against Palestinian civilians
PIP, September 30, 2009 .-
Two Palestinians, Muhammad Riziq Jalal Abu Seif and Muhammad Al Masri, were killed and 14 have been wounded in the shelling this morning Wednesday, criminal by the Israeli air force bombed with warplanes F16 three Palestinian hunger tunnels that connect Gaza with the Egyptian Sinai. Palestinian emergency teams found this morning in the rubble of the passages the bodies of two Palestinian workers and civilians attended seven other civilians wounded, some seriously, informed the head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hassanein. They also attacked a section of the resistance of Hamas in the town of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza. The justification for the attacks, according to the spokesman of the Israeli occupation, was due to "a response to the Qassam rockets and mortar shells fired from Gaza Israeli territory in the past 48 hours. " Resistance: Palestinian resistance rockets launched some precarious home after the Zionist aggression sacred land of the mosques in Jerusalem (see 28 / 9). These Palestinian attacks caused no casualties or material damage in the regions of Ashkelon and Eshkol, according to Israeli sources themselves. Photo: Entrance to one of the tunnels in Gaza Palestinian hunger.
Two Palestinians, Muhammad Riziq Jalal Abu Seif and Muhammad Al Masri, were killed and 14 have been wounded in the shelling this morning Wednesday, criminal by the Israeli air force bombed with warplanes F16 three Palestinian hunger tunnels that connect Gaza with the Egyptian Sinai. Palestinian emergency teams found this morning in the rubble of the passages the bodies of two Palestinian workers and civilians attended seven other civilians wounded, some seriously, informed the head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hassanein. They also attacked a section of the resistance of Hamas in the town of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza. The justification for the attacks, according to the spokesman of the Israeli occupation, was due to "a response to the Qassam rockets and mortar shells fired from Gaza Israeli territory in the past 48 hours. " Resistance: Palestinian resistance rockets launched some precarious home after the Zionist aggression sacred land of the mosques in Jerusalem (see 28 / 9). These Palestinian attacks caused no casualties or material damage in the regions of Ashkelon and Eshkol, according to Israeli sources themselves. Photo: Entrance to one of the tunnels in Gaza Palestinian hunger.
Condemns Zionist provocation by the estate of the mosques
PIP, September 29, 2009 .-
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemned the Israeli government's decision to allow groups of Jewish settlers and rabbis ultra fans enter the premises of the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem. The statement of the ECHR, also condemned the use of excessive force by police against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian civilians who tried to prevent the entry of provocation of the settlers in the mosque.
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemned the Israeli government's decision to allow groups of Jewish settlers and rabbis ultra fans enter the premises of the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem. The statement of the ECHR, also condemned the use of excessive force by police against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian civilians who tried to prevent the entry of provocation of the settlers in the mosque.
the property of the mosques in Jerusalem
PIP, September 28, 2009 .- A new provocation
Sunday, 150 rabbis and ultra-Orthodox Jews, dressed as French tourists to enter the forecourt of the site sacred mosque in Old Jerusalem, getting a scuffle with the Palestinians. The Israeli occupation police acted swiftly, brutally suppressing the Palestinians and wounding nearly 40 of them and illegally seizing more than 50. Hamas called it a 'Zionist crimes' and the Arab League repudiated the facts.
Sunday, 150 rabbis and ultra-Orthodox Jews, dressed as French tourists to enter the forecourt of the site sacred mosque in Old Jerusalem, getting a scuffle with the Palestinians. The Israeli occupation police acted swiftly, brutally suppressing the Palestinians and wounding nearly 40 of them and illegally seizing more than 50. Hamas called it a 'Zionist crimes' and the Arab League repudiated the facts.
Three Palestinians killed after Israeli attack
PIP, September 27, 2009 .- Three Palestinians
Khaled al Dahdouh Kamel, Mahmoud Mohammed Mousa al-Banna and Marshoud, Al Quds Brigades (the armed wing of Islamic Jihad) died last Friday 25 / 9 by an Israeli attack. The same was at 19.30 (Palestine time), when a plane of the Israeli Air Force fired a missile at the car east of Gaza circulating capital. The car was destroyed and his 3 passengers were killed instantly, according to the head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hassanein.
Khaled al Dahdouh Kamel, Mahmoud Mohammed Mousa al-Banna and Marshoud, Al Quds Brigades (the armed wing of Islamic Jihad) died last Friday 25 / 9 by an Israeli attack. The same was at 19.30 (Palestine time), when a plane of the Israeli Air Force fired a missile at the car east of Gaza circulating capital. The car was destroyed and his 3 passengers were killed instantly, according to the head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hassanein.

