: Yesterday transpired in the Palestinian media that Israel will begin its target 20.000 demolish Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and accused its owners in the courts of the occupying power to have broken the rules, forcing them out of their legitimate and old houses to expand the illegal settlements. Furthermore, Israel's goal is to create large debts through illegal trials for Palestinians in Jerusalem be indebted. Palestinian families living in these homes legitimately live in a constant state of despair and fear, and they do not know how far reaching the Israeli bulldozer to demolish their home. Photo: Accelerated advancement of illegal Jewish settlements in Jerusalem to eat away Palestinian land. Unfortunately it looks like, a Palestinian laborer, whose desperation to work to support their families, many of them evicted, they should accept being exploited at work and build these illegal buildings.
During the new session of the XXII Summit League of Arab States, Syrian President Bashar Assad and President

Summit of the League of Arab States in Libya
PIP, March 28, 2010 .-
level of Heads of State began Saturday the Twenty-Second Summit of the League of Arab States,
the spa town of Sirte, Libya. While Arab countries ruled out any support for the resumption of negotiations without a freeze on Jewish settlement in the occupied territories, the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, said the future Palestinian state would make no sense without Jerusalem. It began with a significant number of guest speakers from around the world, such as the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Prime Minister of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan, who warned that "considering the holy city of Jerusalem, indivisible capital Jewish state, it's crazy, "adding in remarks before the summit, that "Jerusalem is the apple of the eyes of the Muslim world. If Jerusalem is burning, this means that Palestinian fire. And if Palestinian fire, this means that the Middle East is burning. " In this context, the secretary general of the Arab League, Amr Mussa, said that "Arab states must prepare for the possibility that the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians end in total failure ... It is time to confront Israel . We have alternative plans, because the situation reached a tipping point " Hamas: The Hamas government was elected democratically by the Palestinian people was a mere observer, disenfranchised by the pressure Palestinian Authority, in its statement, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, called on leaders of the League of Arab States to "implement a serious program to protect Jerusalem and the Palestinian people from the Zionist aggression." occupied Palestine, both in Gaza and Jerusalem is experiencing a severe strain after the criminal attack the occupying power unleashed last Friday, but Israeli forces withdrew on Thursday morning in Gaza, there is a high climate sensitivity . Photo: Shield of the Arab League.
level of Heads of State began Saturday the Twenty-Second Summit of the League of Arab States,

The tanks were in Gaza. Thousands of Palestinian protesters
Hamas took to the streets. Repressed in Occupied Jerusalem
Hamas took to the streets. Repressed in Occupied Jerusalem
PIP, March 27, 2010 .- 2PM Palestine time
Earlier today Israeli war 7 tanks withdrew from the area of \u200b\u200bKhan Younis, after the bloody confrontation co
troops n of the Palestinian resistance, who faced the tanks, Apache helicopters and military forces of occupation with light arms and homemade bombs. The tanks were posted, like, dozens of them blocked Gaza's borders, awaiting further orders. Hamas: Thousands of Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza came out today to celebrate a Hamas resistance that led to progress Israeli forces. For its part, the Hamas government, said "the Zionist power will attack." Israel: The premier Netanyahu, Obama anticipated the attack, but his surprise was losing just started his new invasion of one of its most prestigious military, stationed in the previous invasion Cast Lead, the largest Eliraz Pretz, second in command of the dreaded battalion of the Golani Brigade, along with one soldier and wounded several others, destabilizing the occupying force. USA: in full attack was silent. With hypocritical colonial attitude, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, head war crimes, justified its attack on Hamas and accusing him responsible for harm to the Palestinian Authority. Jerusalem: After the prayers of yesterday there were clashes between Palestinian groups and Israeli police in occupied Jerusalem, Hebron and Nablus, the policy of judazación of Jerusalem the Palestinian capital. Several Palestinians were wounded by rubber bullets. Photo: One of the Palestinian civilians from the 5 martyrs.
Earlier today Israeli war 7 tanks withdrew from the area of \u200b\u200bKhan Younis, after the bloody confrontation co

-URGENT URGENT Israeli tanks entered Gaza at night, after attacking throughout the day. 5 Palestinians killed
PIP, March 27, 2010 .- 3 am (Palestine time)
After the strength of the occupying power wounded yesterday morning in a Palestinian child of 15 years and
n the northern Gaza Strip the Palestinian resistance forces of Hamas unleashed a fierce confrontation with the Zionist occupation troops, killing 2 of the occupants, an officer and an Israeli soldier during an ambush. criminal attack: Immediately Apache helicopters and unmanned war with F16 warplanes attacked in the afternoon to the region's refugee camp of Khan Younis. Hamas Palestinian resistance until minutes continued to fight the occupying forces. Martyrs: So far 5 Palestinians were killed by Israeli missiles and at least 30 wounded, including 2 of gravity and a boy of 10 years. Occupying Power: spokesman Avital Leibovich l Israeli army, he accepted "this is one of the most intense days we've had since I became Lead Cast operation." Hamas: The Hamas government, through its military spokesman, Abu Obeida, said that "our shots at Israeli soldiers across the border occurred because of the strip. The Zionist forces have entered more than 500 meters into Palestinian territory and military, and that forced us to defend our positions " adding that "hope worst attacks." Tanks: almost at 21 hours (Palestine time) entered an open fire 5 Abraham M1 battle tanks and 3 bulldozer with heavy misilasos the Palestinian civilian areas. ANP: Almost 18 hours of one of the worst attacks on Gaza, the head of the PNA Mahmoud Abbas condemned not open reflection or until the bloody Israeli aggression, the same silence and made no reaction Arab regimes, United States U.S. and Europe. Opinion: As a media force is trying to show tension between the U.S. and Israel, President Obama in secret closed door meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House (see March 24), was being informed of this operation against Hamas, which was triggered immediately and start-up to the arrival of Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. Failure to rein in Israel, will be a new Palestinian slaughter. Photo: Palestinian civilians injured are transferred to hospitals in Gaza.
After the strength of the occupying power wounded yesterday morning in a Palestinian child of 15 years and

