Information Post-PIP * To keep the report - October 2009 Hillary Clinton does not have the strength to press Israel
October 31, 2009 .-
The meeting held here on Saturday between U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Abu Dhabi's monarchy, ended without a clear commitment to the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace to the rejection of the AP, because the Israeli government refuses to halt construction of settlements. Mrs. Clinton, tomorrow will meet with Netanyuahu. For his part showed no sign of U.S. pressure on Israel.
Israel without ethical and moral voted for the boycott of Cuba,
next to the Nobel Peace
PIP, October 29, 2009 .-
The UN General Assembly yesterday rejected 187 votes against and 3 countries voted for the resolution submitted by the United States for the choking embargo on Cuba for 47 years. The 3 votes are for: United States, Israel and Palau . The Nobel Peace Prize, President Barack Hussein Obama, continues to express its lack of commitment to peace and gave the world a strong lesson. After the vote, a spokesman for the Department of State Ian Kelly, reaffirmed que el embargo se mantendrá hasta que se respeten las libertades de los cubanos y un avance en derechos humanos. En este sentido, Israel no tiene ética ni moral, porque es una potencia ocupante que viola las libertades y los derechos humanos de los palestinos. Como tampoco EEUU, liderada por Obama puede apelar a esa ética cuando ocupa a Irak, Afganistán y silencia los crímenes de guerra de Israel contra el pueblo palestino, acusados por el ‘Informe Goldestone’ de la ONU.
Demoliciones de viviendas en Jerusalem. Israel usurpa el agua palestina
PIP, October 28, 2009 .-
Israel on Tuesday demolished 7 Palestinian houses to the occupying power were built without permits in Palestinian neighborhoods of Shuafat, Zur Baher and Jabel Silwan sector Mukabar Occupied East Jerusalem. Municipal spokesman Gidi Schmerling Israel, told AFP, "All the houses were demolished in accordance with court orders." The 270,000 Palestinians living in the eastern part of Jerusalem, surrounded by about 195,000 illegal Israeli Jews, they can not permit the illegal occupation municipality unlike the Israeli settlers who will provide the hundreds of buildings on usurped Palestinian land. Water: On Tuesday 28/10, Amnesty International based in London, accused Israel of denying water to the Palestinian people while the illegal Jewish settlers use the Palestinian water indefinitely. "The Israelis consume four times more water than the Palestinians," the report said ... "This disparity is even more poignant in parts of the West Bank where settlements use 20 times more water per capita than the Palestinians." The report adds: "Pools, well-watered lawns and large irrigated farms in the colonies contrast with neighboring Palestinian villages whose inhabitants must struggle daily to ensure sus necesidades de agua”. En una entrevista con The Associated Press, el pasado lunes, la investigadora de Amnistía sobre Israel, Donatella Rovera, dijo: “Esta escasez ha afectado todos los niveles de la vida de los palestinos”. De las únicas reservas palestinas en el Acuífero de la Montaña en la Ribera Occidental, Israel ilegalmente extrae más del 80% del agua, como resultado, los 450.000 israelíes ilegales que viven en Palestina Ocupada y Jerusalem Este usan 4 veces más agua que 2,8 millones de palestinos.
Un Criminal de Guerra repudiado San Francisco
PIP, October 27, 2009 .-
humanitarian movements protesters disrupted the conference by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in a hotel in San Francisco, USA, on Thursday 22/10 for night, a week after being attacked verbally at the University of Chicago, accusing him of war crimes committed by Israel during the war in Gaza, to cries of "You are a war criminal and a murderer" ... "You are a war criminal. San Francisco should be ashamed of having a war criminal here. " For its part a young American-Jewish with their hands painted blood red, waved his hands and shouted to Olmert "No more genocide in my name." Finely the police acted with force against the demonstrators forced to leave the room so that Olmert, accused by the 'Goldstone', end your conference lousy justifications for Israeli attitude as an occupying force.
Another Israeli crime against humanity. Jerusalem
PIP, October 25, 2009 .-
On Friday afternoon, the Palestinian civil Harem Mohammed Abdul, a resident of the village Awarta, Nablus in the West Bank, while his car was traveling between the towns of Aqbra and Beita, was followed by a military jeep of the Israeli occupation and then shot to kill in cold blood. Jerusalem: Again today illegal Israeli police in Jerusalem property violated the sanctity of mosques and Muslim worshipers repressed wounding at least 20 Palestinians.