" Endlosung Operation" for Jewish traitors
September 26, 2009 .- "The straw breaks the camel" Netanyahu said, adding,. "The report on the operation glorious Cast Lead, signed by the Jewish traitor Richard Goldstein, who calls himself Richard Goldstone, a lot of nonsense is Arab-Islamic-derechohumanistas." As a result, on Sunday 20 / 9, held a secret meeting in a house in Tel Aviv, attended by 12 persons of the Zionist government: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his two Deputy Ministers Silvan Shalom and Moshe Ya'alon, Ehud Barak Minister of Defense; Matan Vilnai, deputy prime minister, Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, Dan Meridor, Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy, Yuval Steinitz, the Finance Minister, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, Minister of Information and Diaspora, Meir Dagan, Mossad chief, Yuval Diskin, head of the Shabak and Amos Yadin, head of Aman, which gave way to Operation Endlosung (final solution), for an immediate end and the repentance of the Jewish traitors and get to recognize Israel's right to defend itself their enemies by all means deemed necessary and away from the Palestinian areas, mainly those of Gaza, as in the case of Goldstone, after meeting Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, which drew up the "Goldstone" for the UN, accused of war crimes to the invasion of Gaza. Photo: Goldstone with Hamas officials in Gaza. Trial: started yesterday the trial of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for alleged corruption, the Israeli court district of occupied Jerusalem. However, the trial weight to Olmert, should be at his war crimes against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
September 26, 2009 .- "The straw breaks the camel" Netanyahu said, adding,. "The report on the operation glorious Cast Lead, signed by the Jewish traitor Richard Goldstein, who calls himself Richard Goldstone, a lot of nonsense is Arab-Islamic-derechohumanistas." As a result, on Sunday 20 / 9, held a secret meeting in a house in Tel Aviv, attended by 12 persons of the Zionist government: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his two Deputy Ministers Silvan Shalom and Moshe Ya'alon, Ehud Barak Minister of Defense; Matan Vilnai, deputy prime minister, Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, Dan Meridor, Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy, Yuval Steinitz, the Finance Minister, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, Minister of Information and Diaspora, Meir Dagan, Mossad chief, Yuval Diskin, head of the Shabak and Amos Yadin, head of Aman, which gave way to Operation Endlosung (final solution), for an immediate end and the repentance of the Jewish traitors and get to recognize Israel's right to defend itself their enemies by all means deemed necessary and away from the Palestinian areas, mainly those of Gaza, as in the case of Goldstone, after meeting Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, which drew up the "Goldstone" for the UN, accused of war crimes to the invasion of Gaza. Photo: Goldstone with Hamas officials in Gaza. Trial: started yesterday the trial of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for alleged corruption, the Israeli court district of occupied Jerusalem. However, the trial weight to Olmert, should be at his war crimes against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
PIP, September 25, 2009 .-
As a result of Israeli bombing of a tunnel Palestinian hunger last 21 / 9, collapsed one of the passages of the tunnel Brazilia refugee camp, killing a Palestinian youth was crushed civil Bassam Adel Mubarak 21. Mubarak was transferred to Abu Yousef An Nayar hospital along with two other Palestinians who were with him were seriously wounded. Palestinians in Gaza due to Israeli blockade Egyptian, these tunnels are forced to stock up on food, medicine, gasoline, etc. and which killed 60 Palestinians this year because of the Israeli criminal bombing tunnels. Unfortunately these tragic situations were not properly addressed the UN summit.
As a result of Israeli bombing of a tunnel Palestinian hunger last 21 / 9, collapsed one of the passages of the tunnel Brazilia refugee camp, killing a Palestinian youth was crushed civil Bassam Adel Mubarak 21. Mubarak was transferred to Abu Yousef An Nayar hospital along with two other Palestinians who were with him were seriously wounded. Palestinians in Gaza due to Israeli blockade Egyptian, these tunnels are forced to stock up on food, medicine, gasoline, etc. and which killed 60 Palestinians this year because of the Israeli criminal bombing tunnels. Unfortunately these tragic situations were not properly addressed the UN summit.
PIP, September 23, 2009 .-
Before the trilateral meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Mahmoud Abbas President Barack Obama met separately with each of them for more than 30 minutes. The U.S. president, 'forgetful and oblivious to reality', he once again equal to the occupier with the occupied and said: "Israelis and Palestinians must do more to resume peace talks as soon as possible." Then, and before hundreds of photo flashes came the handshake between Netanyahu, Abbas and Obama. Obama friendly with words, said: "Israeli Prime Minister, as the Palestinian president must show their willingness to achieve results and not just mere words ... Moreover, Arab states must take steps to promote peace. " Finally, Obama said "U.S. commitment to a lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East, including an end to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians by the existence of two states living." Without reference to both the U.S. and Israel want a Palestinian State 'de facto', without Jerusalem and behind Walls, settlements and limited sovereignty. Unfortunately attitude: The principles of President Abbas not to resume the dialogue and meetings if the Israelis stopped their settlements in Occupied Palestine, were in words to the wind and he held out his hand the premier Netanyahu was consistent with its principles to continue building settlements, mainly in Jerusalem. The handshake was Abbas as Israel bombed Gaza on Sunday and killed in these last hours to 4 Palestinians. Skepticism: "We do not put high expectations in a single meeting," acknowledged Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs, noting that the maximum you will see, will be a great photo shoot of the three leaders. Hamas: Hamas 's government condemned the trilateral summit in New York under the aegis of the United States, saying the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has no legitimacy to represent the Palestinians. "We condemn the participation of Mahmoud Abbas at the meeting. You can not claim to represent the Palestinians, but only his movement, Fatah, "he told AFP Tuesday 22 / 9 evening Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri. "This participation demonstrates that Abbas did not comply with his promise not to negotiate (with Israel) before the cessation of the colonization of occupied Palestine," added. Abu Zuhri also accused President Obama "trying to make the Palestinians accept Israeli occupation" and called on "all Arab parties to reject U.S. pressure." photo: Hands clasped three playing peace.