In voting against the United States, Human Rights Commission condemned Israel. Pr seventh day Israeli warplanes attacked Gaza
PIP. March 25, 2010 .-
Human Rights Council, UNHRC UN of 47 members, approved on Wednesday 4
solve ucion in condemning Israel's policies in the occupied Palestinian territories and Syrian Golan. One resolution condemned the "serious human rights violations" committed by Israeli forces in the Palestinian territories - approved by 31, 9 against and 7 abstentions, and calls on Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967. The European Union, whose seven members of Council voted separately but in general opposed the resolution, arguing that it is not balanced. United States voted against all of them. Settlements: Another resolution of the CHR urges Israel to stop expanding settlements in the occupied territories and to take steps to dismantle the existing ones, was approved with 45 votes with 1 abstention and 1 vote against, the United States. Golan: The third resolution condemning Israel for what he describes as systematic violations of the rights of the population of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. This was rejected by the United States, while 15 countries, including EU members abstained. Thursday's HRC, is expected to approve the adoption of a resolution calling for the creation of a fund to compensate Palestinians who suffered losses during the Israeli invasion Gaza between December 2008 and January 2009. The Occupying Power: the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, hypocrisy, told the Council that such resolutions will not help peace in the Middle East. He also criticized the frequent use of the organism as a platform plagued by developing and Islamic countries to condemn Israel, while human rights violations by other countries are ignored. Opinion: farce is clear the United States. His double standards, its extensive 'American Paix' and its subjection to the power of American Jewish lobby encourage colonization of Jerusalem and occupied Palestine that there is no longer continuous territory to restore the rule of Palestine. Attacks: With little appearance in the press and no international response, Israeli warplanes today attacked the night-night for the seventh straight day in Gaza, leaving several injured in 6 days and adding a balance of 4 Palestinians killed nearly 200 wounded of which several of them in critical condition. Photo: Palestinian Women desespaerada for the demolition of housing to build new Jewish settlements.
Human Rights Council, UNHRC UN of 47 members, approved on Wednesday 4

Jewish lobby in the U.S., Netanyahu reaffirmed Judaizing Jerusalem. Accomplice, Europe has signed agreements with the occupying power
PIP, March 24, 2010 .-
In his address to the main U.S. Jewish lobby, the Committee American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, the premier Benjamin Netanyahu, with high TERG capacity
iversación lie, said, "The Jewish people have built Jerusalem 3,000 years ago and the Jewish people continues to build it now," referring to the illegal settlements that were built in the eastern sector of the ancient capital city of Palestine . Waving with fanaticism that "Jerusalem is not a colony, is the identity of Israel, is our capital "as an affront to international legal laws consider East Jerusalem an occupied city. Threat: Regardless of the claims of the international community and the landings of the insolvent "Paix American, Brazilian and UN," Netanyahu, threatened in his speech to delay by one year the 'peace talks' if the Palestinians remain their "irrational and illogical orders to freeze Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem (¿???). Another slap : At the same time the White House released a statement that defined as "frank and productive" talks yesterday's dinner at the residence of Vice President Joe Biden with Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak. And Barack Obama meeting with Netanyahu, in a media tense atmosphere at the White House, challenging the Israeli press reported yesterday that the Municipality of Jerusalem, began construction of 20 houses in East Jerusalem suffocating the Palestinian Shepherd Hotel. Arab : Arab countries and the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas with its owner, rejected the arrogant words of Netanyahu. A rejection that was not diluted more than words in the air, while that forceful action Zionist arrogance are invalid and obsolete. Agreements accomplices As Brazil's President Lula on his visit to Israel (see March 15) signed the beginning of the Bilateral Agreement between the Mercosur bloc and Israel from April 4 this year. The Council of European Foreign Ministers signed the protocol of a new Partnership Agreement between the EU and Israel on industrial products. On 1 January this year and had signed the agreement on agricultural products. These American and European arrangements are complicit in Israeli behavior of expansion, occupation, apartheid and crimes against the Palestinian people. Photo: Intolerant. In the pulpit of the American Jewish AIPAC looby, Netannyahu justify colonization of Jerusalem.
In his address to the main U.S. Jewish lobby, the Committee American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, the premier Benjamin Netanyahu, with high TERG capacity