Call for Palestinian elections. Suppression PIP
October 24, 2009 .- On Friday afternoon President Mahmoud Abbas signed a decree to call for presidential and legislative elections on 24 January 2004 in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Under the Palestinian Basic Law must announce the date for general elections three months earlier. On January 24, 2010 expiration of the mandate of four years of the Palestinian Legislative Council (the Palestinian parliament), elected in January 2006, when Hamas won them with clarity. However, the premier of Hamas, Ismael Hanyeh and parliament could never rule under pressure from Israel, U.S., Europe and the ANP. Finally in 2007, Abbas dismissed the Hamas government, deepening internal conflict. For his part Abbas ended his term on January 9, 2008, but on a disputed law maintained its mandate. Hamas: Hamas A statement said that "the call is illegal, a blow destructive to the efforts of Palestinian reconciliation and accountability of the PNA to Israeli and U.S. pressure. " For its part, Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan said the move "responds to instructions from the U.S. and served the Zionist enemy." Nobel Peace : After learning about the decree, President Obama, who yesterday launched their planes against the Afghan resistance by killing a large number of them, called on Abbas to greet you and provide support. Repression: In the villages of Bil'in and Ni'lin west of Ramallah, hundreds of Palestinian demonstrators and every Friday protesting against the racist Apartheid Wall, settlements and encroachment Palestinian land, Israeli occupying forces cracked down with tear gas, beatings and wounding more than a dozen Palestinian civilians.
The unjust Israeli justice to justify blows, torture and murder
PIP, October 22, 2009 .-
The Israeli prosecutor predicted yesterday afternoon that process, not imprisoned, or brought to trial or military policemen who were shot and accused of beating, torturing and violating civil rights of Palestinians under occupation. It is worth remembering that Israel has legalized the "Law of Torture" to the Palestinians kidnapped since 2002, the regime of war criminal Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister (now President) Shimon Peres, approved the "targeted killing", justifying the death of Hundreds of Palestinians accused of possible acts against Israel. UN report: Among the 'targeted killings', contains the Father of the Yasser Arafat was poisoned in his presidency in Ramallah, killed on 11/11/2004. And the leaders of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, killed by a missile after praying at a mosque in Gaza on 22/3/2004 and Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantissi, to blow up his car with a missile in Gaza on 17/4/2004. These existing crimes, justifies the 'Goldstone' from the Human Rights Commission of the UN to be brought to current and former Israeli leaders to the International Criminal Court to be tried for War Crimes.
The Palestinian unity remains frozen
PIP, October 21, 2009 .-
with accusations from both sides, the agreement of Hamas-Fatah reconciliation, still frozen and the mediator Egypt did not get a close since March 2009. Today President Mahmoud Abbas ended office on 9/1/2009 and did not call for new presidential elections, accused Hamas of delaying the agreement, threatened to call elections next 25/1/2010 and the stagnation in negotiations of the Israeli-Palestinian peace. For their part Hamas, which won legislative elections in 2006 and was headed by Abbas, said "the atmosphere was poisoned and conditions were not conducive after the ANP withdrew its support for the vote on the Human Rights Council UN the report that accused Israel of war crimes "and criticized Egypt for failing in the reconciliation document cases as" the right of armed resistance to Israeli occupation of the territories. " Yet the deadline is 25/10. Victorious : Of these frictions who takes advantage is the occupying power, which then poison the Martyr Yasser Arafat in 2004, managed to back the Palestinian cause. Bibi : friction in Palestinian media, Premier Netanhuayu Bibi called on Abbas to accelerate the peace process.