Before the trilateral meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Mahmoud Abbas President Barack Obama met separately with each of them for more than 30 minutes. The U.S. president, 'forgetful and oblivious to reality', he once again equal to the occupier with the occupied and said: "Israelis and Palestinians must do more to resume peace talks as soon as possible." Then, and before hundreds of photo flashes came the handshake between Netanyahu, Abbas and Obama. Obama friendly with words, said: "Israeli Prime Minister, as the Palestinian president must show their willingness to achieve results and not just mere words ... Moreover, Arab states must take steps to promote peace. " Finally, Obama said "U.S. commitment to a lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East, including an end to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians by the existence of two states living." Without reference to both the U.S. and Israel want a Palestinian State 'de facto', without Jerusalem and behind Walls, settlements and limited sovereignty. Unfortunately attitude: The principles of President Abbas not to resume the dialogue and meetings if the Israelis stopped their settlements in Occupied Palestine, were in words to the wind and he held out his hand the premier Netanyahu was consistent with its principles to continue building settlements, mainly in Jerusalem. The handshake was Abbas as Israel bombed Gaza on Sunday and killed in these last hours to 4 Palestinians. Skepticism: "We do not put high expectations in a single meeting," acknowledged Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs, noting that the maximum you will see, will be a great photo shoot of the three leaders. Hamas: Hamas 's government condemned the trilateral summit in New York under the aegis of the United States, saying the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has no legitimacy to represent the Palestinians. "We condemn the participation of Mahmoud Abbas at the meeting. You can not claim to represent the Palestinians, but only his movement, Fatah, "he told AFP Tuesday 22 / 9 evening Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri. "This participation demonstrates that Abbas did not comply with his promise not to negotiate (with Israel) before the cessation of the colonization of occupied Palestine," added. Abu Zuhri also accused President Obama "trying to make the Palestinians accept Israeli occupation" and called on "all Arab parties to reject U.S. pressure." photo: Hands clasped three playing peace.
Palestinian life in the hands of Israeli war criminals
PIP, September 22, 2009 .-
Israeli occupation forces today killed Tuesday morning when Palestinian civil Rabi'i Walid Tawil, the illegal Israeli checkpoint in the village of Hossan west of Bethlehem. The Palestinian martyr belonged to the village of Sur Bahir, near East Jerusalem and had left early to go to work. UN The 64 th edition of the UN General Assembly opens today in New York. Low expectations with the fanaticism of Israel to halt settlements, the Apartheid Wall and ending the occupation.
Israeli occupation forces today killed Tuesday morning when Palestinian civil Rabi'i Walid Tawil, the illegal Israeli checkpoint in the village of Hossan west of Bethlehem. The Palestinian martyr belonged to the village of Sur Bahir, near East Jerusalem and had left early to go to work. UN The 64 th edition of the UN General Assembly opens today in New York. Low expectations with the fanaticism of Israel to halt settlements, the Apartheid Wall and ending the occupation.
bans Jerusalem
PIP, September 21, 2009 .-
Two Palestinians killed Abdul Hafeth as Mahmoud Ahmed Mohammed Salawi and Nusser (25), and another 10 were wounded Sunday by Israeli tank fire in eastern Gaza Strip. Hamas announced that the first of the two martyrs was a member of Ezzedin al Qassam Brigades. The second Palestinian killed is part of the Palestinian Resistance Movement. Attack: At dawn today the Israeli warplanes bombed three tunnels that connect the town of Rafah, Gaza, the Egyptian territory, leaving several Palestinians wounded civilians. Eid Al Fitr : With strong religious discrimination, Israeli occupation forces banned the access to Old Town of Jerusalem, thousands of Palestinian Muslims in the West Bank who went to pray at the Al Aqsa and the celebration of Eid al Fitr (Feast of Sacrifice), which closes the holy month of Ramadan. The soldiers put down a Palestinian worshipers and only let in elderly and those with Israeli special pass. Travel : In this context of violence, the Israeli occupation premier Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to meet with President Obama to talk peace (¿???). Photo: Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem surrounded by Israeli Apartheid Wall.