The Jewish lobby in the U.S. met and checked the pressure. Challenge: not 1600 but 50,000 homes in the illegal settlements
PIP, March 23, 2010 .- On Monday
the presence of thousands of Americans, Jews, a strong presence of U.S. congressmen and governors
s Kingdom represented by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and dozens of characters from the Israeli government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, began lobbying the Congress of the largest U.S. Jewish lobby, the Committee American Israel Public Affairs (AIPAC) (see March 18). The Congress has its historical order to support the Israeli expansionist policy on Palestine and the thousands of illegal homes built in occupied Jerusalem. Amid applause Mrs. Clinton in his speech, said "the enemies of Israel, Iran will be prevented from acquiring the atom bomb." Clinton asked the arrogant occupying power to "make a gesture towards peace" ... "The new construction in East Jerusalem or the West Bank undermine mutual trust and threaten nearby conversations, which are the first step towards peace negotiations" . These words fall into the empty jar in the field of Jewish lobby that supports the colonization of occupied Palestine as the land of Israel. As part of the meeting of the AIPEC, Netanyahu will meet with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama president invited him to the White House. Although Netanyahu anticipated and would not give an inch of its policy of building in Jerusalem. Challenge Netanyahu Israeli Prime came to the U.S., backed with the defiant words of the mayor of Jerusalem illegal, Nir Barkat, who said Monday in a television interview that "have to build not only announced 1,600 homes, but 50,000 houses, and that thousands would be built in the area of \u200b\u200bJerusalem annexed after the 1967 war. This figure would be framed within an urban management plan for the next 20 years. " Also Brakat said "no support at all the division that is often drawn between East and West areas of the city. Jerusalem is a united city, a capital under Israeli sovereignty, "Barkat said in an interview with Britain's Sky News. Opinion: If Israel had to colonize Jerusalem and the occupied Palestinian territories Gaza incluyedo block in 20 years, how negotiation, dialogue and peace talks UN, U.S., Europe, Arab countries and the owner of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. The only way is the pressure diplomatic and trade to the occupying power. With fewer international visitors to Jerusalem and the overwhelming decision to end the occupation. The rest are just words to the wind and serve the international leaders to compete for the Nobel Peace Prize, mounted on the Palestinian martyrdom. Photo: Clinton from the pulpit of the American Jewish lobby pressure.
the presence of thousands of Americans, Jews, a strong presence of U.S. congressmen and governors

UN violates UN resolutions. Four Palestinians killed
PIP, March 21, 2010 .-
Opinion: Resolution 478 of August 20, 1980, asks member countries do not recognize Jerusalem capital of Isr ael
and maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv, Israel recognized capital. But international leaders who come to the occupying power violated this resolution and all who follow him and meet with the Israeli leadership in occupied Jerusalem. But it is untenable that the very UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, to arrive yesterday to Israel, met with Israeli President Shimon Peres (responsible for crimes against humanity) in occupied Jerusalem, in violation of the resolutions your organization. What remains, what he said to the settlements in Gaza called a halt to the Israeli blockade, etc., Goes into the background as the only thing that matters to Israel that foreign representatives come to their feet in Jerusalem, tacitly acknowledging the busy city as Israel's capital. Undoubtedly, formal meetings should be required by international leaders to be held in Tel Aviv and not Jerusalem. Israeli extortion accept their demands to meet officially in Jerusalem, is to accept the colonialist designs of Judaizing the city, dividing the small Palestinian territory occupied by the apartheid wall and settlements crammed with illegal Jewish settlers and armed fanatics. Not the best example that gives the secretary of the UN, Ban ki Moon. ANP: Today Sunday Ban ki Moon moved to the Palestinian territories visited Gaza, where Israel asked to block and not to cast Palestinian resistance rockets into Israel. But he did not ask Israel to stop its crimes in Gaza, nor missile attacks by planes and tanks. He also met with the leadership of the Palestinian National Authority in Ramallah and that makes the difference in the world's leaders. Meet with the occupants in occupied Jerusalem, the historic capital of Palestine and the occupied meet in Ramallah. Kills: A bloody weekend for the Palestinians, with kidnappings, dozens injured and four dead. In the village of Iarq Burni in Nablus occupation forces killed Palestinian teenager, 17, Mohammad Qa'adus and young Osayd Abdulnaser Qa'adus. Two other Palestinians and Muhammad Faisal Muhammad Salah Muhammad Kamel Qawareeq Qawareeq, were killed in the illegal Awarta checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, he told Efe woman Israeli army spokesman said, adding that "... the forces in the instead opened fire and identified white have done two Palestinians who died. " The dead are two civilian farmers who were with their tools and returned to agricultural work. Photo: Illegal met the UN secretary, Moon with Israeli President Peres in occupied Jerusalem.
Opinion: Resolution 478 of August 20, 1980, asks member countries do not recognize Jerusalem capital of Isr ael

Second air strike on Gaza. Israel's harsh crackdown in Jerusalem. More charter 'Paix' and little pressure to the occupying power
PIP, March 20, 2010 .- Twenty
Palestinian civilians were wounded last night, two of them very serious, as a result of a second bombing
24 hours Israeli warplanes in southern Gaza. Criminals d missile attacks F16 warplanes destroyed Airport began in Yasser Arafat. Suppression: As expected on Friday was another day of furious when Israeli occupying forces coordinated between the military, police and settlers suppressed with tear gas, rubber bullets and steel as hundreds of Palestinians protested against the Jewish settlement of Jerusalem, Hebron and Bethlehem. In Jerusalem the main repression occurred in the refugee camps and Kalandya Chufat, and neighborhoods of Isawiya of Bili'in and Ni'ilin. While in the Old City of Jerusalem illegal Israeli force near the sacred site of the Mosques in clashes with Palestinian youths and women. Also answering the call for Hamas to resist occupation, there were heavy clashes in Hebron and Nablus. In all cases, with many wounded and scores of Palestinians kidnapped. No reaction : Palestinian police in the ANP, advised by U.S. General Dayton, is free from all this, do not intervene and is on alert for Abbas order to suppress any Palestinian progress on a new Intifada. Occupying Power, Israel justifies its repression saying his rhetorical discourse of the security of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told yesterday reaffirmed the continued construction of illegal settlements, although high hypocrisy offered holder Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to release Palestinian prisoners from Fatah, creating more friction between Fatah and Hamas. Charter: In both, the incessant trips charters 'Paix', come to Israel and transferred to the Palestinian territories. Today was the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and tomorrow the envoy of President Barack Obama, the negotiator George Mitchell. These views also criticizes Israel's building homes in occupied Jerusalem and will be more words on the wind, while the effective diplomatic pressure against Israel does not arrive. Photo: Strong repression of the Israeli army in Hebron.
Palestinian civilians were wounded last night, two of them very serious, as a result of a second bombing