Nobel Peace secretly agreed settlements. Congratulated the ANP
PIP, October 20, 2009 .-
Award Nobel Peace, Barack Obama, agreed secretly with Israel and the expansion of illegal settlements in occupied Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine, it seems, continues. On that basis, the English President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's visit to the occupying power, to address the 'issue settlements', with superb irony and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said: "We have resolved the issue of settlements with the Americans ... I can not be more explicit. If you are interested in knowing more details, check with Washington "(¿???). The mysterious surprising agreement on the territories of others, is that two days before his meeting with Netanyahu, Prime Minister Zapatero met with President Obama in the White House without the host will communicate anything. The agreement was ratified by the Israeli deputy prime minister, Dan Meridor, who is in Washington, confirmed that "there is an agreement with Obama on settlements" without providing any explanation. Settlements: Meanwhile, Israel began last week to build new buildings in the settlements of Shilo, Caramel, Nili'in, Kiryat Arba, Betar Illit, Elazar, Rosh Tzurm, Talmon and Bracha. ANP: For its part, the Palestinian Authority is on the sidelines of the Israel-US negotiation on the land of the Palestinian people. Congratulations : President Mahmoud Abbas, yesterday received the 'congratulations' European envoy Javier Solana for having "taken control of the complicated issue of security ... have done an excellent job in that field," he said, referring to the repression of the ANP subjected to sectors hostile Palestinian resistance to Israel. Solana expressed the satisfaction of the European Union "collaborate and fund the upgrading of security."
Unusual! They accuse the UN report 'anti-Semitic' PIP, October 19, 2009 .- With total nonsense
Israeli Finance Minister, Yuval Steinitz of the Likud right-wing party, on Sunday accused the Council of the UN Human Rights to be 'antisemitic' to approve on Friday the 'Report Goldstone ', who accused Israel of war crimes during the murderous invasion of Gaza, killed hundreds of children, women and the elderly. "This is an anti-Semitic attempt to decide what is allowed in Afghanistan, Russia in Chechnya and Turkey in northern Iraq and not permitted to Israel, which tries to fend off the Gaza Strip" (¿??? ), the minister said the army radio Israeli IDF Galei "and added" We have to think seriously if we continue to give grants and developing the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas. " In this regard, President Mahmoud Abbas came under criticism and the anger of his own people for not taking the initiative, bowing to pressure from the U.S. and Israel and its relations with both (see: 5 / 10). Parliament: Weekly At the opening of parliament on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to fight against the "de-legitimization of Israel" (¿???). anti-Semites, anti-Semitic Accusing the 'Report' of South African-Jewish Richard Goldstone por los brutales crímenes sionistas, la ceguera del ministro israelí no toma en cuenta que Israel es el principal antisemita contra el semita pueblo palestino. Foto: Steinitz y Netanyahu.
Éxito para la causa y el pueblo palestino. Israel condenado
por Crímenes de Guerra en la Comisión de DDHH-ONU
PIP, 17 Octubre 2009.-
Obligado por la presión popular palestina, el presidente Mahmoud Abbas accedió el jueves al tratamiento del ‘Informe Goldstone’. La votación era predecible. El Consejo UN HR, 16/10 on Friday, supported the allegations of war crimes against Israel and Hamas Report (¿???). However, Hamas welcomed the report because they are resisting the occupation. Expected: United States voted against. Of 47 members, 25 in favor, 6 against, 11 abstentions and 5 did not attend. For: Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia Senegal, South Africa and Zambia. Against: United States, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia and Ukraine. Abstention: Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, South Korea, Cameroon, Gabon, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Slovenia and Uruguay. not attend: Angola, France, Britain, Kyrgyzstan and Madagascar.