Two Palestinians killed Abdul Hafeth as Mahmoud Ahmed Mohammed Salawi and Nusser (25), and another 10 were wounded Sunday by Israeli tank fire in eastern Gaza Strip. Hamas announced that the first of the two martyrs was a member of Ezzedin al Qassam Brigades. The second Palestinian killed is part of the Palestinian Resistance Movement. Attack: At dawn today the Israeli warplanes bombed three tunnels that connect the town of Rafah, Gaza, the Egyptian territory, leaving several Palestinians wounded civilians. Eid Al Fitr : With strong religious discrimination, Israeli occupation forces banned the access to Old Town of Jerusalem, thousands of Palestinian Muslims in the West Bank who went to pray at the Al Aqsa and the celebration of Eid al Fitr (Feast of Sacrifice), which closes the holy month of Ramadan. The soldiers put down a Palestinian worshipers and only let in elderly and those with Israeli special pass. Travel : In this context of violence, the Israeli occupation premier Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to meet with President Obama to talk peace (¿???). Photo: Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem surrounded by Israeli Apartheid Wall.
friendly gestures Obama and unclear strategy
PIP, September 20, 2009 .- President Barack Obama
, after rejecting the Goldstone report condemning Israel for War Crimes, will meet next Tuesday 22 / 9 with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, separately, before a joint meeting between them in the context of the next meeting of the UN General Assembly next week. The meeting seeks to Obama, no different to their predecessors who sought Clinton and Bush, with no pressure on Israel, with friendly gestures toward the Palestinians and pure picture. Currently with a weak and divided Palestinian front, and aggressive and colonialist Israeli side. De Facto: with unclear strategy, the U.S. desire is the creation of a Palestinian state "fact" for 2011, without Jerusalem and the satisfaction of Israel and acceptance of the PNA.
, after rejecting the Goldstone report condemning Israel for War Crimes, will meet next Tuesday 22 / 9 with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, separately, before a joint meeting between them in the context of the next meeting of the UN General Assembly next week. The meeting seeks to Obama, no different to their predecessors who sought Clinton and Bush, with no pressure on Israel, with friendly gestures toward the Palestinians and pure picture. Currently with a weak and divided Palestinian front, and aggressive and colonialist Israeli side. De Facto: with unclear strategy, the U.S. desire is the creation of a Palestinian state "fact" for 2011, without Jerusalem and the satisfaction of Israel and acceptance of the PNA.
failure of the mission Mitchel
PIP, September 19, 2009 .-
The U.S. State Department, authorized by President Obama said today of "unfair" Israel's report to the UN Commission headed by South African judge Richard Goldstone-Jewish, on war crimes committed by Israel during the invasion Cast Lead to Gaza, killing more than 1,400 Palestinians, of which the Commission assessed that 900 were civilians and 13 soldiers of the Israeli occupation. "Although the report assesses all sides of the conflict, focuses on the actions of Israel," said a State Department spokesman, Ian C. Kelly, was quoted by The New York Times. The Commission also accused Hamas, regardless of Hamas resisted the invasion and the rockets used by Hamas are diametrically opposed the powerful machinery of war and destruction of Israel. Hamas-ruled Gaza is occupied and Israel is the criminal occupier. With regard to the indictment of Hamas, the State Department did not open his mind and did consider that "Hamas's attitude is deplorable," Kelly said. Court: Goldstone found that the Human Rights Council should send the information gathered by the mission chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to prosecute Israeli officials. Failure: George Mitchell, envoy of President Obama, today concluded a visit to the region with a flop after failing to get Israeli Prime Netanyahu, freeze Jewish settlements in Jerusalem and found it difficult to bring the parties to the Israeli intransigence.
The U.S. State Department, authorized by President Obama said today of "unfair" Israel's report to the UN Commission headed by South African judge Richard Goldstone-Jewish, on war crimes committed by Israel during the invasion Cast Lead to Gaza, killing more than 1,400 Palestinians, of which the Commission assessed that 900 were civilians and 13 soldiers of the Israeli occupation. "Although the report assesses all sides of the conflict, focuses on the actions of Israel," said a State Department spokesman, Ian C. Kelly, was quoted by The New York Times. The Commission also accused Hamas, regardless of Hamas resisted the invasion and the rockets used by Hamas are diametrically opposed the powerful machinery of war and destruction of Israel. Hamas-ruled Gaza is occupied and Israel is the criminal occupier. With regard to the indictment of Hamas, the State Department did not open his mind and did consider that "Hamas's attitude is deplorable," Kelly said. Court: Goldstone found that the Human Rights Council should send the information gathered by the mission chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to prosecute Israeli officials. Failure: George Mitchell, envoy of President Obama, today concluded a visit to the region with a flop after failing to get Israeli Prime Netanyahu, freeze Jewish settlements in Jerusalem and found it difficult to bring the parties to the Israeli intransigence.
PIP, September 17, 2009 .-
The occupying power Israel rejected the charges of war crimes in its operation " Cast Lead "in Gaza and claimed to be victim, and yesterday launched an offensive to stop the report from Richard Goldstone (see 16 / 9), which accuses him of war crimes during the offensive in Gaza in December and January. They also want to avoid raise it to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and takes the chair of the criminals responsible for war, Shimon Peres, Ehud Olmert, Tpzi Livni, Ehud Barak and other Israeli leadership's previous and the current led by Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman. Among the measures of pressure, getting support from the United States in the event that the matter came to Security Council UN body that could give the ICC intervention. For his part, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Aylon, said: "We will mobilize our friends at the UN, that the report be buried." Victims: This is another of the many myths of justification that Israel used to argue its accelerated plan of colonization of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem. Photo: Richard Goldstone.