Urgent Israeli attack
PIP, March 19, 2020 .- Last
when military aircraft bombed the Israeli occupation during the early minutes ago six points of the Gaza Strip in response to death yesterday in Israel of a Jewish settler
Thai nationality by a homemade rocket. While not known whether the Israeli attack has caused casualties, hospitals came several Palestinians wounded. The criminal Israeli aircraft also attacked a number of tunnels of hunger which the Palestinians of Gaza is used to break the Israeli blockade of Egypt and provided food, medicine and gasoline, among other things. Jerusalem: Much less stress some fighting continued in Jerusalem, by the decision of Israel's policy of Judaizing the city. Although the tension never ceases Friday, where further protests are expected after the Friday prayer. Photo: Tear gas and steel bullets against the Palestinian uprising in Jerusalem, occupied capital of occupied Palestine.
when military aircraft bombed the Israeli occupation during the early minutes ago six points of the Gaza Strip in response to death yesterday in Israel of a Jewish settler

The Jewish Lobby in the U.S., pressed Obama.
repression continues in Jerusalem
PIP, March 18, 2010 .-
With the participation of U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Israeli Prime Benjami
n Netanyahu, responsible for war crimes is prepared to repeat the ritual again in Washington, with the annual meeting of AIPAC (Committee American Israel Public Affairs), the leading American Jewish lobby. Leaving that reflected the strength of lobby pressure on the U.S., when read one by one the names of members present and the American Congress, when more than half the Senate and a third of the House to stand up among applause of over 7,000 Zionist activists in the convention center, also arise the strong ties and political influence of the Jewish lobby in the most powerful country today and the influence of looby on Capitol Hill. AIPAC has more than 45 million budget, 300 employees and 18 offices throughout the U.S., works to strengthen support for Israel and its more than 100,000 members are Americans who can win the political battle within the U.S.. In fact more than five decades of PACs in the last U.S. election cycle, pumped more than 16 million euros in American politics. Pressure President: The Jewish lobby and its seductive power exerted pressure to bring American-Israeli positions on the illegal settlements and new construction, was forced President Barack Obama Wednesday out to deny differences with Israel. "We have a special bond with the people of Israel that is not going away," Obama said in an interview on Fox News. "Friends sometimes disagree," he added. Israel: The Israel Ministry of the Interior challenging the world rejected the interference in the internal affairs of Israel and reaffirmed its plans for the construction of new homes in East Jerusalem 1600, aborting "American Paix" that carried the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and the "Brazilian Paix" that carried the president Lula, both subservient to the Israeli expansionist policy and away from a true peace for the Palestinians. Intifada: The Palestinian uprising of 'Day of Anger' that Hamas set for last Tuesday against Judaizing Jerusalem and the establishment of the synagogue Hurva, in proximity of the site sacred Mosques, continued on Thursday at dawn, although with less tension, adding up to 72 hours. more than 250 Palestinians injured, some seriously. Hamas: In a statement Wednesday the Hamas government stated that "We believe that the Intifada against the occupier is a fundamental obligation to end the Israeli contempt towards the Palestinian people," said the Hamas government in a statement. For Meanwhile the Palestinian Authority rejected that possibility. Attack: In response to recent attacks and killings of Palestinians by the occupying power in Gaza, a homemade rocket launched from Gaza on Thursday killed a Jewish settler of 30 years of Thai nationality who lived in a kibbutz in northern Negev Desert, becoming the first Jewish victim after the invasion Cast Lead Gaza. Photo: Map of the capital of Palestine, Old Jerusalem is the site where the Mosque of Al Aqsa and Omar, indicated with a red arrow and provocative Hurva synagogue marked with a red circle.
With the participation of U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Israeli Prime Benjami

Nearly a hundred Palestinians wounded in Jerusalem.
Nearly a hundred Palestinians wounded in Jerusalem.
Failure of the 'Paix Brazilian'
PIP, March 17, 2010 .-
As the days of the intifadas, thousands of Palestinians clashed Tuesday with the illegal Israeli police in East Jerusalem
, in a "Day of Rage" declared by Hamas in protest against Israel's opening of the synagogue 'Hurva (Ruin, in Hebrew)' in the old city of Jerusalem in proximity to the sacred site of Mosques and intentions Judaize city. In different parts of Jerusalem the Palestinians took to the streets hundreds, while testimony to the EFE news agency reported that the Kalandia refugee camp between Ramallah and Jerusalem, "there is an atmosphere of anger." Wounded: already injured over a hundred Palestinian civilians and 3 soldiers of the occupation. The occupying power downloaded over 5000 soldiers and over 3500 heavily armed police along with hundreds of Jewish settlers prepared to suppress more battle tanks. ANP: For his part, head of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas, who yesterday received the Brazilian President Lula in Bethlehem and today I received in Ramallah, Palestinian police mobilized, led by Lieutenant General Keith Dayton, U.S. (see February 12) to suppress and not to allow Palestinian demonstrations extiedan over Palestinian territory. For its part, Israel does not pass to the occupied Palestinian territories to the Palestinians living within Israeli line that join the demonstrations. Gaza: In a climate of high tension live blocked Palestinians from Gaza by Israel and Egypt to clamp effect, the temperature seems to pop up every minute. Lula: With an unfavorable climate of extreme violence and Brazilian President Lula to visit the Holocaust Museum, completed his visit to the Israeli occupying power yesterday and after a meeting with 120 Palestinian businessmen, today completed its visit to the occupied Palestinian territories without a visit to Gaza. Opinion: Like 'American Paix', the 'Paix Brazilian' was aborted by Israeli intransigence, leaving demonstrated that these alternative peace and putting an unequal way equal to the occupier and occupied, are only dilatory system that Israel uses to continue its colonization. True peace is achieved if the world pressures Israel to end occupation of Palestinian rights and respect their independence. Photo: heavy fighting in the streets of Jerusalem, a post similar to the Intifada of 1987 and 2000.
As the days of the intifadas, thousands of Palestinians clashed Tuesday with the illegal Israeli police in East Jerusalem