Request resignation to President Abbas PIP, October 16, 2009 .-
Although the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) tries desperately to contain the avalanche policy that caused the withdrawal of its support 'Goldstone' UN the 2 / 10, war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza, was forced to accept Thursday 15/10, begin debate on the Human Rights Commission of the UN in Geneva. Condemns Palestine: With great events (photo) from Ramallah to Gaza, Palestinian civil society unanimously condemned the PA, its President Mahmoud Abbas, Foreign Minister Riad Malki and Ambassador Ibrahim Kresheh , requesting waivers and prosecute collaborators with Israel. In addition, accused Abbas of collaborating with the Israeli invasion of Gaza and to work with Sharon to poison President Yasser Arafat (see 17/07/2009). Some Reactions. UN High Commissioner The UN Human Rights Richard Falk, said that "the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah betrayed his own people at a time when the international community was close to passing the 'Goldstone' accuse Israel of war crimes in Gaza ... It was timely to vindicate the Palestinian struggle. " He lamented that "his representative at the UN has undermined this report is a stunning revelation" (Al-Jazeera 8 / 10). Chile - Palestinian Federation of Chile: The 7 / 10, said: "We condemn and reject the accomplice and collaborator attitude adopted by the Palestinian Authority to withdraw support for the report, submitted to U.S. pressure and blackmail, lost any right to continue to lead the destiny of the Palestinian cause and Palestinian people. " Democratic Committee-Palestinian Chile: The 8 / 10, stressed: "Whatever they say, the fact is that Abbas and his colleagues, have boycotted the international effort to stop war crimes and bring justice to the Palestinian victims .. . The Palestinian Authority led by Abbas, has welcomed and protection of Israel. During this administration, Israel has strengthened more than ever at the expense of national interests of the Palestinian people. " Spain - Palestinian Communities: down Palestinian residents in Spain signatory, the 9 / 10, expressed "its strongest condemnation and conviction of the person and dilatory behavior of the Palestinian delegation to the Human Rights Commission of the UN on instructions from President Mahmoud Abbas ... The passivity paper only gives a accomplice to the Israeli and American tricks to silence the crimes committed against our people. Signed: 1-Hispanic Community Association-Palestine (Madrid). 2-Palestinian Community in Catalunya. 3 - Palestinian Community in Valencia. 4 - Palestinian Community in the Canaries. 5 - Palestinian Community in Spain. 6 - Palestinian Community in Galicia. Venezuela - Association for the Relief of the Palestinian People, Canaan The 9 / 10, claimed: "We hold that the vital and historic Goldstone Commission of the UN Human Rights, which blamed the colonial state of Israel for War Crimes, the Palestinian Authority perversely delayed its vote. It is an act of complicity with the genocidal and therefore condemn the Palestinian Authority directly to Mr. Mahmoud Abbas of betraying the Palestinian cause ... for this act of betrayal lay down their posts and investigated and executed. " Europe - Palestinian Organizations: On Monday 13/10, Dr. Arafat Madi, coordinator of 35 organizations signed a statement calling for the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas: "The comments made by Abbas in his speech justifying the postponement of the report, constitute a disregard of the popular Palestinian positions in the country and abroad ... is clearly trying to evade direct responsibility for the scandal to postpone Goldstone Israeli War Crimes in Gaza ... His justifications for the lack of quorum in the Commission are false and contradicted by human rights organizations who attended the meeting and confirmed that 33 of the 47 countries had been ready to vote for the report. " Open Letter "A diverse group of Palestinian solidarity activists, human rights advocates and international writing to join the party Palestinian politicians, to civil society groups, trade unions and citizens have condemned the decision of the ANP to withdraw support to the report of Richard Goldstone ... We consider this decision a betrayal of the Palestinian struggle for self determination and call to vote to be tried for Abbas and his collaborators: . "
Israel: The premier Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday 12/10, defiant in parliament, said: "We will not let Ehud Olmert (former premier), and Tzipi Livni (former Chancellor), and Ehud Barak (Minister of Defence ), which was sent to our children a esa guerra, sean llevados ante la Corte Internacional de La Haya”.
Zapatero conmovido en el Museo del Holocausto
y distraído con el Holocausto palestino PIP, 15 Octubre 2009.-
El presidente español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero de visita en Israel, la Potencia Ocupante, visitó hoy el Museo del Holocausto (Yad Vashem) en Jerusalem Ocupada. Conmovido, dijo: "Ha sido absolutamente emotivo y conmovedor". Zapatero lo recorrió con la kipá judía en su cabeza junto al gran rabino Meir Lau, el presidente de la Sociedad Española Yad Vashem Museum, Isaac Cherub and Israeli Minister of Education, Gideon Saar. The Museum was awarded the 'Prince of Asturias Award for Concord in 2007. " Lack of awareness : The obligatory visit to Israel imposes is the spin current awareness of the Holocaust suffered by the Palestinian people in the hands of the occupation. Just as the Pope, President Obama, Bush, the German premier Zapatero among many who trod this place can not be unaware that underneath lies the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, which was destroyed in 1948 by Zionist terrorists to create Israel. Thanks to silence : Israeli President Shimon Peres, responsible for war crimes in Gaza, received today at noon at his residence to President Zapatero, thanked the English government's legal reform to prevent the High Court judge war crimes committed by the Israeli army and its leaders, including the same Peres.