The occupying power Israel rejected the charges of war crimes in its operation " Cast Lead "in Gaza and claimed to be victim, and yesterday launched an offensive to stop the report from Richard Goldstone (see 16 / 9), which accuses him of war crimes during the offensive in Gaza in December and January. They also want to avoid raise it to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and takes the chair of the criminals responsible for war, Shimon Peres, Ehud Olmert, Tpzi Livni, Ehud Barak and other Israeli leadership's previous and the current led by Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman. Among the measures of pressure, getting support from the United States in the event that the matter came to Security Council UN body that could give the ICC intervention. For his part, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Aylon, said: "We will mobilize our friends at the UN, that the report be buried." Victims: This is another of the many myths of justification that Israel used to argue its accelerated plan of colonization of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem. Photo: Richard Goldstone.
PIP, September 16, 2009 .-
Backed by helicopters of the occupation, Israeli military special operations came on Monday in the Gaza Strip and kidnapped nearly 10 civilian Palestinians in the refugee camp of Al Bureij in central Gaza, taking him to Israel illegally. According to witnesses and a statement from Hamas. UN Premier Palestinian Hamas in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said Tuesday that the Goldstone report prepared by United Nations on the Israeli invasion of Gaza, shows "the crimes committed by occupation forces during the war" . In this sense, Haniyeh said his government facilitated the investigation of the UN team and went on to criticize the criminal attitude of Israel with a balance of more than 1,400 Palestinians dead, mostly civilians. For its part, the UN investigator Richard Goldstone, told a news conference, said: "The mission has concluded that actions amounting to crimes war, and possibly in some way to crimes against humanity were committed by the forces of Israel. " Irony: In turn, the UN, also grants Hamas responsible for crimes, something incomprehensible. Hamas and the Palestinian people were victims and resisterieron with what was at hand. Regrettable decision that allows the justification provided by the occupying power.
Backed by helicopters of the occupation, Israeli military special operations came on Monday in the Gaza Strip and kidnapped nearly 10 civilian Palestinians in the refugee camp of Al Bureij in central Gaza, taking him to Israel illegally. According to witnesses and a statement from Hamas. UN Premier Palestinian Hamas in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said Tuesday that the Goldstone report prepared by United Nations on the Israeli invasion of Gaza, shows "the crimes committed by occupation forces during the war" . In this sense, Haniyeh said his government facilitated the investigation of the UN team and went on to criticize the criminal attitude of Israel with a balance of more than 1,400 Palestinians dead, mostly civilians. For its part, the UN investigator Richard Goldstone, told a news conference, said: "The mission has concluded that actions amounting to crimes war, and possibly in some way to crimes against humanity were committed by the forces of Israel. " Irony: In turn, the UN, also grants Hamas responsible for crimes, something incomprehensible. Hamas and the Palestinian people were victims and resisterieron with what was at hand. Regrettable decision that allows the justification provided by the occupying power.
Another Palestinian killed by the occupation
Another Palestinian killed by the occupation
PIP, September 14, 2009 .-
At dawn yesterday 13 / 9 Palestinian civilian died Obaydah Maher Al Qudsi, a hospital Israel then have been seriously wounded on 27 August by Israeli soldiers in Ash Shuhada Street in the old city of Hebron.
At dawn yesterday 13 / 9 Palestinian civilian died Obaydah Maher Al Qudsi, a hospital Israel then have been seriously wounded on 27 August by Israeli soldiers in Ash Shuhada Street in the old city of Hebron.
they want to take stupid (...)
PIP, September 13, 2009 .- Blood pressure fainted
Israeli President Shimon Peres (86), responsible for the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. The war criminal was Saturday night 12 / 9, an official activity when he suddenly fainted. While recovered status alone, was admitted to a medical facility. Stupidity: The right-wing premier Benjamin Netanyahu, who will meet with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo to discuss its deceptive peace and open the way to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas later this month in the Conference Annual UN on Friday, was blunt in responding to President Obama that he "requires" settlement freeze "We want to make concessions to achieve peace. But we do not take stupid, "Netanyahu said, refusing to stop the construction of settlements in Occupied Palestine. Photo: Peres and Netanyahu offering.
Israeli President Shimon Peres (86), responsible for the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. The war criminal was Saturday night 12 / 9, an official activity when he suddenly fainted. While recovered status alone, was admitted to a medical facility. Stupidity: The right-wing premier Benjamin Netanyahu, who will meet with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo to discuss its deceptive peace and open the way to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas later this month in the Conference Annual UN on Friday, was blunt in responding to President Obama that he "requires" settlement freeze "We want to make concessions to achieve peace. But we do not take stupid, "Netanyahu said, refusing to stop the construction of settlements in Occupied Palestine. Photo: Peres and Netanyahu offering.