Urgent, strong confrontation and repression in occupied Jerusalem
Urgent, strong confrontation and repression in occupied Jerusalem
PIP, March 16, 2010 .-
From dawn, the illegal Israeli police tightened control Jerusalem, after thousands of Palestinians in everyone you
East Jerusalem neighborhoods took to the streets named after the Hamas government in Gaza to go out and protest in called 'Day of Rage' on the opening of a synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem, thereby threatening the sacred land where Israelis Mosques want to tear down to build the Temple of Solomon. Provocation: addition to Netanyahu's words yesterday to continue building settlements to welcome the 'Brazilian Paix' of President Lula, with stealthy attitude Jewish fundamentalist fanatics opened last night at the synagogue 'Hurva (Ruin, in Hebrew)', in the old Jerusalem in which they have direct access to the Esplanade of the Mosques. Repression: The illegal police with the support of the army and illegal armed settlers are now repressing Palestinian civilians protesting the Jewish art in the city. There are dozens of wounded Palestinians and several kidnapped. Photo: the illegal army of occupation in full abduction of a young Palestinian early today.
From dawn, the illegal Israeli police tightened control Jerusalem, after thousands of Palestinians in everyone you

The 'Brazilian Paix' also hit the illegal Israeli settlements
PIP, March 15, 2010 - (the evening of Monday, Palestine time )
Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said Monday in parliament, that "
housing construction in East Jerusalem will continue, as has happened over the past 42 years, "referring to the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem in 1967. This was the best welcome that Israel offered the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva with his "Brazilian Paix." Also in the Israeli parliament, located in Jerusalem illegally, President Lula said: "The Middle East has seen decades of painful confrontations that have claimed thousands of lives. We must act, but to use our head is not enough, we must also use our hearts and opted for peace and a world without nuclear weapons (in reference to Iran). "However, Lula met with Israeli leaders, President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (responsible for crimes against humanity), in his words, perhaps, not aware that I was saying in one of the major nuclear powers such as Israel and never this complied with the 'non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. " Sin by Omission: Like all leaders, Lula, began a visit to the region since Israel and the official meetings held Sunday and Monday in occupied Jerusalem, Lula violating UN resolutions, including the 478 / 1980, which requires member countries do not keep official meetings in Jerusalem, considering the occupied Palestinian territory. So, that good Lula's desire for peace, not consistent with international legal acts. It is also clear that world leaders coming to Israel, the Israeli government receives only in Jerusalem, if not all doors are closed. Mercosur: This afternoon, President Lula, attended a business meeting with 200 Israeli businessmen to coordinate the start of the agreement "Mercosur-Israel 'from 4 April this year. Unfortunately, these economic agreements with Europe, Mercosur and the United States allow Israel to maintain its illegal occupation, the settlements and the apartheid wall. Occupied Palestine: Tuesday morning, will travel to Bethlehem to meet with the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas and sign bilateral agreements. Then travel to Ramallah to lay a wreath at the martyr leader Yasser Arafat. It is fair to say and assess the attitude of not wanting Lula visit the grave of Theodore Herzelt, founder of Zionism and ideologue of Jewish statehood in Palestine from Europe in 1897. Holocaust his return from the brief visit to the occupied Palestinian territories, occupied Jerusalem again to visit with the occupants of the Holocaust Museum, located on the deleted Palestinian village of Deir Yassin in 1948 and the holocaust buried there. Opinion: The Palestinian people need friends committed to peace, as President Lula, but needs the commitment of those friends to press strongly and unconditionally end the occupation and restoring the dignity of the Palestinian people on their own independent state, diplomatic verbiage from the action of diplomacy. Since all these proposals for peace, Israel automatically destroys them-knowing "that the world will continue to maintain diplomatic and trade relations with them. Photo: President Lula smiling with the premier Netanyahu in occupied Jerusalem.
Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said Monday in parliament, that "