criminal New Israeli airstrike in Gaza
PIP. October 14, 2009 .-
Early in the morning, Israeli F16 warplanes launched two bombs in the village of Ash Shu'ut south of the city of Rafah, Gaza, against two Palestinian tunnels hunger. The Hamas government confirmó el bombardeo y la existencia de víctimas, mientras que el jefe de los servicios de emergencia, Moawiya Hasanein, reveló la muerte del trabajador civil palestino Yousef Abu Mir’i y 4 heridos.
Shimon Peres, presidente de la potencia ocupante será recibido en Argentina y Brasil
PIP, 13 Octubre 2009.-
Antes de fin de año llegara a la Argentina y a Brasil, el presidente israelí Szymon Persky (Shimon Peres). Es presidente desde 2007, reemplazando a Moshe Katzab, forced to resign for sexual harassment to their secretaries. Peres is of Polish descent and was the manager of the Israeli nuclear program in 1952. Thanks to President Yasser Arafat, who extended his hand to him and Rabin Izthak to achieve 'Peace of the Brave', won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994. However, as Chancellor of the criminal Sharon in 2001, agreed to fence the other Nobel Peace Prize, Arafat, to take him to his death in 2004. Peres will be received with honors by the President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Brazil by President Lula da Silva Ignazio is responsible as president along with his government's War Crimes under the accusation of 'Goldstone' by the invasion of Gaza, killing nearly 1400 Palestinian civilians. It is also responsible for co-participation of President Yasser Arafat poisoning and hundreds of Palestinians dead over his political history as the leader of the occupying power. Kills: Two new Palestinian martyrs. At 5:00 a.m., at the Al Ahli Hospital in Hebron, the young Mahdi Said Abu Ayyash, 17, died from wounds sustained during an Israeli attack in Beit Ummar on 5 March. Died yesterday morning Mr. Nazer An Nadeem in Gaza City, seriously wounded by an Israeli airstrike last week.
Theophilus III, our solidarity with Al-Aqsa and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Protest
PIP, October 11, 2009 .-
During Mass on Sunday (11/10 / '09) in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Occupied Jerusalem, the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and Jordan, Theophilus III, denounced the Israeli siege, which imposed on the faithful at the Mosque of Al Aqsa. The Patriarch expressed "its solidarity with the Patriarch of the Mosque of Al Aqsa, which is under the continuous Israeli attacks, our commitment to the Treaty Umari and the expression of our fraternal relations with our Muslim brothers, especially the Holy Land. " Protest Patriarch: At the same time, the Christian community living in Bethlehem, said, accusing the Orthodox Patriarch Theophilus III Greco, to help Israeli Jews to build and settle Jerusalem. According to the commission of Christian protest: "It is shameful, Theophilos III has leased 71,000 meters square near the monastery of St. Elias Sea." In a 99-year illegal agreement, the land in a strategic place south of Jerusalem occupied territory is continuing illegal Jewish settlers from Jerusalem to Bethlehem from the illegal settlements of Har Homa (Silwan) to Gilo.
auction "Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize 2009? PIP, October 9, 2009 .-
minutes ago topped the Nobel Peace Prize. The U.S. president, Barack Hussein Obama, was won by his call to reduce nuclear weapons and work for world peace, said the Committee to deliver the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo on 10 December. was taken into account: For such award also took into account their ability to conceal the construction of Israeli settlements in occupied Jerusalem, the slaughter of Palestinians silence in Gaza during the Israeli invasion Cast Lead, boycott the 'Goldstone', which accuses Israel of war crimes, maintaining its occupation forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and maintain economic and trade sanctions on Iran, Zimbabwe and Cuba .