A settler shot at Palestinians in Jerusalem
PIP, September 12, 2009 .-
A young Jewish settler of 20 years permitted to carry a weapon of war as well as all settlers , unloaded his gun on Friday against a group of Palestinian civilians in East Jerusalem, seriously wounding a 13-year old Palestinian boy and a 40. The illegal settler was arrested by the police of the occupation and justified its attack by having felt that he could be attacked. Sufficient statement to be released and returned his gun criminal.
A young Jewish settler of 20 years permitted to carry a weapon of war as well as all settlers , unloaded his gun on Friday against a group of Palestinian civilians in East Jerusalem, seriously wounding a 13-year old Palestinian boy and a 40. The illegal settler was arrested by the police of the occupation and justified its attack by having felt that he could be attacked. Sufficient statement to be released and returned his gun criminal.
PIP, September 11, 2009 .-
is continuing lack of press freedom and the pursuit of both Palestinian and international journalists, attempting to show situation facing Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They are beaten, robbed their cameras and video, and abused. Despite the formal presentations and reports of the International Association of Journalists, the occupying Power continues to violate the rights of the press. Many journalists were arrested and beaten, while others expelled, prohibiting his return to Occupied Palestine. This situation is not recent. Consequently, the press is harassed and hindered in their work. Intifada: During the Palestinian Intifada of 1987, the current Israeli President Shimon Peres, head of the crimes of Gaza 2008/09, through the streets full Palestinian Intifada, stops in front of a Belgian cameraman and says, "their cameras are worse than our tanks, "then the cameraman was kidnapped their cameras and tapes.
is continuing lack of press freedom and the pursuit of both Palestinian and international journalists, attempting to show situation facing Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They are beaten, robbed their cameras and video, and abused. Despite the formal presentations and reports of the International Association of Journalists, the occupying Power continues to violate the rights of the press. Many journalists were arrested and beaten, while others expelled, prohibiting his return to Occupied Palestine. This situation is not recent. Consequently, the press is harassed and hindered in their work. Intifada: During the Palestinian Intifada of 1987, the current Israeli President Shimon Peres, head of the crimes of Gaza 2008/09, through the streets full Palestinian Intifada, stops in front of a Belgian cameraman and says, "their cameras are worse than our tanks, "then the cameraman was kidnapped their cameras and tapes.
PIP, September 9, 2009 .-
occupied Palestinian economy has an unprecedented deterioration due to strict Israeli blockade, the restrictive policies of occupation, a weak productive base and economic structural deformation. This was stated yesterday a report of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which emphasizes that the Israeli invasion last December to January in Gaza, had an economic cost to the territory of 4,000 million dollars, three of its economy. In 2008, GDP per capita declined by 1.2% and the cumulative effect of the last nine years of decline in this GDP per capita in the Palestinian territories is 34%. "Due to restrictions on employment policy, unemployment rose in 2008 to 32% and poverty reached 57% of households", also the shortage of food reached 38% of the Palestinians, said the coordinator UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinians, Mahmoud Eljaf. A separate chapter is Gaza, which "has been affected by the policy of occupation by the Israeli blockade since mid-2007 and the latest offensive. The devastation of Gaza and its economy has plunged to 1.5 million Palestinians in poverty ever recorded and their standard of living is the lowest since 1967, "the report said. Facto State: As evidenced yesterday, it was revealed that the U.S. seeks to end the conflict with a de facto Palestinian state in 2011, without Jerusalem, without the return of refugees and without boundaries demarcated. The plan has the support of the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Hamas opposed the measure that Obama wants to deal in late September.
occupied Palestinian economy has an unprecedented deterioration due to strict Israeli blockade, the restrictive policies of occupation, a weak productive base and economic structural deformation. This was stated yesterday a report of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which emphasizes that the Israeli invasion last December to January in Gaza, had an economic cost to the territory of 4,000 million dollars, three of its economy. In 2008, GDP per capita declined by 1.2% and the cumulative effect of the last nine years of decline in this GDP per capita in the Palestinian territories is 34%. "Due to restrictions on employment policy, unemployment rose in 2008 to 32% and poverty reached 57% of households", also the shortage of food reached 38% of the Palestinians, said the coordinator UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinians, Mahmoud Eljaf. A separate chapter is Gaza, which "has been affected by the policy of occupation by the Israeli blockade since mid-2007 and the latest offensive. The devastation of Gaza and its economy has plunged to 1.5 million Palestinians in poverty ever recorded and their standard of living is the lowest since 1967, "the report said. Facto State: As evidenced yesterday, it was revealed that the U.S. seeks to end the conflict with a de facto Palestinian state in 2011, without Jerusalem, without the return of refugees and without boundaries demarcated. The plan has the support of the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Hamas opposed the measure that Obama wants to deal in late September.