Hamas accuses the kidnapping of his official Maher Ouda
Hamas accuses the kidnapping of his official Maher Ouda
PIP, March 15, 2010 .-
occupying police and intelligence services Shim Bet Israeli territory illegally abducted Palestinian
Maher Ouda ( 47), a senior Hamas military wing in occupied Ramallah. After dozens of failed attempts, managed to surprise the occupying forces on Saturday in a major operation in cooperation of Israelis dressed as Arabs. After the arrest the Hamas parliamentary bloc distributed a statement Sunday that it reflected the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharonot, which accuses the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas of collaborating with the occupying force. "I never would have made the arrest without the tremendous support of the structure of Al Fatah in the West Bank, especially in Ramallah," he said in a statement. He added: "The arrest of Maher Ouda is the result of coordination of the government of Abbas Mahmuod the occupants and the betrayal of the security forces of Palestinian police (see February 12), which gives all its intelligence material occupants " Photo: time of the arrest of Maher Ouda, in the same Israeli forces are disguised in Palestinian scarves.
occupying police and intelligence services Shim Bet Israeli territory illegally abducted Palestinian

repress Palestinian women. Biden will head down with his 'Pax Americana'
repress Palestinian women. Biden will head down with his 'Pax Americana'
PIP, March 14, 2010 .-
Amid international condemnation, including Argentina, against the decision i
sraelí to build 1600 houses in the Palestinian capital Jerusalem and the closure of the West Bank intolerable for 48 hours, growing tensions and confrontations with the occupying forces. On Saturday, dozens of Palestinian women who tried to break that closed in the Kalandia refugee camp located between Ramallah and Jerusalem, scuffled with Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint. During the women clash with Palestinian flags planted in the iron gates of the apartheid wall, chanted: "Jerusalem is Arab, our eternal capital." The occupation soldiers scuffled with women and dispersed with tear gas and rubber bullets. Six women were abducted and 6 others injured. USA: Frustrated and crestfallen yesterday, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden ended his visit to the region without obtaining or even impose its' American Paix. " But neither had the strength to put pressure on Israel or at least did not used beyond the rhetoric U.S. verbose "not according to Israeli settlements," making clear that Israel has the strength to impose their criminal settler in occupied Palestine program against a world that condemns their actions alone, but in practice, both the U.S. and Europe and the rest of the world does not act forcefully against the Israeli arrogance. Brazil Brazilian President arrives today to visit Israel and the West Bank without having planned to go to Gaza. Its portfolio also carries its own agenda for peace. Photo: repressed Palestinian civilians by Israeli soldiers, behind the apartheid wall which is suffocating the Palestinian people.
Amid international condemnation, including Argentina, against the decision i

Urgent, Israel attacked Gaza and the West Bank closure for 48 hours
PIP, March 12, 2010 .-
From midnight the MoD closed the occupying forces closed the West Bank and Palestinian cities without allowing Palestinians to move between same for 48 hours. Jerusalem will be sealed for the Palestinians and allow access to the Premises Sacred Mosques Muslims with Israeli passport and men over 50 years, according to spokesman of the illegal Israeli police, Mickey Rosenfeld. Attack: With a brutal war planes attacked this morning in the Gaza town of Rafah border with Egypt. Not yet received List of Palestinian victims of the attack.
From midnight the MoD closed the occupying forces closed the West Bank and Palestinian cities without allowing Palestinians to move between same for 48 hours. Jerusalem will be sealed for the Palestinians and allow access to the Premises Sacred Mosques Muslims with Israeli passport and men over 50 years, according to spokesman of the illegal Israeli police, Mickey Rosenfeld. Attack: With a brutal war planes attacked this morning in the Gaza town of Rafah border with Egypt. Not yet received List of Palestinian victims of the attack.
failure. The 'American Paix' encounters 00 homes in Jewish settlements
PIP, March 11, 2010 .-
After last night's meeting of the Arab League, which decided to remove the support given to indirect Israeli-Palestinian dialogue due to the construction of 1600 saw
occupied housing in Jerusalem, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the Palestinian Authority canceled and only indirect dialogue "talks will take place only if Israel reverses that decision. " Unthinkable in the Israeli expansionist policy. Another challenge: In a struggle for power and arrogance among the occupying power and its U.S. partner on the settlements was once again reflected. Meanwhile, U.S. Vice President offered today at the University of Tel Aviv a conference entitled: "The enduring partnership of the United States and Israel, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published in today's edition of the little intention of Israel to change its plans and reveals that in Jerusalem the Israeli government has plans to build another 50,000 homes in Jewish settlements in East the city. Photo: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas after the meeting yesterday in Ramallah.
After last night's meeting of the Arab League, which decided to remove the support given to indirect Israeli-Palestinian dialogue due to the construction of 1600 saw

The 'American Paix "came with 1600 more homes in Jewish settlements illegal
The 'American Paix "came with 1600 more homes in Jewish settlements illegal
PIP, March 10, 2010 .-
After the agreement of the Palestinian Authority an" indirect dialogue peace "with the occupying power (see March 8), the bearer of the 'American
Paix', the U.S. Vice President Joe Bedin arrived in the region and met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, assuring that "the cornerstone of our relationship is our absolute commitment, total and unreserved support of Israel's security ..." In the Middle East is evolving as each one knows that there is no distance between the U.S. and Israel. " Impunity: few hours before Biden's arrival Tuesday, Israel approved construction of 1,600 illegal Jewish settler homes in the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Ramat Shlomo, located illegally occupied East Jerusalem. At the same time, the Israeli Interior Ministry announced the expansion of illegal settlement of Beitar Illit with 112 new homes, usurping more Palestinian land around Jerusalem. According to Yitzhak Aharonovich, Internal Security Minister of Israel and member of the racist party "Israel Our Home ', led by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, endorsed the measure, saying" This is our country and we have the right to build it. " Silent accomplice: The new violation of international legal laws to build illegal settlements in Palestinian territory, was completely silenced and hidden by Vice President Biden, in his meeting with Netanyahu and in the subsequent press conference of both. However, to smooth things over in the early hours of Wednesday and before coming to Ramallah, issued a statement shape with a mild condemnation of Israeli action Biden. ANP: is scheduled for today, Biden's meeting with the head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, who will surely continue to provide 'indirect peace dialogue' and the willingness of U.S. to a Palestinian state ... but, it must be subservient to Israel. Hamas: Palestinian Premier Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh condemned the Israeli decision and called on the Palestinian people to rise against the Judaizing Jerusalem. Photo: The premier Netanyahu and Vice President Barack Obama, Joe Biden, sharing gifts.
After the agreement of the Palestinian Authority an" indirect dialogue peace "with the occupying power (see March 8), the bearer of the 'American