Israeli crimes. Trials PIP, October 8, 2009 .-
The Hamas government in Gaza, filed complaints of crimes against Israeli leaders on behalf of the Palestinian families of victims who died in the Zionist invasion Cast Lead as announced on Wednesday the Interior Ministry spokesman, Ihab al Ghusein, who announced that the Ministry will go to all the international protection of Human Rights and the first reports will focus on the deaths of more than 250 police and members of Gaza security departments. On 30/12/2008, fatally attacked Israel against a graduation ceremony for a group of police officers in Gaza City, killing more than 250 young graduates Palestinians (unarmed). Under international law, in a war, police and those whose job is to maintain the security of civilians are considered noncombatants and as that civilians must preserve their lives. Trials: Different sectors Palestinians, began working to seek impeachment of President Mahmoud Abbas , the chancellor of the ANP, Riad al Malki and UN ambassador Ibrahim Kreisheh , among others, " treason "and endorse the Israeli crimes in Gaza, to stop the actions of the 'Goldstone' which accuses Israel of war crimes, benefiting the Occupying Power. Photo: Police graduates killed by the occupying power.
New attacks in Gaza. Suppressing protests in Jerusalem and Abbas
PIP, October 7, 2009 .- In the fifteenth
Israeli attack on Gaza since early August to date, Tuesday Late in the afternoon almost 10 Palestinians were wounded, 2 extremely serious by the fire of Israeli tanks entered the Gaza City and shot at close range. The head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hasanin, said that after the attacks of the occupation soldiers blocked access to ambulances and special units to help the wounded. Jerusalem spokesman of the Israeli occupation police, Micky Rosenfeld, said thousands of troops were mobilized to ensure control over East Jerusalem and brutally repress Palestinians again Tuesday on the campus of the mosques in Jerusalem, as they came Jewish extremists planned to occupy the property certified by the police. Protest against President : Yesterday was another day of rage against President Mahmoud Abbas decided by its UN ambassador, Ibrahim Kreisheh stop the Human Rights Commission of the UN 'Goldstone', who accused Israel War Crimes and bring the case to the International Court Justice (see 5 and 6 / 10 and 26 / 9). Both Hamas and other Palestinian resistance movements, demanded the resignation of Abbas (which actually ended his presidency on 9/1/2009) and Ambassador Ibrahim Kreisheh, and bring them to trial for treason and blood of the martyrs. Photo: Police occupation repressing Palestinians in Jerusalem.
A free gift to Israel
PIP, October 6, 2009 .-
Speaking to lawmakers in Gaza, Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh, accused President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday to have "justified" war Gaza and agree to delay a UN vote that would have condemned Israel for possible war crimes, according to the 'Goldstone' (see 5 / 10). During the Special Legislative Session in the city of Gaza, Abbas accused of committing "treason." Mahmoud Al-Zahar, a senior official of Hamas, called for Abbas to be tried and stripped of Palestinian citizenship. Other lawmakers demanded the Palestinian Authority's foreign minister, Riad Al-Malki, justify, explain the diplomatic stance of the ANP and conclusion that the conduct of Malki "is a free gift to Israel." Jerusalem: Yesterday and Tuesday, were aggravated confrontations of Palestinian police occupation and illegal Jewish settlers in occupied Jerusalem.
"Dishonorable and irresponsible" PIP, October 5, 2009 .-
The accusation of Jewish South African judge Richard Goldstone, who in his report recommended the UN accused Israel of War Crimes (see 26 / 9), earned the judge with a strong rejection by the Israeli occupying power and sunken States, both exerted strong pressure on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to suspend action against Israel. The decision Abbas to suspend the trial for war crimes was last Thursday, 1 / 10 at night, when the Council of the UN Human Rights analyzed a vote on the 'Goldstone' in Geneva, which appealed to Abbas Arab countries to postpone the vote until March 2010. This earned him a strong repudiation on Sunday the Palestinian people took to the streets to repudiate the attitude of Abbas. In Gaza, hundreds of university and high school students missed classes to march through the city, while the injured from the Israeli invasion, some in wheelchairs, held a press conference, which stressed: "We consider this Abbas is serious act of treason against the blood of our martyred and injured children. " Hamas: Premier Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, Abbas called the decision as "shameful and irresponsible." Disclaimer: Meanwhile, today the economy minister Abbas, Bassen Khuri, resigned, according to an official spokesman, but did not say whether it was the attitude of Abbas. Photo: demonstrations against Abbas in Ramallah, chanting: "We demand that Abu Mazen (Abbas) to resign. We need elections, we need a new Palestinian leadership. The lies of the PA must stop."