PIP, 8 Septi Embree 2009 .-
Rights Center Economic Social and Wednesday 3 / 9, reported on the demolition of Palestinian houses in occupied Jerusalem. The report said that since the beginning of 2009 until late August 2009, occupation forces demolished 58 houses forced by their Palestinian owners to avoid over having to pay the Israeli authorities demolition costs. The last was Muhammad Ahmad Maslouhi that demolished his house a few weeks ago in the Old City of Jerusalem. Nearly 400 Palestinians were injured and most are women and children. The report said that since the new governor of Jerusalem illegal, Nir Barakat, 1.550 notices were distributed to the Palestinian population in the districts of Al-Bostan Al-Abasiyah, Al-Tour, Al-Mokabber, Sur Baher, Sho'fat, Al-Esawiyah and many other areas as well as the Sagrada Ciudad Vieja, while issuing permits to Jewish settlers to build their houses in Silwan, Anata and other places close to Jerusalem. Before Israel: Vale bear in mind that these Palestinian homes were legally built before the creation of Israel, but their lands are sucked into Israel for new settlements. More Impunity: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, approved on Sunday 6 / 9 the construction of 455 homes in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to build three and annex settlement blocs to a possible peace agreement, reported the online edition of the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot on Sunday 6 / 9. Rejection: The Palestinian Authority rejected the determination as well as the U.S. government, however, are facts of Palestinian life-altering. Meanwhile, Obama continues to dream that Netanyahu and Abbas shake hands at the UN meeting later this month and continue to delay the Palestinian suffering a proposed Palestinian state "Facto" for 2011, which like Israel and USA. Photo: Israeli bulldozers destroyed houses in Jerusalem.
Rights Center Economic Social and Wednesday 3 / 9, reported on the demolition of Palestinian houses in occupied Jerusalem. The report said that since the beginning of 2009 until late August 2009, occupation forces demolished 58 houses forced by their Palestinian owners to avoid over having to pay the Israeli authorities demolition costs. The last was Muhammad Ahmad Maslouhi that demolished his house a few weeks ago in the Old City of Jerusalem. Nearly 400 Palestinians were injured and most are women and children. The report said that since the new governor of Jerusalem illegal, Nir Barakat, 1.550 notices were distributed to the Palestinian population in the districts of Al-Bostan Al-Abasiyah, Al-Tour, Al-Mokabber, Sur Baher, Sho'fat, Al-Esawiyah and many other areas as well as the Sagrada Ciudad Vieja, while issuing permits to Jewish settlers to build their houses in Silwan, Anata and other places close to Jerusalem. Before Israel: Vale bear in mind that these Palestinian homes were legally built before the creation of Israel, but their lands are sucked into Israel for new settlements. More Impunity: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, approved on Sunday 6 / 9 the construction of 455 homes in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to build three and annex settlement blocs to a possible peace agreement, reported the online edition of the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot on Sunday 6 / 9. Rejection: The Palestinian Authority rejected the determination as well as the U.S. government, however, are facts of Palestinian life-altering. Meanwhile, Obama continues to dream that Netanyahu and Abbas shake hands at the UN meeting later this month and continue to delay the Palestinian suffering a proposed Palestinian state "Facto" for 2011, which like Israel and USA. Photo: Israeli bulldozers destroyed houses in Jerusalem.
URGENT - Arab Palestinian Arabs cast?
URGENT - Arab Palestinian Arabs cast?
PIP, September 5, 2009 .-
The authorities of the UAE, an Arab state in the Arabian Gulf, consisting of seven small states where the main Dubai, have been transmitted to the Palestinian residents and refugees in its territory must leave in 1 month . No exceptions, no explanations given. The Zionists not only are the Israelis. Murder: occupation forces today killed 5 / 9, the 13-year-old Mahir Ghazi Ghazi az Zaánin in the village of Beit Hanun, Gaza.
The authorities of the UAE, an Arab state in the Arabian Gulf, consisting of seven small states where the main Dubai, have been transmitted to the Palestinian residents and refugees in its territory must leave in 1 month . No exceptions, no explanations given. The Zionists not only are the Israelis. Murder: occupation forces today killed 5 / 9, the 13-year-old Mahir Ghazi Ghazi az Zaánin in the village of Beit Hanun, Gaza.
Palestinian Holocaust. Gaza bombing
PIP, September 4, 2009 .-
Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv, with a large stage and a backdrop with sequences of photographs of Iranian President Ahmadinejad, his pair of North Korea Kim Jong il, Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust, among others, U.S. singer Madonna (Jewish convert named Esther), with 2 concerts on Tuesday and Wednesday, ended his world tour "Sticky & Sweet." In his previous stop in Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, the Orthodox clergy sharply rebuked their blasphemy to Christianity on stage. Clap silence: Over 60 000 fans attended the concerts Israelis and the loudest applause was for Madonna's silence Palestinian Holocaust. Madonna, deliberately ignoring Palestinian suffering, occupation, Apartheid Wall, settlements and the criminal siege on Gaza and wrapped in an Israeli flag thrown by a supporter, said: "Every time I come to Israel energy surcharge me .. . if we can all live together in harmony in this place, then we can live in peace throughout the world. " War Criminals: After visiting the Western Wall in occupied Jerusalem, Madonna had dinner last night with former Israeli Foreign Minister Livni Tpzi responsible for the Slaughter in Gaza and today met with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli President Shimon Peres, another of those responsible for war crimes committed in Gaza and the Palestinian people. Photo: Madonna Peres. Airstrike : planes occupying power in the early hours of Friday 4 / 9, bombed a tunnel Palestinian hunger between Gaza and Egypt, wounding several Palestinians.
Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv, with a large stage and a backdrop with sequences of photographs of Iranian President Ahmadinejad, his pair of North Korea Kim Jong il, Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust, among others, U.S. singer Madonna (Jewish convert named Esther), with 2 concerts on Tuesday and Wednesday, ended his world tour "Sticky & Sweet." In his previous stop in Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, the Orthodox clergy sharply rebuked their blasphemy to Christianity on stage. Clap silence: Over 60 000 fans attended the concerts Israelis and the loudest applause was for Madonna's silence Palestinian Holocaust. Madonna, deliberately ignoring Palestinian suffering, occupation, Apartheid Wall, settlements and the criminal siege on Gaza and wrapped in an Israeli flag thrown by a supporter, said: "Every time I come to Israel energy surcharge me .. . if we can all live together in harmony in this place, then we can live in peace throughout the world. " War Criminals: After visiting the Western Wall in occupied Jerusalem, Madonna had dinner last night with former Israeli Foreign Minister Livni Tpzi responsible for the Slaughter in Gaza and today met with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli President Shimon Peres, another of those responsible for war crimes committed in Gaza and the Palestinian people. Photo: Madonna Peres. Airstrike : planes occupying power in the early hours of Friday 4 / 9, bombed a tunnel Palestinian hunger between Gaza and Egypt, wounding several Palestinians.
PIP, September 2, 2009 .-
Two Palestinian militants were killed Tuesday 1 / 9, by shells fired from tanks of the Israeli occupation in Jabalya, north of Gaza, the chief emergency services in Gaza, Muawiya Hassanein. Hamas said its men killed were members of Ezzedin Al Qassam Brigades and the martyrs are Faraj Najar (29) and Ismat Mohara (25). The Hamas government said they had been deployed on night watch positions east of the town of Jabalya, when they were attacked by a Zionist tank. Crescent: Awad Mo'tasem by the Department of International Humanitarian Law of the Palestine Red Crescent Society, said today that "Israeli occupation forces attacked the ambulance shot Crescent when he went to help the child Mohammad Riad 14 years shot to death "(see: 1 / September) and said the Israeli military ambulance takes 90 minutes and moved to the Israeli Hadassah hospital where he was dead." Photo: Palestinian martyr's burial Mohara.
Two Palestinian militants were killed Tuesday 1 / 9, by shells fired from tanks of the Israeli occupation in Jabalya, north of Gaza, the chief emergency services in Gaza, Muawiya Hassanein. Hamas said its men killed were members of Ezzedin Al Qassam Brigades and the martyrs are Faraj Najar (29) and Ismat Mohara (25). The Hamas government said they had been deployed on night watch positions east of the town of Jabalya, when they were attacked by a Zionist tank. Crescent: Awad Mo'tasem by the Department of International Humanitarian Law of the Palestine Red Crescent Society, said today that "Israeli occupation forces attacked the ambulance shot Crescent when he went to help the child Mohammad Riad 14 years shot to death "(see: 1 / September) and said the Israeli military ambulance takes 90 minutes and moved to the Israeli Hadassah hospital where he was dead." Photo: Palestinian martyr's burial Mohara.
PIP, 1 September 2009 .-
Israeli soldiers shot and killed the Palestinian boy Mohammed Riad Najaf Elayan of 14 years, while other four guys were shouting slogans against the illegal settlement Beit El, north of occupied Jerusalem. After the throwing of stones against chekpiont (military control) Israeli security guarding the illegal settlement, they fired at point blank range killing the teenager. The crime occurred last night 31 / 8, about 23.00 local time. The military spokesman for the occupation force, said, "along with a group of two or three Palestinians, threw several fire bombs or Molotov cocktails against a post of the Defence Forces in the community Beit El .. Israeli soldiers fired at him and said that they had been white. " The boy who threw only stone was taken to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem, where he died shortly afterwards. The event was followed until the wee hours of the morning in clashes between soldiers of the occupation and the nearby Palestinian refugee camp of Al Jilazun, with dozens of Palestinian civilians injured.
Israeli soldiers shot and killed the Palestinian boy Mohammed Riad Najaf Elayan of 14 years, while other four guys were shouting slogans against the illegal settlement Beit El, north of occupied Jerusalem. After the throwing of stones against chekpiont (military control) Israeli security guarding the illegal settlement, they fired at point blank range killing the teenager. The crime occurred last night 31 / 8, about 23.00 local time. The military spokesman for the occupation force, said, "along with a group of two or three Palestinians, threw several fire bombs or Molotov cocktails against a post of the Defence Forces in the community Beit El .. Israeli soldiers fired at him and said that they had been white. " The boy who threw only stone was taken to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem, where he died shortly afterwards. The event was followed until the wee hours of the morning in clashes between soldiers of the occupation and the nearby Palestinian refugee camp of Al Jilazun, with dozens of Palestinian civilians injured.
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