New strategy to further humiliate the dignity Palestinian peace agreements subservient to the occupier.
New strategy to further humiliate the dignity Palestinian peace agreements subservient to the occupier.
PIP, March 8, 2010 .-
intolerable in the midst of a Zionist settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories with the creation of new settlements, in the midst of continuing
apartheid wall that divides Palestine 5 blocks in the West Bank and Gaza sixth, in the midst of ethnic cleansing and criminal blockade of Gaza and in the midst of Judaizing Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron, the government of Mahmoud Abbas, on Sunday accepted the imposition of states united supported by the Israeli government of having "peace talks" with Israel, under the terms of Obama-Netanyahu and satisfaction Homsi Egyptian President Mubarak. Words in the air: While the flamed words of the Palestinian leadership of the Palestinian Authority support this irregular situation, based on statements made by Yasser Abed Rabbo, an advisor to Abbas: "The Palestinian leadership decided to give him a chance to reach U.S. suggestion agreement conducting indirect discussions with Israel, "Israeli Prime fan Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, said they were pleased with the decision of the Palestinian owner, because these talks of" peace " not require curb the illegal settlements in Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine, also requires ending the Israeli blockade on Gaza, much less to recognize a Palestinian state with Jerusalem capital. Arab League: A new strategy for US-Israeli expansion, the League of Arab States, based in Egypt, on Thursday last week accepted it with reluctance of some Arab countries like Syria. The finally signed. Hamas: The Hamas government in Gaza, expressed his displeasure with the decision of the Palestinian Authority. PLO The Executive Committee of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO), like the Arab League accepted start "indirect peace negotiations" with Israel before the arrival of the envoy of President Barack Obama, George Mitchell, scheduled for Monday. However, the decision of the PLO-AP, no unanimity in their ranks gathered to find the negative Palestinian Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Democratic Front (DFLP) and Popular Party (former Communists), among others. For his part, also contrasted the Islamic Jihad. Palestinian people, meanwhile, the Palestinian street has no sympathy for this decision and considers it more of the same to continue delaying and denying the Palestinian freedom and independence. Photo: The Palestinian people in jail open-air speech for the failure of this new strategy of "peace."
intolerable in the midst of a Zionist settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories with the creation of new settlements, in the midst of continuing

Women's Day
Women's Day
PIP, March 8, 2010 .-
Our fraternal embrace women wrestlers for the dignity of their children and their peoples. Best of desire for Palestinian women and women of the world in his day. It is the feeling of the Palestinian Information Team Post (PIP).
Our fraternal embrace women wrestlers for the dignity of their children and their peoples. Best of desire for Palestinian women and women of the world in his day. It is the feeling of the Palestinian Information Team Post (PIP).
Grave Israeli repression in Jerusalem.
murdered a Palestinian family
Grave Israeli repression in Jerusalem.
murdered a Palestinian family
PIP March 6, 2010 .-
during Muslim prayer time Friday in the mosque premises of Al Aqsa and Omar in
Jeru salem, high challenge illegal Israeli police in Jerusalem, violated the sacred place and repressed Palestinian worshipers. As a shower of Intifada began a confrontation between Palestinian civilians throwing stones and police occupation that rubber bullets, tear gas and stun bombs. Clashes spread in different parts of occupied Palestine, where Palestinians on the basis of printing Hamas called a new intifada by the usurping Zionist decision and consider the heritage of Israel, Mosque Ibrahim (Abraham) in Hebron and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem (see February 24). Wounded: The fighting, which continued on Saturday even less dense, killed nearly 100 Palestinians injured, 3 seriously, one with the loss of an eye by a rubber bullet and 20 policemen injured by stones. Tools that dozens of Palestinian youths were abducted by Israeli forces. repudiated: As the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas considered this attitude considerate Israeli peace proposed by the United States via Egypt, the Hamas government condemned the attacks and called on Arab countries to defend the holy land of Mosques and Jerusalem. Murder : At dusk on Friday night with barbaric, a military jeep struck the Israeli occupation and dragged a civilian car rental in nearby illegal Jewish settlement of Ofra in Ramallah, killing a Palestinian family consisting of a Palestinian woman Her husband and their 4 small children, they are: Bassam Abu 'Awwad (parent); Samiah Abu' Awwad (mother) and children Bassam Yousef Abu 'Awwad, Mohammed Bassam Abu' Awad, Bassam Abu Jannat 'Awwad, and Ayat Bassam Abu 'Awwad. Photo: A tear gas bomb explodes in front of the door Mezquitade Al Aqsa.
during Muslim prayer time Friday in the mosque premises of Al Aqsa and Omar in