Israeli police suppressed in Jeresulam. New air strike in Gaza
PIP, October 4, 2009 .- Today Sunday
police entered the Israeli occupation by the Israeli occupation forces on the Esplanade of the Mosques in holy Jerusalem, repressing again Palestinians who were violently protesting the new intentions of Israeli right-wing fanatics. The illegal occupation police arrested 6 Palestinians and wounded dozens. The site of Islam's third largest, was closed by police and cut off all access East Jerusalem and the Old City of Jerusalem. The fighting moved to the neighborhood of Wadi Joz with incidents similar to those registered. Among those arrested, Jitam the Qadar, a former Palestinian Authority minister for Jerusalem, was arrested at dawn today. Air Strike : warplanes bombed the Israeli occupation on Saturday two tunnels Palestinian hunger and food store east of Gaza that the Israelis had justified it saying that ammunition, leaving several injured one seriously. Photo: A Palestinian man argues with an Israeli police occupying.
Israel gave his arrogance, released to the 19 Palestinian
PIP, October 2, 2009 .-
The occupying power tried to disguise their defeat to yield to Hamas release the remaining 19 kidnapped Palestinian, agreed in exchange for a video that shows the state of Israeli occupation soldier Gilad Shalit, prisoner of war in Gaza since June 25, 2006. Victoria: The Hamas government in Gaza on Friday celebrated as a victory for the release of this small group of Palestinian prisoners. Hamas called a rally of thousands of Palestinians in central Gaza City, broadcast live on Palestinian television channel Al-Aqsa. The Hamas prime minister, Ismael Haniyeh, along with one of those released, said: "It is a day of victory for the resistance and the Palestinian determination. We are a people who forget their prisoners. This stage is only a small step. " The premier stressed the unitary nature of the release of prisoners, including Palestinians are enrolled in Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jihad. Fatima Yunes al-Zaq, thanked "God and Hamas' release, saying the" joy will be complete only when they are released all prisoners, especially women. " 43-year-old mother of 7 children, Fatima arrived after noon today in Gaza, along with his 20-month baby, born in prison and was greeted by a crowd. Jihad activist, was kidnapped by the occupying forces in the Erez crossing on 20/5/2007 on his way to Ramallah accompanied by her niece, who had to be hospitalized. Unlawfully : Israel holds more than 11 000 Palestinians who were kidnapped and taken to occupied Palestine Israeli concentration camps, where they suffer the worst abuses. Gilad : After 4 hours, the Israeli TV aired video showing the condition of the soldier, a Palestinian newspaper reading and expressed in Hebrew the "good treatment received." Photo: The premier Haniyeh with Fatima for today's event.
The first released of the 20 Palestinian of kidnapped nearly 11 000 Palestinians. Another criminal attack PIP, 1 October 2009 .-
The occupying power had released the first girl kidnapped and imprisoned Palestinians of the 20 would release in exchange for delivery by the Hamas government a video of soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by the resistance war Palestine in 2006, which won the Israeli invasion "Summer Rains" in Gaza in January 2008, where 65 Palestinians were killed civilians. The girl Barah Malki, 15, resident of the Jalazone refugee camp, near Ramallah in the West Bank, was charged with carrying a knife and the possibility of attack. Malki was released last night, said today Thursday, 1 / 10, a spokesman for Hamas and the Israeli daily 'Yediot Aharonot' in digital. The 20 Palestinian Hamas called for his release have "Administrative detention" between 2010 and 2011, without assurance of their freedom at the time. The occupying power keeps more than 11 000 Palestinians kidnapped in concentration camps, victims of torture, abuse and violation of human rights. New criminal attack: The Israeli Air Force attacked Thursday at Rafah in southern Gaza Strip, killing a Palestinian civilian Anahal Tamer 25. Another Martyr Ya'bed In the nearby city of Jenin, today morning was killed by the occupation forces Turkaman Nayef Mahmoud Fuad 17. While in the cities of Jenin, Qalqilya and Jericho in the West Bank, Israeli occupying forces raided and arrested dozens of Palestinians and raided the homes of the villages of Azoon and Asharqeia Barta'a.
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