The TRP sanctioned Europe to support the Israeli occupation
The TRP sanctioned Europe to support the Israeli occupation
PIP, March 4, 2010 .-
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (TRP), held in Barcelona during the last three days (see 1 ° / 3),
today concluded its international legal session noting that the European Union (EU) is "an accomplice of the proven violations of international law committed by the State of Israel" and had "legitimate and proportionate assistance to the action in the occupied Palestinian territories. " The TRP also considers the state of Israel practices a systematic policy of discrimination against the Palestinian population can be described as apartheid to close Gaza's borders and limit the movement of people across the territory. " During these 3 days sessions, held at the Barcelona Bar Association, the jury, made up of former South African Minister Ronald Kasrils, former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, the retired Supreme Court judge Jose Antonio Martin English Pallín, the former Minister of Culture of Mali, Aminata Traoré, British lawyer Michael Mansfield, the French activist Gisèle Halimi and English actor Alberto San Juan, heard expert testimony, witnesses, lawyers and diplomats, came to the conclusion that the European Union has failed in its basic obligation to ensure compliance with the fundamental rules of international law, requiring all avenues of state right and go beyond mere statements of condemnation "and called on the European authorities that" sanctions Israel imposed on diplomatic, trade and cultural to end the impunity that has been operating for decades. " Weapons: The TRP, following statements by experts and witnesses, found that EU Member States sold weapons to Israel which were used during the invasion Cast Lead to Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009, which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians, over half of them women, elderly and children. Destruction of houses : Likewise, the TRP, stressed that the EU never protested the destruction of many Palestinian homes and infrastructure, and that Israel does not require compliance with bilateral agreements on human rights. Israel: In his usual maneuvers to TRP consider a "forum extremist." Conscience: While decisions are not binding because it is a Court of Conscience, he considers that: "States of the EU can not ignore that certain forms of assistance to Israel led to the commission of internationally wrongful acts. " "If the EU does not have the courage to take concrete measures against Israel, the court has the citizens of Europe and the world, to exert pressure on governments to fulfill their obligations", said the outcome document. Other: The TRP, found the silence of the Arab League and the UN on the basis of the evidence. Photo: The TRP to read the conclusions in the Barcelona Bar Association Monday March 3.
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (TRP), held in Barcelona during the last three days (see 1 ° / 3),

Demolishing Palestinian homes in Jerusalem for a garden Israel.
Demolishing Palestinian homes in Jerusalem for a garden Israel.
Murder of a Palestinian
PIP, March 3, 2010 .-
settlement with fresh air, Nir Barakat, illegal mayor of Jerusalem, on Tuesday introduced a
p lan to demolish dozens of homes Palestinians, in the region of Al-Bustan Silwan in East Jerusalem, to build a garden with an Israeli resort. The move drew criticism from Palestinian and United Nations. In a press conference, Barkat, presented his plan as a needed modernization of the Palestinian neighborhood deteriorated Al-Bustan, who also illegally changed her name its ancient Palestine by the Jewish name of Gan Hamelech or Garden of the King, referring to King David. The plan includes the demolition of 22 Palestinian homes in a second stage and 66 other houses will be demolished. Hypocrisy: with colonial arrogance, Barakat says he is 'benefit' to the Palestinians, saying that "the Palestinian inhabitants in the area will benefit from decades of neglect and that most people who lose their homes may obtain other ". We know from experience that those families that the Zionists stole their homes will become refugees. UN Richard Miron, spokesman for the UN envoy, said: "Whatever the intentions behind this project, Israel needs to understand that demolish Palestinian homes in Jerusalem, destroy the trust between the Palestinians and, frankly, between the international community." Although in practice the international community including the Arabs, they do nothing. Israel: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, gave his approval and on Tuesday warned that his country would not withdraw from the sector of East Jerusalem, but to sign a peace agreement with the Palestinians. Murder: Israeli occupation forces assassinated yesterday in the village of Abu Samra northeast Boret Beit Lahiya, Gaza Ghaben Muhammad Ashraf, which they consider suspicious. Photo: Demolition of Palestinian houses in Silwan, Jerusalem.
settlement with fresh air, Nir Barakat, illegal mayor of Jerusalem, on Tuesday introduced a

Barcelona began to sit in the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, the possible complicity by European
Barcelona began to sit in the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, the possible complicity by European
PIP, 1st March 2010 .-
With the inference that the violation of rights humans can be committed "by act or omission
Commission," Bertrand Russell Foundation of Spain, convened today in Barcelona at the Russell Tribunal on Palestine (TRP), to judge for the first time, not only the involvement of Israel in violation against humanity against the Palestinians, but the possible complicity of international law violations committed by the European Union, the Arab League, including the United Nations does not comply with international law. Although Russell Court decisions are not binding, the Supreme Court judge and juror, José Antonio Martín Pallín held: "Whatever the decision to leave the TRP will be a great moral weight in the international public opinion sensitive to these issues, "adding that" there is a feeling that Israel is moving with impunity due to U.S. support despite the failure of countless resolutions United Nations, "Russell's attitude criticizing Israel for the" high disregard for international law. " Court: days 1, 2 and 3 March 2010, the nine jurors heard in the Barcelona Bar Association experts and witnesses who will testify on issues of Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza, the criminal operation " Cast Lead in December 2008, the illegal Jewish settlements, the plundering of natural resources, the annexation of East Jerusalem and the construction of the apartheid wall in occupied Palestinian territories. Background: The Russell Tribunal held its first meeting in 1967 to investigate and prosecute as international law for war crimes committed in Vietnam by U.S. troops. The first session of the Court was driven by the Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell in 1950, was chaired by Jean-Paul Sartre and included the participation of intellectuals such as Julio Cortazar and Simone de Beauvoir. Over 40 years, the Russell Foundation acted as a conscientious people's court to violations of international law. Photo: Judge Jose Antonio Martin Pallin.
With the inference that the violation of rights humans can be committed "by act or omission

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